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[Closed] Aravis Tarkheena

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NarniaWeb Junkie

This one looks a bit dark but I suppose HHB is a little dark...

What do you mean a little dark?!? :-o HHB is not a dark book at all! It occured in the Golden age of Narnia when Peter was the high King in Narnia. How can that be dark? Nothing has a dark bend to it either but instead there is the hope and adventure of getting to "Narnia and the North". The whole aspect of that is exiting and a focuses on the light not the dark. It it is a dark book you are looking for then LB would be a better choice. Now you may say, "but what about the Calormens, weren't they dark", Well I suppose they had they have their evil ways but Lewis was very artful in creating villains while still making them interesting and not painting a dark steak across the imaginations of all. If it is a dark book that you are looking for then LB is a better choice.

Sig by greenleaf23.

Posted : November 9, 2009 5:03 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

Arabesque/Watziznehm: I agree the pic is a little dark. But on looking at it again I like it very much. The expression on her face, the garments, the very mood of the picture I like. It looks a bit like an image of Aravis the night she runs away from her father's house or something. Very determined, and with a great color vibe. If you know what I mean...
Narnia Fanatic: Why thank you! Her name's Paulina Gerzon.

As for a Calormene look, I'd like to see something rather like Indian saris, they're so beautiful. Very drapey and with embriodery in all colors...I can easily see Lasaraleen in a bright pink sari with silver stitching on it!

Posted : November 11, 2009 10:27 am
NarniaWeb Regular

What do you mean a little dark?!? :-o HHB is not a dark book at all! It occured in the Golden age of Narnia when Peter was the high King in Narnia. How can that be dark? Nothing has a dark bend to it either but instead there is the hope and adventure of getting to "Narnia and the North". The whole aspect of that is exiting and a focuses on the light not the dark. It it is a dark book you are looking for then LB would be a better choice. Now you may say, "but what about the Calormens, weren't they dark", Well I suppose they had they have their evil ways but Lewis was very artful in creating villains while still making them interesting and not painting a dark steak across the imaginations of all. If it is a dark book that you are looking for then LB is a better choice.

I think you mistook my meaning. Yes, HHB took place during Peter's reign, but that was in Narnia were everthing was happy. The majority of the book took place in Calormen.
I agree, traveling to Narnia, searching for a better life, finding you are a long lost Prince, these things are not dark. What I specifically meant by dark was Aravis' escape from her step-Mother, her escape from an arranged marriage, and nearly killing herself. One would have to say that suicide is, well, dark. But that's about it. Calormen is after all an evil country. Narnia's not dark but I think, Calormen is a little. In my opinion, anything evil is just a bit dark...

LB is definitely a much much much more darker book. HB isn't really dark exactly. I just meant there were dark-ish parts. (Aravis planning to commit suicide..) That's all. But it's a very happy book that leave one feeling happy. And no. I am not looking for dark books....

Paulina Gerzon looks like a wonderful choice for Aravis ChristProclamer!

Avatar and siggy by lover of narnia!

Posted : November 18, 2009 8:31 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

Oh okay, I see what you mean. Yeah, the part where Aravis tries to kill herself but on a whole shes not a dark character.

I also agree that the Calormen's are a little dark because they are evil but don't you find them a little bit funny? I mean just a little bit? The Calormen's are to me just as ridiculous as they are evil.

Sig by greenleaf23.

Posted : November 19, 2009 7:39 am
Liberty Hoffman
NarniaWeb Master

I think Eliza Hope Bennet would be great for Aravis! if you dyed her hair and gave her a dark-ish complextion, she would be great! :D

NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are

Posted : December 17, 2009 8:12 am
NarniaWeb Regular

I don't, I don't think that... no definitely not. I just can't see her as Aravis (although we'd probably have to try that hair-dying thing ;) ). Also, now that we're in the hair, I think black, like, absolutely black hair would do, and NOT straight, or curly-afro-type, you know? just either wavy or loose curly. What I meant about the too much clothes and things on top of Eva Green in that picture, is that, even though Aravis IS royal, she hates all those fancy dresses and ornaments, so, maybe for some big dinner or something she would wear it, but she would hate it, and she would definitely NOT runaway in something like that (yep, she ran in her brother's armor...). I think the Indian culture is something very interesting to add to the HB movie, plus they do seem kinda similar cultures...

(Will) "I am Prince Caspian..." (Ben) "No you aren't, get off."

Topic starter Posted : February 9, 2010 11:00 am
NarniaWeb Guru

I agree that Aravis' hair should be a little wavey but not too straight or curly, but a little curl would look good. She also needs to have dark skin and brown eyes. :)
I love the suggestion of Paulina Gerzon. In my humble opinion I think she would make a great Aravis. (Im still hoping that they are going to make HHB :) )

Avatar and Signature by lover of narnia Thank you!

Posted : February 9, 2010 2:36 pm
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