A Funny Thing Happened
I smiled and nodded at Ryan, my hands being slightly busy with the now quiet Silvren, who was inspecting the odd company.
"That's wonderful, I've never been to the Realms before, although I've heard some wonderful things about it," I replied, smiling again and nodding at Drake. "The half-elven and I are old friends. I just happen to also know these exquisite travelers."
I quickly scanned the room, noting Booky's strange glances about, as well as three persons who I did not know by sight.
The whispered
Oh look hummy its the bossy mody
instantly told me that a troublemaker was present, and since I was only aware of one member that I had truly gone tête â tête with....
"Well, Nate, what an interesting meeting," I said dryly, then winked. "You need an h after the w in whispered."
"If you were heading over to The Realms....why not go there now?" Alàtariël suggested. "That is, if you don't mind a little more company, Drake. Good mortereve, Cordelia."
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A Funny Thing
"And you all great and powerful moddyness need a y in they" I said putting on my best impression of booky, I showed my pearly white in the widest smile I could put on... Hey what can I say; it works with grammy... even though she is half blind and my teeth are not really pearly white...
If you ain't first, you're last.
((narnianerd, that wasn't supposed to be a "they." She meant "the whispered . . ." ))
A Funny Thing Happened
"Let's not get hung up on grammar, please," I said with some annoyance. "We're kind of in the middle of a crisis here."
I ignored narnianerd's bad imitation of Booky, which I thought was rather inappropriate seeing Booky was standing right there. In any case I knew this was not the time to stand around and chat about typo demons so I hurriedly stepped up.
"Right, we were just on the way to the Realms. Let's keep walking." I paused and glanced over at Drake.
"Grump isn't currently working there, is he?" I asked, not really looking forward to coming in contact with the grumpy house-elf . . . again.
A Funny Thing Happened
I shook my head. These youngsters...Arin giggled.
"And we have to live with such characters. You only have them in your computer," she teased.
"Anyway," I said, ignoring Arin, "Ryan's correct. It would be the equivalent of 'the whispered comment,' but instead of comment I quoted you. But the past is past. Let's go."
As the others neared the door, Alàtariël scurried into the C&P and over by Capt. P.
"This might help keep you comfortable," she said softly as she draped an elven cape over Capt. P's shoulders. "I can't stand to see such a beautiful girl uncomfortable."
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A Funny Thing Happened
"Yes, lets head over to the Realms," I said, trying to hurry the group along. The last thing we needed was getting bogged down in a Grammar Nazi argument.
Cordelia waved at Alàtariël and then poked Drake in the ribs.
"Get leading already. Maybe they'll buy something. Money is good."
"Okay, okay. I'm leading them," Drake said and headed out of the building. "It's back this way."
A Funny Thing Happened
"What the heck?" I wondered aloud. "I am so confused. Does Amë live in Ditto Town?" I followed...again.
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
A Funny Thing
"Lady A?" I nearly yelled, snapping my head around and seeing a pointy-eared lady. Well, two. I elbowed Joe. "She calls you 'nerd' too."
Funny Thing
I blushed and muttered a thank you to the elf (I still wasn't sure which was which), wrapping myself in the cloak. I followed the rest outside, staying toward the back of the group and looking around at all the strange people and buildings. I still couldn't help wondering if it was just a dream.
sig by me
But I am a cat, and no cat anywhere ever gave anyone a straight answer
A Funny Thing Happened
I looked around, doing my best to locate both the mutter (sweeet) and the yelper (hummy), and succeeded merely in smiling and nodding at hummy and then falling in step beside sweeet.
"Hi," I said, slightly awkwardly. "So...have any thoughts on the resolution of Crisis? Oh, and no, I don't live here. I've just been here before...."
"You're welcome, my friend," Alàtariël said softly, following Capt. P out the door and bringing up the rear to the arrival at The Realms.
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((Gaah... can't... resist... any longer!... ))
A Funny Thing Happened
I'll admit right off the bat, my imagination can be a scary place. And writing in Ditto Town doesn't help in the slightest. I'm constantly imagining new plotlines, adventures and drama that I could incorporate into a story "some day". I probably devote more mental energy to it than is healthy for one's sanity. So, with that said, my reaction to what happened to me this morning may not have been what a regular person's reaction would be.
I was driving to work. It was a forty minute drive down a long, dusty road through some of the most breathtaking Colorado countryside. There was more wildlife crossing the road this morning than there had been the last few days. I narrowly avoided a flock of wild turkeys, and, a little later, a doe and her fawns. Finally, I arrived at the job site where me and another guy were building forms for the foundation of a metal building. I was early, so I shut off my iPod, hopped out of my truck, and walked towards the trailer where the tools were stored. My attention was caught by a very large puddle that stood between me and the trailer. It had definitely not been there the previous afternoon. I figured it must have rained during the night, since it had been stormy the day before, and decided to just walk through it. My work boots were waterproof, no big deal, right?
Ah, no.
As soon as I stepped into the puddle, I found myself sinking quite rapidly, like the ground had dropped out from underneath me. Once I was submerged, I felt a rising sensation and suddenly found myself bursting back out of the water. I greedily sucked in a huge breath of air and looked around. I was standing knee deep in what appeared to be a... fountain...
It was a miracle I didn't give myself whiplash as I spun frantically around, taking in my surroundings. I felt a growing sense of absolute euphoria as I began to realize where I was. I clambered out of the Fountain and turned back to confirm my suspicion. Sure enough, there was a bespectacled platypus swimming happily inside.
"Oh my giddy aunt," I said to myself as a massive grin spread across my face.
A (Slightly) Less Normal Life
"My apologies." Kale apologized innocently, trying to act normally. She got what she came for, now it was time to get out, hopefully easily. "I'll leave now, sorry for the mistake." she said, then turned towards the way to get out and began to walk back. She took a few steps, desperately hoping she wouldn't be stopped.
Avi by Visionsbeyond/Awesome sig by Flambeau! NW Sis:Jay
LiveJournal (not really too terribly empty anymore )
Team Hoodie!!
Funny Thing
I heard a splash of water as Zack climbed out of the fountain and turned around, I guessed who it was from the funny expression he had just uttered and quickly made a spoof up "Zacky was a wee little man and a great big imagination had he, he climbed up out of the fountain one day for the world he wanted to see" I was sooo glad he was here, now we could talk about what we were planning
It was amazing what two overly imaginative minds could accomplish when they were molded into one.
(Slightly) Less
Matthew radioed Kale through the ear peice he had given her "Have you got the information?"
If you ain't first, you're last.
A Funny Thing Happened
I whirled around yet again when I heard a little boy singing a little diddy. I didn't mind a spoof song being sung about me, but there was one thing I did not appreciate about it.
"Do not call me 'Zacky'!" I said with mock outrage, though I couldn't help letting a smile tug at my lips as I saw several familiar Facebook faces.
"Well, well," I said as I moved towards them. "I suppose this is the beginning of a... slightly less normal life?" I felt quite pleased with myself at my little pun. I didn't recognize most of the group, so I tossed them a quick wave.
"I'm Zack, by the way," I said, still grinning. "A.K.A. zlcva." I knew I should be worried about all sorts of things, such as being late for work, making my wife worry about me, and probably even getting killed by one of the villains that seem to pop up like weeds, but I was just way too excited about actually being in Ditto Town.
A Funny Thing Happened
"I was just going to post for it." I said grumpily. The subject of Crisis generally made me feel guilty/grumpy because I usually didn't know what to post or where the story actually was. "Then the computer went all vortex-y and I was dumped in a room chock full of wires and suddenly I was here!"
I glanced over at her, pleased deep down inside to see another familiar face. "If you don't live here, why do you look like a native? And why do the elves know you?"
Suddenly a familiar person clambered out of the fountain. "Zack?" I asked curiously, taking an uncertain step forward. "People are coming by the dozen now. Geesh, was this the annual meeting of NWebbers in Ditto Town and I was the only one who didn't know about it?" The others seemed to be taking the weirdness in stride. Maybe they'd all visited before. Or something.
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
A Funny Thing Happened
"Hi, Zack! Good to see you," I waved, then turned back to sweeet. "Um, I'm sorry? I'm glad you are here, though. And I've been here before. I don't know if you remember the case of the disappearing smilies? I was here then...I think the only other NWebbers who showed were people like Ryadian and etchasketcher.h. Anyway, yeah, and I showed up in Esteë in my pjs, so the twins lent me a dress, since we're all the same size and shape. I met the elves the last time I was here."
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