Here is a thread for all things relating to animals. Pets, wild animals, favorite animals, experiences with animals, zoos, zoology, etc.
Mods: I didn't see a thread like this yet, after searching old threads. Feel free to close this if there is one that I missed.
To start off, I'll give a list of some of my favorite animals.
1. Giraffe
2. Tapir
3. Toucan
4. Rhino
5. Hippo
Some animals I like:
I got to feed kangaroos and hold a koala when I went to Australia. I think they have some really cool animals over there!
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
Some animals I love:
Goannas (Australian monitor lizards)
Echidnas (one of two monotreme species)
Bearded dragon lizards
Praying mantises
Wedge-tailed eagles
Giant moa (extinct flightless NZ bird)
Elephant bird (extinct flightless Madagascan bird)
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
OH yay!!!! I'm a zoology major so sorry if I rant here.... I can't help it I love animals!
1) Wolf
2) Thylacine
3) Rabbit
4) Pika
5) Hare
6) Raven
7) Horse
^besides # one definitely not in order... I'll list more later...
Another thing I love to do regarding animals is Birdwatching, I have a list at home of all the different kinds I've seen and identified, unfortunately I forgot to bring it with me this semester
But my mom bought me two new birdguides which I've been desperately needing, so I just need to get a new pair of binoculars and then I'll be all set...
Ok another thing I forgot to bring because it was in the same folder, is my printed out version of my story I'm writing about my life with my pet Patchy, and a wild rabbit I dubbed, Ransom, along with other rabbits... I've called it Cotton~Tales and even though it's not finished yet it's already the longest thing I ever wrote, 36 pgs and counting... Sadly Patchy just died last month, and I was abesolutely heartbroken, but you can read more about that in the Pet's Blog and Writer's World threads.
I hope to either study wolves, lagomorphs (rabbits/pikas/hares), or bioluminescent/ deep sea fish when I get out of college. I'd really love to do feild research, since I'm happiest outdoors, and I love traveling and adventures. And that will definitely bring me both if I'm lucky!
Ok what am I forgeting... crazy encounters? Squirrels? Well I'll post those later, since that's gonna need a whole post for each on itself...
Yeah sorry that was a bit of a mish-mash... basic point, animals are my passion.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I love the zoo! New Orleans has one of the best zoos ever!
My favorite animals there are:
1. penguins
2. the monkeys
3. giraffs <--- IDK if I spelt this right.
4. tigers
5. lions
6. wolves
7. They have sharks, they are cool!
8. bears
9. some of the birds
10. rhinos
11. elaphants
12. hedgehogs
13. petting zoo, the goats, on their very good days
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
My favorite animals are dogs, elk, and basically all the reptiles but especially turtles. I have a pet dog and two box turtles.
I've only been to a zoo once, and I actually didn't like it. I was impressed by a tiger I saw, but I really hated the monkeys, I still don't like them lol I think they're ugly and annoying.
I really like aquariums though!
Poor monkeys get no love!
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Poor monkeys get no love!
I know, monkeys are so cute and playful. I had one follow me like a puppy at a carnival once. So cute!
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
I like visiting the zoo. I think I've gone twice. I always feel bad for the caged animals, since they should really be free, but it's still nice to take a look at them.
Some of my favorites:
- Penguins (I love how they waddle)
- Orcas
- Dolphins
- Tigers
- Zebras
- Kangaroos
- Jaguars
- Cheetahs
- Pandas (so cute and huggable-looking!)
- Koala bears
I like wolves, too, though I suppose they aren't really a zoo animal. At least I've never seen one in a zoo before. Orcas are definitely my top favorite, though. During the summer sometimes, my family goes to a place on the West Coast called Rosario (hence my username), and once in awhile a pod of orcas will come by. Everyone goes out in the boats to watch them, and I've had several amazing, close-up experiences with the whales (swimming under the boat, a baby breaching beside us, etc). What spectacular creatures!
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
I love going to the zoo, and I don't feel bad for the animals, provided the enclosure is large and represents the animals natural habitat as much as possible. You have to remember, many, if not most, zoo animals were born in captivity and don't know how to survive in the wild. They don't know any other life, and, (provided it's a good zoo), it's a pretty happy one.
And there are plenty of realistic enclosures-the ones at Disney's Animal Kingdom are pretty amazing. Like this.Or this. I can't even tell that there's a fence in that last one!
And this shot just screams Africa to me, even though it's central Florida. And to my mind, that's a wonderfully designed exhibit-it makes you forget where you really are on the globe and immerse yourself in Africa's scenery and wildlife
Wow, those were great pictures!
As for my favorite animals. . . I like elephants, gazelles, tortoises, ocelots, owls, bats, hummingbirds, eagles, seals, puffins, otters, zebras, giraffes, sea lions, ostriches and polar bears, among others. And Meerkats are hilarious. But my top four animals are horses, penguins, manatees, and budgies.
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
I'm a zoology major so sorry if I rant here
WOOT! Another zoology majour!
I personally love raptors. . . I think they're the coolest animals on the planet. Of them, I love the Great Grey Owl the most. . . they're just so majestic, so beautiful, and so powerful!
The following animals are also dearly loved:
There are tons of others, but those are near the top of the list
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I love raptors too. My favorites of them are Peregrine Falcons, American Kestrels, Screech Owls, and Golden Eagles.
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
It's hard for me to say what my favorite animals are because I love all animals, I've had a special love for them since childhood (there was even a time in when I seriously considered becoming a zoologist) I can tell you what animal I don't like though. I don't like crows I don't hate them, and they are very interesting animals, but on a whole I don't like them, they're loud and noisy. They winter right near to where we live and drive me nuts
I'm glad when spring comes cause then they fly away to make themselves nests. We do have a crows nest in the pines next to our home, and last year there was some sort of a fight there. I think it was the crow pair and another crow fighting over something,. They were high in the trees so I couldn't exactly see what was going on but it sounded really funny
Here are a few of my favorite animals
-all wild cats
-any and all monkeys
-spiders (the black widow, tarantula and bird eating spider (also know as barking spiders or whistling spiders) are my favorite)
-praying mantis and other creepy crawly critters
-ants and bees
-guinea pigs
-wolves.....and the list goes on
always be humble and kind
Aww, I love crows, Wild Rose. We have one at the raptor rehabilitation facility where I work. His name is CeCe, and he is imprinted (that means he thinks that he's a human, because he was illegally raised by humans). Every time you walk by his enclosure, he starts squawking!
He loves eating worms, eggs, but his absolute favourite is. . . . Olive Garden's five-cheese-baked ziti . Crows will eat anything (although I have to give him points for good taste
) Of course, he only gets that when workers have leftovers.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb