Any ideas? Whatever it is, it's mammalian, I know that.
My best guess would be a beaver or a raccoon, but I'm no expert!
They look like raccoon tracks to me--the way they sort of look like tiny hands.
I think tracks are interesting, but I sometimes have a hard time telling them apart too.
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
I don't know much about tracks but they look otter-like to me. Perhaps a hrossa? ;P
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
I would also say raccoon. They're definitely not big enough to belong to a beaver.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Having grown up on the B.C. coast, I'll go with Rosario and pick Orcas.
I used to ocean kayak, and sometimes you'd get a pod just silently surface all around you, while you sat there telepathically broadcasting "I'm not a seal, I'm not a seal..."
Snakes...we've got a lot of poisonous snakes in my adopted country of Taiwan, including one called the hundred-pacer, because that's how many steps you get after it bites you.
One day when I was newly married, my wife (a Taiwan native) came running into the house screaming "snake, snake". Being fom Canada, I knew what to do with snakes- get a broom and chase them out.
"Stand aside, honey, and let me show you how a man deals with this"
So I go to the back porch and see a King Cobra about five feet long and thick as my wrist with its hood flared and hissing....
The difference is that people wanted to hear the stories, whereas I never met anyone who wanted to read the essays
Shudders....King Cobras really scare me! I hate snakes, whether they're non-venomous or venomous.
Wrong will be right when Aslan comes in sight / At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more / When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death / And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again
I had the best biology class today We started talking about genetics (yay!
) And then we got into pathenogenesis, which was a fascinating topic... Where some animals, especially some lizards go through a different form of meiosis so a female can actually lay viable eggs with no male in the area. (I hope that was ok... let me know if it wasn't and I will edit it
And then we got into how mammals have the XY chromosomes to determine gender, but birds use ZW instead and for us while XX is female and XY is male in birds ZW is female and ZZ is male... different lizards use different systems, so some of the ones that use pathenogenesis actually have entire populations of females (whiptails, XY system) But if a Komodo dragon female (ZW system) lays eggs after pathenogenesis all of the babies will be male... it was very interesting... not exactly like cloning but similar. (again let me edit or delete if this is inapropriate)
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Wolfloversk, thanks for sharing. I didn't know how that all worked out. I'm not good with big scientific terms either but at least you're able to understand them. I don't think anything you wrote would be deemed inappropriate, even by NarniaWeb's strict standards. Really, it's pretty G-rated compared to some of the stuff in the now non-existent Wuv Tru Wuv thread.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Genetics is my fav part of bioogy. we don't get to do itto the end of the year though. We are doing boring stuff about clasifycation.
Anyway everyone seems to be scared of spiders, frogs ants, insects, i don't mind them at all. I am scared of big animals like dogs. I don't see how soemone can be scared of such a little animal but not be scared of a big animal like a dog.
I actually don't like genetics. It's interesting alright, but when it starts getting into the itty gritty details, it gets less fun for me. The class I'm in now goes through like 5 chapters before each test .
Large dogs can scare me too, if I don't know the dog. One time a dog bit my pants (didn't get my leg) while I was running. I turned on him and 'barked', and he ran away . But one time my sister got scratched pretty bad on her back by a dog in our neighborhood, we called the police.
I usually love dogs a lot, but not big ones that aren't trained!
I just got out of Bio and I learned that you can make 4x4 punnet squares and test two genes at once! Who knew? (Well Digs probably did, but besides him) Of course this now means I have the sudden urge to make a ton of punnet squares (*envisions a bunch of people saying "Wolf, get a life!"* Oh but they're so fun! Don't judge me! )
Anyway since birdwatching season has officially begun I have to reccomend the site for all of you birdwatchers (sorry if I mentioned it before on this thread I can't remember) It's a pretty good reference and includes various different species from North America along with pictures, video, sound, and other useful notes.
Speaking of birdwatching I'm pretty sure there are some hooded mergansers in our area, but I can't get a positive ID because whenever they are there I don't bring my telescope and when I do they mysteriously disappear. I've got to invest in a new pair of binoculars since our old ones are damaged beyond use...
Edit! The other problem I have is that I've misplaced my lifelong birdwatching checklist... I'm not even sure if it's here (at college) or home. I might just print another one, so long as I can remember which species I did see
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I love birdwatching! I don't do it officially, like with a checklist and all, but I love to them. One of our kitchen windows looks out into our apple "orchird"(it has about 6 or 7 apple trees and plus some plumb trees), and the oher window looks out into the park, so I see alot of birds. They are mostly crows, pigeons, and sparrows. Sometimes I see a nightengales, but they are rare.
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
we hear the nightingales when the weather gets nice and warm, they sing at night and it's so pretty to hear, we leave the window wide open so we can hear them, I love nightingales, they are my favorite birds
always be humble and kind
I went to a new zoo last weekend. My favorite animals in it were the Madagascar jumping rats, as well as the fruit bats, hehe.
One of my mice gave birth yesterday morning. Six of the babies were still around this morning. The mother may have arrived pregnant from the store. It is my first time one of my mice has given birth. I bought all necessary supplies yesterday, and will take care of the babies easily.
awwww that's so sweet Aravis Narnia
Do any of you have any favorite insects? One of my favorite is the praying mantis, amazing insect, in the summer, when we go to a little village by the sea, there are tons of insects there (they are like everywhere) and I can watch them there with ease pleasure, I also love ants and bees....but then who doesn't.....oh and I love butterflies too....but that goes without saying. Last time I went to the zoo there was an exhibition of tropical insects, it was so amazing, I'll upload some pictures sometime soon
always be humble and kind