"Oh my gosh! Oh dear! I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you okay? Your legs look… THE KEY!" I feel really sorry about knocking the poor lady over. Her legs are twitching too, but I can't let that key out of my sight.
I pick myself and realize I'm going to have a swollen lip and bruised hip. I probably ran it right into that lady's elbow then landed on my side. Hopefully I don't have a loose tooth either.
"Umm, I'll go get help!" I yell as I dive after the antique key. Just like a cartoon, or a bad dream, someone kicks it across the room. I scramble after it and bump into several more people. I'm almost to the door now, and hear fireworks in my subconscience, but that's not important really. Then someone else kicks it through the open entryway. The key makes a nice dinging sound before landing in a pile of snow. I practically dive after it, and crawl on all fours into the drift, but emerge triumphant.
That's when I look up and realize Cor and his friend are about 10 feet away from me standing in the smoldering remains of fireworks. And Cor is looking through his pockets.
"Oh hiiiiii Cor," I say, astonished at how much guilt is in my voice. "I'm just leaving. Early. Yep. But I might be back later. Merry Christmas. Happy New Years!"
Tell him about the woman and then stop talking!
That’s actually a good idea Mr. Voice. "Ummm... there's a lady inside whose legs are twitching. I might have knocked her over. I mean, it was ON ACCIDENT! Well anyways. You should probably help. Ummm... Yah... Goodnight. I'll just walk this way."
Just stop talking!
I shove my hands in my pocket. The key and the melting snow I grabbed with it are burning like cold fire into my palm as I walk past the couple while looking at the ground. Honestly, I have no idea where Cor "parked" so I just head towards the fountain since that's kind of the intersection of the whole town.
And there's the TARDIS. Honestly, who would just park a ship that can move through time and space in the most trafficked intersection of town? I feel kind of sick now. I was hoping I wouldn't find it. Speeding up, I hurry through the night to the blue box. The police phone box, elegant in its simplicity, looms in front of me.
I see the keyhole and try to fit the key into it, but my hands are shaking so hard it seems to take minutes before I get the key in the hole and manage to turn the latch with a slightly echoing click. I probably scratched the paint. I feel kind of bad about scratching the paint, then I feel ridiculous because I'm probably going to do a lot more damage to the ship in a few seconds. The incongruity of my feelings makes me laugh hysterically for a moment.
What are you doing? Just open the door! I don't think Mr. Voice gets my humor. I put my hand on the door to push it open. My heart is pounding so hard I'm surprised it doesn't burst. That would be easiest wouldn't it? If I just died? That's when I realize that It's a Wonderful Life isn't always right. Sometimes if you kill yourself, you really do make life better for those around you... but I'm too much of a coward to see what the alien will do to my mind if I resist, so with a deep breath, I shove the door open.
[OOC: That's fine, Ara. I wanted to save Mountie from being stuck in dance mode all RP long.
((OOC: Much, much appreciated. ))
— Lady Z —
I grimace. My back aches. "It's fine... yeah, I know my legs are moving, it's an effect of the—"
Suddenly she's off, running away and shouting something about a key. I squint after her in confusion, but the pain in my back and my uncontrollable dancing are more important.
I manage to make my way to a sitting position, sitting cross-legged, but my legs continue to vibrate. Has it been ten minutes yet?!?
"I am never drinking punch again," I mutter. Better yet, the next time I see punch, it will be when I'm serving a poisoned glass to Booky.
av by dot
"Oh, uh... sure. It sounds like it's probably poor Lady Z again. By the way, Ara have you seen..." Before I can ask if she had seen a strange looking key, Ara was off. "Huh, she was acting rather peculiar." I shrug it off and head inside the Mansion... though still keeping my friends odd behavior tucked away in the back of my mind.
Lady Z was easy to spot, sitting cross-legged on the floor with her appendages still vibrating. "Well, well, looks like you have already found yourself in trouble and you're not even officially my Companion yet." I grin as I pull out my sonic pen and do a quick check. I seem to be doing this alot today....
"Ah, dancing potion. No need to worry, deary. It will pass in three.... two.... one." As soon as I finish counting, Lady Z's legs and arms stop vibrating. "There! Right as cake! Or is that rain? Hmm... either way, you're back to normal now."
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
[OOC]Well I was hoping I'd get to post again today and give everyone some kind of closure, but I haven't had time. I'll be gone for two weeks without internet access and when I get back the thread will be long closed. Have fun blowing things up without me... and sorry for stealing your keys Cor! Just steal them back or whatever you like.
Anyways, it was a blast! We should do it again! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!
Lia frowned at the news that Cor had lost the key to his TARDIS. "Could I entreat you to help me find it, oh Favored One?"
She nodded. "Of course. I do demand to be paid in cookies, though. I love cookies." She hopped up and down in excitement for a moment before reentering the Mansion to begin her search.
Upon rejoining the festivities inside, Lia sat down in a chair by the refreshments table. She began to think about where the TARDIS key could be. Maybe in the kitchen, with all the bits and pieces of that gorgeous cake that went smoosh, she thought. Or on the dance floor where Lady Z was.
Lia yawned and took a cookie off the table. Blowing things up was hard work and required a constant flow of cookies and sweets. She didn't pay attention to which package she took the cookie from, momentarily forgetting the Wyrm's warning against the cookies in the red package...
Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
Minion to Lady A and Booky ⎮ NW sister to Ela, Mountie, and Rose.
Braintriplet to Narnia_Fan12 and narnianerd
Team Hoodie! ⎮ Secret Order of the Swoosh
avatar by Lady Courage
"And here ... we .. go!" Bookwyrm said, with a malevolent chuckle. The package of totally-not-poisoned cookies exploded in an eruption of multi-colored sparks and the gingerbread men it had contained began jumping out of the remains of the package and down off of the table. They streamed out all across the room, running faster than the average human and shrieking the Chipmunk Christmas song at the top of their non-existent cookie lungs. They climbed the Christmas tree and started juggling the ornaments. They jumped into the wreaths and twirled them around and around on their hooks. The little cookie men even got into the garlands hanging from the ceiling and used them as swings to launch themselves high into the air like tiny gingerbread trapeze artists. Everywhere one looked gingerbread men was scampering.
— Lady Z —
"Yes, well, this is a wonderful prequel to our adventures together," I say with a touch of sarcasm and a dry smile.
I wait, holding my breath, during Cor's countdown, and like magic, my legs and arms stop moving right on time. Finally! My eyes widen and I whoosh out a sigh of relief. "Oh my goodness, I'm glad that's over. I thought it would never end. Thank you so much."
I jump to my feet, feeling the ache in my muscles from the incessant dancing. It's then that I see Bookwyrm lurking on the edges of the party. I send him a look with a smirk that says, "Nice one, buddy." That really was a well-planned trick, I'll give him that. Not only do my muscles ache, but my pride smarts a bit as well. What's more humiliating than breakdancing in front of millions of people?
I turn back to Cor. "Now what should we—"
Suddenly, I hear a loud crack followed by a succession of rapid pops. I stifle a scream and look over at the refreshments table. It appears that the package of cookies has ... exploded? I frown as gingerbread men start running all around the room. This isn't the strangest thing I've ever seen, but still... it is pretty weird. My thoughts move rapidly. Exploding cookies? Sentient gingerbread men? This has Booky's name written all over it.
The partygoers start to scream in panic. I glance over at Cor. "Okay, Doctor, I guess it's time for us to save the world ... or at least this party. What's your brilliant plan?"
av by dot
((( OOC: Yay for long posts and a special cameo!!
Also, bye Ara! Twas fun RPing with you while it lasted!! )))
"Just think, it gets even better from here!" I reply with a wide grin of genuine delight. Yes, even though some would call me a bit batty for enjoying the strangeness of the universe, I can't help but marvel at it... well, unless it's trying to harm innocent beings. Then I have a serious problem with it.
I open my mouth to answer Lady Z's inquiry when yet another small explosion sounds quickly followed by a mix of partygoer screams and that insufferable "Chipmunk Song".
"I really do hate that song..." I muttered with a sigh. Looking around at all the living, singing gingerbread men, I am understandably distracted when Lady Z asks me what my plan is. "My plan? My dear girl, my plan is the usual plan."
With that, I dash into the kitchen and disappear for a few minutes. When I re-emerge, I'm holding a large coffee carafe that is nicely steaming with.... "LOOK AT ME! I'VE GOT HOT COCOA!!!"
The gingerbread men halt their (admittedly cute) rampage long enough to do a collective head turn towards my direction. Within a few seconds, the whole lot of the gingerbread Things begin swarming towards my general direction. Their tune has also changed from the "Chipmunk Song" to a variation of "Copacabana" but repeating "Hot Cocoa" instead of the usual lyrics.
Thinking fast, I exist through the kitchen door and lead the gingerbread men out around the Mansion and into the Square... while holding the carafe of fresh cocoa in front of me. Once safely in the middle of the Square, I whistle a quick four-note tune.... and wait. A few seconds later, a very familiar sound of large flapping wings can be heard echoing through the Square quickly followed by the large and somewhat formidable shadow of a dragon.
The gingerbread men let out a collective squeal of fright before they are gobbled down by the dragon in one fell swoop. The few that survive begin scampering away, but are quickly dealt with by the dragon. After finishing his job, the giant beast takes the carafe of hot cocoa and downs it in one long gulp.
".... You know, I was planning on sharing that with the guests, Vern."
"Oh, sorry Cor. But you know, hot cocoa is the best chaser for a whole army of living gingerbread men." Vern says as he licks his dragon-y lips before handing the now very empty container back to me.
"True, but still. You need to ask before you drink it all. Oh well, the kitchen is overflowing with hot cocoa anyway, so no harm done."
"Very well. I'll try and remember that next time. By the way, how is the party going?"
"Very good, actually. Booky keeps stirring things up, as is his way, but overall it's really nice."
"Heh, Booky.... Well, glad it's going well. I better head back to the Castle, though. King Lune mentioned something about starting the annual bonfire on his own and I really don't trust him with all that wood and only those pathetic matches."
"Ha! You're concerned about him? I remember when it was the other way around..."
"Well, your Father still likes to think it is."
"Ha, O.K. See you later, Vern! Thanks again for your aid!!"
"Don't mention it! Glad to help!" With that, Vern takes off again and heads for home.
Having successfully completed my plan, I return to the Mansion. On my way to the door, I notice a familiar looking key lying in a snow bank. "Hi ho! My TARDIS key! Glad I found you again... not sure what the old girl would have thought if someone else took her for a spin."
Putting the key in my inner jacket pocket, I entered the Mansion. "The Invasion of the Gingerbread People has been successfully avoided for this year. No need to thank me, but I do believe you need to have a talk with your Sweetie..." I aim this last bit at Lady A and then glance over at Booky who is still chuckling over in his corner.
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
Lady A looked up from the happy little Molly, who she was still sitting and giggling with.
"What? I already slapped him once tonight, and kept Lia from blowing up a cake inside. What else am I supposed to do?"
Avatar thanks to AITB
"Ah, very true..." Sighing slightly, I head back to where Lia is sitting.
"Could I interest you in a cup of fresh hot cocoa, miss? And also some cookies that do not try attacking you?"
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
Lia was about to bite into her cookie when IT bit into her. "Ouch!" she said loudly, dropping the cookie (which picked itself up off the ground and ran off to join its friends). She glared at the attacking gingerbread cookies. "Horrid little things."
"Could I interest you in a cup of fresh hot cocoa, miss? And also some cookies that do not try attacking you?"
She looked over at Cor. "Um, sure," she said. Cookies that didn't attack were always good.
Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
Minion to Lady A and Booky ⎮ NW sister to Ela, Mountie, and Rose.
Braintriplet to Narnia_Fan12 and narnianerd
Team Hoodie! ⎮ Secret Order of the Swoosh
avatar by Lady Courage
The clock outside began donging the hour. Lady A perks up her ears, and realizes it is nearly that moment between the years.
"It is nearly time, Molly," she said, smiling down at the gargoyle. "Hope you like confetti."
Lady a definitely was nothing like a prankster, but she did have a few specialties up her sleeve. She picked Molly up, and the two disappeared upstairs for a few moments. When she returned, her free hand held a huge basket.
"Attention, all! We have to perform one last thing before the new year begins. And that is...we need to open Christmas crackers. Everyone get in a circle, grab a cracker, and cross arms! ...and Booky, I will kill you if you do anything else naughty before the New Year. Just be advised."
Avatar thanks to AITB
"I do suppose I can contain my voracious appetite for mischief and mayhem for a little while," Bookwyrm said reluctantly. "But if I don't like my prize, I'll probably make an improvised explosive with it."
Varna keeps her mouth shut for as long as only Swedish threatens to come out of it. She sees that other people have the same or even different problems, and guesses that it came with the punch. Apparently someone else thinks the same, and throws it out ...
If so, it has to be only temporary. She decides to wait. As an Elf, she should even be less affected than the mortals.
When a quiet test shows that she's back to normal, the room is invaded by live gingerbread men, who are then lured out again by some Hameln-like rat catcher - and presumably dealt with outside. What an evening!
(And outside, unbeknownst to Varna, a mouse that had been eating some punch-drenched snow, is attacking a cat ...)
Close to midnight comes the call to open the Christmas cackers. Varna picks up a green cracker, gets into position, and waits.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
"Christmas crackers! I saw this on Doctor Who once!" Erik grins as he gets into position, with Varna on one side and Abby on his other.
Abby, meanwhile, leans over to talk to Lady A. "Thanks for watching Molly for us tonight. You're a natural, you know, and she really likes you."
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.