On the subject of Lucy and Trumpkin's swords: it really looks like the same sword to me. There may be very superficial differences, but they're so similar, that at this point it would probably be harder to explain why they're swords are so similar than it would be to explain why Lucy has Trumpkin's actual sword. I think they're one and the same. As to why Trumpkin's sword is on board the Dawn Treader when he's not, I have no idea. But that certainly looks like it!
"Of course we've got to find him (if we can). That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Sig: lover of narnia
I was initially disappointed to see Lucy not wearing a dress in the trailer, but I've reconciled myself after studying her red vest outfit in more detail... I love it!!! It fits her perfectly and is not at all boyish but definitely feminine. The lovely gold designs suit the red fabric perfectly and it enhances the red in her hair for and effect that is simply breathtaking! (If you can't tell I really love this outfit!!!)
I saw the movie....and was disappointed
OH, I wonder, in the shot we have of Lucy when she's shooting Susan's bow and at various other times those sort of 'arm' things that are over her white sleeves... are those perhaps for the purpose of keeping the sleeves of the white shirt 'out of the way' for when she's going to be active? The white shirt's sleeves *are* flowy, so is that the purpose of those outer, removable brown sleeves? Any ideas...
A_Narnian_Ship... I have to agree with you! I love this outfit! It's so inspirational! =D
:music: risk it all cuz I'll catch you if you fall... if my heart was a house you'd be home :music:
I am going to make this outfit and I got alot of tips. Thanks NothinButNarnia for starting this topic!!!
signature by A_Narnian_Ship
I hope we get more than one costume change too. Though it has to be a limited wardrobe on board a ship, I heard somewhere that she might wear a dress at some point.
Really seriously, Lady Eowyn?!
From a reliable source? Or was it possibly just wishful thinking? Because I would love it to be so.
Regarding Lucy's weapons, I don't mind too awfully that she has Susan's bow.
I certainly don't like the idea of Lucy using a Telmarine crossbow, and since they brought Rhindon, what's a few more ancient treasures tossed about?
But Trumpkin's sword just does not belong on the Dawn Treader! It's pointless. (Ha! no pun intended!) After all, he's still very much alive and would presumably like to keep it with him at Cair Paravel. Because he's a dwarf, I like to imagine that he forged it himself, which would tend to make him rather attached to it. I think they're just trying to save money on props by not having a new one made.
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
I know that some earlier sketches for VDT toys had Lucy with a bow and arrow and she was wearing a dress. The bow and arrow part is true but I just don't see a dress being likely unless it happens in a dream or something.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
She might wear a dress some time on an island, but I think that because she's on a ship, she's wearing sailing clothes because dresses are too delicate. I also get that impression from her hair; it's not braided Narnian style, it's just a ponytail on her shoulder, which is not so formal, even though she was traveling a lot in the other movies.
I'm really hoping that she gets a dress but if she does will it be best for salior? Since she's traveling it will be more free-willing if she sticks with Caspian's clothes.
Im making Lucy's outfit from VotDT and I need some tips. Anyone?
signature by A_Narnian_Ship
Aslan's Mane, if you want the ship outfit, you need four basics:
plain blue trousers (add decoration down outside seam)
a large white shirt with no collar
a man's size vest/waistcoat
I am using the bodice of a loose-fitting rust red shirt, cutting down below the collar line. I hope to embroider on some gold decoration. I'm making a shirt using a commercial pattern from the fancy dress section.
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
Im going to by the trousers, and the boots and Im just going to wear a white blouse, its the vest. Im making it and it looks really hard.
I added all the money together that it would spend to get the red fabric, Boots and trousers and it costs over $60. Im not sure if ill get the trousers. maybe ill wear jeans instead.
signature by A_Narnian_Ship
I've been considering making the vest too, Aslans-mane! I haven't been able to find any patterns that look suitably close, so if I do it I'm planning to make my own pattern. That's kinda putting me off, because I've never done such a thing... I'm thinking it would have to be a simpler crew-member type vest, but with a slanting double-breasted front like Lucy's.
I've gone so far as to save photos of Lucy in the vest from multiple angles, and I've also collected a few huge squares of white paper to cut the pattern from.
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
same with me! If you go on http://www.fabric.com you will find TONS of fabric for a low price. I just got the fabric I want for $3.91 a yard...thats really good. I cant wait to get it and start the vest.
im going to use fabric paint on the vest for the flowery things...CANT WAIT TO START!!!!
signature by A_Narnian_Ship
ooh, I can hardly wait for the movie to come out! I have my whole Lucy outfit ready and I am going to wear it opening day!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Greetings!!! I too am making Lucy's VDT outfit. For the vest, I'm using a dark redish purple because it looks more royal and the color complements my sister for whom I am making the outfit. I also found light blue velvet for and awesome price at a local Jo-Ann fabric store. I was so happy when I found that it was over 50% off too. I'll be hand embroidering the vest and pants. I'm hoping to make the boots as well. I haven't gotten the fabric, embellishments, or pattern for the shirt yet, but I hope to soon.
I found this awesome tutorial that would work perfectly for Lucy's pants.
This shirt also looks really close to Lucy's.
I wish you all luck and good times as you prepare your costumes!
[edit] 500th post!!!! ^_^
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Sig & avie: Checkers