I'm beginning to wonder if we won't see Ronza until AFTER Easter. With all the new content lined up at the end of the month and Easter coming in late April, that's a lot of stuff to work through and not a lot of time for the Flying Floozy. Works for me, since everyone got filthy rich during Easter last year. Of course, that means that Ronza's stuff will probably cost a total sum of 50mil now or something. Or maybe they just think we need the gold for the Rift stuff instead, lol.
One mouse away from my third El Flamenco, and then I'm going to the Gauntlet for Luck weekend. Going to try some of my higher Tier potions and see if I can't do well with drops. If not that, I'll just go back to the LG where I've been plugging away, lol.
I think it was FK who made a good point awhile back about how many extra essences you were able to farm during Easter in the LG...perhaps that has made for an inflated sense of speed for the first group that went through the LG? I've been starting from scratch since I didn't have my Key back then, so I haven't gotten that boost yet. Might explain my relatively slow progress; I dunno. Maybe it's just bad luck, lol. I do know that the Easter event last year helped IMMENSELY in the Iceburg; I had been looking at quite a bit of loot farming for the rest of my bases and I was able to not only craft them very quickly, but I've got TONS left over in case they ever come out with an upgrade to the area.
I'm beginning to wonder if we won't see Ronza until AFTER Easter. With all the new content lined up at the end of the month and Easter coming in late April...
I have this gut feeling that Ronza might be a lead-in to the Rift content. That's really the only way I can see them fitting her in before May.
You mean they'll make us broke before introducing more content to make us broke? That's evil.
I'm going for gold this weekend - I decided that I would use the Bonus Luck to farm Masters' shards at Furoma, because I want to hunt Mojos, but I only have 43 Rumble left. Perhaps I can reach 30 mil before Ronza comes - I really hope she will come before Easter, so we know then what we can afford.
I'll probably go back to the Dancing Hall after the weekend and do more treasure maps. I've finished my 4th Conga Line, and expect to buy a skin - I got a second skin in a treasure chest yesterday, but it's much harder to sell it now than at the beginning of the event.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Man... I've been watching for this update all day and somehow I missed it by a few hours. Thank goodness for people posting on the forum.
The update to the birthday event has been added. Here's what I've found out so far. There are new collectibles and a new mouse. The new mouse definitely hints at Ronza.
Locked and loaded! The Moussile Mouse looks all poised for flight but something doesn't look quite right. Staring up to the sky intently, he seems to be waiting for something...
No idea where to catch the new mouse yet (I'm avoiding the forums as to avoid spoilers ) but he's not showing up in the effectiveness meter at the birthday event.
However, I did just catch a mouse on my Conga Line and here are the new journal entries.
2:15 pm - Dance Hall
Oh no! These high quality super expensive lights must have been hit by quite the power surge to have exploded like this!Something must be going wrong with the power generator. Maybe the mice in the Meadow have some clues...
2:15 pm - Dance Hall
I sounded the Hunter's Horn and was successful in the hunt! I caught a 4 oz. Breakdancer Mouse worth 1,500 points and 950 gold.The mouse also dropped the following loot:
3 Party Supplies and 1 Exploded Lightshow
Headed to the Meadow to see what happens next.
I'm really hoping there is more to this exploding lights thing. I've just started making some progress in the Living Garden area and want to know if I should be working to craft those traps or saving gold for new stuff. So many possibilities, so little gold. Well, I say little, I do have more than 17 million.
I caught a couple of the Moussile mice overnight and am not back on my second M400 assignment. I'm on step 4, gather Intel in the Fiery Warpath, which means that I am stuck hoping for a lucky catch/drop. It didn't take long last time, but this assignment has been a bit different from my first. I'm hoping to finish it up (mice allowing) before the next big thing is released, whatever that may be.
Has anyone seen how we're supposed to acquire the 6th Birthday Journal Theme? I see it in my uncollected collectibles, but it isn't in the stores.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I've just started making some progress in the Living Garden area and want to know if I should be working to craft those traps or saving gold for new stuff.
I think I'd save your gold for the moment. Things should slow down after the Easter event has finished up, and that's a month away.
I'm on step 4, gather Intel in the Fiery Warpath, which means that I am stuck hoping for a lucky catch/drop.
Hey, at least it's a good place for points and gold. I usually get stuck on the Huntington going after the Buccaneer mouse.
Has anyone seen how we're supposed to acquire the 6th Birthday Journal Theme?
I have not. I even checked the forum because I didn't want to miss it. Nobody has found it yet. 'Tis still a mystery. I want to make sure to get it though because I was updating my collectibles list and noticed that the Dent has become an LE collectible. Since it says "6th Birthday" on it, I wouldn't be surprised if that happens to this theme in the future as well.
Well I finally snagged my Moussile Mouse this morning. Took me a lot longer than just about everybody else.
SpoilerCapturing a Moussile Mouse revealed another clue!I found a fragment of material that has faint traces of the same type of energy now being produced at the power generator.
The metal seems to fade in and out, as though it's from another plane of existence. Could this be evidence of the twisted world spilling further into our own? Could this be some sort of a rift opening?!
Clearly, the Moussiles are to blame for the generator sabotage!
Regarding the possibility of Ronza showing up....
On the other hand, if he is solely here to introduce the new area, how are they going to bring him back in the future to catch again?
I'm going back to my original theory that Ronza's going to introduce the next area.
You mean they'll make us broke before introducing more content to make us broke? That's evil.
Well if it's anything like the Living Garden, that area required months of farming before you could even consider the first trap. So we spend all of our money on Ronza and then hunt for the next several months farming materials and saving gold to spend later on.
ETA: Oh yeah, I'm ready for another Toxic Spill
A momentary whine: I've caught 2 Dragon mice in the last 2.5 hours, but missed both of the Draconic Wardens that I've attracted (and which I need for my M400 Assignment). Granted, one Dragon was with a Dragonbane charm, but still, shouldn't the DW be, you know, easier than the boss mouse of the area?
This moment of whining has been brought to you by the Dracano Tourism Committee in conjunction with M400 Research LLC.
Edit: Well, the whining seems to have worked. 2 more attractions later and I caught him. Now, on to the M400, who is in the Tournament Hall of all places. O_o
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I don't have a lot of time today, so here is the FBF speedy review....
~Riftwalker expansion coming soon. (We will be researching how to craft the Rift Trap which is a new trap type. Up until we get the Rift trap, the area will be a pain. Count level and up.)
~Spring Egg Hunt is after that. Lots of eggs.
~After then it will be Year of the Nobel release number 4. It's new area with a new hunting mechanic that's still early on in design so they're not sharing any spoilers about it yet.
I'm sure if you want, you could check the forums for more details, but these are the highlights in a nutshell.
I guess that for me as a 3% Countess who hasn't even got the key to Living Garden, let alone got any of the LG traps, I'd do better in leaving that new area alone for now and concentrate on reaching LG instead.
When we've finished the Egg Hunt.
I have the Sphynx Wrath, the Acronym, the OWN and the Reaper's Perch, but I expect they will only do (barely) for the LG, not for the new area.
During parts of the Bonus Luck weekend I sat in Furoma for a while and got 1.2 mil gold in 36 hours. I'm past 29 mil now - and with Ronza and the LG traps eventually, that's probably no more than I'll need.
Event maps are a steady source of trickling gold, and I'm close to eight hundred Party Supplies. I guess there may still be something that shows up as something important to spend them on, so I'm saving them for now (after having bought the trap, the base and the skin that I expect to use).
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I'm past 29 mil now - and with Ronza and the LG traps eventually, that's probably no more than I'll need.
Sitting well on gold too. I would like to believe there wont be much Ronza has for me to desire, as I have not ventured into new territory in quite some time and have no plans other than continuing another KG run and keeping myself available for Treasure Maps.
Completed a KG run. Sitting at 31 Eclipse Moose.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
*waves to Cep who is on page 6 of weekly points for all mousehunters* I saw you on page 2 for a little while.
...I have not ventured into new territory in quite some time and have no plans other than continuing another KG run...
Perhaps you might consider getting the upgraded traps from the LG to make your KG runs even more epic.
During parts of the Bonus Luck weekend I sat in Furoma for a while and got 1.2 mil gold in 36 hours.
Good for you Varna! I confess that I have stalled out on gold. I JUST crossed the 40mil mark, but that was after weeks and weeks of sitting at 39mil. That's the biggest downside to hunting the M400... not much, if any, gold.
Speaking of which, they threw me a rather nasty curveball with the last mouse I needed before the M400. "Catch a Bionic Mouse in the Meadow." Those things are RARE there. And in an area that you get no points and/or gold. I told myself that if I didn't catch it before my train started, I'd smash the assignment and get another one. But low and behold, I did manage to get one, plus my fifth M400.
I like the M400 assignments. They're really fun and I'm getting gobs of Silver Crowns out of the deal. I'm also getting super close to three more Gold Crowns (Diamond[8], Brown[17], and Thistle Mice[27]). But my number one priority right now is leveling up to Archduchess and I don't know if going after M400s is the best way to do that. The M400 itself levels me up a lot, but hunting in the other areas required do not. On the other hand, the new Rift area is going to be out soon so I probably shouldn't worry about it.
As soon as this train is over I'm going to boost my amplifier and do a quick Tower run to finish our treasure map.
I want a Gold Crown for the Mojo. I would like him to be my first Gold Crown, rather than the Zombie - but that will have to take some careful planning, as I have more than 490 zombies now, and 362 Mojos
Farming shards is a bit boring, but hunting Mojos is fun (and profitable)
At the Forum I saw people whining about "Bionic Mouse in the Meadow". Some people were seriously considering smashing that assignment - some kept it only because it was the last mouse needed before the M400
Good for you on catching one!
I'll do some more (passive) event hunting before this event ends, though. I want to bronze the Moussile. I have bronzed all the Birthday mice other than El Flamenco - I've got 6 catches, and if I'm lucky, I'll have time to do one more Conga Line and catch the 7th.
Then to choose between ULCs or the pot luck loot from Birthday Goodie Bags. But I'll wait and see whether they suddenly offer us something more to buy for Party Supplies. Not likely this late in the event, I expect.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Perhaps you might consider getting the upgraded traps from the LG to make your KG runs even more epic.
Now THAT is an idea. *begins homework*
Heh. Yeah. Another round up in the high-scoring page. It'll be six months before that happens again.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”