I finally debuted my Lilliandil costume! I do not know if anyone else has cosplayed her yet- but I have not found any pictures anywhere.
I did buy the dress on Ebay and made some small modifications. I re-used the wig, contact lenses, lilies, and Aslan plooshie from previous costumes.
And here is a second picture of the costume. Notice how clear the Star of David on the Aslan plooshie looks:
I really like how you accessorize your costumes. The dress is lovely by itself, but the addition of Aslan makes it more meaningful.
Is there a significance to the lilies? If there's an obvious one, I'm drawing a blank.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Well, the character's name IS Lilliandil
That, and I often carry flowers as a prop. And lilies do look like stars. So I thought the lilies would be suitable for Lilliandil.
Well, the character's name IS Lilliandil
OH! That would be the obvious connection that I missed. White lilies are also associated with purity and majesty which is appropriate for a queen and a star.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
OH! That would be the obvious connection that I missed.
White lilies are also associated with purity and majesty which is appropriate for a queen and a star.
There's also the lilies in the water, at world's end. Which is close to Ramandu's Island.
Lovely costume, Aravis. And I love that Aslan plushie, by the way. Too adorable.
Another gorgeous cosplay from you, Aravis! I'd wear that dress for everyday wear. Are you going to wear it for normal day to day apparel?
Lovely job, Aravis! The lilies were a nice touch--like Ithilwen, I thought of the lilies at the end of the world.
...Also, can I have that Aslan plushie? Please? It is adorable and I don't have a lion stuffed animal of any kind. o.o Nice touch.
Nice, it's hard to get a clear view of the dress in the movie so I'm grateful you posted yours. Holding a lily stem is also a very nice touch.
Narnia Comics: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=5560
Nice look Aravis! You look very pretty wearing the Lilliandil costume. The touch of lilies and Aslan plooshie added to the beauty of the outfit.
I was also looking for pictures of cosplayers wearing the Lilliandil costume, and some Kostüme für Kinder but I failed to find one. Maybe the cosplayers are too lazy to post photos.