I sort of imagine Jill's hair thick, shoulder length and wavy with skinny bangs
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Eustace+Jill: wow! Lucy Boynton would be perfect for Jill! that would be so cool!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
^ I like Lucy Boynton too, although she would be good for either the role of Jill or Polly. Jessica Barden is also a good choice! I guess I'm not too particular on who they choose. They've done well picking out the actors & actresses so far imo.
av by dot
Wow I'd definantly go with Lucy Boynton as Jill Pole, she looks a lot like what I imagined Jill to look like. When I first imagined her I thought of her with straight brown hair, but wavy hair is nice too, at any rate it shoud be brown, I wouldn't like a blonde Jill
always be humble and kind
I agree with you that Jill Pole should have dark hair but ofcourse that's probably because I have dark hair and who doesn't imagine themselves as their favourite character?! Any way I can't think of anyone off the top of my head who I think would be the obvious candidate for the role but hey what about me???
(JOKING) (NOT REALLY!) But in all seriousness I think that it should be someone fresh who people aren't saying has been in this that and the other as I think it adds to the magic not to know the Jill in any way before we first see her appear on the screen
In the books I read she was kind of childish (and she wouldn't want to hear that), but that was before she completed her 1st mission. Afterwards, she's grown. I thought I'd throw it out there.
I don't think someone famous should play Jill either, because we're trying to find someone that matches the definition of "a commom girl", so 'why don't I play her?'
(You mind if I copy you, therealjill?) Good luck if you want to play her!
Could I remind you ladies that this is not the place to talk about how you want to play the part, but to suggest actresses who might.
There is a place to talk about what you would like to do.
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
Thank you for reminding us,coracle.
I imagined Jill to have brown hair and no glasses, to be very unspecific.
But there are loads of the appropriate aged actresses and millions of other girls on the world that fit that description. I have no idea how to choose.
Does anyone think she should have freckles? I've seen lots of white girls (no insults) with freckles.
But I would 'die' or at least stop being a fan of Narnia if Jill had blond or red hair!
this is a Girl that I really think should play jill... she's actually my cousin, but she looks perfect for the part! she's 14 and really short (to her own dismay) 5 foot 1 inch.
Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air... ...your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"
You know that she needs to be able to speak with a British accent, right?
She does look pretty, you should tell her that.
Could I remind you ladies that this is not the place to talk about how you want to play the part, but to suggest actresses who might.
There is a place to talk about what you would like to do.
Here is the place that coracle was refering to for those who would like to cast themselves for a part; be it Jill Pole or any other Narnian character in a future film.
There is definitely no "a" in definite.
The Mind earns by doing; the Heart earns by trying.
I'm thinking maybe we should get off the topic of how we want Jill to look- since there's SO MANY differing opinions- and discuss how we want her to ACT. Not that talking about looks is unimportant, but it has been truly stated before that it's not so important how much an actress looks the part as how well she acts it. Take Georgie. She was about the complete opposite of golden haired (and I think Lucy may have had blue eyes in the books, but don't quote me on that) but nobody's complaining about her looks because she's such a great choice for Lucy. So, my point is, how do we, the NWebbers, want Jill to act in SC? Feminine, spunky, an adventurer, someone who wouldn't lie, a show-off (ok, she is a bit of a showoff in SC), a girl who is known for both smiling and frowning, generally happy with life, outspoken, a girl who isn't afraid to get dirty, a bit of a rash decision maker, very brave- brave enough to cry, in fact, smart, a bit sassy: this is how I see her. What does everyone else think?
Pray for Skandar member! PM Benjamin to join!
I saw the film on Opening Day!
When all else fails, read the Instructions!
I really hope they play up her sassiness -- especially to Eustace. After all, before he changed, he was probably pretty bad to her, and she didn't get over that right away.
I hope they don't make her some kind of heroine stereotype, though, and stray from her original personality. She had this sort of "attitude" in the book that I don't really know how to explain, but I liked it. And the movie-makers could so easily edit that out to make her more "likeable" in the movie -- or at least, what they think would be more likeable. It would be less-likeable to us...
I'd like her to be sort of...that she doesn't think much about "I've got to look pretty around boys!" and that she goes from being sort of quiet in the beginning of the movie (because she's being bullied) to get more "loud" as the movie goes on.
She has an attitude but i do think she cared about fashion, just not to Susan's extreme. She kepty her Nanrian dresses and when in Narnia, noticed LOTGK pretty dress. She is pretty likable and tender in LB> SHe's almost like Lucy but not as gentle.
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