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[Closed] Ditto Holiday Mansion 2024

Delia Death
Ghost Wrangler Ditto Town Host

Welcome, traveler! Won't you come in and join the party?

Every year, Ditto Town hosts a Holiday Party, which usually starts during Hanukkah (but is very late this year, so we are starting early) and runs through the Feast of Epiphany. Everyone is welcome to join in! You can come as yourself, your favorite (original) character, even your favorite hat! Unlike most other Mansions, the Holiday Mansions are generally not heavily planned out, so there is quite a lot of room to enjoy eggnog or cider, kick back, relax, and catch up with some old friends. Hopefully you make a few new friends, too! 

There are a few guidelines to keep in mind:
1) If you choose to come as a character (other than yourself), please do keep your characters original. Thus, showing up as Lucy Pevensie or Bilbo Baggins would be a no-no.
2) Do not fold, staple, mutilate, kill, or otherwise destroy, another writer's character(s).
3) Keep in mind that all general forum rules still apply.
4) Keep all posts rated “G” or “PG” for the sake of our younger members.

If you are new to Ditto Town, or are interested in learning a bit more about what goes on here, this is a perfect place to jump in, as no prior knowledge about the subforum is needed to participate. If, however, you have any questions, feel free to PM myself or one of the Ditto Town mods, and we would be happy to provide you with an answer. And if we don't know the answer, we'll either make something up, or refer you on to someone who does know. We're pretty good about knowing, though!

Come on in and join the fun!

D. Death

Topic starter Posted : December 17, 2024 12:34 am
Delia Death
Ghost Wrangler Ditto Town Host

It was a blustery day in Ditto Town, with no sign of snow in sight. Delia hurried up the steps of the Mansion, intent on entering on her own two feet instead of being blown through the door, barely getting the door closed before Cerberus accosted her, demanding pets and treats. Both were readily provided, and Cerberus was soon settled before the fire munching on an antler while Delia made a hot something-or-other for herself.

"It has been an odd year, hasn't it, Cerb?" she commented, setting herself in with her drink and book. "I wonder what adventures this winter season will bring?"

Topic starter Posted : December 17, 2024 12:39 am