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[Closed] Featured Roleplay: Secret Origins

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NarniaWeb Nut

"Well, I guess we better get a-goin' then," Warpath said to the Autobots after standing around awkwardly watching the goings-on. Not wasting any more time, Warpath boldly stepped into the Fountain and promptly sank beneath the surface. The other Autobots followed, one at a time.

Posted : February 11, 2010 10:27 am
NarniaWeb Guru

Emere jumped into the pool at last because his author just realized that the thread had been posted in many times since she last posted.

Astri got out of Space Case and followed suit.

"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."

Posted : February 11, 2010 3:21 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

One Week Later

When Myrddin led the survivors of the Battle of Orran back through the Wood and out of the Fountain into Ditto Town, there still had been no sign of the Dark Lady Enyo. Myrddin tried to take comfort in this fact, but the lack of a body bothered him.

As the days had gone by and the town began to return to normality, Myrddin tried to convince himself everything was fine. He spent several sleepless days trying his best to get everything back to normal for the residents of Ditto Town. Wounds were healed, buildings repaired, giant gapping chasms sealed over. He had one brief moment of panic when he misplaced the Variform, but Brutus tracked it down for him. Myrddin was surprised by just how helpful the former Dark Lord was. It was kind of creepy, actually.

Brutus was beginning to feel uncomfortable amongst these goody-goody types. He could feel the few Jedi with them looking at him, wondering what a former Sith Lord was doing in their presence. He fought the urge to grit his teeth in irritation; he'd helped them fight Enyo. Sure, it had been for utterly selfish reasons, but it was still help. Couldn't they appreciate that?

But if the Jedi made him uncomfortable, Ordana made him feel almost at peace for the first time in a very long time. There had been no need to say anything, they both knew that the other was totally and irrevocably in love. Brutus wasn't entirely certain when it had happened. Maybe it was when each thought the other was dead. Maybe it had been there all along, hiding behind the playful flirtation and mock irritation. Over the next few days, they finally started to talk to each other about the future, what they wanted to do next. Maybe there was a chance for a little happiness in their future.

Allyn spent the week or so after their return from Orran bitterly mourning his inability to sway Caedan back to the light. He supposed that he should feel at least grateful that his old friend was still alive, but he was lost to the darkness. Could such a fate bring anything but pain and misery?

In the darkened woods outside Ditto Town, Enyo hid and bided her time. She was still slowly dying, but had managed to hold off the spell through sheer force of will and large amounts of Force power. Slowly a plan was coming together.

Posted : February 13, 2010 7:06 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

For her part, Astri did her best to follow Corvus around. She knew that the Sith acolyte didn't seem to like her very much, but Corvus was downright fascinating to Astri.

((Disregard this if Corvus has left Dittotopia or if it doesn't work for you.))

Emere couldn't help having a sick feeling in his stomach. He wanted to be at peace and begin his new life on Dittotopia, but 1) He didn't have a master and wasn't quite sure what to do without one (Was he supposed to try to get himself apprenticed to someone or what?) and 2) He was still uneasy about Enyo. A foreboding about the fact that they hadn't found a body chilled him.

"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."

Posted : February 14, 2010 4:03 am
NarniaWeb Guru

((Yeah, I don't know what to do with Corvus really. If you have an idea, shoot me a PM. I'll be glad of any suggestions. :) ))


BeautyLikeNight's Graphics
My book: The Blind Traveler

Posted : February 14, 2010 4:35 am
NarniaWeb Nut

Once the Autobots had returned to Dittotopia, they quickly returned to their damaged ship and kept to themselves there. Many of the robots were in favor of repairing the Spark of Primus and returning the Cybertron, but Space Case and the other technicians' examination of the wreckage deduced that that would be impossible. The damage was too extensive, and the technology available on Dittotopia wasn't advanced enough to do them any good. Warpath was probably the most disappointed, having had his fill of what he perceived as the madness of that world and was more than ready to get back to his homeworld. But since that wasn't an option, he knew they had no other choice but to dig in for the long haul, and wait until the time came that they could leave.

And so it was that Ditto Autobot City was founded, and the Autobots went undercover, quietly infiltrating the societies of Dittotopia and becoming forgotten to the people for centuries. It wasn't until the Jedi Knight Zacce Nalum came to Ditto Town in the company of the Autobot Burnrubber that the Dittotopian Autobots would reveal themselves once more and become active in the affairs of their new homeworld.

Solarflare kept to himself for most of that time, refusing to integrate into Dittotopian society. The next millennium was, for him, a long and lonely one as he refused to be consoled over the loss of Mek, Orion Prime and all the other comrades that had fallen during the Ditto Revolution. But, as we now know, he finally came out of his slump when he discovered during the Time Rift Crisis that Mek had, in fact, survived his encounter with Gothmotron and was at large somewhere on Dittotopia, now a depraved, possessed and feral monster hunting in the darkness. Solarflare dedicated his life to finding and redeeming his old friend, no matter the cost. Because of their species' longevity, it could be many more millennia before their tale is final resolved.

And what of the unfortunate J'onzz, Nadif Nel? Well, it's presumed he continued his enchanted wanderings through the Wood Between the Worlds until he finally lay down to rest peacefully under some tree, to remain sleeping there undisturbed until the end of time.

Posted : February 14, 2010 9:16 am
Captn. Peregrin
NarniaWeb Nut

Sholi had lived in fear, on the run or in hiding, for what seemed a lifetime. Now, he had finally found peace.

He didn't like it.

The Dittotopians were too nice to steal from - not that they were all saints, but the few really bad ones were punished swiftly. And anyhow, there were too many elves and Force-sensitive people and the like for him to do much of anything unnoticed. Instead, he had to take what they gave him. It was nice at first, but soon enough he started aching for something to do. What was he supposed to do? Go to school and learn the Ditto alphabet? Or eat and sleep and play all day? It wasn't like he was a kid or something.

But beyond all that was a dull ache, a hole in his heart. It wasn't anything he'd seen or done in the past days or weeks - it was worse than that. In fact, he realized it'd been there for a long time, he'd just been too preoccupied to notice it. He couldn't quite remember what it was. He didn't want to remember. He wanted something, anything to happen, so that he could forget the hurt again.

sig by me

But I am a cat, and no cat anywhere ever gave anyone a straight answer

Posted : February 15, 2010 12:11 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

(Okay, two, maybe three posts and I'll be done. Sorry this is long delayed, would have been sooner, but health issues kinda blew that plan)

"Lord Brutus, when are we going to leave this world?" Corvan asked, approaching Brutus as he and Ordana lurked in a random dark alley.

Brutus shrugged and said," Whenever they get tired of us, I guess."

"If you're in a rush to leave, you could jump in the Fountain any time you want," Ordana commented, bristling in irritation. She wasn't in the mood to deal with Brutus' fanboy.

"I've been watching and listening. The Jedi Knight, Allyn, he is planning on creating a new Order, here on Dittopia. We will not be welcome here for much longer. Sooner or later they'll forget that we helped them defeat Enyo and we'll end up in a prison or worse. It's how Jedi work, they can't stand competing viewpoints."

"And the Sith are champions of intellectual tolerance," Ordana said dryly.

"My lord, is she coming with us?" Corvan asked, barely hiding his disgust.

"I'm more likely to bring her along than I am you. I can pick up another dozen potential apprentices without even trying hard, but I don't think I'll ever find someone I love as much as Ordana," Brutus said. "So quite frankly, if you want to be my apprentice, you'd best start working on making her like you."

"As a matter of fact, we have decided to leave and soon. We've already decided on a planet to travel to and set up a base of sorts. If you're nice to me, I might let Brutus bring you along."

Corvan made a face like he'd bit into something nasty, but managed to adopt a more pleasant tone of voice," So when are we leaving?"

"Actually, I was thinking about tonight. So go pack up your stuff and meet us at the Fountain tonight after dark."

After Corvan scurried off, Ordana turned to Brutus with an uncharacteristically somber look on her face.

"I won't be leaving with you tonight, Erik. I'm afraid you're going to be resurrecting the Sith on your own. I don't want to be apart of it."

Brutus was taken aback enough to actually look shocked.

"But we planned everthing. The eventual triumph over the Jedi, the toppling of the inevitable galactic government. We've got a whole thousand year plan. Why are you changing your mind?"

"Because I love you, but I don't love the Dark Side. I don't even know that I want to be a Jedi. The whole peace and galactic love thing is kinda annoying. I'm Mando'a. I like a good fight, but I don't like what the Sith do.

"Ha! I can see right through you. You just want to play tonsil hockey with that Jedi. You can't fool me.

Ordana glared at Brutus until he looked properly embarrassed.

"I'll love you forever, which is kind of a big deal now thanks to what we did. Maybe I'll even come find you from time to time. But as long as you're committed to being a Sith, we can't be together. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is."

Ordana pulled her hands away from Brutus and vanished around the corner. She might have been a tough as nails Mando'a warrior, but right now she felt like she was going to dissolve into a big pile of mushy emotionalness.

Brutus just kept standing where Ordana left him, not sure what to think or say or do.


Enyo creeped nearer and nearer the town. She could sense her destination and had to fight off the urge to cackle malevolently a few times.

Posted : March 10, 2010 9:05 am
The Black Glove
NarniaWeb Nut

The last of the cultists fell before the saber of Darth Venator, Dark Lord of the Sith. Absorbing the life-force of these beings, coupled with the dark energies of the dying planet of Orran gave him an exhilarating power. He rose from the carnage, an image of ultimate power--he could now see what happened. The fall of Enyo, the establishment of Sith and Jedi orders and a mighty destiny.

Ah! This is what it is to be a god!

Then he saw it--his own downfall, written as clearly as the markings on his holocrons, and he knew that he must act. So he directed his vast energy toward the reconstruction of Orran. Cities and palaces fell and a vast barren landscape arose in its place. All that would remain of old Orran would be this chamber, home to the ancient cult of Melko, now destroyed.

It was here in this vast domed chamber that he, Darth Venator, Dark Lord of the Sith, would sleep for nearly a thousand years, entombed in a sarcophagus until reawakened by two foolish and arrogant young Jedi Knights . . .

Whereof we speak, thereof we cannot be silent.
If God did not exist, we would be unable to invent Him.

Posted : March 15, 2010 4:25 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Myrddin was crossing the town square when Enyo struck. He had the Variform with him and it was all that saved him.There were an explosion of sheer Force that tore through the square, crushing and mangling the few Ditto Town residents unlucky enough to be caught. Myrddin shifted the Variform into the Spear just before the wave hit him. It through him into a wall, but the Spear protected him.

Enyo strode into the square, kicking aside the corpses of the people she had just murdered. She was intent only on one thing, the Fountain. She leapt directly from the cobblestones of the Square to the top of the Fountain and struck the stone with a Force-augmented blow.


All of the Force-sensitives in Ditto Town felt Enyo's arrival and antics in the Square. Allyn was meditating in the house he was currently occupying with the other Jedi refugees. Enyo's assault snapped him out of his meditations with almost painful force. He sprang to his feet and called his lightsaber to his hand, running out the door before he could even think of a course of action.


Brutus was sitting in a very depressed heap in the same alley Ordana had left him in when he sensed Enyo. A malicious grin crossed his face and he climbed to his feet.

"Killing that witch is just the thing I need to cheer me up," he chortled.


Enyo gazed around the square as the heroes of the Battle of Orran gathered cautiously at the entrances to the square. If she were not so focused on holding off Aleena's magics, she would have taken the time to gloat over what she was about to do. She did have time for one last declaration of triumph however.

"People of Dittotopia, time to DIE!" Enyo shouted and then activated the device hidden in the top of the Fountain centuries before by the Time Lords.

Myrddin struggled free of the wall he had impacted into just in time to see the flash of light as the device activated. He breathed out a gasp of horror as he realized what Enyo had just done. Long before this current skirmish between good and evil, the Rakata and the Time Lords had fought their own battles. Each had feared the other side capturing their homeworld during the course of the war. And so steps were taken to insure this would never happen. The Rakata homeworld of Orran could self-destruct with only a single spoken world. The Dittotopia self-destruct required slightly more complicated actions, but would result in even more fearful destruction than that which would claim Orran. The death of Dittotopia would rip open a hole in reality itself, swallowing up all that lay within its range. This is what Enyo had activated.

Posted : March 27, 2010 8:13 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Enyo balanced on the top of the Fountain, giggling with insane glee as the self-destruct device began to rip reality apart around the Fountain. Seemingly not even the Time Lords' technology could destroy the Fountain as it remained unharmed. Now Enyo finally ceased her battle against Aleena's spell and the magic ravaged through her body, tearing apart her midi-chlorians.

Myrddin sprinted forward as the square began to unravel. A few of the Ditto Towners were already fleeing in panic as he neared the edge of the hole in reality.

"I would have liked to get to know you all better," Myrddin said sadly. "Remember me."

The Time Lord stepped forward into the disrupted reality, the Spear form preventing his destruction. He still screamed in agony from the pain inflicted on him. He somehow managed to creep farther and farther in, getting nearer to the Fountain and Enyo, who had collapsed in a pained heap.

Posted : April 11, 2010 5:01 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Enyo lifted her head weakly and stared up at Myrddin as he clambered onto the Fountain's top.

"It's too late. You can't stop it. I win," Enyo whispered, before passing out.

Brutus entered the town square at a run. He quickly took in the current drama and realized that they were all in severe trouble.

Ordana entered the square not long after Brutus.

"That was our only way off this planet," she said, taking the Dark Lord's hand.

"Yeah. Guess it doesn't matter now what side we picked," Brutus said. He pulled Ordana into a tight embrace.

"We could run. We could run as far away as we can," Ordana said, her voice muffled by Brutus' robes.

"Why delay the inevitable? Better for it to be quick and for us to be together."

Corvan entered the square and saw Enyo and reality unraveling around the Fountain. He turned and ran back into the maze of Ditto Town's streets.

Allyn was also in the Town Square. He gathered the Force and pushed at the oncoming wave of destruction. He pushed with all the might he could muster, but the reality destroying effect continued to progress. There was no stopping it.

Posted : April 15, 2010 8:22 am
NarniaWeb Guru

Myrddin turned to look back at the town and then he struck the reality bomb with the Variform, transforming it back into the Staff. There was a flash of light and a shock wave that radiated outwards throughout the town. When the dust settled, the area surrounding the Fountain was devastated, but reality was still intact. However, Myrddin and Enyo had vanished.

Posted : April 17, 2010 8:28 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

In the days that followed Enyo's last stand, life returned to normal in Ditto Town.

Brutus left Dittopia for parts unknown. He never returned, at least not for a very, very long time. From time to time, Ordana heard rumors of a growing Sith presence in the galaxy lead by a charismatic master of the Dark Side. After a few years, the rumors died away. Whatever Brutus was doing, he was doing it very quietly.

Corvan left Dittopia with Brutus. He was never again seen by any of those who knew him and his ultimate fate is unknown to those who record the history of the Ditto Galaxy.

Ordana remained behind on Dittopia, becoming a founding member of the Ditto Jedi Order. She rose to the rank of Master and sat on the council that governed the Order. After the better part of half a century, she left the planet and did not return. Those who knew her were always baffled by her seeming inability to age.

Allyn wasted no time in founding a new Jedi Order for the Ditto Galaxy. Though there was initial prejudice attached to the name due to the ravages of the pirates decades before, the good accomplished by the peacekeeping force Allyn established soon won over a hostile galaxy. Allyn never married, but did not place the same ban on his Jedi that prevented members of the original Jedi Order from pursuing marriage. As Allyn neared his last years, he was troubled by his failure to turn Juriel away from his dark path. He could only wonder what disaster his failure had set the stage for.

Lynda survived the many tumultuous events of the millennium following the destruction of the Ditto Sith Empire only to vanish enigmatically roughly one hundred years before the War of Souls.

Posted : May 17, 2010 9:17 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Emere had participated in the counterattack against Enyo, yet after it he still felt as restless as before. What was a padawan supposed to do without a master? He missed Fijo so much that it ached.

Finally, one day in the relatively near future after the attack and Enyo's destruction, he decided to go talk to Allyn. It seemed like the best idea that he was likely to have.


Astri got odd looks from most of the citizens in Ditto Town, what with her professional gymnastics routines and the fact that she could snatch objects out of the air through something that looked like telekinesis. She never let on to anyone, but she was frightened of what she could do.

One day, after finishing a particularly amazing gymnastics routine, she sat down on the edge of the fountain to people-watch.

"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."

Posted : May 18, 2010 6:24 am
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