When everything is going great and someone has to say something stupid and awkward. It's literally like some people wake up wondering how they can make another person feel really ugh, and their day is incomplete until they have done so. What goes around will come around.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
My husband. Lol I love him to death.
One thing that really annoys me is when my bangs won't lay right. I just got bangs on the fifth and trying to get them to lay right can be a definite challenge in patience.
KrisTwin: Follower - Sibs AWH&Fauni - SirenSis - PotatoHead
"There are no boring subjects, only disinterested minds."
AV by ForeverFan
-wet towels
-people who don't get sarcasm
-when girls wear fuzzy boots with skirts (whats up with that?)
-when freshman walk on the wrong side of the hallway
-when couples walk really slowly in the hallway at school
-clingy couples.
-people who do nothing but feel sorry for themselves
-when people leave empty containers/boxes in the pantry
-when you bite into what you think is a chocolate chip cookie and its actually raisin
-not having enough time to make tea in the morning
Ha nearly all of those things annoy me too, also the jeans and white runners look? ha they can wear it if they like but it doesn't look good.
Here are some things that annoy me:
- Blinking lights. I just can't stand them. I don't really know why, they just drive me nuts.
- Wet clothes. I do not like the way my clothes feel when they're wet.
- Really high pitched humming. This, like blinking lights, just drives me nuts.
- Ceiling fans. I don't really know why I don't like them, but I don't.
- When people are too serious. There probably isn't anyone who is ever too serious for everyone, but I can definitely think of times when a certain person (who shall remain nameless) has been too serious for my tastes.
- Timers. I do not like having a timer, or when someone tells me I need a timer. In fact, if someone tells me I need to have a timer for something that I'm doing because someone else wants to do it, I stop doing it, just so I won't need a timer. So, yeah, I really don't like timers.
- When my hair is wet and I have to put it up in a bun for ballet class, and then when I take it down it's curly or wavy.
- People thinking that just because I'm a girl I'm not as strong as my big brothers really bugs me.
- When a certain someone (who shall remain nameless) goes on talking and talking and talking about computers and things like that when I'm not really interested in it, especially if he asks me, "Want to hear about ____?" and I say no, and he tells me about it anyway.
- People startling me. If someone sneaks up on me, whether they just tap me on the shoulder or say "Boo!", so long as it startles me, it will really get on my nerves.
Well, I could go on, but I won't. The things I listed are probably some of the things that bother me the most.
Before I get into why I'm here, I wanted to respond to a few:
- Blinking lights. I just can't stand them. I don't really know why, they just drive me nuts.
Like those long ones that are in bathrooms or schools? YES!!! I can't stand those... it's sensory overload.
- Really high pitched humming. This, like blinking lights, just drives me nuts.
yes, yes... YES!! Drives my "super hearing" bonkers!
- Ceiling fans. I don't really know why I don't like them, but I don't.
Just them in general, or the noise? I don't mind the breeze they give in the summer. And I don't mind the quiet ones. But the ones that make noise? (even if nobody else can hear said noise?) ACK! TURN IT OFF!!!! Even if I'm in my room and said fan is in the next room... or the other end of the house. Doesn't matter... my senses are going haywire. Yuck.
I guess I'm just saying I understand.
1) When tall people sit in front of me at something, making it hard (or impossible) for me to see. (and even properly enjoy something)
2) When people talk at the theatre.
Seriously people, learn the rules before you come. And if you have kids who've never gone before? I don't mind you bringing them, and spreading the love of the theatre. That's awesome. But teach them before they go that they can't talk to you (in whispers or otherwise) during an entire show... it's rude to the people around you.
It's been over 24 hours (way over). So...
-my knee still hurting.
-being always tired, even when you've had sleep
-when this thread is (slightly) longer than the "Make your day" thread.
-Finding out Avra can't come to the Classic after all... and knowing the reason why. (poor dear!)
I know there are more... but that'll do for now. (i'm trying to be more positive!)
My new ballet teacher is driving. me. CRAZY! I am SO sick of her, and I've only danced with her for barely two months now. Why am I sick of her?
- She does her barre work FAR too fast, and doesn't bother to slow down after we constantly make fools of ourselves.
- She likes to tell us how we stunk after we did said exercises WAY TOO FAST.
- She tells us to not "be so expressive" at the barre when we do combinations, yet she then tells us awhile later that we aren't "dancing" our barre enough. (I was trained to dance my barre for years, so it is REALLY hard to suddenly go all robotic! Make up your mind already!)
- Her music makes no sense.
- She makes insulting comments to us such as "Welcome to the advanced ballet class everyone!" in a really sarcastic voice, after we don't do a hard step perfectly, or mess up in some other way. It's disgusting, I've been in advanced ballet for six years now, and I'm being treated like a fool!
- This girl just turned 27 and won't stop complaining about how old she is! "Oh, my body isn't what it used to be", "Oh, I'm so old and sore!", "You guys wait until you're my age, you'll want to stretch more and more, and your body will hurt ALL the time."..... Really? She can still get her leg to her ear, she needs to shut up. I'm almost 20 myself.... Not that far from her "I'm so old" age and I'm not falling apart.
- She doesn't allow rosin in any pointe classes! She claims she won't use rosin because the students in her TWO modern classes (as opposed to at least 15 ballet classes at the studio) will get stuck to the floor! What's worse, being a bit sticky on the floor barefoot, or spinning out of control on pointe, falling, and breaking something?!
What makes matters worse, is the fact that I know this building. It was the building my old studio used until they moved out, I've danced at this place for 10 years now and I know the floors in each classroom really well. I know how slippery they get! I tried to tell her but of course no, the teacher (and owner, since she's the one who bought the place) knows better than someone who grew up in the building!
- She doesn't give arm or head movements on exercises when demoing for us, so we have no clue what to do.
And lastly for now (since I could go on all day with this!);
- She's known me for only two months, and is constantly acting like she knows me better than I know myself. It's disgusting! I know how my body works, stop trying to tell me I'm wrong, and sop trying to act like you know me personally!
I'm so discouraged and sad right now. I just want to cry so hard. I miss my old teacher so much!
I was happy in her classes, I didn't feel like an idiot with every move I did, she wasn't a whiner, she explained things to us, and most of all, she knew me and I knew her. Really well.
I feel like my passion for ballet is slowly dying. I dread classes and hate how I look in the mirror. I feel like my technique is dying. There's no place else for me to go that accepts college students that are serious in ballet, but not pre-pro. I'm so upset right now.
I want my old teacher back. Sorry for the ranting all... Hopefully I didn't take advantage of the usage of this thread.....
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
You will get through it gw. I have had similar problems with highschool teachers and my current boss who tries to make people feel like fools. I had to put up with this terrible chem teacher( I must say year 12 was alright however) for 3 years. He drove me insane but my current manager drives me more insane. He is one of those people who claim they know nearly everything and anything they don't know isn't worth knowing. Also the fact he sounds like a broken recorded, repeats himself all the time. So a minuet conversation can last for 10 and he has no reason to repeat himself so much. H spends hours on the phone due to this while everyone else is rushing around and than says he is too busy when he is playing computer games.
He is always right too(well he is usually wrong imo but I don't get involved). I suppose it is a huge personality gap that makes me not like him very much.
There is someone else I work with who is younger than me(not much) and we started at similar times and tries to tell me what to do like I am her junior. I am a quiet person and I don't like to cause arguments, so I let it go usually.
Oh my
I'm so sorry that you have to go through all of that GentleWarrior.
It really is annoying when a person can stand between and ruin something that you're supposed to love doing.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!