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[Closed] Digory Kirke and Polly Plummer

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NarniaWeb Guru

I know many have wondered if they even will make all seven.
I know each depends on the success of the former, but some also have said that MN and HHB will be skipped, or can easily be skipped.

I Walden Media clearly wants to do all seven, I think they have said it even.
I just finished re-watching LWW and it ends clearly letting the audience know that Professor Kirke knows about Narnia. Without doing Magician's Nephew this question will not be answered, without the books, this will also present some problems with The Last Battle with two "friends of Narnia".

Any ideas on who should play these two characters?

Topic starter Posted : September 5, 2009 12:47 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

Well, I don't know, but I seriously want to have Polly as a blonde. I don't know, I've always imagined her as blonde, and I know a lot of people would like her blonde too. I actually think Polly should have a kind of Alice look from 'Alice in Wonderland'. At least that's what I think. And for Digory... hmm... What do you think about the boy who played Bruno in 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas'? It always seemed to me he had a kind of Digory look, but it all depends on what the Casting Directors think they should look like ;)

(Will) "I am Prince Caspian..." (Ben) "No you aren't, get off."

Posted : September 6, 2009 9:20 am
NarniaWeb Regular

I really think that Freddie Highmore would do a really good job. He's probably too old though... also, I've had a thought: another director should start making The Magician's Nephew into a movie, because none of the actors or actresses (i.e. Georgie Henley, Skandar Keynes, Ben Barnes...) would be in that movie, so they could make MN while they're making VotDT. Just a thought though... :)

Narnia Fan For Life

Posted : September 6, 2009 3:25 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Freddie Highmore is 17 or 18 at present. He is far too old for the part.

It's an interesting thought to be making MN while VODT is being made, but the point you brought up about Georgie, Skandar, and Ben's characters not being in the movie means that the movie can be made really at any point in the sequence of films. I think what they'll do is make the movies one at a time and see how each does. How each movie does at the box office usually dictates whether the next is going to be made.

I was thinking that a great actor for Digory (at least, as regards to looks) would be the kid who played the lead in The Water Horse, another Walden film. I don't remember his name right now, but he was also in a movie called Millions. He's exactly how I imagine Digory.

"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."

Posted : September 7, 2009 4:01 am
NarniaWeb Regular

His name is Alex Etel, but he's turning 15 next week, and I do think that's a bit old. He does look like Digory, but reminds me a lot of Will P., I don't know why, but I just wouldn't like Digory reminding me of Eustace. Here's a picture of him older

and one of him younger

What do you think of Asa Butterfield? He's the boy who played Bruno in the Boy in the Stripped Pyjamas, and turned 12 this April.

(Will) "I am Prince Caspian..." (Ben) "No you aren't, get off."

Posted : September 7, 2009 11:37 am
NarniaWeb Guru

Alex Etel is too old already but he would have been good.
The boy who played Bruno in Boys in Stryped Pyjamas (great movie BTW),
is a good actor, and if he was cast I'd be sure to get used to him but he doesn't have the look I normally associate with Digory.

Topic starter Posted : September 7, 2009 1:43 pm
Jill and Lucy
NarniaWeb Newbie
NarniaWeb Regular

I like them, but I think I would like it if Polly had green eyes.

(Will) "I am Prince Caspian..." (Ben) "No you aren't, get off."

Posted : September 11, 2009 1:20 pm
Lady of the Green Kirtle
NarniaWeb Regular

I don't know about Polly, but I think when they start looking for Digory they should look at pictures of the guy who played the professor in LWW as a kid, that would give them a good starting point (maybe cast one of his grandsons or something [if he has any]). We should also remember that he and Polly return to Narnia as adults in LB, so whoever gets her part, they will also have to cast a "grown-up" version when they make LB.

That's why I'm going to stand by the play world. I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't any Aslan to lead it. I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn't any Narnia. -Puddleglum

Posted : September 29, 2009 9:00 pm
Georgie Fan
NarniaWeb Regular

WHat do you think Polly will be like in the movie?

What did you think of her in the book?

What do you think she'll look like?

Just talk about Polly here!! xD

I <3 Asa Butterfield

I only take orders from one person.
That would be me.
-Han Solo-

Posted : October 20, 2009 2:03 pm
polly plummer
NarniaWeb Regular

Just had to post on this topic!

Strangely enough considering my user name I didn't particularly take to Polly in the book. But I did think she's a strong character with a lot of good qualities - brave, honorable, loyal ...
but I wish her character could have been expanded a bit

i think in the movie she should have long dark hair and be a bit of a know it all - a bit of a female Eustace but without the negative qualities if you know what I mean. More like Eustace in SC than in VDT, or maybe like Hermonie in Harry Potter

Posted : October 31, 2009 12:22 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

Wind_Eagle and narnian1: I have had my heart set on Asa Butterfield for Digory since I saw The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas last year. He is perfect. He's not exactly how I imagined Digory, but I don't expect them to find my dream Digory. He is a great actor (coincidentally, also found by LWW casting director Pippa Hall). Supposing MN were filmed in 2013 (as I figure it) he'd be 16, putting Digory at about 15, which is a probable enough age, considering that moviemakers always like to make characters older. I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who thought of him.
Jill and Lucy: I looked at your suggestions, and I like Mira Reisinger (#3) best for Polly. I looked her up on Imdb, though and couldn't find her. What has she been in?

Posted : October 31, 2009 3:49 pm
Lucy P.
NarniaWeb Nut

Alex Etel is one of my favorite child actors, but he is to old.
I do like Asa Butterfield, though I never saw The Boy in the Striped Pajamas so I don't know if he's good actor.

Quod Erat Demonstrandum

Posted : November 2, 2009 10:01 am
NarniaWeb Nut

I think Polly will be the character in the Narnia series with the most common sense. She is also very shy at first but only at first. ;)

I saw the movie....and was disappointed

Posted : November 2, 2009 10:17 am
NarniaWeb Guru

Oh dear, I really hope they keep the characters ten at the very oldest. They're not supposed to be big at all- I'd really hate it if they "grew them up".

Filmmakers nowadays seem to think that younger kids can't act. However, younger kids have proven time and time again that they can! Take Georgie Henley, for example. I'd like Digory and Polly to be about the age she was when she filmed LWW.

Also something that's annoying is that filmmakers seem to think that younger kids can't think or act maturely at age ten or so. It's the plague of my life. Some roles are just played better by a younger actor, no matter how talented the older actor is. It just...fits.

"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."

Posted : November 2, 2009 1:16 pm
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