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[Closed] Who Da Man!-A Doctor Who and Whoniverse SF- We're Back!

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NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

Welcome, Whovians! This is a thread to discuss all things Doctor Who, and the relating spin-offs which include but are not limited to, the Sarah Jane Adventures and Torchwood.

The Sixth Series of the "new" Doctor Who show (not to be confused with the Classic show; it's all the same series, but got a bit of a makeover in 2006) is set to premiere on April 23rd, and I personally could not be more excited. :D

Note: Since this a TV show and spoilers abound, please make liberal use of the Spoiler tags! We don't want to ruin anything for anyone. :)

I suppose I should start this thread out with a brief history of Doctor Who, and explain it's origins and whatnot. But I have a confession to make. I'm very much a new Whovian, so I'm not all that scholared in DW cannon as many others are.

To someone who doesn't know what Doctor Who is, it can be a bit of a mouthful. Neil Gaiman, author of books such as Stardust, Coraline and guest director for DW's 6th's season, summed it up this way:

There's a big blue box. It's bigger on the inside than the outside. It can go anywhere in space and time, sometimes where it is supposed to go. Something will go wrong, and there's some bloke called The Doctor who'll make it all right because he's awesome. Now sit down, shut up and watch Blink."

What else can I say? ;)

Doctor Who is a British science fiction TV series that been on the air since 1963. It centers around an alien who is only known as the Doctor. He is a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, and has the ability to regenerate when mortally injured or ill. Thus, he can change faces instead of die, and has been played by eleven different actors to date. The Doctor travels around in a contraption called the TARDIS, which stands for Time And Relative Dimension in Space. He's able to travel backwards and forwards in time, as well as anywhere in the universe.

Since the Doctor doesn't like to travel alone, he usually always has a companion traveling with him. As a rule, these companions are typically human and female, although there have been a couple exceptions. Usually he will only travel with one at a time, but occasionally he'll take a few more. These companions have generally served to be the audience's liaison, asking the questions that need answering. In later series, however, the companions have been able to serve a much more integrated role into the overall storyline of the show.

Doctor Who has been been the source for two spin-off shows, The Sarah Jane Adventures and Torchwood. SJA is a show aimed at younger kids starring former DW companion Sarah Jane Smith as she works as an investigative journalist, helping keep the world safe from alien threat.
Torchwood is a more mature show, featuring the former DW character Jack Harkness. He heads a British organization called Torchwood (Fun Fact: Did you know that "Torchwood" is an anagram for "Doctor Who"?) which primarily consists of investigating extraterrestrial threats, or "alien hunters".

All three of these shows exist inside the same "universe"; in that they feature the same characters and events, and do not contradict each other. Having two shows compliment the world that Doctor Who created is pretty cool, I think, and adds a whole new depth to them all.

I could go on and on and on about Doctor Who and the whole Whoniverse that it resides in, but this opening post is long enough. Why don't I just post the set of usual FAQ's for you all to fill out, and then we can get to the fun stuff? :) I'll put it in code, already formatted, so all you need to do is copy and paste. :)

[b]When did you first hear about Doctor Who?[/b]
[b]What was the first episode that you watched?[/b]
[b]Classic Who fan or NuWho fan?[/b]
[b]Who is your favorite Doctor?[/b]
[b]Who is your favorite Companion?[/b]
[b]Who is your favorite Villain?[/b]
[b]What is your favorite episode?[/b]
[b]How excited are you for Series 6?[/b]

Now that we've got that out of the way, I've got a little surprise for you! :D Who's ready for...

The Doctor Who Music Giveaway!

So here's the story. A few months ago I had a couple dollars on my iTunes account, and I bought three songs from the Doctor Who Series 5 soundtrack. I picked the ones that I liked the most, and were the most popular among viewers. A few weeks ago, I was able to acquire the entire soundtrack, so now I have a couple song duplicates that I no longer need. I thought, "Instead of letting that music just go to waste, wouldn't it be fun to give it away in the SF thread here on Narniaweb?"

So there you go! :D Here's the specs:

What's up for grabs? I've got three music tracks up for grabs: I Am The Doctor, Amy in the TARDIS, and Amy's Theme. (You can give "I Am The Doctor" a listen here!)
How do I enter? All you need to do is fill out the FAQ listed above and post it here in this thread. That will automatically enter you into the giveaway! :) (Note: If for some reason you don't wish to be entered, all you need to do is note that at the bottom of your FAQ post. :) )
How do I win? (UPDATE: The giveaway will end 5/15! Get your posts in before then! :)) On the day appointed (5/15), I'll do a random draw using and who's ever post is chosen, will get the music! :D

Fine Print: This giveaway is not sponsored by Narniaweb; yadda yadda yadda. All the music is legally purchased, yadda yadda. We will not be held responsible for errors or whatnot; it's just a little giveaway for heavens sake so don't get your knickers in a twist. ; - )

Well, I think that's everything! I'll be posting again soon, but in the meantime, enjoy! I can't WAIT for Series 6! :D

Mod Note: Due to the adult nature of some of the content of Torchwood, please keep all Narniaweb forum rules in mind when discussing that show. Any posts citing inappropriate content or subjects not allowed on Narniaweb will be subject to removal. Thank you!

Topic starter Posted : April 9, 2011 6:56 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

Ooooooh! Free music? I'll enter! The fine print doesn't say that you have to be a Whovian.

When did you first hear about Doctor Who?
When my former gf was a huge fan of the show and wouldn't stop talking about it.
What was the first episode that you watched?
Since I haven't watched any episodes, I suppose a more accurate question would be, "What is the first episode that you will watch?" That I don't know.
Classic Who fan or NuWho fan?
Um...I'm probably best described as a "What, who?" fan.
Who is your favorite Doctor?
The one played by David Tennant.
Who is your favorite Companion?
That one guy...I forget his name.
Who is your favorite Villain?
The one that was the most evil.
What is your favorite episode?
Choosing something out of an empty group is like dividing by zero, so I'm not sure I can answer this question without disrupting the space-time continuum.
How excited are you for Series 6?
I'll be honest, not very.

Posted : April 9, 2011 11:05 am
Member Hospitality Committee

When did you first hear about Doctor Who?
I'm not sure when I first heard about Doctor Who since I just kinda came across it on my own when I was channel surfing late one night. lol

What was the first episode that you watched?
ironically... the first episode I watched (on PBS late one night after channel surfing) just happened to be Rose, the first episode of the new Doctor Who series

Classic Who fan or NuWho fan?
I haven't seen any of the classic episodes, so I'm going to have to go with the new series ;)

Who is your favorite Doctor?
10th of course!

Who is your favorite Companion?
Donna Noble

Who is your favorite Villain?
hmm... that's a toughie. I'd probably have to go with the Master. or maybe the Daleks.

What is your favorite episode?
again... that's a toughie. I have so many favorites. lol
however, a few of my favorites are Blink, Human Nature, The Family of Blood, the series 4 finale set (Turn Left, The Stolen Earth, Journey's End), and The End of Time

so yeah... it's impossible for me to narrow it down to just one favorite. lol

How excited are you for Series 6?
very much! I've been looking forward to series 6 since it was first announced that there would even be one.

and I already own the series 5 soundtrack, so I don't want to be entered into the giveaway :)

See the armies so arrayed,
Line on line, ten thousand strong.
See the Dragon King’s sharp blade,
Rising to a song!
See his enemies laid low!
Hear our voices sing:
Let glory crown the victor’s brow,
In the Hall of the Dragon King!

Posted : April 10, 2011 11:42 am
NarniaWeb Guru

When did you first hear about Doctor Who?

Someone on NWeb posted a link to a collaboration of scenes from Blink on youTube and it looked interesting so I looked up the original episode and watched it. I really liked it so I ended up going back to the beginning (well, Rose) and watching them all. ;))

What was the first episode that you watched?

Oh, I guess that ^^ just answered that. ;))

Classic Who fan or NuWho fan?

Never saw the Classic Who episodes so gonna have to go with NuWho fan. ;)

Who is your favorite Doctor?

10 is my favorite (Tennant is awesome!) but 11 is growing on me . . .

Who is your favorite Companion?

I can't pick a favorite. They're all so different! I like qualities in each and I dislike qualities in each. So yeah, can't pick. ;))

Who is your favorite Villain?

The Master, probably.

What is your favorite episode?

Um, well, let's see . . . again I can't really pick a favorite. However, a few of my favorites are Blink, The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, Human Nature/Family of Blood, the season 3 finale arch (Utopia, Sound of the Drums, Last of the Time Lords), and the season 4 finale arch (Turn Left, The Stolen Earth, Journey's End), and the End of Time special.

I haven't seen the 5th season a second time to really pick a favorite yet . . .

How excited are you for Series 6?

Very much so! Stetsons are cool! ;) :P

btw, I think you're forgetting a question . . . (just now thought of it)

Which is your favorite soundtrack?

For me that would have to be series 3. For some reason everyone LOVES the series 4 soundtrack but I just can't get into it. I like the more primal beats and choral pieces of the 3 series soundtrack. Overall the whole thing just appeals to me more. And Martha's theme is my favorite of the Companion themes.


BeautyLikeNight's Graphics
My book: The Blind Traveler

Posted : April 10, 2011 12:29 pm
Member Moderator

When did you first hear about Doctor Who?
Back in the mid-70s, when I first attended university. (In those days the good doctor was shown on PBS, which we couldn't get in the small town where I grew up; broadcast TV was pretty much all there was back then). But in the big city, we did. ;) But few students had TVs in their own dorm rooms, so the usual gathering places were TV lounges scattered here and there. It was a popular place to watch syndicated Star Trek episodes on Saturdays...along with Doctor Who.

What was the first episode that you watched?
Afraid I don't remember. That was a mighty long time ago. ;))

Classic Who fan or NuWho fan?
NuWho, for the most part, though my viewing of both eras has been sporadic.

Who is your favorite Doctor?
Tom Baker (Four) has a special memory, as he was the Doctor back in the 70s. (I didn't see the BBC production of Silver Chair until years after it had been made, and my first response upon seeing Puddleglum was "That's Doctor Who!" ;)) I half-expected him to pull out that signature long scarf in Harfang. ;)

But Tennant (Ten) is probably my favorite nonetheless.

Who is your favorite Companion?
Sarah Jane Smith, for sure. (Though Amy, with her cool Scottish accent, is growing on me).

Who is your favorite Villain?
The Daleks. They remind me of an earlier version of Trek's Borg, seeking to eliminate everything else.

What is your favorite episode?
I haven't seen all episodes of either incarnation, so it's hard to choose. But School Reunion (new series episode 2.3) is among them. Sarah Jane and Rose are both in it, and it has a nice ending with Sarah Jane

going off into an earthly sunset with K-9 ;)
A bonus is Anthony Head (Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) in a guest appearance.

How excited are you for Series 6?
I'll set the VCR or DVR for convenient viewing. :)

But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.

Posted : April 10, 2011 3:09 pm
BC Head and G&B Mod Moderator

When did you first hear about Doctor Who?
Emm, I'm not sure. I do know that it was a very long time ago and I heard about it from my mom. ;))

What was the first episode that you watched?
That one's easy, more or less. The first one I ever remember watching was The Five Doctors. :)

Classic Who fan or NuWho fan?
I like both, but I'll go with Classic (partially since no one has said it yet and partially because I really love it). ;))

Who is your favorite Doctor?
I can't pick. Strange as it may be, I don't have a Doctor. :P (Then again, what do you expect when the first episode I saw had 5 of them in it? ;)))

Who is your favorite Companion?
Too hard! From the new series, I really like Donna and Martha (and Mickey and Rory, too). From the old, there's Zoe and Jamie and Ian and Barbara and Sarah Jane and Romana (both of them!) and Tegan and Turlough and pretty much all of them. ;))

Who is your favorite Villain?
Well, the Master is always good, and he and the Rani working together was intriguing. The Weeping Angels in Blink were pretty good, as well, though I don't like them in the later episodes. There was also a Classic episode where Mordred and Morgan Le Fey were the villians---that was rather interesting. ;)) I feel like I'm missing some really good ones, but I can't remember who they are at this minute.

What is your favorite episode?
...I think that is impossible for me to choose. ;)) But I will say that for its concept The Mind Robber is one I really like (the Doctor and his companions get trapped in a world full of storybook characters and settings). :)

How excited are you for Series 6?
At this point, only moderately. But I probably won't get a chance to see it until it comes out on DVD and school doesn't let me get too excited about anything right now. ;))

God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.

Posted : April 10, 2011 3:44 pm
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

Ok, my turn to fill out the FAQ. Speaking of which, I should have mentioned this earlier...only legit submissions will be counted. That means you, M4A. :p ;)

When did you first hear about Doctor Who?
Right here on NWeb. :) I remember seeing various people (including Dr. Ransom) having DW-related graphics, and I remember seeing the TARDIS and thinking, "how lame is THAT?!". And then I remember right at the end of the 4th season, when there was all this hoopla about David Tennant leaving and speculation about who his replacement might be. So yeah, that was my first impression of the series.

Beyond that, though, the time when I was "seriously" introduced to the series was last year, via my sister. She likes to dabble in all sorts of TV shows and mainly finds them by searching for the work of various actors/actresses that she's interested in. I think Christopher Eccentric and Billie Piper were what got her interested in DW. I can't remember what Chris was in (but I've seen him in something before) and Billie was in an adaptation of Northanger Abbey a few years back.

What was the first episode that you watched?
Anyway, one day my sis was channel surfing and happened upon a few reruns on PBS, and I watched bits of them. Those JUST happened to be Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead. Yeah, what an episode to start DW who on. I still think it's one of the greatest two-parters of all time. ;)) That was what got me intrigued, although I didn't start watching the show "seriously" until quite a while later.

Classic Who fan or NuWho fan?
NuWho; I've never watched a Classic episode in my life, although I'd like to soon.

Who is your favorite Doctor?
Matt Smith, without a doubt. Which is kind of funny, because I watched ALL of the first four seasons (some of them twice) before I was able to watch any of the fifth season. I liked David Tennant a lot and wasn't sure I'd like this new bloke. But I LOVE him now. He's so brilliant; just the perfect blend of what I think a Doctor ought to be. The Eleventh Hour is one of the best examples of this; just perfect.

Who is your favorite Companion?
I LOVE Donna. What a lovely, lovely character, and such a breath of fresh air after (admit it) the somewhat annoying Rose and love struck Martha (Martha has improved a lot in later seasons and her stint on Torchwood; though...the Doctor was just bad for her, I guess). Donna may not be very "bright", but she's brilliant in her own way. And I LOVE that she got to have her shining moment, where she was the most important woman in the whole universe. I'm sad about the way her story ended, but you know what...she got her own happy ending, in a different way.

Who is your favorite Villain?
The Master is pretty cool. Infuriating, but cool.

What is your favorite episode?
I LOVE Eleventh Hour. I also love Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, and the season finale to S4...not the regen special, but the proper finale with the great Whoniverse reunion. Oh, and Turn Left. Love Turn Left.

How excited are you for Series 6?
Ridiculously so. This is my first time watching DW in "real time" and this season is looking crazy good. I love all the cast (RORY!) and Matt is brilliant, and the new villains are creepy as all get-out...yeah, I cannot WAIT.

Speaking of the 6th series, I just read some spoilers that can only be summed up by these emoticons: :-t @-)

But mostly this:

I ain't saying what they are. But boy oh boy...this season is going to be a DOOZY. Holy crud!

Topic starter Posted : April 10, 2011 5:13 pm
Warrior 4 Jesus
NarniaWeb Fanatic

When did you first hear about Doctor Who?
From my dad. He first watched Doctor Who as young adult. One night he sat down to watch a repeat of The Dead Planet (Season 1, episode 2) on TV - it was sometime in the late 80's. I was about 5 or 6 years old. I was intrigued by the Daleks and joined him in watching it. I've been a fan ever since, through the good, the bad, and the downright ugly episodes. They weren't all TV gold! :)

What was the first episode that you watched?
The Dead Planet (Season 1, episode 2)

Classic Who fan or NuWho fan?
Classic Doctor Who fan but I love the New Who too. I saw many of the classic Who episodes as a child; now I'm going back and watching those I don't remember or haven't seen before. There are a lot to get through!

Who is your favorite Doctor?
Can't choose - Tom Baker, Sylvester McCoy, and David Tennant

Who is your favorite Companion?
I have several - Sarah Jane, Ace, Amy, Rory, and Donna (all for different reasons)

Who is your favorite Villain?
The Weeping Angels. They were awesome in Blink but a little silly in latter episodes. The Vashta Nerada was also a very memorable villain. You'd expect me to say the Daleks, and they have their moments, but in all honesty they've been overused and it's difficult to get past the fact that they look like salt and pepper shakers with turrets.

What is your favorite episode?

How excited are you for Series 6?
Very. I can't wait!

Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11

Posted : April 10, 2011 6:21 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

What are ya'll's favorite soundtracks? (I'm curious.)

Oh yes, I forgot about The Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead episodes arch. I wouldn't call it a favorite of mine, but it was certainly one that had me on the edge of my seat. I remember being somewhat afraid of shadows after those episodes . . . the Vashta Nerada scared the heck out of me. ;))


BeautyLikeNight's Graphics
My book: The Blind Traveler

Posted : April 11, 2011 1:13 am
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

I haven't had a chance to listen to the soundtracks that I have in depth (I don't own 1-3 either), but so far, I really like S5's soundtrack. I mean, there is a reason why I bought a couple tracks independently. ;)) "I Am the Doctor" is pure brilliance; I love it.

But there's also tracks from the other soundtracks that I really like as well. "Song of Freedom" from S4 is wonderful, and that track from Doomsday; from the's so haunting. I don't own it, but I hope to soon. :)

Yeah, the Vashta Nerada are really creepy, no? They're one of my favorite villains on pure creep factor alone. The Daleks and Cybermen are classic, but I've never been the hugest fan of them.

Speaking of villains, Doctor Who has had quite a long list of varied creatures and...things, that comprise their "bad guys" list.

I mean, we've got Daleks.

We've got Cybermen.

We've got the Master.

We've got Sontarans.

We've got Weeping Angels.

And of course, who could ever forget that classic Doctor Who villain who strikes terror into the hearts of aliens and humans alike...

THE KANDY MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*runs away screaming*


Topic starter Posted : April 11, 2011 6:36 am
Member Hospitality Committee

What are ya'll's favorite soundtracks? (I'm curious.)


favorite soundtrack... hmmm... that's a difficult question. lol.

I own all of the soundtracks (except for the specials) and I love all of them, although I'll have to say that my current favorite is the series 5 soundtrack.

See the armies so arrayed,
Line on line, ten thousand strong.
See the Dragon King’s sharp blade,
Rising to a song!
See his enemies laid low!
Hear our voices sing:
Let glory crown the victor’s brow,
In the Hall of the Dragon King!

Posted : April 11, 2011 6:49 am
NarniaWeb Regular

When did you first hear about Doctor Who?
Um, sometime in the eighties, I forget exactly when.
What was the first episode that you watched?
"Full Circle"
Classic Who fan or NuWho fan?
Who is your favorite Doctor?
Today, David Tennant. Might be somebody else tomorrow.
Who is your favorite Companion?
Amelia Pond
Who is your favorite Villain?
The Valeyard
What is your favorite episode?
Without a doubt, "Vincent and the Doctor"
How excited are you for Series 6?
What do you expect? New episodes of Doctor Who?

"Each day we are becoming a creature of splendid glory or one of unthinkable horror."
- C.S. Lewis
"There was a man called Clive Staples Lewis, and he almost deserved it."
- E.C. Scrubb

Posted : April 12, 2011 9:19 am
NarniaWeb Guru

When did you first hear about Doctor Who? Through being a Merlin fan. ;) Merlin and Doctor Who are the two major fantasy/sci-fi shows running on British TV, and the shows have shared quite a few actors. So after constantly hearing other Merlin fans mention Doctor Who and their love for it, I ended up watching Midnight (since it had Colin Morgan from Merlin in it). I spent the entire episode wondering what in the world was going on, why the Doctor had no last name, and who the random red-haired woman at the beginning and end was. ;))

Still, Midnight intrigued me, so I tried to start season 1. But since I had no idea that the Doctor was even an alien, let alone that he could regenerate, it was very confusing when Chris Eccleston showed up instead of David Tennant. ;)) So I gave up, until awhile later when Elle told me that season 1 was the right place to start, and it would make sense later on. I started, devoured seasons 1 through 3 in a couple weeks, and got stuck in the middle of season 4, just before End of Time aired. So now I'm trying to finish season 4 and watch season 5 before 6 airs. ;)

What was the first episode that you watched? Midnight, as I said above. But the first episode I REALLY watched was Rose.

Classic Who fan or NuWho fan? Considering that I've only seen part of one Classic Who episode, I'd say NuWho fan. ;)

Who is your favorite Doctor? David Tennant, easily. Nine was fantastic as the first Doctor I met and I'm looking forward to seeing Eleven, but Ten will always be my Doctor.

Who is your favorite Companion? Rose. She's brilliant and compassionate and shares the Doctor's utter love of adventure. And she's so beautifully human. Donna is a very, very close second, though. :D

Who is your favorite Villain? The Master and the Weeping Angels. I'd enjoy the Daleks more, if they weren't Dramatically Wiped Out Forever (Only To Return) in every. single. season. 8-| ;)

What is your favorite episode?
It's a tie between The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit and Human Nature/Family of Blood.

How excited are you for Series 6?
Very excited, if I can ever finish seasons 4 and 5 and actually get there!

And favorite soundtrack? Hmm, I usually like individual pieces rather than the score as a whole. Maybe the season 4 soundtrack, with Rose's theme, I Am The Doctor, and the Doomsday music.

the light after the storm
shows that hope was never gone

Snow After Fire graphics

Posted : April 13, 2011 6:08 pm
Warrior 4 Jesus
NarniaWeb Fanatic

To be fair, Season 1 is only the first season of the Doctor Who reboot, not the actual series. The first season began in 1963.

I don't know about you Gymfan, but the Kandy Man's appearance terrifies me. I don't remember that episode but judging by the eccentricity of the art direction, I'd say it's from the mid to late 1970's.

Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11

Posted : April 13, 2011 10:48 pm
NarniaWeb Newbie

April 23 can't come soon enough! Here's a spoiler-lite Series 6 trailer while we wait:

Lovely avatar by Mrulockia! Thanks so much! :)

Posted : April 14, 2011 4:47 am
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