It seems to be working a lot better than that, haha. I've been in the Meditation Room for 10 hunts, and I've got 8 Lucky, 1 Hapless and 1 FTA.
Hahaha, that's too funny. Well in my defense Gymmie didn't pass on the super high catch rate info that went along with the suggestion. But I am glad that it guarantees everyone who's high enough level to get one this weekend.
I caught the Shelder! And during a tournament too Things are looking up
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Yay Wolf! Perfect timing. The 300 tourney points are a nice bonus
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
Really enjoying the event weekend so far. I hung out in the Meditation Room most of the day; I got a lot more Hapless than yesterday, but I'm still up to maybe 26 Lucky mice? I forget. Used WBwT most of the day and ditched the Attraction charm.
Spent this evening in the Pinnacle Chamber and bagged a few MoJo's just because I could. I got maybe six? I forget. Six out of 12 pieces of cheese ain't bad. Made some Curd and I got Dojo cheese, Onyx Gorgonzola, Limelight and Gouda. Yay. Was hoping for some Runic or Rumble but that's ok!
Right now I'm going to camp overnight and see if I can get lucky with a Silth, and then it's either back to the Tribal Isles for another shot at the Aged/Elder or it's back for more Lucky mice. Not sure which way I'll go, but I'll figure it out.
I caught a second Shelder and we placed in the top 50%. Now I'll be after Lucky and Hapless mice until Fall hits the SG.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Bought the Mouse Statuette collectible and the Super Briefs tonight. No real reason. Just 'cause. lol. I had enough tournament tokens and King Reward tokens for both without completely draining my stores. I'm back in the shoreline trying to get the wire spools I need for the hearthstone base. 9 more to go!
Ok, a couple questions for the more informed.
1. What mice does one typically reserve a ULC for? I nabbed a few during Lucky Weekend and I know they are rare, but I wasn't sure when one really used them outside of Warmongers, lol.
2. Is it generally a wise idea to use the Magic Essence recipe for Tribal cheese, or does one usually just use the regular recipe? I just wasn't sure how "valuable" one tends to find this particular cheese.
3. I'm doing a Huntington tourney with the gang; what's my best setup for Shelders? I know they're extremely rare but I wasn't sure if I should go for attraction, luck, power or just whatever, lol. I'm mostly playing with bases and charms because I only have one Hydro trap.
Game update: Hero, plugging away at the Tribal Islands for Stones and Shells. My efforts to catch the Aged/Elder mice have been wholly unsuccessful, so I've been forced to farm for more Crunchy and Shell. I fully intend to be one of those people that buy token packs of these things to save on hassle, but since I'm currently waiting on about 300k in points before I get my next trap upgrade, there was really no point in using up the KC now.
Ugh, this last million points or so has been a total drag, and I still have over 8mil in points to go before I'll get to upgrade the last of my three traps, which is an enormous pain in the butt. I will DEFINITELY have all the crafting parts well in advance of the point requirement.
What does one typically do while waiting to upgrade traps? I know that once I have my Shell/Crunchy/Gouda I can start going after Pepper seeds; I just don't know if it's worth doing that before you have the better traps. I suppose you *have* to start going after the ABT trap parts in the mean time; but it seems like such a hassle, lol. Oh well, I'll just slog on through as best as I can!
Maybe once I upgrade my MVMT, I'll head back to Furoma. I love me some Furoma.
1. When they were first added to the game (Ronza gave everybody 20 of them), I stockpiled them in anticipation of the Leprechaun Mouse. But now that mouse hasn't been released for several years so I use ULC on Warmongers, Icewings, I think maybe the Chess Master... But keep in mind, charms weren't even released until I had finished with everything up through Z's Tower soooo... I didn't have much of an opportunity to use them.
2. Cheese Recipes I consistently used Magic Essence on include: Vanilla Stilton, Vengeful Vanilla Stilton, and Checkmate Cheese. I did craft all of the Tribal Isles cheeses with Magic Essence, but only on very rare occasions when I was desperate.
3. The nice thing about the Shelder is that if you attract him, it's very unlikely that you'll miss him. Arming the Aqua Base vs Bronze Base isn't going to make much, if any, difference.
Personal update: Currently in Wave 3 of the Warpath getting to the sweet spot for tournaments. Not terribly far off 15-0-45-52-24-15.
Gonna hit the Iceburg in the morning for a tournament and more attempts at getting General Drheller.
I might actually go do a Z Tower run with or without a tournament to try to restock my amplifier charms. (I'm out. )
Really my current existence in MH revolves around tournaments. I was quite happy to hear last Friday they're working on new content again.
1. I use them for the same mice that FK listed, but I also like to use them to snag some dragon mice if I'm in a Tribal Isle's Tournie. I could also see them being put to good use going after Balack the Banished or the SOJO
2. I use magic essence for checkmate and VVS only.
We're doing a S.S. Huntington tonight. I'm going to be using Super Brie in hopes to nab my cook mouse (I've yet to get her), and then hopefully my Shellder as well. . . but I'm not holding out much hope.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
We're doing a S.S. Huntington tonight. I'm going to be using Super Brie in hopes to nab my cook mouse (I've yet to get her), and then hopefully my Shellder as well. . . but I'm not holding out much hope.
I have a mouse that you don't have? I got my Cook a week or so ago. I can't remember why I was hunting with SB+ there; I think some of my tourney mates sent me some because we were placing well and they wanted to make sure I could help keep the points up, lol.
Well, it's back to the Cats for me, to farm more gold. I have more gold now than I ever have, and I'm getting very close to having one million in gold for the first time.
I managed to catch 82 Lucky Mice over the weekend. Will we be seeing that mouse again?
^^ I think so...didn't the Devs say that they plan on having more weekend evetns more often? I imagine the Lucky will be back. I hope so anyway; I got 50+ but I'd like to Silver him eventually.
Yes, I do hope that he'll be back, it was a nice little weekend event. I really think that they should try to do at least one little weekend event per month; they're always fun! We haven't had a zombie invasion weekend for a while. . . maybe they'll do one of those within the next few months.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I have all of my materials for the last two Iceberg bases, minus the BCF (which I'll be farming in droves soon). So, minus getting War Scraps and the odd Tournament, I am done with the Shoreline! I only have the Deep Mouse
and the Living Salt left to catch in the Icewing group. I suspect I'll be a while trying to get the Deep Mouse, as I've never even finished the 'Berg in under 275 hunts, much less under 250.
I have a fully charge Tower Amplifier and am working my way through the last of my Archers in Wave 3 on the Warpath, so I will be up for any tourneys there in the next while. I need to remember to buy an Uncharged Scholar Charm before the next ZT run so I can have it for a Library Tourney. (0-37-15-56-23-19 in the Warpath).
I have 50 Tournament Tokens, so I am 1/4 of the way to my Gold Base.
Missing Mice List
Indigenous: Pebble, Tiny, Fog, Speedy, Farmhand, Crown Collector
Gauntlet: Eclipse
Digby: Nugget
Aquatic: Shelder
Seasonal: Fall Familiar (forgot to try for this last time I was in the Garden for Fall)
Market: Blacksmith, Mage Weaver
Icewing: Deep, Living Salt
Event: Snooty, High Roller, Mobster, Leprechaun
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I decided to take a break from the Cats for awhile and hunt in the Forbidden Grove. I haven't tried hunting in there since I got my ACRONYM.
On another note, I found this spreadsheet on the Mousehunt Wiki, and noticed in the "Miscellaneous" section is a link to John 3:16! (It's in small text in the right hand corner, and reads "Whoever...but only whoever".)