Before I joined the NarniaWeb forum, I had frequented the old thread for original costume design. Many of you girls kept me inspired to keep drawing. So, after making sure I wasn't stepping on any rules, I decided to reopen the thread! Hope you all get as much inspiration as I did! My costumes then are these (FYI: I usually don't draw faces b/c I am such a terrible drawer, just wanted to let you know before you were shocked to high heavens by head-less drawings) :
This costume reminds me of something Susan might have worn at sometime or other. If it was blue it could pass for Ramandu's Daughter dress
Colorized version (my first attempt at "coloring" in GIMP):
I love this next one! It reminds me of something Arvis would wear:
Close up (pardon the terrible face and the name. I don't look like that ) :
Can't wait to see what you all have to show.
real-life sis: Pepper Darcy
My Sites:
My Designer Girl | Shilah | Horatio Hornblower Wallpapers
I'll be out of my mind And you'll be out of ideas Pretty soon
So let's spend The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Wow those are really good! You draw really well! I especially like the first one! Great coloring!
The second and third ones dont look really 'Narnian' to me (not as I imagined it), they look like arabian or something. Or maybe I'm just used to the movies.
God gives grace to the humble
av: Wunderkind_Lucy sig: lover of narnia
Proud member of the Skillet club, and a member of the Tenth Avenue North club!
I really the second one, it would totally fit Aravis
made by katherine
Oh Raven, you dear nut! you do wonderful drawings! I love your work! makes me want to draw costumes now and better yet... WEAR them!! =D
:music: risk it all cuz I'll catch you if you fall... if my heart was a house you'd be home :music:
Awel Prince, I love this thread and your designs! I especially love the second one - it reminds me so much of Aravis and it's something I really would like to see her wear! Your sketches are very nice and your costume concepts are wonderful. Great work!
av by dot
WOW!!!! those are soo beautiful. The first one looks great as a sketch and once you colored it. i think i liked the colored one better just because it is easier to see the details, but both are beautiful! the second one does look like something i could see Aravis wearing. and i think you draw beautiful faces too! those are really amazing
or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch,Peter~Lucy
LuvNarnia, thanks!! It was fun, though a bit frustrating to learn to color in GIMP. Crayons and pencils are a lot easier...except you can't buy those sorts of colors. Yeah, the 2nd one (the one for Aravis) I had imagined as her clothes before she escaped to the north.
So they would look Caloremen (is that spelt right?
Lu_Valient, Thanks!
Pepper, you don't count because you see these in real life.
MountainFireflower, thanks! I've been drawing for years now. Every since I first watched LotR. I'll probably post some more drawings later.
narnia_lover127, LOL! If you think I draw beautiful faces you should see my sister Pepper's drawings! She's much better at dresses then me! Maybe I'll persuade her to post some.
real-life sis: Pepper Darcy
My Sites:
My Designer Girl | Shilah | Horatio Hornblower Wallpapers
I'll be out of my mind And you'll be out of ideas Pretty soon
So let's spend The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
I agree they are both lovely! I especially like that deep red you chose for the first one, and the 2nd could totally work for aravis, in fact I really hope they do a costume design very much like that for her if/when they get around to making HHB
Grief for the movies made me abandon narniaweb...but I'm so glad to be back!
Many thanks to the wonderful Lady Eowyn for making my sig/av.
Sooo... is this thread for pictures that you've drawn? Or can you post pictures of costumes that you've made as well?
Just wondering.
I love the Aravis costume!!!! I'm thinking about trying to make an Aaravis or Lasaraleen Costume... I'm still in the fabric gathering stage though
RoseRed, I hope so too!
violetfirekrazed this is a thread for narnian-inspired costume drawings. Sketches of dresses or clothes you could see in the books... For example someone could draw a sketch of the dress Jill might *possibly* wear at the end of the Last Battle and then post it here.
~Awel P.
real-life sis: Pepper Darcy
My Sites:
My Designer Girl | Shilah | Horatio Hornblower Wallpapers
I'll be out of my mind And you'll be out of ideas Pretty soon
So let's spend The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Oh, COOL! I'll have to sketch up some ideas! Thanks!
Wow Very good painting. You have very cute and beautiful painting. Thanks you had made the photo and share with us.
Those are very gorgeous Awel Prince! I love the split in the dress of the first drawing, I love the take on the Calormene outfit in #2, it is splendid. the third one is my favorite and it is not a terrible face at all. You're really good. Keep up the fantastic work! If I ever remade Narnia in the future I'd want you to do my costumes.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
DamselJillPole, wow I'm honored. I use to want to do costume design for movies and then gave the idea up when I realized I'd probably have to do a bunch of junkie movies where modesty wouldn't be wanted... Anyways. Thanks.
My second dress, I only have the colorized version uploaded, very sorry about that. It needs a little touching up, but *shrugs* I don't think it's too much touch-up. I'm not sure if it would be classified as Narnian or Archenlandish...which do you think?
~Awel P.
real-life sis: Pepper Darcy
My Sites:
My Designer Girl | Shilah | Horatio Hornblower Wallpapers
I'll be out of my mind And you'll be out of ideas Pretty soon
So let's spend The afternoon in a cold hot air balloon
Hhhhm, I think it's very Archenlandish. Susan MIGHT wear it. I think it could be either