Color: Dark forest green
Animal: Bunny, I suppose.
Movie: A Walk to Remember, Up, The Princess Bride, LOTR, Narnia: LWW, Narnia: PC, Pride and Prejudice(2005), Harry Potter,
Singer: Jon Foreman, Brooke Fraser, Aaron Marsh, Hayley Williams, Rachel Taylor, and many many more.
Season: Fall
Book: The Bible, Till We Have Faces, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Outsiders, literally anything by C.S. Lewis, Harry Potter
Website: , , , ,
Bible verse: At the moment it's Psalms 142:7
Food: Artichoke pizza
Ice-cream flavor: Chocolate chip cookie dough
Store: Any music or book store.
Drinks: Sprite, Pink Lemonade, chocolate milk
TV series: Monk, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Mork & Mindy, The Mentalist, Criminal Minds
Favourite Actors and Actresses: Rachel McAdams, James Franco, Colin Morgan, Bradley James, Matthew Gray Gubler
City or Country: It depends, I enjoy both very much.
Favorite drink: Water. Other than that, grape juice.
Favorite Actor/Actresses: Is it weird that I can't remember the guy's name? Anyway, he played Indianna Jones.
TV show: I don't watch modern TV, so I like alot of old shows, like M*A*S*H and the Dukes of Hazzard.
City or Country: country
Hoot Owl of NarniaWeb!
Relient K club member
avie and siggie by me
NWtwin:Sleepwalking NWsibs:8
Color: Blue
Animal: Dog
Movie: Aliens
Singer: Sting, although I prefer his time with the Police over his solo stuff
Season: Spring
Book: War and Peace
Website: , ,
Bible verse: Psalm 19:1 - "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork."
Food: Steak and potatoes
Ice-cream flavor: Chocolate Chocolate Chip
Store: I really like Thrift stores, but I'd end up going with Best Buy
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Color: Blue!
Animal: Sea Anemone (I'm not really an animal person, so I decided some time ago that I should just choose a really awesome one and go for it. My sister is convinced that they are not animals. But they are.)
Movie: Amazing Grace, The Lord of the Rings, Bright Star
Singer: I think this means musical artist, so I'll go for the band Copeland (with Mae, Anberlin, Deas Vail, Mumford & Sons right behind)
Season: Summer. I hate the cold.
Book: I would have to go for Les Miserables
Website: ,
Bible verse: I don't really have one, but I'm enjoying Isaiah 61:1-3 for this time of year!
Food: Uh, cheese. Cheese in any form is delicious.
Ice-cream flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip. Mint and chocolate is my favorite flavor combination ever!
Store: There's this incredible coffee shop in my town that is a coffee shop/used book store and I would pretty much spend all my time there if I could. Have you ever wanted an excuse to just hang out and drink mochas in a bookstore? Well, now you can!
Favorite Actor/Actresses: Is it weird that I can't remember the guy's name?
Anyway, he played Indiana Jones.
^That would be Harrison Ford.
I might as well answer these questions as well, so here goes:
Favorite drink: Gatorade (but only once a week), cappuccino and water
Favorite Actor/Actresses: Though I do have some favorites, I don't consider myself a groupie, since I'm more interested in the movie (or TV show) itself than any of the cast members.
TV show: Family Guy, The Simpsons and Fringe (more of a movie fan, to tell you the honest truth)
City or Country: I'm more of a city girl, but I could get used to the country.
Check out my fan fiction story:
Color: Red
Animal: Turtle!!! (My friends call me Gabi the SuperTurtle)
Movie: To Save a Life
Singer: Britt Nicole, BarlowGirl, SuperChick (Girl power, oh yeah!)
Season: Summer (I LOVE SCHOOL but like summer weather)
Book: Bible, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier
Website: , email!
Bible verse: Philippians 3:13-14
Food: Impossible question.
Ice-cream flavor: Oreo or mint.
Store: Old Navy
Favorite drink: caramel frappuccino or chai
Favorite Actor/Actresses: Skandar Keynes (EEEEEE FANGIRL MOMENT!!!!!! )
TV show: Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
City or Country: City. I like being busy and up-to-date.
Color: PINK!
Movie: The Sound of Music, Harry Potter, Narnia, Titanic, Mary Poppins, any classic disney movie
Singer: too many to list
Season: Spring
Book: Harry Potter, Narnia, The Hunger Games, Maximum Ride, The A-list
Website: narniaweb, facebook, youtube, aslanscountry
Bible verse: John 3:16
Food: American I think...I love all types!
Ice-cream flavor: Chocolate!
Store: Barnes and Noble, Macys, Forever 21, Gap
Favorite drink: Capri Sun! Or Sprite
Favorite Actor/Actresses: Georgie Henley, Will Poulter, Skandar Keynes, Steve Martin, Josh Hutcherson, Emma Watson, Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Daniel Radcliffe...too many more to list
TV show: What Not to Wear, Kate plus 8, E!News and alot of other stuff
City or Country: City.
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
Animal: Cats, horses, spiders (provided they aren't some harmful type with a frightening name)
Spiders???! Haha, that's interesting. I spend a lot of time wishing those things weren't created. But I guess they keep the insects from taking over the world
Horses are amazing though. I'm allergic to cats, but otherwise I don't have nothin against them .
Color: dark-dark-dark-almost-black-blue and purple
Animal: zebra or lion
Movie: Narnia duhh Percy Jackson & the Olympians, LOTR, 10th Kingdom .. it changes lol
Singer: Michael Buble & Justin Bieber
Season: Autumn
Book: anything by Rick Riordan the Leven Thumps series Narnia and the Bible of course
Website:.facebook and narniaweb
Bible verse: I'll have to look it up and see which one it is
Food: Noodles! YUM noodles
Ice-cream flavor: Strawberry PeanutButter
Store: Forever 21, Hollister, Claires, BooksAMillion
" We have nothing if not belief"
Color: Green
Animal: Birds
Movie: LOTR, Pirates of the Caribbean, Penelope, Fiddler on the Roof, Only You
Singer: Colbie Caillat
Season: All of them for different reasons
Book: Lord of the Rings
Website: and
Bible verse: I forgot the reference, but it's the one that says that women who treat their husbands as Sarah did hers are considered Sarah's children. Plus, a lot of scriptures in Sermon on the Mount.
Food: Ribs, pasta
Ice-cream flavor: mint chocolate chip
Store: Barnes and Noble
Favorite drink: Oreo milkshake
Favorite Actor/Actresses: Andy Serkis, Billy Boyd, Naomie Harriss
TV show: NCIS
City or Country: Country
Some of my faves...
Color: Pink and Black
Animal: Horse
Movie: The chronicals of Narnia: VDT, 27 Dresses, X-Men, Hairspray!
Season: Winter
Book: Deltora Quest, Silver Chair, Withering tights, Broken soup.
Bible verse: I don't have one
Food: Creole Cod with Pineapple!
Ice-cream flavor: Lemon
Store: Primark, H+M, HMV, Internacional, River Island...(I love shopping sop I don't really have just the one!)
Actors: Will Poulter, Ben Barnes, James Marden, James Franco, Bill Nighy, Rupert Everett.
Actresses: Amy Adams, Katheryn Heigl, Georgie Henley, Hailee Steinfeld (?), Kate Maberly.
Singers: Amy Lee, Charlotte Church, Rihanna, Katy Perry, Regina Spektor.
Bands: Evanescence, Good Charlotte, MCR, Green Day.
School lesson: Drama and English
Hobbies: Performance, Writing, watching films/reviewing/reading, listning to music...
City:Birmingham UK, Leamington UK (O.K more of town but oh well) and Warwick UK
TV Programmes: School of Comedy, Merlin, Doctor who, SJA, Scrubbs, CSI:Crimescene investigation, M.I High, House m.d.
Narnia is childhood...
Seriously, just give the kid the orange. He needs his vitamin C!
TheGeneral wrote:
Spiders???!Haha, that's interesting. I spend a lot of time wishing those things weren't created. But I guess they keep the insects from taking over the world
Awww come on, spiders are such adorable creatures, I've been trying to convince my mom for almost two years to let me get one as a pet, so far I've had zero luck
It's very interesting to read what people like
Color: pink and blue
Animal: hmmm this is very hard because I love all animals (with the exception of crows) but my veeeeeeeery favorite would probably be....horses, dogs, and all wild cats
Movie(s): Jesus of Nazereth, 3:10 to Yuma, LWW, LOTR, 16 Blocks
Singer(s): Kevin Young from the band Disciple, Brian "Head" Welch and Bryan Adams
Season: Spring and early fall
Book(s): The Bible, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Spy, and just about anything Shakespeare
Bible verse: Job 1:21 and 1 Corinthians 13:13
Food: I don't have a favorite food
Ice-cream flavor: mint and vanilla
Store: I don't have really isn't my thing
Favorite drink: pomegranate juice
Favorite Actor/Actresses: Viggo Mortensen, Liam Neeson, Will Smith, Liv Tyler and Georgie Henley
TV show: Don't have one I think TV is a waste of time and we don't own one anyway
City or Country: Country
always be humble and kind
So happy glad u guys r enjoying it!!
~Dryad Daughter
sig by Caspian XI
Avatar by:therinca Sig by:Caspian XI
"And I will fear no evil for my GOD is with me."
Sounds like fun.
Colour: Purple, the colur of cartoon grapes, sunsets and Dawn Treader sails!
Animal: Owls.
Movie: Inception.
Singer: Relient K, followed closely by Owl City, followed closely by Yellowcard...
Season: I like the solemnity of Autumn and the fun of Summer.
Book: Till We Have Faces.
Website: Where else but
Bible Verse: Currently (as you probably have guessed) Ezra 9:13. All of Ezra 9 really, it really captures the guilt you feel in God's presence.
Ice Cream Flavour: Neopolitan.
Store: Chapters.
Drink: Tea.
Food: Perogies.
Actor: Rowan Atkinson.
TV Show: Avatar: The Last Airbender.
City or Country: Well... I live in the city but my heart yearns for the country.
Color: Dark Green is my very favorite. Though I tend to be partial to pretty much any deep color.
Animal: Cats and dogs really. I definitely prefer animals that you can interact more directly with. But for exotic animals, the praying mantis wins the straight up awesomeness award.
Movie: Need some sub-classes for this one....
Fantasy: The Fellowship of the Ring
Western: Tombstone
Animated: Beauty and the Beast
Romance: The Man from Snowy River
Musical: Hello Dolly!
Action: The Bourne Trilogy
Suspense/Thriller: Signs
I think that about covers it.
Singer: I don't really have a favorite....I'm going to give a mention to Rich Mullins from way back in the day cause he wrote some of the most amazing lyrics I've ever heard. But as far as music goes, I'm more into composers than singers. So James Horner, Hans Zimmer, John Powell... I love them!
Season: A toss-up between spring and summer.
Book: The Hobbit (For the record, I do not include the Bible in this category as it's more than a book to me.)
Website: Guess.
Bible verse: Another hard one because it changes all the time. Currently I would have to say Philippians 4:6 as it's pretty applicable to some personal matters I deal with on a daily basis.
Drink: Water
Food: What don't I like? Ok, well, artichokes are quite nasty. But really, I love a lot of types of food. Ok, who am I kidding, I love dessert.... with chocolate.... lots of chocolate.
Ice-Cream Flavor: I take this as a sign of getting old, but recently, vanilla. (I love how I say that right after I mention chocolate in the previous answer )
Store: If it has books or plants (gardening) I can browse for hours. Ironically, I steer clear of clothing stores. Just not a girly girl I'm afraid.
Actor/Actress: Meh.... I do like following the kids from the Narnia series but I don't really have a favorite.
TV Show: Kind of funny as I rarely watch TV when at home. But when I'm at my in-laws (they have cable) anything on the Food Network Channel. Also love Forensic Files, Mystery Diagnosis, and It's Me or the Dog.
City or Country: Definitely prefer the country. But if you're asking if I have a favorite city, I really love New York City!
And to add a new one on here cause it seems others did....bwahahahahaha
Game: Currently Mousehunt on Facebook, Majesty 2 on PC, and Kinect Sports on XBox 360. But I'm not picky, I love all games... board games, video games, etc etc.