If there is anyone else that was unable to transfer their account over for whatever reason and still needs their join date and post count updated, could you please post here so we can get those taken care of? Thanks!
Oh, and make sure you include your old username if you changed yours.
Thanks fk. One that comes to mind who needs a change of Join Date is Narnian at Heart. She joined the old forum on October 29, 2008, but couldn't transfer her account over, for some reason. I have already updated her post count.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
As the member formerly known as waggawaggawerewolf, I have been completely unable to update my details, so gave up and rejoined under my current name, waggawerewolf27. Unfortunately I was travelling overseas which did not help but now I am at home, things aren't any better.
Could you please update my post counts and join date which should have been 9 January, 2009?
I totally forgot about this being new so I did not transfer my old account. It's the same user name. I just tried to transfer it but because I already registered here it won't transfer. Sorry about the hassle
"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." ~C. S. Lewis
Is there any way to change my username, but to keep my account the same? i just converted it from the old account.
Sent you a PM.
I had joined sometime last year, but I couldn't transfer. My username is the same.
Got your post count taken care of and we'll get your join date updated in the nearish future.
I was Aravis Narnia on the previous incarnation of the board as well. I joined sometime during 2006.
Aravis Narnia, I got your post count updated and I will add you to the list of people who need their join date updated
Move along, nothing to see here.
In other words, I don't need updating now. Sorry about that.
I joined just after LWW came out (I think) under the name Niman Dawn. I'm not sure about post count, but I think it was about 300 - 350.
Ah, thank you, my post count is back in order. Is it possible to change my name back, too?
Done, and you're on the list to get your join date updated too.