I have not been here in far too long. However, I fear that it is not in my taste to attack the Monastery. They have chosen their own path, and I have chosen mine.
That said, I still love spoilers to my very core, and I also love not having to use spoiler boxes in this thread. So I do not want to convert to the Middle Way, for that would not be true to my spoiler-filled self. But I do not want to attack the Monastery, for I am a peace-loving minion. What shall I do?
av by dot
*puffs back up the mountain*
I may have to installeth an elevator myself, shouldst this keepeth up.
Ahem. Very and verily, I canst believe thou didst posteth all of that.
O Silvertongued One, thou art beginning to make me thinketh of unpeaceful thoughts indeed.
First of all, methinks it wouldst be wise to state that ninety nine percenteth of the time that I chatteth on the Internette, I joketh around much. In sooth, I wast not in my serious, monkly disposition during the extent of that exchange. So verily, it isn't admissible in court.
And ye can calleth me Villain-to-Be till the cows cometh home, but I canst tell thee that mine heart will never defect to the dark side.
In regards to thy allegations about the feast at the Monastery. . . YES, it is but mere Monasterial foolishness, if you prefer to calleth it that. We favor the good words of fellowship and promotion of peace.
As for the Minion who art called Eusy. . . . I hath checked the secret chamber in the Monastery, and the sacred cappuccino maker is indeed safe and sound. In sooth, I knew it to be a decoy. I do not think the Scarlet Pimpernel even likes cappuccino.
Ahh, Fireflower of the Mountain, even I can tell thee that not all of the members of the League of Extraordinarily Spoiled Rotten Masterminds art so violently inclined. Only a few *certain* members. Thou can remain peace-loving and still be a minion, methinks, so do not feel torn in thy heart.
Oh minion's, mayest I ask a question? Why is it that all of ye think of ze spoiler box as a hinderance? On the contrary 'tis more like ze wrapping on a Christmas present, it is a sweet gift in itself. It increases ze anticipation, ze wonder, ze mystery. It brings an adventure and mystery to life. It's color is both foreboding and beckoning, it echoes the mysteries of ze black hole... and yet it is reviled by both ze monks and ze minions. ('Tis that ze one thing they have in common?)
PS. Zat TLC Sarah Palin show is on, and I know politics are forbidden, but it suppossedly containeth a sneek peak to ze Voyage.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
^^ It's a hindrance because you have to click the box just to read it. And we all KNOW how difficult that is.
P.S. Thank you wolfy! I am watching that program right now.
EDIT: ASLAN'S NEW LINE!!!! "I shall be watching you always." if you look closely, it looks like he's talking to SUSAN!!!!
*peeks in, and then, taking another step further in, stares in horror*
I admit it, you all are torturing me. That show didn't come in on our television (though the funny part is that I would have watched it solely for the VODT clip ), though I looked for it. Ah well. In the meantime, I think I shall take the monks up on their invitation and head over to the Monastery.
*makes a very quick exit, covering her eyes from the clips playing on the screens*
What? Where? WHERE are these wondrous sneak peeks??!?! The spoiler lover in me must see them!
Co-president of the BGMCA club. <--- don't remember what that was but I left it for the nostalgia
Buds: 5, Twin Blank! <--- also don't remember who Twin Blank was. Find me if you're out there, lost one.
^^ It was on TLC a few minutes ago! *So excited* What could it mean? Are they hinting at Susan's final fate? A fate not even the books revealed?
It might...but what's confusing me is that a LOT of people said that she and Peter don't come back to Narnia...so how is she at the world's end?
Co-president of the BGMCA club. <--- don't remember what that was but I left it for the nostalgia
Buds: 5, Twin Blank! <--- also don't remember who Twin Blank was. Find me if you're out there, lost one.
I hope it's not just Lucy with Susan's looks (As we know she has Susan's looks for a bit). I hope instead that the filmmakers are finally giving Susan's story some closure!!!
Okay, I viewed this thing from the link given in the GMD, and I must say that previews can lie as well as trailers. This looks to me like an unconfirmed possibility (We don't even see her face).
Oh, all the glorious spoilers! TV Spots, soundtrack clips... yum.
I do not think it is Susan. All that we see is a shoulder and some hair... granted, I saw only the low-quality youtube version, but it looks to me that it could just as easily be Lucy as Susan. And judging by all the other spoilers that have told us what Susan's part in the movie is, I would assume this is just Lucy. Could be wrong, but it makes more sense.
And about the cappucino maker... *snickers* I had already put it back, just to cause further ruckus.
"Of course we've got to find him (if we can). That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Sig: lover of narnia
*sigh* Since I'm not listening to the soundtrack clips....must I now join the Pilgrims of the Middle Way? However, I do have a good reason other than "I don't want spoilers".
Co-president of the BGMCA club. <--- don't remember what that was but I left it for the nostalgia
Buds: 5, Twin Blank! <--- also don't remember who Twin Blank was. Find me if you're out there, lost one.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO checkers pleasw stay with us! Villian to be, I am no violent person, but you hath sprungeth forth my violent nature.
My book on Amazon Kindle
http://www.amazon.com/Crowded-Deep-Rive ... 572&sr=8-1
Lo, be it allowed me, I shall now make official annunciation of my decision to join the illustrious ranks of the enlightened members of this Lair. For though I were battered ferociously by a certain monk who desired to cleanse me of my habitual spoiler-gobbling, it was of no use, for I am a creature who cannot be altered from my natural way. To memory, only once ever have I refused a spoiler: t'was a short while before the release of LWW, when the Super Trailer was released, that I decided I would not feast my eyes upon the spoilers therein. That decision, however, lasted not more than a few days before I gave in. So, you see! I have no choice but to fully embrace my love for Spoilers, and that is what has brought me to these halls today, to make final my declaration of allegiance!
"Of course we've got to find him (if we can). That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Sig: lover of narnia