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[Closed] Jill Pole: Appearance, Personality, and Portrayal

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NarniaWeb Regular

I agree with all the last three posts, because I see her as (sorry, no offense) the selfish and whiny one, but matures from experiences, like mentioned, not like those "American teenagers who care about popularity..."; it's in the book, totally the opposite!

Posted : November 19, 2010 4:03 pm
NarniaWeb Fanatic

Sadly, Hollywood loves having "troubled"(aka: brats) kids in their movies and I'm afraid they might try do that in one of the Narnia movies before long(Eustace and Ed don't count because you are not supposed to like them).(

I sort of disagree with that. Hollywood is all about wanting to have characters go through a big change. It can be anything that is wrong with the character or not at all. In Jill's case she is unconfident and really whinny. So I basically hope that she is somewhat annoying (not bully annoying) in the first to middle of the second act and then we start to see a warrior side of her. that's all I'm hoping for.

Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!

Posted : November 19, 2010 6:12 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

DamselJillPole, I think Aragorn2 was referring to films in which the kids are a centerpeice, and usually turn out to be right all the time (whilst their immature doofus parents learn their lessons from said brats X( ). At least I think that's what Aragorn2 is pointing at. One popular example I can think of is the Cheaper by the Dozen films. Twelve snots. Two parents. Yet the snots are infinitely smarter and right-er than their parents, and in the end the world succombs to the reason and rightness of aforementioned snots.

I don't want Jill ending up like that. I hope she's not presented as 'troubled', she's just plain wrong, as she is in the books.

Posted : November 22, 2010 7:14 pm
Lucy of Narnia
NarniaWeb Guru

I definitely want Jill to have an unexpected depth to her character. After all, every part of the Narnia books that were (in my opinion) a bit bland, the movie has spiced right up! So I'm really hoping we won't have the book or BBC Jill, but a real, living, breathing deep movie-character Jill, changed not all too much from the book, but enough so that we love her as much as Lucy and Susan, though as a completely different character.


Lucy of Narnia

P.S. Can't wait to see VotDT soar through the box office top, then the producers jump on Silver Chair...I can hope, can't I? :)

Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!

Posted : December 3, 2010 12:53 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

I find it interesting Madeline Carrol was brought up as a possible actress choice... in an interview- it's a bit of a poor one, not very professional, I mean- you can hear her tell a man in the background, "Oh, really? I'll pray for you" and later says "God bless!" That makes me want her for Jill instantly. :p ;;)

Yes, I do hope they don't mess up Jill's character arc. In all the films where kids are brats, they also seem to be 'troubled'. Apparently, Hollywood feels a need to cater and pad the egos of kids in general. Although I've heard critics love Will P. as Eustace- and VDT doesn't present HIM as troubled. So maybe the filmmakers will notice that when writing Jill...?

Hopefully. :)

Posted : December 6, 2010 9:58 am
Lucy of Narnia
NarniaWeb Guru

Oh and as far as physically...

I think Jill should be short, slim and pretty, but not beautiful. She should look plain at school, but be dazzling in her Narnia clothes. Her hair should be dirty blonde or light brown, her eyes hazel, green or brown, but nothing shocking or very bright. She should be simple, pretty and pale. But of course I loved how the BBC Jill looked so...maybe a bit biased?? 8-}

Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!

Posted : December 6, 2010 2:40 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

made by katherine

Posted : December 12, 2010 8:17 am
NarniaWeb Newbie

Lucy of Narnia: You read my mind :) that is EXACTLY how I picture her.
Lu_valient: I do think it's odd because they are nowhere near that in the beginning of SC, but that's just my opinion :P

Posted : December 12, 2010 2:04 pm
Lucy of Narnia
NarniaWeb Guru

Jill Pole, did you like the BBC Jill too?

Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!

Posted : December 12, 2010 2:24 pm
NarniaWeb Newbie

Yes of course! i thought she was born to be Jill :)

Posted : December 12, 2010 2:31 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

I kind of liked how although I know it doesn't make much sense because their not really friends at the beginning of the book! :/

~ N.Dreamer <3

Sig/Avatar made by the awesome opposom Eustace+Jill!! :)
Check the gate, Watch yourself! Check the gate, show m' what ya got! And check! :) Love it Skandar and Georgie!

Posted : December 12, 2010 7:10 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

Sadly, Hollywood loves having "troubled"(aka: brats) kids in their movies and I'm afraid they might try do that in one of the Narnia movies before long(Eustace and Ed don't count because you are not supposed to like them).I could give you a long list of movies where the ones you are supposed to be rooting are such jerks you almost want to turn the movie off.
They are probably going to try and expand the petty disagreements they have on the way to Harfang like they are doing with Lucy's beauty.
They had better not though X( X(

Ahh! I hope they don't!
If they make Jill Pole "brat-like" at the *beginning* that might not be so bad... cause she was kinda like one ( :D ) being picked on and all that... :)

Posted : December 14, 2010 11:29 am
NarniaWeb Guru

My cousin thought Jill was vbrat like when he read the book. So, they won't really be straying from character if they did. I think she and Lucy have their DLFs in common, since Jill's is Puddlegum then Puzzle. Hope they don't make her too much like Lucy in SC but more like her in LB.

My book on Amazon Kindle ... 572&sr=8-1

Posted : December 15, 2010 2:27 am
NarniaWeb Nut

eustacegirl:that's certainly true, i agree

Jill needs to be/do:
cry a lot
change greatly
not love Eustace

made by katherine

Posted : December 17, 2010 12:49 pm
Lucy of Narnia
NarniaWeb Guru

Yeah, Lu_valient, Jill needs to fight Eustace a lot, then at the very end they are friends. :)

Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!

Posted : December 18, 2010 6:53 am
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