Shelder is the rarest mouse in the entire game, it's literally a 1/1000 attraction rate with regular cheese. With Super Brie, you go up to 1/500
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Shelder is the rarest mouse in the entire game, it's literally a 1/1000 attraction rate.
*considers buying 500 more cheese... at least I have the gold for it now
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Is it a permanent addition, or do I have to leave my shelder hunt to get it?
They didn't say.
Shelder is the rarest mouse in the entire game, it's literally a 1/1000 attraction rate with regular cheese. With Super Brie, you go up to 1/500
I don't think that's correct. According to, it's .18/100 with Gouda and .21/100 with SB+. That discrepancy is just taking the FTAs out of the equation, not really an increase in attraction. Moral of the story, don't waste your SB on this mouse.
Well after the ZT tournament today, I now have a new and improved strategy on how to best do that tournament. (For me anyways, cause I have no life and I'm online all the time.
) Doesn't work great during the Fall either, cause your amplifier crawls up. But Basically it has changed from clearing one side to the chessmaster instead of doing the full gauntlet, fill up your amplifier quickly and get back in there and do a second run through the chessmaster.
Oh, and amplifier charms are required for that strategy as well.
Looks like my team is doing a two day Warpath tournament tomorrow. Should be interesting. I'm mostly going to be in Wave 1 so here's hoping I get lots of Gargantuamice otherwise I will be totally worthless.
Getting my amplifier back up to full in the Seasonal Garden in the meantime.
@Astro, Oh I have 9, I'm trying to bronze it, sorry for the confusion, but they are some of the rarer mice there. Not like the Shelder though
Ah I see, makes sense now. Didn't think I could possibly have been that lucky...
Just out of curiosity Wolf, have you ever attracted the Shelder?
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
@Astro, Nope not even once. Lots of people say it's second only to the Black Widow in rarity, but the Black Widow is found in most locations. The Shelder is only in one.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Wolf, you have definitely been unluckier than most with the Shelder. I went in and tallied up all the mice that you've attracted on the Huntington (which may not be 100% accurate cause the Locations tab just isn't), and you've attracted 825 mice. I guess you're the statistic that rounds out the 1/500... making up for all the people who snagged the Shelder in 300 mice.
I do admire your perseverance though. Good for you and I hope you get that pesky Shelder soon!
Well, my team is doing as well as can be expected in our current Warpath tournament. Yesterday was just a busy day for many of us so we weren't ranked very high to start with and then we dropped a fair bit overnight. But since all of us have managed to at least stay signed in for most of the day, we're pushing back up in rank and we'll hopefully be able to get high enough to stay in the top 50% overnight. (For some reason you never drop as much the second night, not sure why. I guess it's because everyone stayed up the first night and slept through the second... I dunno. ) So we'll see how we do.
After this I'm gonna go finish up my Iceburg run and hopefully snag General Drheller (I'm somewhere in the Mad Depths). After that I'll run through the Tunnels and be ready to go for our next Iceburg tourny. And then I'll go top out my Seasonal Garden amplifier again (left off somewhere around 120% I think).
@FK well I've had lots of luck elsewhere in the game so I guess it just evens out my luck. I crowned the Mermouse... Getting close to a silver on my Water Nymph... Bought 500 more pieces of cheese (I forgot if I mentioned that or not) Still working at it
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
*slips in a bit late skipping at the news of a new MH thread*
Where’s your current location? Currently I am hunting in the mountains, soon to be laboratory.
-What are your goals for being there? I was trying to get the Burroughs Map piece. Is there any particular strategy you are using at the moment? Well, to be honest I just sort of use the brie cheese and hit the 'hunt' button, most of the time.
-What’s your favorite mouse? I really like the Ninja Mouse Do you like it because of its value or loot or is it because of it’s the artwork and idea?
To be honest I like it because one of my friends calls me a little Ninja.
-Do you have a favored trap or trap setup? I still use the Spiked crusher trap, but only because I'm to lazy to purchase a new one. If so why do you like it so much?
Again, because I'm to lazy to buy a new trap, although I do like to power it has.
-Where’s the best place to hunt and why? Hmm, I don't really know 'bout this one. What about the worst place to hunt? That is easy. The Harbor. The silly master burglar mouse keeps making off with me cheese!
-What would you love to see in MH that isn’t there now? I would love to see more of Ronza, or even just some new map ares.
RL Sister to Melian Maia
Adopted Sister to Weirdo and Gildor_Inglorien
Gymfan, there's a Catacombs Competitors tourney in 6 hours! Are you up for it?
We BARELY made the top fifty. . . seriously, we were the last team that received points. Oh well. . . they still spend the same *places 12 more tokens in his pocket*
I'm more than a quarter of the way towards my Gold base!!!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Would like to apologize to Wolf and Ithilwen for missing their tourney invites. Logged on a bit late today and missed the cutoff, but I'll be ready for the next one.
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
Jacob is doing an impromptu live painting of the Chrono Mouse starting at 5pm GMT. That's Noon CDT. I assume this is the new mouse that's going to be released this weekend?
I silvered the water nymph... if I'm lucky I'll get the Shelder on a horn call during this tourney....
Ithy how's the cats tourney going?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Good luck on your tournaments everybody!
Just got back from grocery shopping and I see the Chrono Mouse is the other winner of the fan art contest a few months back. I don't know if he'll be the one released this weekend or not, but I vaguely remember the mouse's description tied it in with the Acolyte Realm. Should be interesting.
Having more trouble in the Mad Depths than I remember having in a long time. Started off being entirely my fault, had the wrong trap armed.... but really just going back and forth and back and forth and not making any progress at all. Annoying as I will probably lose that third chest. I suppose I could use drill charges if I really wanted it, but eh, it's not worth it to me. I'm saving them for future Deep Mice.
Ithy how's the cats tourney going?
We placed at #75 or something.
Still farming gold. I have 588,853 gold right now. I'll stay here until I've used up all 806 of my RB, and then I'll head over to the S.S. Huntington III.