Georgie was the best thing in VDT. But I find it strange why she wants to be Susan? Personally I find Lucy much more beautiful than Susan. Well well....the plot armor I guess.
Sorry english is not my main.
As most of you have noticed, I have not read any of the Narnia books. But I loved all the Narnia movies:D (yes include VDT;)). There's something that those movie made me realise something:
Sure Peter, Edmund and Susan are very good at fighting (especially peter). But Lucy is the one who actually saves all of them. It was Lucy who introduced the Pevensies to Narnia, she was the one who always believed in Aslan, brought help to Peter and Edmund during the climatic battle of LWW and PC (where she saved Narnians and Caspian X), she also stopped Edmund and Caspian from falling into temptation in VDT (yes I know Aslan is the one who helped them in the book). Those actions also brought peace to Narnia. Sure she have some jealousy of Susan, but she quickly over comes it. Her soul is so pure and innocent. I believe she is an guardian angel that hides amongst the Pevensies.
Anyone else share the same view?
I agree with you mostly Cipher. I think that since Lucy is so quiet, she payes attention to the little things. Edmund and Peter fall to temptation easy. Especially Edmund who has a lust for power. I think that no one really notices Lucy because she has a small stature and attitude. She goes behind the scenes and helps out.
(this may not be the best post, but its what I think)
Founder of the Switchfoot Club.
Co-founder of the newly restored Edmund Club! Check it out on the Talk About Narnia forum!
^She is always the savior . Personally, I find that she is the strongest of the Pevensies. I think she should've been the supreme ruler instead of Peter. Lucy takes care of governing the land while Peter takes care of any warfare situations
Although Lucy is a lot like a angel, she still has her flaws. In the movies, she does get jealous of Susan, but she also fails to stand up for seeing Aslan to her siblings (I might be wrong on that one). In the books, she does have some flaws in PC and VDT (they're mostly the same with the movies, though).
For one thing, she may be great in some things, but not with everything else. Peter was more fit for being the High King because he was older, more kinglike, and, well, magnificent. But Lucy didn't mind, and besides Peter being in a higher seat than them, all of the Pevensies took equal jobs in ruling Narnia. Peter and Edmund do struggle with issues sometimes, in both the movies and the books, but they eventually see their mistakes and grow from them, just as Lucy does.
And I don't think being quietly observant is what brought Lucy to do all those things. Her childlike innocence and faith were what got her to find Narnia first in LWW and see Aslan first in PC. She was sent out to find Aslan, because of her faith in him. And because Coriakin warned her before, she was able to stop Edmund and Caspian from doing harm to each other (I liked it better in the book, though).
So, because of her amazingly strong faith in Aslan and desire to follow him, she became the character with the most heart in the series. Of course, she's not perfect, and she usually realizes this, but she'll do what she can to do what's right at all times. I wouldn't call her a guardian angel, but I'd call her a light and inspiration among the Pevensies and many other Narnians.
After all, in the end, she's not the real saviour, but Aslan is.
Ah I know Aslan is THE savior:D. But I personally find Lucy is the strongest character of the Pevensies. Yes she have flaws, who doesn't have it? Lucy is my favorite Narnia character. Maybe it's Georgie Henley's portrayal her? I saw a picture of Lucy in the old BBC Narnia version. I don't know how good her portrayal in that series is, but to be honest (and not use any harsh language), her look could not compare to Georgie's.
Great role, as always. I think it's not Su's voice. Maybe it's a coincidence? Georgie is older than Lucy is supposed to be. OK, Susan's voice can be in two scenes, you know. And I found BBC versions on Youtube and in both new adaptations and older is cute.
Lucy:Do you remember who really defeated the White Witch?
Peter: Yes.
Lucy:Do you both believe in Narnia?
Narnians, Caspian and Edmund:We believe.
Susan and Peter:Shut up.
I watched “Elizabeth: The Golden Age” (2007) on DVD last night. I really liked it! And it occurred to me afterward how much this “woman warrior queen” [movie tagline] is like Lucy. Elizabeth I reigned during England’s “Golden Age.” So do Lucy and her siblings, in Narnia. Elizabeth’s reign is like a light dawning in England, an age of tolerance and exploration. Lucy means “light” and through Aslan she brings light to Narnia after 100 years of winter. Elizabeth valiantly went into battle with her subjects, dressed like a man. I wonder if Lucy does the same in HHB. She does this in a few Narnia fanfics. Elizabeth is the “virgin queen.” So is Lucy. The only difference is the far greater measure of faith Lucy exhibits, namely her alone time with Aslan. I can’t see Elizabeth doing this. So, did Lewis have her in mind when he created Lucy? What do you guys think?
When Georgie was in Japan VDT premiere with Ben...she had glasses on. ... apan05.jpg ... apan03.jpg
I think she looks good with the glasses ...but someone said she wears contacts alot...(obviously, because I never new she needed glasses until a few months ago!)
Anyway...does anyone have any more everyday/life pics of her in glasses?
Could you post the here?
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2
Georgie attended the Legally Blonde Musical Press Night @ the Savoy Theater in London last night.
Adorable pictures!! Her dress is really pretty - very simple, but classy. I love how the hand bag spices it up. Her hair is gorgeous as well, though I don't think it's especially flattering.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
I love how all these pics I keep seeing of her, she keeps her look simple and it looks gorgeous! A lot of people try too hard on their clothes so I think her look is refreshing!
I also agree with Elanor, I like the bag...and I have to say that I've never seen shoes quite like hers, I think I'm in love with them.
Credit for this awesome signature goes to Tarkheena! Thanks SO much T!
I found this interview with Georgie, but it's in French. Could someone post an English translation here please? Thanks
Voici une interview de Georgie Henley pour le magazine de mode FLAUNT, pour lequel a fait un photoshoot dans un hôtel.
Il était en anglais et je l'ai traduit avec Google, donc c normal s'il est bizarre, je n'ai pas pu tout corriger, dsl. J'espère que c compréhensible!
En tout cas c choquant, notre petite Lucy serait-elle une rebelle?
Georgie Henley par Tahirah Conliffe
Une journée typiquement anglaise à l'hôtel Dorchester de Londres: très pertinente pour l'ensemble du photoshoot d'aujourd'hui avec la fraiche, jeune actrice anglaise, Georgie Henley Lucy Pevensie alias de The Chronicles of Narnia trilogie. Les histoires de Narnia sont des classiques, écrit par CS Lewis dans les années 1950, sur le bien et le mal, les ténèbres et la lumière, et le sacrifice habituel et la renaissance. Cela vous semble un peu familier? Eh bien, vous savez votre Bible. Matthieu 28:1-10 chapitre.
La grandeur de l'hôtel évoque le sentiment de perte de Narnia. Il ajoute également à l'anticipation d'une rencontre avec une action de 15 ans chez les adolescents. Dès l'âge de huit ans, Henley a partagé son temps entre sa ville natale de Ilkley, West Yorkshire, dans un uniforme de l'école avec ses cheveux tirés en arrière, en travaillant à travers "les cours de maths" et sur un plateau de tournage entouré par les équipes de tournage et, à certains moments, des acteurs bourrus. L'équipe de photo se prépare pour le tournage, curieuse de savoir si nous sommes ou non d'être confronté à une actrice-enfants stéréotypée.
Quand on lui demande comment elle se sent alors qu'elle sait que des vêtements de Prada, Paul Smith, Christian Louboutin, etc l' attendaient, elle déclare avec enthousiasme, «Vraiment! J'aime la mode et l'ai beaucoup expérimentée quand j'étais plus jeune. Je suis passé par BCBG; brillant, couleurs kitsch. Je portais des trucs assez brut, comme tout le monde en a! "Henley parle ouvertement et confortablement. Elle surprend, non pas avec ses airs de ressemblance a une fille, mais avec sa confiance précoce. A cet instant, elle n'a pas 15 ans, elle en a 30. "Je sens que je vis deux vies, presque", admet-elle. «C'est surréaliste pour moi et je ne m'ennuie jamais. Jamais! Réalité contre la fantaisie. Mes amis ne me voient jamais dans cette situation et nous n'en parlons jamais. Nous discutons normalement de sujets plus importants comme-"
"De vos coup de foudre?" Votre exclame intervieweur.
"Pas du tout!" Dit-elle, descendit. Puis elle tombe dans les confidences et murmure: «Je préfère les hommes plus âgés, vraiment, ce qui est assez énervant. J'aime Bill Nighy, qui est comme un grand-père. Je pense qu'il est incroyable. J'aime aussi Russell Brand, et de la fantaisie de Simon Cowell. C'est pourquoi je regarde The X Factor ... Ummm! "Elle pense profondément à plus d'hommes qu'elle fantaisies.
"Johnny Depp est sérieusement talentueux et vraiment magnifique-, il serait mon rêve co-star, ce qui est bizarre parce qu'il est assez vieux pour être mon père." Elle soupire. «J'aime aussi Marion Cotillard. Elle est incroyable, superbe, et talentueuse. J'aimerais travailler avec elle ou être son enfant. "
Elle poursuit. Elle est sur une lancée: "Kristen Stewart m'inspire. Je la respecte pour être fidèle à elle-même, ne sont pas conformes ou faire ce que les gens lui dire. Elle gère la renommée vraiment bien. Je pense que la célébrité est ce que vous en ferez. Si vous ne voulez pas que la gloire, vous pouvez toujours pratiquer votre métier. "Est-ce ce que veut Georgie? Veut-elle se transformer en une forte actrice confiante que les jeunes peuvent regarder comme modèle?
Que nous réserve l'avenir pour Henley? "Continuer en agissant», répond-elle. «Je ne peux pas m'imaginer faire quelque chose qui me donnerait plus de satisfaction dans ma vie. C'est peut-être de grands mots pour une petite fille, mais c'est comme ça que je ressens. Vous n'allez jamais rien apprendre si vous restez dans le même monde fermé. Mon avenir est assez ambiguë. Je ne sais vraiment pas ce que je vais faire, il ya tellement d'options. J'aimerais expérimenter la musique et être dans un groupe. Ce serait formidable. "
Henley a clairement une détermination rare pour une fille de son âge, sans doute le signe d'un bel avenir d'actrice. Mais peut-être il ya quelque chose plus profond que un plongeon se précipita dans l'âge adulte. «Je suis un peu différente," dit-elle, "et non pas dans le bon sens, la plupart du temps." Est-il possible que ce doux visage est juste une façade qui lui permet de s'en tirer avec un état d'esprit sombre et quelque peu macabre?
"Vous allez être l'une de ces actrices enfance qui se transforme en une Charlotte Church, en tournant le dos à l'innocence juvénile."
«Vous avez parfaitement raison," sourit Henley. "C'est ce que je prépare maintenant."
Et les photos qui vont avec!
(taken from here:
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2
I translated as best I could! Enjoy the interview.
Here's an interview with Georgie Henley for the style magazine "FLAUNT", for which she did a photoshoot in a hotel.
The photoshoot and interview was in english and I translated it with google, so it's naturally a little weird because it's not all correct. I hope that it's understandable!
Though it's shocking, is our little Lucy a rebel?
"Georgie Henley, by Tahirah Conliffe"
A typical English day at the Dorchester Hotel in London: very appropriate for the clothing of today's photoshoot with the fresh, young, English actress, Georgie Henley, known to most as Lucy from the Chronicles of Narnia trilogy. The Narnia stories are classics, written by C.S. Lewis in the 1950's on the subjects of good and evils, shadows and light, sacrifice and rebirth. Does that sound a little familiar? Well then, you know your Bible: Matthew, chapter 28, verses 1-10.
The grandeur of the hotel evoked a sentiment not unlike that of Narnia. It also adds to the anticipation of a meeting fifteen years in the making.
Since the age of eight, Henley shared her time between her hometown of Ilkley, West Yorkshire, in a school uniform with braids in her hair, and working on Math courses on a film set surrounded by the film crew, and, at certain times, some very famous actors. The shooting crew prepares itself for the filming, curious to know if they are going to be confronted by a child-actress stereotype or not.
When we ask her how she feels about wearing clothes from Prada, Paul Smith, Christian Louboutin, etc., she says enthusiastically, "Really, I love fashion and I've experimented with it alot since I was little. I've spent time wearing BCBG; brilliant colors. I've worn some pretty ugly things, too, like the rest of the world."
Henley speaks openly and comfortably. She surprises us, not with her girlish looks, but with her precocious confidence. At this moment, she isn't fifteen, she's thirty. "I almost feel like I live two lives," admits Georgie, "It's surreal for me, and I'm never bored. Never! Reality is my fantasy. My friends never see me in this kind of situation and we never talk about it. We talk normally about more important things like--"
"About your first loves?" an interviewer asks.
"Not at all!" she says, coming down. Then she loses her confidence and murmurs, "I prefer older men, actually, which is irritating. I like Bill Nighy, who's like a grandfather. I think that it's incredible. I also like Russel Brand, and men like Simon Cowell. That's why I watch The X Factor." She thinks awhile about the men that she fancies.
"Johnny Depp is seriously talented and really magnificent. He would be my dream co-storry, which is weird because he is old enough to be my father." She sighs. "I also like Marion Cotillard. She's incredible, superb, and talented. I would like to work with her or be her kid."
She continues; she is on a role: "Kristen Stewart inspires me. I respect her for being faithful to herself, not conforming or doing what everyone tells her to do. She manages the renown very well. I think that fame is what you do with it. If you don't want glory, you can always practice your profession."
What does Georgie want? Does she want to become a strong, confident actress whom the young can look at as a role model?
What is in store for Henley? "To continue in acting," she responds. "I can't imagine myself doing something that gives me more satisfaction in life. Maybe that's big talk for a little girl, but it's how I feel. You won't ever learn if you stay in the same closed world. My future is ambiguous enough. I don't really know what I'm going to do; there are many options. I would like to try music and be in a group. That would be awesome."
Henley clearly has a rare determination for a girl of her age, without a dought the sign of a beautiful future as an actress. But maybe there's something more profound that anticipates how she will change as an adult. "I'm a little different," she says, "and not in the best sense, most of the time." Is it possible that this sweet face is just a mask which serves to hide a sombre and maybe a little macabre spirit?
"You're going to be one of those child actress who becomes a Charlotte Church, turning back on childhood innocence."
"You're perfectly right," smiles Henley, "That's what I'm preparing to do now."
And the photos which go with it!
(taken from here:
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
I really enjoyed the interview, thanks so much sweeet!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby