StudyMate: um, I don't like fact I hate them!
but the woods behind GTG's house are awesome anyway!
I took a walk today and I was singing really loud and suddenly a mailman comes walking up the road and I'm so into my singing I don't notice. then he says, "Hi!" and I almost tripped! it was funny! it's funny the things you do when you think you are alone.....
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
At about 2-6 PM every sunny day, there's a specific time when the sun will come streaming in the entire of my room and the light floor reflects it back, giving the room an airy, spacious feel. It's so nice to sit by the window and read or write.
Living in the city doesn't provide numerous opportunities to see nature, but when we walk by certain areas or travel to the country-ish places, it's lovely to be alone and look around leisurely.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
I love to be alone in my bedroom when my kids are asleep. I'm mostly online, drinking some tea and some sort of snack. I also get "me"time when they are in school and I get to go out somewhere, even if its only the park or stay in the house and take a nap
...much needed, I might add...
"We have nothing if not belief"
I like being alone in my room, listening to music or on my laptop. I also like being alone when I go running, or hiking when I'm on vacation somewhere (I'm always hiking with at least one other person to be safe, but sometimes we get separated a little).
I like being alone when I drive anywhere too, listening to music.
I actually really enjoy being alone, lol. I like people a lot, but I get worn out when I'm around people and eventually need to 'recharge'
Liberty Hoffman wrote:
took a walk today and I was singing really loud and suddenly a mailman comes walking up the road and I'm so into my singing I don't notice. then he says, "Hi!" and I almost tripped! it was funny! it's funny the things you do when you think you are alone.....
I know how that feels! About the only time I'm really alone is when I'm cooking dinner, and I do things like talk out loud to myself (I like making up stories, and I occassionally get carried away with the moment and start saying it out loud
) and or start rocking out when one of my favorite Skillet songs turns on...and then, right when I'm in the middle of it, someone comes in!!! Oh, well...
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RL sibling to De_De and wild rose
^^ yeah that also happens to me when I'm reading alone in my room. it will be something like this: there I am, reading a really awesome book. when I read books that are suspensful, I will start to talk to the characters, giving them advice and such. so I will be there, reading and hollering at someone in the book to be careful - and my sister will come in and look at me.
and I will shut up and go back to reading quietly
you like Skillet? awesome! I love listening to Skillet when I am alone because I will sing each song at the top of my lungs!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I like being alone when i do study and homework, in my room. Reading also and sewing, i hate people watching me.
i hate people watching me.
That is a serious phobia of mine.
Every time I go into a public resturant I always hate it when people have to stare so i usely get a booth facing the opposite of everyone else so I can actually have some alone time.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Yeah i feel very akward when people are looking at me while i am, doing work. I like to spend a lot of time alone...
I'll sit in the quietest area to do work at college. They have benches almost everywhere and I have this spot that I like to go behind bushes but every time I get to doing my work some guy friend has to sit next to me and talk talk talk
It's hard to avoid and shut them up.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
The mall so I can think clearer on things while looking at stuff,
Hmm, I do that to! There's something very calming in walking about throngs of people in your own little world.
I hate crowds and would really rather by lying in the middle of the woods starring up at the leopard and the ship..
er the North star, Orion and his dogs, and the Big dipper.
Referring to the first two quotes, not me. Since I cannot abide malls (or crowds), I avoid them like the plague (just about wrote "plaque"
). So, I am totally with beloved here in much preferring to be outside in nature, being inspired by its beauty, both on earth and in the expanse of the night sky.
I'm a huge fan of carrying a book around with me and plopping myself down anywhere and entering me+book time. You can do it anywhere and still feel alone and relaxed
Definitely! I always have my 'waiting book' with me and can lose myself in its world when I have to wait for something/someone, which is a lovely 'alone' time as I become immersed in the writing.
I actually really enjoy being alone, lol. I like people a lot, but I get worn out when I'm around people and eventually need to 'recharge'
Ditto! Despite my more outgoing personality, I am definitely an introvert and very much need to 'take a break' from being with people after awhile.
Aside from being out in nature, my 'reading chair' is my favourite alone spot in my home. I can settle in there with a book and feel so safe and cozy. I also love going for a jog and walk at night. Once a week I go with a dear friend, but other than that, I prefer to be by myself. Lots of time for thought and prayer. Even though I wouldn't have enjoyed this as much when I was younger, I really like going to a movie by myself, now and then. Yep, love any of those alone times.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
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My favorite place is for sure my room. It's just, well, MY room. Everything in it is just how I like it, all my books and things are out, I just love it
I am definetly NOT one of those people who can carry books around with them, and just "plop down and read" I can only read when there's absolute quiet around me (except for occasionaly some music playing, of my own choice of course), and if there's people to watch then there's no awy I could concentrate on my book, no matter how interesting! Besides, when I read a book, taking it out of my home and reading it in the midst of a busy place always feels strange, out of context somehow. But we were taking about places to be alone... *cough cough*
I enjoy being alone while shopping. I don't really like waiting around for other people to look at stuff, I just like to get my shopping done, even though I enjoy it.
I also like watching movies by myself, theaters or at home. I'm very particular about who I watch movies with as sometimes people don't like it when you talk (which I do) or something they talk too much, even for me, or whatever. Plus I love being all alone in a big dark theater.
I'm generally more of a loner, if you can't tell already No matter how much I enjoy being with friends, I always need time to zone out and not have to think about anything, I just can't function otherwise.
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
Well whenever i look at things in the mall, or anywhere else I get this OCD feeling of choosing something one way or the other to get something done. I don't know it's weird but it calms me down and gives me a sense of where to go with ideas that I have, etc. I'm the kind of person who needs to do things on my feet while i'm thinking. When I'm alone I tend to think a lot.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
I just went on a peaceful walk a few minutes ago. I had my headphones on and I was listening to Falling Up's CD "Crashings" and it was so awesome!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I love listening to music in my car or my mp3's on computer like I am right now. I'm alone in my house and listening music when no one is around is always very pleasant.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!