Personally, I always thought Jill had light brown hair that came to about her shoulders. As far as personality goes, she is most definitely spunky. And a lot more argumentative then either Susan or Lucy. And ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY NO ROMANCE BETWEEN HER AND EUSTACE. And not between her and Edmund either, that would be weird. If there's going to be a romance in Last Battle, it should be between Tirian and Lucy. I don't think there should be, but Tirian thinks Lucy is really pretty and has a really nice voice. Oh, Jill does "fall in love" with someone in the book, Jewel the Unicorn. No, seriously, that's the phrase used. "Jill had, as you might say, quite fallen in love with the Unicorn."
I like the idea of around shoulder length. That might look good on Jill. I was thinking a little longer, in my opinion. Not WAY long, maybe around the middle of her back. I don't really know. What do you think about highlights in her hair? I don't think so, because everything in both the SC and the LB made me think of her as really, earthy, natural, down to earth. If she looks fake, then she is fake. And I don't believe Jill is like that. Plus, I'm not so sure they had highlights like they do today. That might be a tad bit strange...
I Like: Your mischevious smile, your rather weird hair, your perverse mind, our occasional annoying conversations, the funny random noises you make, the burning touch of your fingetips on my skin, how you know most of the things on my mind...
Yeah, I do not, at all, want her to look fake. That would be really, really, horrible! 'Natural highlights', as long as they look 100% natural, are fine, but not a lot of girls are like that, so I don't know. Maybe.
As for her hair, I picture dirty blond. Georgie's hair in PC is light brown (I THINK it looks light brown, anyway) and I don't want Jill bearing too resemblance to the Pevensies. I'd rather that be avoided if possible. But I'm not to worried about it, what matters is if the actress can act. (I for one,find it extremely brave to stand up in front of my class, so I'll probably think she's pretty good. ) And the casting directors are great when it comes to that.
Oh, yes, and please- NO JILL ROMANCE AT ALL! I didn't like the suspian romance, it didn't belong. I don't think a Jill romance does either.
Dirty blond seperates her from the pevensies and green eyes would look stunning w/ the dirty blonde!!! btw, how do y'all want jill to progress in maturity? Do you think she should be sorta babyish(nervous, rude, selfish, etc.) in the beginning and be more grown-up in the end? Or should be less of a noticeable change?
I saw the movie....and was disappointed
Good point A_Narnian_Ship. It is very important how Jill should progress in maturity.
I think it should be over the course of the Silver Chair AND The Last Battle.
Like, in the beginning, she could be pretty childish, and at the end of the Silver Chair, she could have grown up a little.
Then when she comes back to Narnia for the second time, she could be a lot more mature.
This could be just from age, or from it being her ssecond visit to Narnia. What do you think?
I Like: Your mischevious smile, your rather weird hair, your perverse mind, our occasional annoying conversations, the funny random noises you make, the burning touch of your fingetips on my skin, how you know most of the things on my mind...
btw, how do y'all want jill to progress in maturity? Do you think she should be sorta babyish(nervous, rude, selfish, etc.) in the beginning and be more grown-up in the end? Or should be less of a noticeable change?
A more noticeable change is definitely in keeping with the books. She was very selfish and rude in the beginning of SC, but by the time they got to Harfang, she decides to take the blame for muffing the signs and walking past the Ruined City. In the Underworld, she's courageous enough to be complimented by Prince Rillian when facing the Serpent/Witch Queen.
In LB, she say's she'd rather be killed fighting for Narnia than die at home, in England, another instance of her courage. She isn't proud (I'm thinking of when Tirian asks if she can use a bow, and she says "Nothing worth talking if. Eustace isn't bad, though."), and she is compassionate to Puzzle, even to the point of standing up for him when he is threatened by Tirian.
That is a huge jump from what we see in SC.
Then when she comes back to Narnia for the second time, she could be a lot more mature.
This could be just from age, or from it being her ssecond visit to Narnia. What do you think?
Age does not indicate maturity. I know twenty-year-olds who act like thirteen-year-olds. It's a matter of character.
So true, age isn't the cause for how mature you are. A 60 year old man could act as if he is an immature teen boy(If you get my meaning).
I think she should show her maturity by how much she can stand up for herself compared to before, doesn't whine alot anymore, less concerned for herself and more for others aswell as more self assured.
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~Merry Christmas From Lostin1800~
Yes, i agree lostin1800. And I don't think Jill proud or has a big head in LB, but does in the beginning of SC when she is crying, she doesnt want to talk to Eustace or have anything really to do with him and constantly complains.....
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saw the movie opening weekend and cried at the end!
Jesus DIED for ME and YOU!
Any hidden talents you think Jill might posses? I mean, not just in physical things, but in spiritual as well?
I saw the movie....and was disappointed
ok so,
Narnian Ship, I think she's quite compassionate. (if that's what you mean by spiritual talents). She doesn't like killing, and she saves Puzzle... although she has a bit of a temper ( remember the dwarfs in LB? ).
Right. She should be very compassionate towards other people. I'm not sure, but maybe she could be a little bit sensitive. Well, she should have a pretty hard shell on the outside, but on the inside I hope she will be a little more soft. In the beginning of the SC, she was crying because people had been bullying her. And her soft personality would come out a tiny bit more as the books go on. Don't get me wrong, Jill should be spunky, sort of snappy, and bossy, but I think she might become sweeter, and willing to accept that she made a mistake.
By the way, that Jill Pole better be able to act, or nothing that we want is going to happen.
I Like: Your mischevious smile, your rather weird hair, your perverse mind, our occasional annoying conversations, the funny random noises you make, the burning touch of your fingetips on my skin, how you know most of the things on my mind...
I'm sure she will, jillpolewannabe123. I can't imagine them(casting directors) picking someone who couldn't fulfill the part of jill. They did such a great job with the pevensies(debate is still on for caspian but oh well)
I saw the movie....and was disappointed
Does anyone know exactly how old Jill is supposed to be in SC? I’ve always thought Eustace and her were about nine or ten, but I don’t know for sure.
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Child Of God
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are... 1 John 3:1
Avatar by Gymfan! Thanks!
The Narnia timeline says she and Scrub were 9, but I'd personally think they'll make them older for the movie. Plus, no way will Will Poulter look 9.
Probably 14 or 15 since Poulter is so old(16) I can't really imagine my 9 year old cousin as jill...shes just too young
I saw the movie....and was disappointed