Everyone should know that Susan was 13 in LWW because Anna and Andrew Adamson said so. Susan and Edmund are two years apart so that would have made Edmund 11 in LWW so 13 would be Edmund's right age in VDT because two years have now passed by.
Actually Andrew and Anna said she was an older 13 (almost 14). Edmund in LWW was played as 12, which isn't the two year gap they have in the book.
LWW seems to be early in the summer holidays one year, PC is the end of the summer a year later, which gives time for some of them to have had a couple of birthdays - and I think Edmund getting the torch for his birthday (in the book) must be one of them. That makes him 14 in PC, and 15 in VDT.
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
I was wondering if Eustace is a human at this time why doesn't he say no too. I mean, we have been told that he was a human at this time and he is a human in the picture of Ramandu's island.
Eustace is a dragon on RI, it would be a bit too weird if the dragon said no too
A message comes up when you go to Ramandu's Island. It reads as follows
"The stars guided you here, and they’ll guide you away, as well. You won’t find all the guidance you need in your first trip, so double back to this island later in your journey."
This leads me to believe thet will go to Ramandu's Island twice in the film. Perhaps Eustace is still a dragon the first time they see Lilliandil.
Eustace and Caspian are pretty far off from the rest of the group. They may have been photshopped in.
Also, in the seen where they both say no and Lucy rolls her eyes, Lucy's hair is pulled back. In the picture of Ramandu's Island it's down around her shoulders. It's quite likely these are pulled from two very different scenes.
A message comes up when you go to Ramandu's Island. It reads as follows
"The stars guided you here, and they’ll guide you away, as well. You won’t find all the guidance you need in your first trip, so double back to this island later in your journey."
This leads me to believe thet will go to Ramandu's Island twice in the film. Perhaps Eustace is still a dragon the first time they see Lilliandil.
Eustace and Caspian are pretty far off from the rest of the group. They may have been photshopped in.
Also, in the seen where they both say no and Lucy rolls her eyes, Lucy's hair is pulled back. In the picture of Ramandu's Island it's down around her shoulders. It's quite likely these are pulled from two very different scenes.
I was so happy to read that because they come back to RI in the book, so Caspian can marry Lilliandil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I am not worried about the whole "NO" thing. cause they are clearly going to show Caspain comming back to marry Lilliandil!!!!!!!!
But the thing is it is very confusing because Eustace is a boy in the pic and i thought he was a dragon???
and your right they do look photoshoped in, so does this mean that they come back before they go to Aslans Country?????
Here are some of my thoughts concerning the 'triangle'
I don't like it, when that whole scene played in the trailer, I almost fell off my seat. While I love the look Caspian has when he says 'you are most beautiful' I thought the line was very corny, then when he and Ed say 'NO' I was like "NOOOOO' lets not have Ed fall for Lilliandil too. While I know that it could be very natural for a young boy to say that to a very beautiful woman who has just said that she could change form, I still think it was extra. I don't like it and I should be very unhappy if they make somekind of triangle in the film. I mean it was bad enough with Susan and Caspian, now we get Lilliandil, Caspian and Edmund, I hope not . There wasn't anything like that in the book, why should they add it to the movie
always be humble and kind
I don't think it will be a big deal, but it seems kind of cheap to me.
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
If the Lucy-rolls-eyes is from a different scene, then my idea won't be correct, but I was thinking that she is rolling her eyes not at the two males both saying "No", but at the way they looked annoyedly at each other! As if she was thinking,"Silly boys, it doesn't matter!"
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
I almost think that we shouldn't think about this now because it seems like we have other things to think about that are more pressing but you never know. Although from a recent interview:
So, I am still wondering how they will get across that Caspian and RD are perfect for each other and not Edmund and her.
Although from a recent interview:
So, I am still wondering how they will get across that Caspian and RD are perfect for each other and not Edmund and her.
Well, technically,
There might be a surprising/disappointing lack of Caspian/Lilliandil romance in the movie. They will still love eachother, but I don't believe it will be a major plot point. After all, it was only mentioned a couple brief times in the book itself. I doubt the filmmakers are as focused on it as a lot of fans believe.
Honestly, it looks like Lilliandil is just there to provide exposition for the Dark Island and the Sleeping Lords. No reports mention her after her one appearance. It seems like the romance has been reduced to a cheesy rivalry with Edmund.
Winter Is Coming
Honestly, it looks like Lilliandil is just there to provide exposition for the Dark Island and the Sleeping Lords. No reports mention her after her one appearance. It seems like the romance has been reduced to a cheesy rivalry with Edmund.
That’s a bit disappointing. Why bother to give the star’s daughter a name and a more human edge to her personality to squander it on such trivialities? I had hoped she would be more than a guide. Now her secondary function is just to provide cheesy humor for a one time appearance! It’s ridiculous. In PC film makers build up a romance that is not present in the book. Now film makers have a romance that is within the book and under value it in the transition to the big screen. I realize that her part in the book is small. However they could have at least built it up to the level of Susan/ Caspian in PC. A kissing scene would not be necessary. I was certainly hoping for more than just a one time appearance for directions and silly jokes.
^^ It could be because VDT is being done by a different director. Michael Apted might not have wanted there to be much of a romantic element to it. Whereas, if Adamson was still the director, Lispian might have been played up a little more.
Yes. I realize that. Even if there is a new director I excepted a bit more than that. Its just a shame that the only conversation Lilliandil and Caspian have in the entire movie is a shallow and petty exchange of words. It would have been better to cut the dialogue all together. Perhaps if Edmund hadn`t joined in it wouldn`t have been so bad. Although it still wasn`t the best bit of dialogue. Oh well..
Is it their only scene of dialogue, though? There could easily be more, unless there was news about it I haven't heard yet... It could be that it's just the only part we see in the trailer.