If you are sobbing internally over a mythical sweetheart, you aren't enjoying the chocolate to it's full potential
Aaaaand that will be my quote of the day
My family never did anything for Valentines Day. And I've never had a boyfriend or even a special someone so I don't know how I'd celebrate it.
I'll eat all the chocolate you give me, but please hold the roses. They will only die anyway I will take a stuffed animal though, as long as it's something I'd like. White tigers or huskies? Yes. Random teddy bear? Just....no.
avy by narniagirl90
Windsong, I gotta say this: you just made my day. * and all the girls sigh at his thoughtfulness. * truthfully, that sounds very sweet.
...and, now, for all my belly aching, it looks like I'll be going to the college banquet after all. The reasons? 1. Dad offered to buy my ticket. 2. A friend who I trust greatly really wants me to go. 3. She told me "if you don't go, you will regret it." every time she has told me that, she was right.
I'm still not exactly excited at going, but, hey. It's a free meal. At least I will have a wonderful tastebud experience.
Betsie, I love your idea!! I bet it was a lot of fun last year, and will be again this year.
Avatar thanks to AITB
Valentine's Day really doesn't mean a whole lot to me. When we were little my siblings and I made cards to give to each other but that stopped quite awhile ago. At this stage in my life, the only reason I look forward to Valentine's Day is because of the Father-Daughter dance at church. It's mostly for the little kids, but I do love dressing up and Dad is a good waltzer.
I suppose if I had a boyfriend I would want to do something on Valentine's Day. But since I don't have a boyfriend, my thoughts are more centered around whether or not I'll end up subbing in an elementary class room that day. Party + candy + sub I don't want to think what that might mean.
My sister and I were talking and she told me that she and her friend (who happens to be male) are making Valentine's Day cookies today. She is going to bring some to me tomorrow.
She doesn't care much for the holiday and it sounds like her friend is rather bitter because he doesn't have a girlfriend, so that is kind of funny. Of course, it is always nice to have an excuse to make cookies.
Our mom gets us presents each V-Day. They usually include Valentine's Day socks, candy, and a stuffed animal. Sometimes our dad gets us something too. When I think of Valentine's Day, I still largely think of elementary school celebrations.
What are people's thoughts on whether or not the women should get the man something on Valentine's Day? Is it suppose to go both ways or is the guy supposed to do all of the buying and planning?
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
I am making valentine's day cards and cookies for the kids I work with. Then I'm driving 5 hours to get my cast removed the next day.
I'm in my twenties and have had boyfriends but its happened that I have always been single on Valentine's Day thus far and am currently single now. If I had a boyfriend I would help plan the day and buy something for him. It would seem a little unfair to expect all the giving from one side. The way I see it, its a national holiday not my birthday. But every person and every relationship is different.
"Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning." -C.S. Lewis
To me, Valentine's Day has been blown up to be all commercial hogwash. But at the same time, haven't they [the card companies, etc.] done the same thing to Christmas?
I do believe that Valentine's Day (commercial and puffed up to stupidity that it is) is a great excuse to throw a fancy dinner for your significant other, or whatever it is you think will show your love best. However, we have never really celebrated it in our house, excepting the loads of candy my Grandmother would send us and my Mom would throw away.
I've always thought it was rather sad, actually... Even if the commercialism is annoying, I don't think it's much worse than Christmas and what's not to love about a day dedicated to love? If, of course, it is Godly and Christ honoring love.
Of course, that's just my opinion.
I think you got it right, Windsong. Someday, when I get married, I would like my husband to treat Valentine's Day like you do.
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
I don't get depressed or excited when it comes to Valentine's Day. I just say 'meh' (not outloud) and go on with my life. I don't have a girlfriend or wife, so it's just another day to me. It's great to hear that other people can make it something special though.
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Doctor Who - Season 11
If I had a boyfriend I would help plan the day and buy something for him. It would seem a little unfair to expect all the giving from one side. The way I see it, its a national holiday not my birthday. But every person and every relationship is different.
haha exactly, what's all this pressure on guys to buy flowers and everything? If you listen to commercials on the radio or what not, you'd think it's a sin not to buy flowers and that your girlfriend will leave you. If a relationship depended on whether or not someone bought you flowers, that's a little depressing!
just gonna wish everyone on NW a very Happy Valentine's Day! I hope everyone enjoys themselves- no matter what it is that you do
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
happy Valentine's Day everyone!
I didn't do anything out of the ordinary today and I don't think I will later either
I didn't get any chocolate but that's okay
I hope everyone has a happy day today!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I hope you had a lovely Valentine's day everyone. I spent my Valentine's day wearing glittery red horns for a work promo.
. Daughter scooped the pool, thanks to her Romeo.
Most of my celebrations along that line will be on May 1st when husband and I will celebrate our 40th Wedding anniversary.
I had soccer practice today, My grandpa had to drive me there but when he picked me up, he gave me a rose!! it was so sweet. And then I went out to lunch with him and my grandma
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
If I had a boyfriend I would help plan the day and buy something for him. It would seem a little unfair to expect all the giving from one side.
I agree it seems unfair for the guy to have to do everything but most of the gifts in stores seem to be geared towards women. I'd probably make or buy a card and make a cake or cookies.
My sister's friend calls Valentine's Day "Singles Awareness Day" He does have a point though.
I did end up subbing today but the longest time I had a group of students was 50 minutes. They were actually fairly well behaved for Kindergarteners on Valentine's Day.
Happy Valentine's Day!
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
That is quite something, Pattertwigs Pal. You're very fortunate because most young classes I've been in over the years are ... hyper-plus on Valentine's Day.
Well, my dictionary.com Word of the Day for Valentine's Day was "uxorious": "doting upon, foolishly fond of, or affectionately submissive toward one's wife."
Happy-day-after-Valentine's Day or a-month-before-The Ides of March!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Yeah, right! Odd that there isn't a matching word for a woman who is excessively fond of her husband and submissive to him, isn't it? (shrugs and sighs).
Or isn't there any such wife?
If I had a boyfriend I would help plan the day and buy something for him. It would seem a little unfair to expect all the giving from one side. The way I see it, its a national holiday not my birthday. But every person and every relationship is different.
haha exactly, what's all this pressure on guys to buy flowers and everything? If you listen to commercials on the radio or what not, you'd think it's a sin not to buy flowers and that your girlfriend will leave you. If a relationship depended on whether or not someone bought you flowers, that's a little depressing!
The trouble is with such relationships, especially at the beginning, is that it impacts on other people, not just the flirting couple. Perhaps the prospective father-in-law, if he is around, is the one who really has to be impressed. A bloke has to prove he has what it takes to get the girl and to keep the father on side.