I promised myself I'd never post in here again but to answer your question CharlotteRose Ben Barnes did sa in an interview that he over heard the producers saying about possibly bringing him and lilliandil back in some flashbacks for SC to explain how they got married. In another interview Ben was asked if he is coming back to play Caspian in SC Ben said he's coming back to do flashbacks and for something at the end. So I assume they will do it.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
I noticed something funny that I thought I'd post here. Even though on this thread Suspian does have the upper hand Lilspian is very near it, but in a poll on a Russian Narnia fan group in vkontacte (which is sort of like facebook....only it's in Russian) Suspian is waaaaaaaaaaay more popular. 70.5% liked Suspian more while only 29.5&% voted for Lilspian. I'm not sure why Suspian is more populor, but I thought it was interesting
always be humble and kind
I dont think the romance between Caspian and Jill worked on screen.
Nothing exactly major happened with their storyline, she was in the movie for a good part of 15 minutes at at least.
I think Susan and Caspians relationship was handled much better as there was in a way history between them as they both fought on the same side in the battle.
You have returned for a reason. Your adventure begins now.
^Her name is Lilliandil.
I just hope SC does more with Caspian and Lilliandil. I mean we'll all know that they got married and had Rilian but I hope they stick with the flashback ideas full throttle.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Oops! Thanks for pointing it out DamselJillPole
I think if they make SC it will be nice to see them get married and stuff , it will be a nice touch to the fact that in the movie you could clearly see the attraction on Caspians part.
I liked how it was almost love at first sight, but I'm sorry i think Susan and Caspian are perfect together. They are both born again narnians in a way!
You have returned for a reason. Your adventure begins now.
^ That doesn't make any sense, very much everyone is born again and I don't know what you meant about them being born again because in the books Susan wasn't. I can very much say Caspian and lilliandil are born again because they are in the new Narnia together as CS lewis said.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
I think both romances could have been handled better. Uggh, I just wish they could completly redo VotDT. They messed up a lot with the character development.
Winter Is Coming
Josh I agree with you, a lot of the character development was messed up. In fact I'm not happy at all with the way they presented Lilliandil, she seemed a little too teenager for me, I was expecting someone more elegant and mature, could be just me. Personally I think they handled the romance in PC quite well, at least I have no complaintes at all, but in VDT, I was expecting a bit more
always be humble and kind
VDT was not the best movie ever. It had its good and bad moments. the way the characters acted was sorta good and bad.
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I support.. I actually don't really know, to be honest.
I must say, Suspian does not at all bother me for all the while through PC I actually expected them to kiss in the end.
I was pretty glad that he at least mentioned her once in VotDT, and it was good because otherwise he'd look like a man that is King now and can have any woman in the world. Okay, that MIGHT sound a little harsh, but seriously? The moment with Caspian and Lilliandil personally made Caspian look so shallow to me for it seems at least to me is just impressed by her looks. Okay, so does it with Susan, but he was younger there and it was his first crush and she was probably the first girl he ever came close to. So, it made sense. He had a prince-crush.
I would have liked a story between Ramandu's Daughter and Caspian, not Lilliandil and Caspian. And here comes the second reason why I am not a big fan of that shipping.
Lilliandil. I mean, her actress is gorgeous and everything, but she glows. She's a star, she can poof into the air as she pleases. And as a star, you'd expect her to be immortal. Now I personally think out there are way too many books and movies of a human falling in love with an immortal being and I honestly have no idea how they want to transform that into a working relationship unless they change Narnia into a new "Stardust" or "Lord of the Rings" with Arwen and Aragorn. It was romantic in the beginning, yes, but I personally can't see it anymore. Where are the good old stories that Men actually fall in love with plain regular HUMAN women? Women you can actually relate yourself to. Ramandu's Daughter was only described as the daughter of a star, as a human woman, not as a star herself.
So, what's going to happen? Yeah, probably the "Aragorn and Arwen syndrome". Lilliandil gives her immortality to be with Caspian forever. That's what I expect to happen and this is one of the reasons that the movie made it really hard for me to like this shipping.
So yeah, please don't really hate me for seeing it this way. It's just my personal point of view. I wish they'd given Lilliandil less glow and less epic and made her look more human, like in the books.
"But I'm always dreaming, even when I'm awake; it is never finished."
I so completely can agree with you in just about all of that, LittleLionTamer. I've always loved the relationship between Ramandu's Daughter and Caspian - but Lilliandil was just - a joke. Done very badly, a silly idea - why did they make her a blue glowing star!!!! I totally agree with the immortal stuff being silly, and how Caspian just looked at her and thought "Oh, pretty!" and everyone thinks it's a romance. He liked her for her looks, and then never mentioned her again! Didn't make much sense.
At least he was with Susan for awhile, met her more than once.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
I will agree that i wish VDT would have made Lilliandil more human looking rather than this glowly figure.
I don't agree that Caspian only liked Lilliandil for her looks I can say the same for Suspian that both Caspian and Susan liked each other because of their looks. it was the vibe i was getting the entire time.
I think with Caspian seeing lilliandil it was love at first sight. For three years Caspian couldn't find a queen because like he said "At least no one who could compare to your sister" with lilliandil he saw something in her that he was looking for otherwise he wouldn't have wasted his time trying to fall for Lilliandil. It was true love and it is true love.
I just wished he could have said something in Aslan's Country about going back to Ramandu's Island to meet lilliandil again. Book fans know that they will but the general audience dont or those who want to be in complete denial don't.
IDK I do support the true romance but more could have been done between Caspian and Lilliandil.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Okay a question - if you had never read the books, and watched the movies, would you really think that Lilliandil was any more a love at first sight than Susan? How is there a difference, other than Caspian got to know Susan a lot better? Why is one, and the under developed one, true love, and the other not? Does not make sense to me.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
To be honest the suspian romance is the kind of romance I hate seeing in films or reading. They didn't know each other. Caspian told her he wished they had more time together. Even my friends, family and mom who have not read the books thought it was done cheesy. I'm not meaning to offend you or anything at all and I hope you don't think i am but the infatuated glances and cheesy lines and Susan kissing Caspian didn't help their romance at all, it came off as spontaneous and impulsive.
Granted if i never read the books all my life and if the archery scene had stayed in the film yes I probably would have liked Suspian.
In the film the romance was messy and underdevleoped. I wanted to know why they liked each other and why they made made such great impact on each other besides glances and Susan occasionally sticking up for Caspian. I don't find this to be love or real romance.
Hopefully in Silver Chair if it's ever made if the production has any sense and uses their brian this time whatsoever hopefully they'll give us some flashbacks of Caspian/Lilliandil falling in love and getting married. They do indeed go through a lot more than Caspian and SUsan. This is why i support Caspian/Lilliandil because they took vowels and are together in Aslan's Country. They are soulmates and i think it is a beautiful thing.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Oh, I totally agree with a lot of that!! As Caspian and Lilliandil spend their lives together, of course in all it's the developed, real romance. But we're talking about from the movies that have been made, just seeing that one scene - it isn't a romance then, and Suspian is much more so. That's all I'm saying.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby