It's that time of year again, folks... SUMMER! Home to what I call two of the best weeks of the year: VBS and Camp. Since I know I'm not the only one who enjoys these things, I thought I'd start a thread about them. Fair enough? Great!
Before I get more into explaining why I started this thread, why don't I back up and give a little background information? I mean, not everyone will know what VBS is. So, what is it? Simply put, Vacation Bible School. You can learn a tad more about it (and how it began) on wiki's page for it, here.
So, for those uninitiated into all things VBS:
1) Is this an all summer thing?
Most churches only have it for a week, but it can be longer. Some in the mornings, and some in the evenings. My church has it from 530pm, usually in the beginning of June.
2) What does one do there?
Well, I can't speak for every church in the world... but I can tell you what happens at mine! The order of most of this switches, as each "crew" has a slightly different schedule than the rest... and the order of each crew's schedule changes each night.
-Music: Usually we start and end each night with songs. Most of them are different each year (depending on the theme), but there are some favourites in our church that we HAVE to do every year to avoid a stink (from adults, teens, and kids alike!). My favourite VBS song has been done since I started going to this church when I was 12... Slap and Clap. And luckily for me, it's a favourite with most the others too.
-Bible Story/Drama: This is where the stories chosen for that year come alive each night. For instance, last year there was one night we were on the boat that was carrying Paul to Rome! Some of the funniest memories each year come from this station.
For example, one year I was helping with this station... and I had to be a person who worked and lived in a cave (to hide from the Roman soldiers). We used black trashbags and a fan to make one of the sunday school rooms into said cave. Anyway, during one of the visits the fan must have gotten kicked over... cause the "ceiling" started to cave in. One kid screamed "We're all gonna DIE!!!" And another turned to me on the way out and said "I'm sorry about your house. You could borrow my dad's tools to fix it!" and another added "I bet my parents wouldn't mind if you came and stayed with us!" I smiled and said "I think I'll manage. Thanks, though!"
There is also supper (some churches just have snacktime) thrown in there too at some point. (we always have a picnic one of the nights, usually on wednesday, I think) And if you're doing one by Group Publishing, you get to watch a video each night about Chadder the Chipmunk and his adventures. (and each year's adventure corresponds with that year's theme) I'm sad, cause this year is the first time in several years that we won't have him. We're doing another one by Group... see, they have two each year to choose from: a contemporay one and one with a more biblical feel. For example, this year the choice is between: PandaMania and Hometown Nazareth. And we're doing Hometown Nazareth. (the Panda one has Chadder) Group isn't the only company that makes VBS themes, though. There are lots of them!
3) How does it work?
It's been so long since I've gone to another church or done one by another company (other than Group), that I can't say how it is for everyone else. But our church (and how Group does it), divides the kids that sign up into "crews". Each crew has multiple ages in it. (some churches have them divided up by age) For example, last year my crew had kids ages 3-10. But it's cool, cause the bigger ones help us crew leaders with the little ones... we're like mini families.
Usually the adults coordinate the whole event, cook the suppers, and run the stations. But it's the teens (and in some cases, twenty-somethings like me) that are the crew leaders that lead the kids around. Usually, each crew has two teen crew leaders and a jr high age "jr crew leader". Sometimes more, depending on how big the crew is that year.
On average, we tend to have eight crews each year. And the crews are kinda paired off (example: crew 1 always walks around with crew 2).
Anyway, the reason I brought this up, is because this week (!!) is when we're doing ours. Some of the adults have been getting ready for awhile now, and the rest (with help from the rest of us) will be taken care of tomorrow afternoon.
I'm really excited, because as I said earlier, it's one of my favourite weeks of the year. I don't think I'll EVER outgrow it... I've been helping since I was too old to go to it! (it's for kids ages preschool-5th or 6th grade, I think. I know that the 6-12 graders help with it) So many fond and funny memories come from it, and it brings you closer to the people at your church and in your community. (kids from other churches come, and some just see our sign and show up... like neighborhood kids. and the kids bring friends and neighbors. so it sorta grows each year) In fact, I think I get more of a kick out of going then some of the kids do!
Ack, I went on a tangent, sorry! My point is, I was excited and wanted to talk about it... and thought you might want to as well, since some of you also help out.
What are some of your favourite memories? (from helping or going)
Which theme (from what company) are you doing this year?
How are you getting involved?
Sorry, guys! I'll talk more about summer camps (and MY annual camp visit) in another post. I think I've talked at you long enough for now. Besides, I need sleep so I can be ready for it all! I would have mentioned camp in this post too but as I said, it's too long anyway and VBS is first. (I don't go to camp til the end of this month. So VBS is more front and center in my brain)
Don't let me do all the talkin'! I'd love to hear about your favourite VBS and camp memories. Are you looking forward to yours this summer? I know I am!
I always attended VBS in the summer when I was little. We were never hear but were where we fished in the summer so my siblings and I always went and Mom helped out.
Two summers ago, I got to help with another church's VBS here. It was awesome! All the songs were on a DVD with kids dancing to them and to help teach the kids, several of us learned the dances to do in front of them and that was lots of fun.
I might help out this year because I'll actually be here. That church usually has it's VBS in August.
I'm actually volunteering at VBS this year. I haven't done it for a while because the previous church I went to did family VBS and all those adults made me nervous. My friend and I are doing the Chadder Station together. I'm not sure exactly how things are going to work. From what I gathered looking at the materials. Groups of kids will come to us and we will do an activity and show a video segment. The video is going to get very old very fast. There are two training times and I have to work during both of them, so things could be interesting. Oh well, I'm used to winging things.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
I'll be helping at Summer Fest, my church's VBS. I get to lead around 5-6 2nd graders and make sure they get to each station on time.
I'm so excited to do this. I've been in Summer Fest before and it's a blast. Hopefully my younger sisters will have as much fun as I did.
Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
Minion to Lady A and Booky ⎮ NW sister to Ela, Mountie, and Rose.
Braintriplet to Narnia_Fan12 and narnianerd
Team Hoodie! ⎮ Secret Order of the Swoosh
avatar by Lady Courage
Thanks for replying, guys!
I'll respond more to you guys' thoughts, and tell more about this year's in a few days. (I can't get on the compy again til wednesday) But I wanted to say a few things before I disappear:
I'm so beyond excited to see how this week goes. I'll try and keep a detailed report so I can fill you in. (as well as certain families from church who have moved... who will be getting emails that are even more detailed than what I'll tell you) And at the end of the week, I'd be happy to pm a link to see pics to whomever is interested!!!
2) Twigs, it sounds like you're doing PandaMania, right? I'm really curious about that one, but can't help with my dad's church (who's doing it). I'll explain that more later. Anyway, would you be willing to tell me what happens with Chadder this year?
I'll pop back in in a few days! Until then, have fun chatting and I'll be back as soon as I can. *runs off to get ready for heading to Nazareth (ok, ok.. church. But we transformed it into Nazareth )
I was going to volunteer at VBS,but I already had a camp on the same week so I am somewhat sad about that.But I very excited for my camp!It is called CYT(Christian Youth Theater)I did it last year and we did Disney on Broaday and I had the time of my life.This year we are doing to Wicked Wizard of Oz and I am trying out for Dorothy!(wish me luck
Also in July I am going to a camp up North that I have been going to since I was 6.That camp is also a christian camp,we do what most camps do for the most part.But we also do really fun skits,plus we have a day were we camp out in the field(we are in cabins the rest of the week).We put a bible study in the middle of the day,and we do really interesting christian stories at campfire(and roast marshmellows at the same time ).
And Pal, is the Chadder station about a chipmunk?Because at my VBS last year we had a different video we watched everdday about a chipmunk named Chadder.
sincerely NAH ( Narnian At Heart)
Narnia a world were you and I belong
I meant to. And, yes, if you really want to know, I'll let you know what happens with Chadder.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
for 8 years now, my sister and I have attended a VBS held at a church down the road from ours (ours being too small to ever hold one). when we first started going, I was still old enough to be in the program (it takes kids from 1st through 5th grade). bu my sister was too old, so she volunteered to be a helper. ever since, we have gone back every year as volunteers, first as helpers, and now, for the past few years, we have been crew leaders.
this church uses Group VBS!
Anna: oh wow, my sister is so jealous of the fact that your church is doing the Nazereth version the church we do it at always uses the non-Bible theme. so this year is Pandamania for us
I don't mind, but she'd rather do the Bible theme
Chadder is my least favorite part it's so lame....lol luckly, my whole crew last year hated it and we spent every day at Chadder's theater trying not to laugh out loud
it was funny
but I think that my sister and I look forward to VBS every year almost more than the kids who attend! I love doing it. my inner little child comes out and I have a blast every year. we even still buy the CDs with the songs on them so we can listen later and do the hand motions
VBS rocks!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Before I get down to explaining about our week so far (3 down, 2 to go!), I have a few things to respond to.
1) Twigs, thanks so much!!! I really do want to know, lame I know. But this is the first time in about 5 or 6 years that we won't have Chadder... we've gotten used to him.
Which reminds me, Libby: When the kiddos found out on Monday that we didn't have the Chadder station this year, they got upset. Like, REALLY upset. "Why not?" "Well, they don't have him for this one. I'm sorry." "Awwww!!!"
So, I guess it's a matter of preference.
2) NAH, I know it's rotten luck to miss VBS! But I'm sure you'll have a blast at camp! Have lots of fun!!!
3) When are you guys all doing VBS this year? You know when mine is, but I have no clue about when you are doing it! DETAILS!
Anna: oh wow, my sister is so jealous of the fact that your church is doing the Nazereth version
the church we do it at always uses the non-Bible theme. so this year is Pandamania for us
I don't mind, but she'd rather do the Bible theme
Yeah, this is the first time our church will have done the Bible themed one. It's different, yet a lot of fun. We're still sort of adjusting to it... but it's all good. We're having a blast! (which you'll soon see over my next few posts)
I find it funny that here I am, jealous of everyone that gets to do PandaMania, and someone else is jealous of ME.
but I think that my sister and I look forward to VBS every year almost more than the kids who attend! I love doing it. my inner little child comes out and I have a blast every year. we even still buy the CDs with the songs on them so we can listen later and do the hand motions
What a great way to put it... "my inner little child comes out and I have a blast every year". I've always felt the same way. I ALWAYS feel like I'm more excited than the kids when it rolls around. Not to say they don't enjoy it, they do. But I doubt they go running home at the end of each year's to visit Group's website to find out the next year's theme, like I do.
I get the cd's too!! And listen and dance to them for aaaages afterwards. (I still do ones from Croc Dock and High Seas sometimes) It makes me feel like such a nerd, cause at camp (usually a few weeks later) I'll ask kids and teens from my church: "Do ____ with me" "Sorry, Andrea. NO" "Aww, you're no fun"
Hmm... *tries to think of the best way to explain the last few days*
Give me a little bit and I'll get back to you on that. Promise. This was getting long anyway. And if you think THIS post is long, wait til you see the one I'll have next!
I went to VBS twice when I was a kid. Unfortunately, they weren't such good experiences.
One was at my church. Pretty basic stuff. We sang some songs, played a game, and made some really basic craft stuff like paper hats. It went on for a week. That one was pretty much like Sunday School.
The other one was outside at this campsite-like place. It was set up so that it was supposed to look like life in Biblical days. A lot of the crafts were fun, and there was one really nice girl there. But most of the counsellors were really bad, and a lot of the kids (including me) got sick from the bad conditions. I did get to make some cool stuff though.
3) When are you guys all doing VBS this year? You know when mine is, but I have no clue about when you are doing it! DETAILS!
I didn't put that in my first post? *checks* No I didn't. *sighs* I wonder where my brain was when I typed that post ... Or maybe the problem was with my fingers and the ideas from my brain didn't make it there ... Anyway, VBS starts Monday the 13th. It is just in the morning. My friend should be stopping by any minute so we can go decorate the room.
Edit almost immediately. I forgot to say that my friend didn't go to orientation either so we both are going to be winging it. She said that orientation was more for the crew leaders anyway.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
Today was the first day of VBS. It went pretty well. We watched segment one of Chadder and had the students come up with and post God sightings.
Chadder's Mystery of the Missing Pandas Day 1 (warning this post contains spoilers)
Chadder Chipmunk: A chipmunk who is afraid of pythons and ziplines. Chadder is also a volunteer at Pops' Panda Paradise.
Pops: Proprietor of Pops' Panda Paradise who spits whenever he says "P" (an action that causes others to wipe their faces or hold up umbrellas.
Patty: Pops's wife, in charge of the list of jobs to be done.
Princess: Patty and Pops's daughter, in charge of marketing. She acts her name (i.e. she is full of herself and her actions imply she thinks she should be honored / treated like royalty.) Instead of a white shirt, she wears a hot pink one. She also has a pink umbrella, pink paper, and a pink pen.
Jane: A volunteer at Pops' Panda Paradise, who is very into recycling. She is making a blanket out of yarn from recycled hair (she claims it is from a barber shop, but we see her pull some out of another person's head) and had her name as Janet on the list because she was recycling the "t."
Moose Magnusson: A volunteer at Pops' Panda Paradise, who admires pandas' ability to be large yet comfortable size.
Larry Houdini: A volunteer at Pops' Panda Paradise, who disappears.
Setting: Pops's Panda Paradise, a spa and vacation destination for pandas.
Episode 1: Chadder is at Pops's Panda Paradise to volunteer. He meets Larry Houdini, and they talk for a little. Princess comes up to Chadder and introduces herself. Chadder starts to introduce Larry, but he is gone. Princess sends Chadder alone to go meet the other volunteers. Chaddar is worried about pythons, but Princess says they are usually only in trees. At first, Chadder heads off in the wrong direction because he thought that was the way the arrow was pointing. After Chaddar leaves, we see a hand wearing a black glove spin the arrow around to point the other way and a van full of people drive in the direction the arrow is now indicating. Chadder hears a noise in the bushes and hopes it is a panda.
It turns out to be Moose who was drawn by the smell of Chadder's M&Ms. He shows Chadder where the other volunteers are. Introductions are made and Princess says that the three volunteers that are there and Larry Houdini are the only volunteers who signed up. Pops explains that pandas have been disappearing and now people are too. The fence doesn't have any holes in it so they can't be escaping. Patty explains that they have spent so much time hunting for the pandas that "the paradise has turn into a pit." To make matters worse the Panda Protection Patrol is sending an inspector to make sure the pandas are being well taken care of. If zoos find out that the pandas are missing, they wouldn't send pandas to Pops's Panda Paradise. They hear a noise in the woods and attack, capture and knock out who they think is the panda swiper.
Memorable Quote:
Pops: And we're in a pickle.
Moose: Pickles? Did someone say pickles?
Chadder: I like pickles.
Jane: Did you know that pickles are recycled cucumbers?
Have they captured the person who's swiping the pandas?
Where have all the pandas gone?
What happened to that Houdini guy?
Tune in tomorrow to find out more. (How'd I do PA? Too much detail? Not enough?)
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
Not one for holiday camps and i don't go to church. I went to a church group activity camp thing when i was little for 2 years in a row, it was fun then i would find it boring now.
The second day went well. We were a bit short of time. The video clip took up about 12 minutes so we had to pick and choose what activities to do. It is hard to get things done in 20 minutes.
Chadder's Mystery of the Missing Pandas Day 2
The person they caught turns out to be the inspector and not the panda swiper. He wakes up, and Princess takes him to the Panda Playground (it is basically a playground such as one would find for kids at the park.) Patty sends Jane and Moose to paint the snack shack. Chadder volunteers to call some of his friends to help and Pops sends him to the office to use that phone. On his way, he sees Larry trying to blend into a black and white striped wall. After Chadder has past, Larry says his "Zebra outfit" has been compromised (he was dressed all in white) and it is time for plan B. Jane and Moose really don't want to paint. Jane suggests doing it the organic way. She swishes some blue liquid in her mouth and then spits at the wall. They hear Princess and Jane wants to go help the inspector spot pandas or help him think he spots pandas. Moose reminders her they need to paint the snack shack but Jane goes anyway. Princess and the Inspector come to the playground and don't find any pandas. The inspector "tests" the equipment by playing on it. After he is done, Princess puts flowers in his pocket or buttonhole and he starts sneezing. His glasses fall off. Princess removes the flowers and throws them on the ground. She does this funny little dance thing (I think she was stomping on the flowers) and breaks his glasses. The inspector is pretty much blind without them. Princess leaves to get the inspector's glasses and tells him to keep going and she will catch up. Chadder reaches the office and is startled by his reflection and a panda chair. As he is talking on the phone, we see the hand in the black glove close and lock the door and then cut the phone line. Chadder escapes by the window. He passes Larry, who is now wearing a black and white striped costume, without seeing him. After Chadder is gone, Larry says it is time to continue with plan B. Meanwhile, Jane has been joined by Moose. Moose asks if what they are doing is dishonest and Jane calls him chicken. Moose agrees and they catch up with the inspector. Jane lets the inspector use her toilet paper rolls binoculars to help him see. Princess catches up with them and the inspector wanders off. Princess tells them the need to keep an eye out for Larry because she thinks he is involved. She then goes after the inspector. Chadder finds Pops and explains about the phone. Pops's panda tracker, which hasn't picked up a signal for days, starts beeping. Chadder wonders if pandas eat chipmunks and is nervous. There is a lot of beeping from the tracker and a lot of rustling in the woods.
Will Chadder become a panda snack?
What is Houdini' s plan B?
Will Jane and Moose ever paint the snack shack?
Check back tomorrow to find out.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
Well, today was interesting. Some of the crews/groups seemed larger today. Then we had a smaller group missing crew one. Apparently it was disbanded. I can't say I'm surprised. It needed to happen. The crew was a group of energetic boys and the leaders were a 13 year old boy and his dad. The dad didn't do anything but sit around and look bored and the boy didn't have control of the group. His maturity level was about equal to theirs but he thought he was more mature. Those two "leaders" were not there today. I think I'm beginning to get used to Chadder.
Chadder's Mystery of the Missing Pandas Day 3:
The episode opens with Princes coming out of the woods. She is on her way to get yet another pair of glasses for the inspector. Chadder helps Pops cut bamboo. Chadder finds a tractor (it looked like a riding mower) to use. The hand with the black glove wedges a branch so the tractor won't stop. Chadder manages to catch a vine and save himself. He ends up in a tree with a python. Pops saves him and he goes to help paint. Patty tells him to use the spray painter on low. Chadder sets it to low but the hand with the black glove sets it to high. Chadder gets white paint all over himself. While trying to help him, Patty gets black paint on him too. Chadder ends up looking like a panda. Patty goes to get some soapy water to clean him up. The inspector mistakes Chadder for a panda and talks to him about his care. Chadder doesn't realize the mistake until Patty comes back and they talk about it. Chadder thinks he needs to tell the inspector. Patty thinks it is good for Panda Paradise that the inspector thinks he has seen a panda, but tells Chadder that he needs to do what he thinks is right. Jane and Moose find the inspector and point out imaginary pandas. Chadder comes after them, gets his foot caught in a rope, and ends up dangling in the air. Jane and Moose point this "panda" out to the inspector. We leave Chadder hanging with the rope beginning to break.
Memorable Quote:
The inspector to Jane and Moose: You people are not normal.
(After I heard that I whispered to my friend, "That is an understatement.")
Will Chadder get down?
Who wears the black gloves?
Will the inspector ever find out the truth?
And you'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King