I voted no, if the crew had any sense, she wont. There's already the Cor/Aravis romance and the Susan/Rabadash thing and if they want to help get rid of Suspian even more in this film then they would stick Susan together with Lord Darrin. That would be too many love stories and this isn't the Cullen family here so ,No.
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I think it wouldn't be that bad to mention that Lucy has a few suitors, but is it really needed? Nope! In HHB, we should be focusing on Susan's suitor Rabadash the most, and Lucy with suitors would be distracting us away from the story.
I voted that she should, but I'm not sure whether the filmmakers will be able to include it in the movie. There will already be a bunch going on that they'll have to squeeze in. But I think they should at least mention it.
Also, if I remember correctly, when Lewis is describing the Golden Age in LWW, kings from distant lands sent ambassadors to ask for Susan's hand, whilst for Lucy "all princes in those parts desired her to be their Queen."
Exactly! That's why I think they should at least mention it. I'm not so sure about the whole Prince Corin thing, although it would be comedic. I'm just not sure I like the idea that Lucy should get that kind of on-screen treatment. Besides, Corin doesn't exactly think of Lucy that way, since he tells Shasta, when talking about Queen Susan, "She's not like Lucy, you know, who's as good as a man, or at any rate as good as a boy. Queen Susan is more like an ordinary grown-up lady. She doesn't ride to the wars, though she is an excellent archer." That makes me wonder, though, if that might affect the kind of suitors Lucy might get. A guy like Rabadash definitely wouldn't want her, since she's not very "lady-like" and wouldn't put up with him. So what kind of man would want a Queen that rides to the wars and isn't an "ordinary grown-up lady"? I think that would be a very interesting plot element to pursue.
Member of the Dragon Lovers Club. PM FrecklefaceJill to join.
um, I do hope the producers know that it would be kind of lame to have Lucy fall in love. I mean, it's possible, I won't rule out that fact, but still.....it would be completely out of character for her to do so......
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um, I do hope the producers know that it would be kind of lame to have Lucy fall in love. I mean, it's possible, I won't rule out that fact, but still.....it would be completely out of character for her to do so......
Uh, how is it out of character for anyone to fall in love? Personally, I think the only time it's "out of character" for someone to fall in love is if that character is very 2D, flat, and static. In my opinion, Lucy is a very round character. She is a bit static, since she's faithful from the beginning, but she still goes through some change, making her dynamic. True, maybe love isn't on her mind in HHB, since she's the one riding to battles and all that, but by LB, who knows?
Member of the Dragon Lovers Club. PM FrecklefaceJill to join.
I'm curious. Does anyone think I should revise the poll to include other Pevensies? Or should I leave it alone? If I do the former, everyone's answers will disappear and you'll have to vote again.
@Fire Fairy: good point on the potentiality of Lucy having a love life not being out of character for her. And I really like this:
A guy like Rabadash definitely wouldn't want her, since she's not very "lady-like" and wouldn't put up with him. So what kind of man would want a Queen that rides to the wars and isn't an "ordinary grown-up lady"? I think that would be a very interesting plot element to pursue.
@Liberty: no one said Lucy could or should fall in love. I just asked should she have a suitor, someone vying for her hand in marriage? As Rose-Tree pointed out, this possibility arises in the latter part of LWW, during the Golden Age. And what is book HHB about? The Golden Age! That Lucy may return affection from a suitor is completely another matter. The poll asks for people's opinions on the former, not the latter.
@shastafan: you say we should focus on Susan/Rabadash. And you think Lucy (or Edmund) having a suitor would be a distraction. Why? Check out others' posts in this thread...
@sweetlilgurlie: good point. Ignore what I said. My main interest in this poll is how human romance in the book should be portrayed in a movie adaptation.
Also, if I remember correctly, when Lewis is describing the Golden Age in LWW, kings from distant lands sent ambassadors to ask for Susan's hand, whilst for Lucy "all princes in those parts desired her to be their Queen."
Thanks for pointing this out, Rose-Tree! It helps my case!
Why have yet another romance in HHB? Then would we need to see the conclusion of Queen Lucy's suitor? And in order to give it proper development, would it eventually lead to a dramatic restructuring of events such as occurred in movie PC?
On the other hand, I guess I would not be against some sort of minor addition (If it had to be added) as long as it doesn't result in major changes. It wouldn't be too out-of-canon. In fact, I would not be against Prince Corin having a crush on her.
So you can see why I voted "other".
I do not think that Lucy should have a suitor in HBB! We do not need any more romance! Don't get me wrong I like romance, but in the right time. I think (more like hope) there will be a little bit of romance with Shasta and Aravis.
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I've voted no and if the producers have any sense they won't put it in.
There is a chance they'll make her have a romance but since they already have Susadash (
), they really don't need another romance.
I voted no. They don't need another romance, there are already 2 in the book. I don't know how they would be able to fit another one in. Hopefully they will stick to the book and don't try to add to many things.
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I wouldn't mind different guys falling in love with Lucy, as long as she isn't in love with any of them.
It is out of character for some people to fall in love. Look at Paul in the Bible. He wasn't one to ever fall in love with a woman, and even said that its better not to marry, and devote your life and whole heart to Jesus. It was also out of character for Jesus Christ to not fall in love -- he viewed all people as His children.
Lucy's case is similar. No one is as close to Aslan as she is. And once coming so close to Aslan himself, how could she ever think about romance, when it's nothing in comparison to His love?
Plus, with the love of Aslan inside her, she would see people as He sees them -- like sisters and brothers to her. Not boyfriends.
It might be interesting to see guys falling for her, as long as it's one-sided.
Interesting responses, guys. Thanks. [Even if I disagree with some of them. ]
@Eustace: I just had to respond to your post. I fear this is some flawed thinking. Some Bible scholars think Paul was married, just not married (widowed?) at the time he wrote 1 Corinthians. And why does being married automatically mean that you can't be as close to Jesus - love him as deeply, serve him as faithfully - as those who aren't? You can't compare Lucy to Jesus. He was asexual because He was God. The analogy doesn't work. Countless Bible saints and church saints were married: Abraham, Hannah, Ruth, Esther, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Peter, Jonathan Wesley, George Whitefield, Jonathan Goforth, etc! [That's a really short list. ] Something else: married people still consider their spouse a brother/sister in Christ -- and see other Christians that way. Solomon calls the Shulamite woman (his bride) in Song of Solomon "my sister, my spouse" [4:9-10, 12, 5:1]. Being really spiritual or really close to God doesn't make you asexual. For human beings, that happens only in heaven, when we're 'like' angels [but don't actually become them]. Sex isn't dirty. God created it -- for marriage. And He compares the relationship between Christ to the church, i.e. their love, as a marriage. So I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility for Lucy to fall in love with another human being...
@shastafan: you say we should focus on Susan/Rabadash. And you think Lucy (or Edmund) having a suitor would be a distraction. Why? Check out others' posts in this thread...
The point is not whether Queen Lucy has suitors or not. We know that she had them. The point is whether they belong in the movie.
The focus is on Susan and Rabadash not because they are a love story, but because their story is relevant to the plot of HHB. If Rabadash did not want Susan so badly, he might have thought twice about taking war to Archenland and (if he had gotten that far) Narnia.
Think about it this way: You have a dress. It is elegant, simple, and clean. You decide to embellish-- add a few ribbons, lace, and buttons. It's still beautiful, just not as simple. You can still tell it's a dress, though, despite the embellishments.
Then suppose that you got really excited about adding to the dress! You add a sash, a jacket, some jewels and embroidery! You tack this on here, that on there. The dress gets accessorized to the max! But then what do you get? You look at the dress, blink for a bit, and then go, "What is that? Is it a jacket? Is it a trenchcoat? Is it a giant ribbon? What?"
You've added on lots of beautiful things that might be nice on their own, but the fact is, you've added on too much. You can't tell that the dress is a dress. The dress is controlled by the accessories.
How does this apply to HaHB? Well, the movie is the dress. It's the basic plotline, the important parts, and it's clean and beautiful. Sure, bits can be added that aren't the dress and it will be fine. They may even add to the movie! But go much further and you lose the substance of the story in the additions. You're tied up in accessories.
I think the main idea here is that Lucy's suitors are an accessory. They're not even a necessary accessory. Susan and Rabadash should be focused on because they are part of the necessary form. Sometimes we want to cut down on accessories because it might not even add to the story-- and if we have too many accessories, they take over.
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
220chrisTian, that isn't what I meant at all. What I really meant is not "flawed thinking" at all, but something that is in the Bible itself.
Sex isn't dirty. God created it -- for marriage.
I never said sex was dirty. I never would have thought that it was. I know God created it, and it's a beautiful thing. Otherwise Song of Songs wouldn't have been allowed in the Bible. Sex being dirty was not the point I was making at all.
The Bible says that it's better to remain single, because then your whole mind and heart are focused on God. If you are married with a family, your mind is more on earthly things than it would be if you were single. After all, you have people other than yourself that you need to support. It's a distraction. If you're single, it's just you and God. This is written in the Bible.
1 Corinthians 7
"It is good for a man not to marry."
1 Corinthians 7
"I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord's affairs--how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world--how he can please his wife--and his interests are divided."
For another thing, I wasn't actually comparing Lucy to Jesus. I was merely using Jesus as an example to prove a point -- that viewing people a certain way can get in the way of having romantic feelings for them. I have known people who had that problem (if you can call it a problem). The love of Jesus was so strong in them they viewed people through His eyes. They saw others as Children of God and brothers -- and only Children of God and brothers. They stayed single, because they couldn't possibly view people any differently than the way Jesus viewed them. It was a beautiful way to be, and that's what I believe Lucy to be too.
I don't know anything about whether or not Paul was married in his past. It's very possible. It doesn't really matter what he did in his past, though. But I do know that he stayed unmarried after that. He even said that it is better not to marry. If he said that, and then got married afterward, it would have made him kind of a hypocrite.
Paul says it is better not to marry. That's not saying marriage is sin or evil. It's just that being single is better.
As for Lucy -- after coming as close to Aslan as she did, I don't see how she could possibly care about anything of our world -- marriage or anything else. God is the ultimate. After meeting Him face-to-face, all the other things, like romantic love and dating and marriage, seem kind of... lame in comparison.
I hope that clears things up as to what I meant.
Mod Note: Please stick to the topic at hand which is "Movie HHB - Should/will Queen Lucy have a suitor?".
Biblical discussions are for the Narnia and Christianity forum or the Christianity, Religion and Philosophy, Episode VI! thread in the Spare Oom.
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