PIXAR; The name has come to represent some of the highest quality films of our time. With 11 critically and commercially successful films under their belt, Pixar continues to break new ground with each passing film. The original Toy Story was the first ever full length computer animated film, Monster's Inc. brought about new technology that allowed animators to accurately simulate fur and clothing, Finding Nemo successfully conquered water simulation which had long been considered an animators worst nightmare, Wall-E dared to tell the story of a robot who could barely say five words, Up became only the second animated film in history to be nominated for best picture, and just last year Toy story 3 became not only the highest grossing film of the year and highest grossing animated film of all time but also the third animated film ever to be nominated for best picture.
Although some have criticized more recent Pixar films (Up, Toy Story 3) for being too scary or sad for little children, the majority have agreed that their stories are both emotionally compelling and humorously delightful. Up boasted a whopping 98% on rotten tomatoes with only 5 of the 264 reviews being rotten. Likewise Toy Story 3 boasted a 99% on rotten tomatoes with 3 of the reviews being rotten. No Pixar film has passed below 75% on the rotten tomato meter, making every Pixar film to date "fresh."
But what do you think? Do all the Pixar films deserve a "fresh" rating? Are some of them too scary or too sad for younger children? Do you have any favorites? Least favorites? This is the place to discuss all things Pixar, so pull up a chair and pull out your inner critic and let discussion begin!
Oh, and for the record, if you do have trouble choosing your favorite Pixar films like I do, there's a reason for that. It's because they're all really different. To use the words of Brad Bird, director of The Incredibles and Ratatouille, "Animation isn't a genre, it's an art form that you can make any genre with." Lots of people think Animation is a genre, so you should be able to fairly compare any animated film to any other animated film, but that's simply not true. Brad Bird even went as far as to say he'd punch the next person he met who made such a claim in the face. Just sayin'... it's something to consider if you want to keep your face.
I'll always be a,
Rest in Peace Old Narniaweb
I have to say my favorite Pixar movie is Monsters inc. But it is difficult. It's almost a tie between Monsters inc. and Finding Nemo. But Boo stole my heart. My third favorite is Cars.
Surprisingly, I haven't liked the newest ones that well. I mean, they were okay. But Up and Wall-E didn't really have anything that makes me want to see it again, though they were entertaining the first time.
Ratatouille and The Incredibles are good movies in their own way, but they're not nearly my favorites. Ratatouille is the one I like best between those two.
I was never a big fan of the early ones -- Toy Story and a Bug's Life. I saw them as a very young child, and they didn't hold my interest much then or now. But they're still cute movies. I like A Bug's Life more than Toy Story.
I think the best part of Pixar movies is, unlike other animated movies, there's always a very deep emotional connection. Something that can make you cry. Boo in Monsters Inc. The tragedy about Nemo's mother that created the father's paranoia. The wife of the old man in Up. Those stories have touched me more than a lot of "grown-up", non-animated movies I've seen. And that doesn't usually happen for me in cartoons.
Pixar is awsome. I don't think there is a Pixar film I don't like. You are right that they are creatove and funny but are also emotionally deep and are not simply children's movies. Adults can enjoy them too.
I disagree with those that say some Pixar films are scary. I don't think kids are immune from all evils in this world. I don't think Toy Story 3 for example, was too scary. Unless a child is very sensitive, I can't see them being extremely afraid after seeing that movie. I remember as a child watching lots of movies that were far more scary. Movies like Disney's Snow White and Sleeping Beauty were kind of scary. More so than the Pixar films. I mean I was freaked out about the witch in Snow White.
I don't think kids need to be sheltered THAT much.
My little brother saw the film and he was fine.
Its hard to choose my favorite Pixar film, but I guess I'll go with WALL-E. I was just amazed at how the managed to tell a film with minimum dialogue. They really told their story visually.
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
To use the words of Brad Bird, director of The Incredibles and Ratatouille, "Animation isn't a genre, it's an art form that you can make any genre with." Lots of people think Animation is a genre, so you should be able to fairly compare any animated film to any other animated film, but that's simply not true. Brad Bird even went as far as to say he'd punch the next person he met who made such a claim in the face. Just sayin'
Wow. Well said. I guess that kinda justifies how I group my favorite Pixar movies, or rather why I like each of my favorites.
All-time Favorites: Toy Story (all three of them ), Nemo
Least favorites (more like 'viewed the least'): Wall-e (it's actually a good movie, the satire of where our race is headed just scares me so much that I can't watch it), Cars
Any favorite shorts? I've always wanted to see that one... I think it's called 'tin toy' or something like that? It was one of their firsts
Michael Giacchino also makes really good scores for these films (Up, Ratatouille, Incredibles)... I have an aversion to birds and was thinking of skipping Up when I saw images of Kevin until I head that he was doing the score.
Oh and just for the record, a list of all pixar movies from oldest to most recent:
1. Toy Story
2. Bug's Life
3. Toy Story 2
4. Monster's Inc
5. Finding Nemo
6. Incredibles
7. Cars
8. Ratatouille
9. Wall-e
10. Up
11. Toy Story 3
Signature by Tarkheena, Avatar by Ithilwen
Sneaky Ninja of the Lurkers Club
I think my favorite short would have to be the one with the Aliens moving the guy around. I forget the title. I also like the one about rats and the black plague.
Back when we first saw "For the Birds" my mom and I laughed really hard, because the birds reminded us so much of our birds at home. We had a big awkward bird and a bunch of little snobby birds at that time, just like in the short.
I absolutely approve of this SF.
Let's see - where to begin? I love pretty much all the Pixar movies! And their shortfilms are hilarious! They make going to see the movies even more rewarding!
I grew up on A Bug's Life. I watched that movie way too many times to count. That one was definitely my favorite as a child. I watched Toy Story too, but not as much because Sid scared me a bit. But only a little. I don't think that Pixar movies are all that frightening.
Today, my favorites are Toy Story 3, The Incredibles, Finding Nemo, and Wall-E. Yes, I love that little robot and his "waaaahhhhh" noises. And I think Wall-E has the best animation of them all, as far as the realism goes.
I'm super excited for Brave to come out.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
I love Pixar movies. I haven't seen a Pixar movie I didn't enjoy (the closest would be the Boundin' short - awful!)
My favourite Pixar movies are: The Incredibles, Monsters Inc., WALL-E, Finding Nemo and Toy Story 3. Up was probably the biggest disappointment. The first 15-20mins were incredible but after that it was far too run-of-the-mill to be amazing (still quite enjoyable though).
Obviously some children are more sensitive than others, but I personally think Pixar create movies with great integrity. They're not purely for children but there's nothing offensive (in terms of content or message) in them. I'm a firm believer that children should be exposed to the different facets of human emotion and shouldn't be hid from the world. Naturally, there needs to be discernment on part of the parent(so) or guardian but people really do blow things out of proportion. In general, children's movies of the 80's and 90's were more intense than today's children's fare. If anything, much of it is too sanitised in the name of profit and political correctness. BUT Pixar are fantastic.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
There is no word to describe Pixar. Why are all their films beyond successful? Because they always start with and develop the foundation that makes up a strong film: storyline, characters, and the wold they live in.
The statement that the films may be too scary or intense for younger viewers is a bit ridiculous. Pixar doesn't make children's films. They tell the stories that they want to, they are a reflection of themselves, in the hopes that outside viewers will too. That's why we are so attached and get emotional along with the characters we see on screen (i.e. the montage sequence in UP or by the end of Toy Story 3)- they've done their job right when we completely feel for characters that have come from the imagination and "live" through the computer. I feel that kids need to have a bit of exposure to "scary" moments in films, nothing that's going to be terrorizing, but something that's still believable. Every film has a "problem" that needs solved, and when the good guys come out on top, it settles any of the "scary" moments.
I beyond agree that animation is not a genre, rather it's a medium for filmmaking, just as live action is. Any animated film can be turned into live action, but it's not going to have the same impact (that is why live action films based on animated tv series flop). There is a reason that certain films, or televsision for that matter, is animated. Yes, live action has it's challenges, but it is a lot easier to create a film in live action than it is in animation.
Favorites: all... but probably The Incredibles tops my list. The color scheme is beautiful (tells the story all on its own). The character development is amazing, with each personality reflecting their super abilities.
By the by narnialover101, you may want to rewrite this line: "The original Toy Story was the first ever full length animated film", because the current wording is incorrect. It should either be: "The original Toy Story was the first ever full length animated film from Pixar" or "The original Toy Story was the first ever full length computer animated film". Sorry, I had to let you know .
Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan
Mmmmm... Pixar. I love their films. Even the few I don't like I fully admit are excellent movies, simply not in my taste.
My favorites go in some kind of order like this....
1. Wall-E - There is nothing about this movie that I don't like. I love the themes, the characters, the cinematography, but what really made it for me was the music. And they had snippets from Hello Dolly one of my favorite musicals. Bonus! The first time I went to the theaters and Michael Crawford started belting out "Put on your Sunday Clothes" in the opening shot, I just busted up laughing.
2. Cars - Maybe it's because I'm from the midwest and found the jokes absolutely hysterical... or maybe it's because they didn't follow the typical story formula where guy betrays girl, girl gets mad, girl forgives guy, they get together, so that was a huge relief... or maybe it's because it had some of the most beautiful scenery I've ever seen in an animated movie. Whatever it is, this movie gets better for me every time I watch it.
3. The Incredibles - This one is just straight up fun. It used to be my favorite, but I just watched to too many times I'm afraid.
4. Monster's Inc - Too cute. I still follow my cats around the house going "kitty!" it Boo's voice.
5. Toy Story 2 - My favorite of the Toy Story movies. I really do love this one.
6. Ratatouille - I found this movie perhaps a tad slow and was ever-so-slightly bothered by some of the more adult themes. But even so, I still love this one. I also used to own rats, so that made this movie a tiny bit more special.
7. Toy Story - A classic.
8. Finding Nemo - The first time I saw this movie, I really didn't get what all of the fuss was about. Marlin drove me crazy as a character. Over the years, I've watched it some more and it's grown on me, but it's still nowhere near the top of my list.
9. Up - Something about this movie never really clicked for me. Not sure what it was. The only reason I gave it another chance was because of Dug who truly cracked me up.
10. A Bug's Life - The first Pixar movie that I didn't like. I haven't seen it in a few years but when I did, I remember I found it quite boring.
11. Toy Story 3 - My least favorite of the Pixar movies, hand's down. And go figure it rose to the top of the box office.... It was too dark for my personal tastes, plus it was a complete repeat of the story from the Toy Story 2. I did love the final scene, quite powerful and beautiful.... but unfortunately the rest of the movie I didn't care for at all.
I am going to be quite curious to see Cars 2 this summer. I'm not going in with very high hopes as the last couple movies have been misses for me and it looks like everything I loved about the first Cars movie has been removed. But I'm definitely willing to give it a chance just because it's Pixar.
I've seen a few Pixar films. I've seen The Incredibles which was pretty good, Finding Nemo which was pretty good, Cars which was ok, and Ratatouille which I thought was pretty dumb. I've seen part of one or two of the Toy Story movies while baby-sitting and, I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but I really don't see why everybody seems to love them (not talking about NarniaWebbers here, I haven't read any of the posts except the first one, I'm talking about people I see and hear from). I'm not a big fan of animated movies in general, I guess.
Ah, Pixar. I'm afraid I haven't seen all of theirs, but here are my favorites:
Finding Nemo. One of my favorite movies ever. The water, the escape plan, and DORY.
Monsters, Inc.. When I was a kid this was my favorite movies. Once I watched it twice in one day. I love Mike, and the relationship between Sully and Boo is so cute.
Up. Another favorite. I especially love Dug. And Kevin. (And Russell is incredibly cute and funny.)
The Incredibles. A lot of fun. Especially Edna and Frozone. (The scene where Frozone is looking for his super suit is priceless. )
Toy Story 3. I loved this. Spanish Buzz is the most hilarious thing ever, as are Barbie and Ken. And I love all the escape scenes.
I liked A Bug's Life and Ratatouille, too, but I was never into Cars that much. And unfortunately, I haven't seen Wall-E. I saw the first Toy Story years ago when I was really young, but I never saw the second one.
My favorite shorts were the one with the birds and Jack-Jack Attack.
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
By the by narnialover101, you may want to rewrite this line: "The original Toy Story was the first ever full length animated film", because the current wording is incorrect. It should either be: "The original Toy Story was the first ever full length animated film from Pixar" or "The original Toy Story was the first ever full length computer animated film". Sorry, I had to let you know
Thanks a ton for pointing this out. Didn't intend to put that at all! Such a terrible mistake for a Pixar fan to make!
I have a lot more to say about Pixar, but unfortunately I don't have the time just now. Hopefully I can drop by later and leave some of my thoughts. I've enjoyed reading all of yours so far!
I'll always be a,
Rest in Peace Old Narniaweb
I love PIXAR! I have watched all their films!
the Toy Story trilogy is my favorite!
my least favorite is WallE. and I didn't like Up much.
but the rest are really good!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I love Pixar, and i've enjoyed every single one of their films. A couple times, i've started watching one of them wondering how in the world i'm going to like this one .... and end up liking it.
My top favorites would have to be Toy Story (all 3), Wall∙E, The Incredibles and Up. It's really hard to say for absolute certain.
Favorite shorts: Partly Cloudy and the one with the rabbit and the magician; can't remember the name off-hand. Jack-Jack Attack and the one with the alien are good too.
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Tarfon
the one with the rabbit and the magician; can't remember the name off-hand
It's called Hocus Pocus isn't it? I can't remember for sure.
I've never been able to pick my favorite short. For the Birds has always been at the top of the list though. And Hocus Pocus (as I call it) I really enjoy as well. I also like the one with the snowman in the snow globe (and of course I can't remember the name of that one).