Hello. Just wanted to find out which new characters NarniaWebbers are most looking forward to seeing on the big screen. Thanks to our new web site, more than 1 vote can be cast; in this case 3 votes can be cast for your favorites.
So please vote and if you like, comment on why you picked whomever you did.
I will post my selections after a few posts.
Thanks, GlimGlum.
Edit: Replaced Rhince, who had no votes, with Governor Gumpas. Had originally wanted him on the list but forgot.
There is definitely no "a" in definite.
The Mind earns by doing; the Heart earns by trying.
I voted for Ramandu's daughter, Eustace and Captain Drinian. I'm glad they're listed in that order, because that's probably the order I would order them in rank of my eagerness to see how they are portrayed on screen too. Although I must say, I'm really glad to see some well known Australian actors among the new cast members, I look forward to seeing how well and how much they particularly embrace the Narnia film and the characters they portray.
*~JESUS is my REASON!~*
I'm really eager to see Ramandu's daughter and chief Dufflepud. Dufflepuds are probably my most favorite 'Narnia' creatures.
Of course Eustace is probably a character a lot of people is excited about and I'm one of them
"Things never happen the same way twice, dear one."
Eustace, because from what I've seen of Will Poulter so far I can tell he has a lot of talend. I bet he's going to be brilliant as Eustace.
I voted Eustace, Ramandu's daughter and Coriakin. I cannot wait for dec. 10th to see Coriakin!! I'm anxious to see how they portray him. He's my favorite VDT character
I saw the movie....and was disappointed
I voted Eustace since he is really the foundation of the rest of the series (chronologically). I'm really hoping they get him right and right now I remain completely optimistic.
Other than Eustace, I'm looking forward to Ramandu (who for some reason isn't on the poll, lol), Coriakin, and Ramandu's Daughter to see how the stars are portrayed. I really loved that the Telmarines were portrayed as Mediterranean; it added diversity and it was just completely brilliant as a way to flesh out the Narnian world. So I'm hoping the stars will feel equally diverse/different, but in a mysterious, magical kind of way.
‘Then rightly you game the name to the youngest of your children,’ said Ambarussa, ‘and Umbarto “the Fated” was its true form.’ –The Shibboleth of Fëanor.
I'm really eager to see Ramandu's daughter and chief Dufflepud. Dufflepuds are probably my most favorite 'Narnia' creatures.
Me too! RD is a small role, but is pretty important so i'm looking forward her!
I voted Ramandu's Daughter and Eustace. I'm not looking forward so much to Eustace though because he's in the movie more and the next one too. In which case, I'll see a lot of him. We've also seen some pictures of him already, which makes me want to know about Ramandu's Daughter even more .
Looking further up and further in
avvie by me
I voted Eustace since he'll be a main from then on out! Plus his character is cool . RD would be my secound choice for, I'd like to see how they'll manage with such a small yet vital character(mainly for SC but you know).
*We three kings of Orient are; bearing gifts we traverse afar, field and fountain, moor and mountain, following yonder star...*
~Merry Christmas From Lostin1800~
Eustace all the way! One of my favorite characters. He's just so original. I can't wait to see Poulter's performance and how they handle Eustace's character arc in the movie. He could be a tricky character...you have to hate him at first, but nevertheless end up loving him by the end. This is a character they just can't mess up. I couldn't bear it.
I would say Eustace, and his amazing transformation into a dragon and finding the beauty within himself because of it.
Coriakin the Magician and how he makes the story more magical.
Ramandus daughter because of her mystical manner and how she steals Caspians heart.
"We have nothing if not belief"
Of my 3, one was really easy: Eustace. Looking forward to Will Poulter's portrayal of this most pivotal character. Next would be Captain Drinian: Major supporting role and am interested in how Gary Sweet handles it.
Third was between Lord Bern and Coriakin. Coriakin is a very interesting and unique character but I chose Lord Bern in the end because I always like the character when reading VDT. Maybe it's because he is the first "Lost Lord" found and has the largest "Lost Lord" role besides Rhoop. And also there is his role in what happens to end slavery in The Lone Islands.
Other than Eustace, I'm looking forward to Ramandu (who for some reason isn't on the poll, lol), Coriakin, and Ramandu's Daughter to see how the stars are portrayed.
If there were one more poll choice available(11), Ramandu would have made the list. But I wanted to give a couple slots to bad guys(Gumpas & Pug). But that is also why there is the "other" option, so you can vote there and name the character in your comment.
There is definitely no "a" in definite.
The Mind earns by doing; the Heart earns by trying.
I understand the "other" option and that's why I mentioned him in my post. I was just curious as to why he was absent is all, no big deal. I consider him more memorable than Pug or Gumpas and I can't wait to see how he's visualized, since he's not human.
‘Then rightly you game the name to the youngest of your children,’ said Ambarussa, ‘and Umbarto “the Fated” was its true form.’ –The Shibboleth of Fëanor.
I'm so excited about Ramandu's daughter! Our first good blonde girl in Narnia!!! Call me weird, but if your friends went around calling you the White Witch, you'd want a blonde, too. I'm so excited to see if they go deeper into her character, and if they give her a name.
Co-president of the BGMCA club. <--- don't remember what that was but I left it for the nostalgia
Buds: 5, Twin Blank! <--- also don't remember who Twin Blank was. Find me if you're out there, lost one.
wow, surprised how many people choose Ramandu's daughter over Eustace! I'm really excited to see Will act since he will be in the next three movies (well, if they are made)
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saw the movie opening weekend and cried at the end!
Jesus DIED for ME and YOU!