I caught my first mobster!!!!
And for active hunting? I now have 260 Dragonvine Cheese, 296 Rainy Cheese and 296 Windy Cheese, and 296 Fire Bowl Fuel.
I decided to climb up to Ful'Mina to be there before the LNY event, so I'm down to 208 Dragonvine Cheese. I only armed FBF when I reached Ful'Mina, so I still have 284 left of that.
I have silvered her now, and the catch that gave me her crown, also dropped me a Predatory Processor (which I sold for 2.6 mil at the MP) and her second tooth. Getting close to the upgraded Ballista now
Congratulations on your mobster!
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I've just about finished my CNY prep, although some of it is maybe Easter prep since I'm not sure if I'll actually complete them during CNY. But I have three days and nothing else to do, so...lol. I plan to open a few auras once I start hunting double/triple loot to maximize my DLU; I'm hoping this little event will be quite profitable and fun.
Here's a few things I've gotten set up so they're ready to go:
Warmonger: Cleared Wardens and ready to catch
Ful'Mina: Maxed wind/rain, 700+ FBF and 550+ Dragonvine cheese.
Absolute Acolyte: 2 Sand away from emptying Hourglass (I'll finish that and then that mouse will be ready to go)
Minotaur: Just entered Lair
Furoma Rift: Bat 9, plenty of each kind of cheese. But this is probably more for Easter, lol.
I'm currently working on trying to get my MBW rage up to 50/50/50...this is more for Easter I'm guessing since I don't think I'll want to take time away from CNY to spend on MBW, but I wanted to have it ready just in case.
Speaking of Easter, I realized that it's starting to be about time where I have to start making a list of things I want to have prepped so I'm not rushing later on, lol. I need to get set up for my Fort Rox portal projector...I'll also need to get into W4 again for my Artillery Commander. Alongside all the other sundry things that will need to be prepped. I'm REALLY looking forward to Ful'Mina Eggs, hehe.
ETA: Got my 50/50/50 for the WRift! That was surprisingly not as painful as I thought it might be...used 2 Taunting charms to get it; would have been 0 if I hadn't FTC'd the one mouse I needed to balance right after I'd gotten 50/50 in the other two areas. I have 3 more Taunting Charms to use going after MBW's; between CNY and Easter I ought to get a nice little streak going. Not that I really need more WRift stuff but Rift charms are always nice.
End of CNY day 1 and I caught the Costumed Tiger and Rabbit. That's it.
I found it interesting that they updated the artwork of several collectibles.
I donated for some cheese...last year I felt like I barely got to play in this event because I was traveling the whole time, so I feel justified in wanting to enjoy this one as best I can, haha.
I got my Costumed Dog mouse early yesterday morning, and have been hunting with double and triple candles with great success. I haven't gotten anything AMAZING yet but I have gotten some extremely nice loot! Hunting Ful'Mina is really the way to go if you just want to steady rake up nice stuff. I got 3 Artillary Strikes from one Artillary Commander, 3 Mysterious Acolyte Boxes from 1 AA (only one Timesplit Rune inside, though). My Warmonger didn't drop anything exceptional, but I'm trying for a Mino now. With my luck I'm sure I won't get anything nice but it's the anticipation of it, haha.
I want to try and get another AA if I can...I have enough cheese and FBF to keep me going in MoPi for quite some time, though. I'm quite close to my upgraded Draconic trap so I may stay long enough to buy that and then head back to the BWrift.
Lest you feel that I am having too much DHU, you should know that I made a major blunder last night when I accidentally left my lantern on while I was farming Red Candles all night. Thankfully it was just regular Candles and not Red Candles that I wasted, but still.
After an abysmal start two days ago, I managed to get my Costumed Dog late last night and (more importantly) the lantern.
I popped open a Lightning Chest and a Slayer Chest I had in reserved and hit Moussu Picchu. I have to say though, I'm quite disappointed by the low drop rate of Ful'Mina's Gifts, but maybe it's average and I just happened to see DiGs having really good luck. (I was hoping to get the Lightning Journal Theme. Doubt that will happen at this point.)
Anyways, once I get some red candles, I'll go hit up my good buddy the Minotaur.
There's nothing in this game that I actually NEED right now, it's just a list of niceties. So I'm focusing on Ful'Mina as she drops a variety of loot. Maybe I'll get lucky and get her to drop something really awesome while I have candles lit.
ETA: I am never going to need Dragon Scales ever again....ever.
This event didn't pick the best time to coincide with real life ROFL , that's ok though, because as I said, I don't really NEED anything.
I snagged a Minotaur mouse with a red candle, but no exciting drops to write home about.
Ful'Mina is where I'm using my regular candles, but no super cool mega drops there either other than a tooth, which I don't need. I have been appreciating the double ancient relic drops. I'm somewhere in the 80s so almost to another lightning map.
As a side goal, I'd like to bronze the Rooster, Dog, and Red Candle mice. They're pretty rare though so I'm not sure the latter two will happen. Have they said when this event will end?
ETAA 2/13 @ 3:39pm - How high is everybody's lantern? Mine is almost to 220ft. Just wondering if it's possible to make it to the end without buying cheese and such.
FK, I'm just behind you. I donated for Nian Gao'da, so I have more Red Candles but the limiting factor is 100% regular candles. I have plenty of Dumpling Cheese; I just don't have the time to farm candles and then light them.
Working on my third AA...second AA did not give me any Timesplit Runes. Still, each AA during this event is worth three regular AAs, so it's definitely the place I want to hunt the most because it's saving me gobs and gobs of time.
I'm at 165. I've got a pretty good cycle going. I use all my candles and then take the Dumpling cheese and Nian Gao'da I've earned while hunting with them to a Stockpile location to farm candles. When I'm out of cheese, I go hunt with the candles lit. It's not giving me *oodles* of candles, but I'm making decent progress, I think. Since the bonus luck is only effective when the lantern's lit, I'm not worried about maxing it out since it won't have a lasting effect.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I donated to get some candles right from the start, and I had about 60 Dumpling cheese left over from last year - so as soon as I got the Lantern (which I hunted for in Tier 6 of the Gauntlet), I hunted for a while with regular candles for Ful'Mina. Good way to farm Dragon Scales - I'm close to the trap upgrade now
Since then I've caught the Minotaur and got 3xRRSPG, I've caught the AA and got 3xboxes (containing 2 Runes ), I've caught the Artillery Commander and got 3xmechanism for skipping a wave, and the Warmonger and got 3x100 Flameshards. And I've been to FRift and finished Battery 9.
Now I'm back in BWRift, trying for at least one more AA and more runes.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I'd like to get back into the BWRift and catch an Acolyte with my red candle before the event ends, but thus far I only have two red candles which probably won't be enough unless I get really lucky. So I'm still going back and forth between farming candles in FC and then cheese in MoPi.
The double candles just paid off though. Ful'Mina dropped an Essence of Destruction. Sent one to Kat and seeing if Rebekah needs the other.
So I think I've had one Scrap Metal, one Oasis Bead, two Essence of Destruction, one temporal shadow plate, and one Meteoric Core Fragments out of 747 Ful'Minas. Not too shabby!
I will probably hit 300ft tomorrow on the CNY event. I like the way they had the bonus Olympics and Valentines mice show up.
I'm closing in on 300ft, but I have come to terms with that there's no feasible way for me to get to 500ft, so I'm going to only light candles when I want to maximize loot (vs lighting them just to ascend which is what I've been doing somewhat during this event). If I have some left over, that's fine; I can use them next year. Maybe make a real go at the bonus then.
I'm going after my 4th AA of the event...my third AA did not give any Timesplit Runes either but either way, I'm actually quite close to my trap. Even with no Runes on this 4th AA, I'll be at 8 Runes, and since I "owe" myself one off the MP (to replace one that I sold at a premium at the start of the area), that'll put me at 9 Runes. Just one more Rune drop will seal the deal, or I can just farm it regularly, OR I can just buy another Rune since the price is the lowest I've ever seen it. Either way, I'm quite close, since I'm not counting the 50 Cogs that I'm saving for the trap and not converting into a Rune. That's a comfortable feeling. I'd like to have this area swept up and done before the Birthday event, and I think I'm well on track to do that.
I'd like to see if I can squeeze a 5th AA in before the event ends, but we'll see. Not being able to active hunt while at my new job this week has slowed down the BWrift considerably. Good think that Ful'Mina with FBF is awesome for passive hunting!
ETA: FK, I've got two Meteoric Core Fragments from Ful'Mina...totally useless since I already have the trap.
As it turns out, the GWH event was the set, and the CNY was the spike. I have now caught 870 Ful'Mina mice in large part thanks to those two events and have had numerous trap part drops, with a bonus Essence of Destruction and Enigmatic Core thanks to candles. I'm really glad I was able to send several people trap pieces they didn't already have so hopefully that will speed up the recipients time in the Labyrinth.
I didn't manage to get up to 500ft, but after taking a look at the dog skin, I decided it wasn't worth spending real money to get it. Especially since I don't have that trap.
I was close though, I made it to 460ft I believe.
I'm also running low on MoPi supplies, so the remainder are being saved for the egg hunt, unless I need to pop in there quickly for a map or something.
And just like that, I'm bored. You'll find me in the BWRift or working on treasure maps until the birthday event starts! Can you believe it's been 10 years!?!
Congrats on the Mobster Starkat! I know you've been working on that one for a while!
As a side goal, I'd like to bronze the Rooster, Dog, and Red Candle mice. They're pretty rare though so I'm not sure the latter two will happen. Have they said when this event will end?
In an amazing moment of DLU, I got one Dog, one Rooster and two Red Candle mice the morning the event ended, bronzing them all.
Also I caught the Leprechaun during the King's giveway.
Not much luck with traps through. I still haven't gotten a rune to drop from the AA. I'm hoping my luck will improve once I've bronzed him and I can at least get the base before the Spring Egg Hunt. And I can afford the first dragon trap from Moussu Picchu but I don't know that I'm going to bother getting it yet since the GWH trap is better I think. (Honestly I haven't compared them side by side yet.)
And thanks to FK I finally have the Infinite Labyrinth trap. So thanks again! I just need the Temporal Turbine trap from the Minotaur now. Not in a huge hurry for that one though. Again, the GWH trap was pretty comparable, plus it's prettier and I didn't buy the TT chrome upgrade from Ronza because I couldn't afford it at the time and didn't have the trap anyways.
Since the spring egg hunt has always been my favorite event, I've been prepping for that for a while. The problem is that I'm all set up in a bunch of areas I can't hunt in now... because I'm all set up. I'm set up for the Ascended Elder so I can't hunt in the Furoma Rift. I'm set up for Unstable Crystal egg so I can't hunt in the Labyrinth. I'm set up for the Deep Deep Deep egg so I can't hunt in the Sunken City. I'm set up for the Warmonger/Artillery Commander so I can't hunt in the Warpath (although no great loss there. ) And I'm set up for the Heart of the Meteor so I can't hunt in Fort Rox. Basically I'm stuck in the BWR and MP until the Spring Egg Hunt... which I guess is okay because I need traps from both those areas. And I can still help with maps if they have mice in lower areas.
I’m new to this thread, it seems for the most part to consist of End-game MouseHunters. Do I, a Lord, have a place in here?
P.S. I’ve read up on the game, so I know about the later-game areas, just haven’t reached them yet.