if you are like me, then you are social, but like to be alone sometimes.
I will sit for hours and read a book in my room, but if someone enter, then I get socail again. but I love what I call 'me time'. when I can be alone with no interuptions and can do what I want.
what are some of your favorite times and places to be alone? what do you do in your 'me time'?
one of my favorite places to be alone is my room. I share it with my sister, but I get lots of time alone there. I will read or write or do some knitting.
and I love being alone by myself!
I will confess - I talk to myself all the time! when I am home alone, I will talk to myself the whole time! and when I am riding my bike I talk to myself!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
My favorite places to be alone is on the internet while listening to music, The mall so I can think clearer on things while looking at stuff, or outside during the day with a pen and some paper to write stories or a screenplay.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
I like to be in my bed alone. Just lie on it and stare out my window. I'm a pretty quiet person so I usually do this every morning and night and whenever I can during the day just to calm myself...from whatever noise is in the house (we're a family of 7, so, yeah...) . I like to be alone when I'm on the computer b/c otherwise my siblings whine about how it's their turn
. I like to shop for clothes alone b/c I have very different taste from everyone else I know and only I know what clothes look good on me
. I like to read alone so I'm not interrupted. Same with practicing piano. And I like to ride my bike alone. I don't usually talk to myself but I sing whenever I'm doing anything with no one else around
I'm blessed to live in an apartment complex at the very edge of town that has a beautiful, untouched creek running in a small canyon just at the bottom at my building. It's full of poison oak and thistles, but it's also incredibly beautiful and has the most gorgeous trees. Right by the stream there's a piece of broken concrete that is in the shape of a bench that I love to sit on and pray or read and listen to the stream go by.
Whenever I want to truly be alone I go down to a creek about 1/8 of a mile from my house. The creek has everything I love: water, rocks ledges, pretty pebbles, overhanging branches from trees. It's a beautiful spot and usually the only manmade noises (other than me) are cars passing over the bridge.
@ Kate, I guess you and I have similar tastes!
Sheldon: A neutron walks into a bar and asks how much for a drink. The bartender replies "for you, no charge".
Proud sister of an Aspie (Aspergers)
Hannah's Scribblings
GTG: yeah, I sing when I'm alone. I sing everywhere, mostly when I'm alone. I sing in the shower, on my bike, in the yard (alone ), washing dishes, in bed, on the sofa!
I sing outside on the front porch a lot!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
our house is in the middle of a swamp and despite being muddy and buggy, it's quite beautiful and mystical. I really like it back there. It's very peaceful and ethereal. But I rarely go alone b/c we have, um, bears in our woods...yeah...
^^ oh yeah, those woods! it is a nice place to be, but not only are there bears, but there are ticks......
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
^yeah I like it better in the winter, when all the bugs are frozen solid, you know? Seriously though, it is better in the winter. Instead of being covered in ferns (like that part in PC!) it has snow and ice everywhere, and it's much easier to get around. But it's very peaceful and quiet either way
When I was younger I always wanted my dad to make me a "cuby". I didn't have my own room so I wanted a small space that could be mine. Where it was quiet, and I could be alone, and no one could touch my stuff . When we moved to another house we discovered a small closet and a little space by our stairs that would have both worked perfectly...then we found out I was allergic to dust
DamselJillPole; The mall so I can think clearer on things while looking at stuff.
Hmm, I do that to! There's something very calming in walking about throngs of people in your own little world. (And spotting the odd 'stuff' to buy is nice to).
Liberty Hoffman: oh yeah, those woods!
it is a nice place to be, but not only are there bears, but there are ticks......
So....I take it you like ticks? Or the thought of them? Hehe sorry but your grinning smiley made me laugh. Bears! I've never seen bear, let alone lived in the woods with one. That is very cool. The closest thing to bears where I live are the big black cows in the field nearby (which is random, because I don't live in the country or anything...but hey, a field is nice to be sort of alone if you don't mind the prying eyes of cows).
'Me time' is such a lovely concept -I think I like having me time in the car, driving to and from places. Not very serene, especially in traffic, but it's good thinking time -especially driving in the evening, when the roads are quite empty.
Other than those places, I'm a huge fan of carrying a book around with me and plopping myself down anywhere and entering me+book time. You can do it anywhere and still feel alone and relaxed (pluses are when 'anywhere' includes a kettle and some biscuits -which in American translates to tea and cookies.)
Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions
In my heart. Like why are we here?
And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?
~Jack Johnson
thanks to Lys for my avvy
We live right next to a park (it borders our back yard) I like walking there alone because its so peaceful and quiet. Another place I like to be alone is my bed. On the wall by my bed I have a bunch of posters, pictures etc. so I love just lying and looking at them
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
When I want to be alone I go to the park that's by our house. I am generally a shy person and love to be alone. There's something special about silence, I somehow feel closer to God when I am alone in nature. The window by my bed is another favorite spot of mine, I room with my two younger sisters but there are still times in the day when I'm alone in the room and that's when I sit on the sill looking out. It is especially pleasant when the window is blowing in my direction, or at night when everyone is sleeping I like to sit by the open window and listen to the nightingales singing. Also there is a pond not far away, I rarely go there alone, if I happen to go there I am usually accompanied by my mom and two younger sisters, but still when we get there I usually climb up a tree and sit there all by myself. I guess I'm kinda weird, I prefer solitude (preferably in somewhere nature) to company
always be humble and kind
Bears! I've never seen bear, let alone lived in the woods with one. That is very cool.
well, kinda. B/c we have alot of nature around. We get deer in our yard all the time. But it's not especially nice to have bears b/c we can't go outside alone .
I used to be alone at work. I work in someone's house, to take care of them, and lately I've been working the graveyard (but that ends this week). It's so peaceful and I do lots of reading (I can finish an entire Star Wars novel in 8 solid hours of nothing else to do) or quietly listening to music. I usually start out the night "nesting" so to speak. I get out my computer, turn on my music, get out my bible and my novel for the night, start with the bible and go from there. I wish I could get to be alone in my own house, but in a family of seven it's difficult. If a could get away from suburbs I'd be there in a heart beat but its a pretty good drive and there are still always people there. I hate crowds and would really rather by lying in the middle of the woods starring up at the leopard and the ship.. er the North star, Orion and his dogs, and the Big dipper.
"And this marvel of all marvels, that he called me Beloved, me who am but as a dog-" -Emeth
I can relate to all the "I like alone time, but with X amount of siblings....." I SO understand I have a lot of siblings......
My bed has always been my "me place". I have the bottom of a bunk bed, and I can snuggle with my fuzzy bedrest and various blankets and stuffed animals and snuggies and read or watch movies on my laptop
avy by narniagirl90