Many of you have probably either read the book or watched the movie or both! Here you can discuss everything Outsiders! I saw the movie before the book, but I love both. I love the fact that the movie follows the book for pretty much everything, including a lot of the dialogue. Ponyboy is probably my favorite of the brothers and I like Johnny too. I love the cast in the movie; I think they're perfect for the parts. If you aren't familiar with the Outsiders, I highly recommend reading the book and watching the movie!
"Are you sure you're eighteen?"
"Why? Do I look older?"
I love the book and film I'm yet to see the complete novel edition of the film, I hear it's got a lot of great scenes from the book put back in. Also that the beginning is similar to the book (with Ponyboy leaving the theatre) which I think would make it flow much better, I got a couple of friends to watch the film for the first time recently and while they both loved it they thought the beginning was a bit dull, which I think is an effect of the editing.
I also persuaded my mum to read the book the other day, she loved it We're now going to work together to get my little sister to read it
Ponyboy's always going to be a favorite character, but I love Soda too. The relationship between him and Ponyboy is one of my favorite aspects of the book, it's too bad they cut out a lot of Soda's scenes in the final cut of the film as I think Rob Lowe was a perfect casting choice.
There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.
I grew up reading the SE Hinton books. They are truly amazing.
The Outsiders has to be my second favorite book, my first is Tex. hought the movie "The Outsiders" is my favorite movie and it surprises me that in every movie based off of SE Hinton's work Matt Dillon and Emilio Estevez is in every movie almost.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
...and it surprises me that in every movie based off of SE Hinton's work Matt Dallas and Emilio Estevez is in every movie almost.
You mean, Matt Dillon (who played Dally ) and Emilio Estevez? Yeah, seems like... doesn't it?
I haven't seen the other films yet. (nor have I read any S.E. Hinton book other than this one... that I can recall, anyway) I know Matt Dillon was in another movie based off an S.E. Hinton book BEFORE The Outsiders... that's part of why he got this role. (because the author knew him, and suggested him) Anyway, I might be remembering that wrong?
I was gonna wait til I'd finished my reread, and rewatched the film before I posted in here. But wanted to point that out, and bump up the thread from the depths of the second page. See you guys once I finish catching up! (which will hopefully be SOON! It's killin' me that I can't post yet! But I didn't want to post, til I had refreshed my memory... so I don't screw something up. haha!)
I've never seen the film, but my sisters made me read the book this summer. I liked it fairly well, but it wasn't exactly what I was expecting. That's not necessarily either a good or a bad thing; it was just different from what I thought it would be like. For one thing, I was expecting it Where do you all think the book is set? I've a thought and have talked to several other people who have the same setting in mind---is it open to interpretation at all, or is the location pretty clearly defined?
I haven't read anything else by S.E. Hinton, but maybe I will someday.
God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.
First off, I want to thank the original poster of this thread. I had wanted to reread this book anyhow, but I don't always feel motivated to read things, even when I want to read them. So, having this SF was the push I needed to actually do it. THANK YOU! (yeah, yeah. I know I already thanked you through pm, but I'm really excited about this special feature. haha!)
Where do you all think the book is set? I've a thought and have talked to several other people who have the same setting in mind---is it open to interpretation at all, or is the location pretty clearly defined?
The place is never named in the book. But according to the author, it was set in Tulsa, Oklahoma. *loves being able to look things like this up on S.E. Hinton's website* (you can find it under the FAQ)
And Valia, I love you for posting in here, so I didn't have to double post!
Ok, so I finished the reread today, and am halfway through rewatching the film.
The Book
Overall reaction (now... as well as during my first time, all those years ago):
I love it! Interesting storyline, great characters, well-written. I love that it makes a person think. I think everyone, at some point, has wondered what it would be like to be apart of another group. And I love the whole point of "It's rough all over.", nobody has it any better than anyone else. And the whole point of "Nothing gold can stay.". I admit it, I was crying for the last two chapters today. (don't remember how I reacted the first time) And I already knew what would happen! Made me feel embarrassed, yet still made sense all the same. Yeah, I know I'm weird.
Thoughts on characters:
As odd as it might sound, I loved them all! Obviously, we'll feel attached to Pony, cause we see the whole thing through his eyes. But here's why I like them.
Ponyboy- He kinda reminds me of myself, in a way. Enjoying reading, drawing, and watching sunsets. I just had to laugh when he said, "It seemed to me that I had always lived in the church, or maybe lived during the Civil War and had somehow got transplanted. That shows you what a wild imagination I have." And I laughed, yet felt a little sorry for him, when he was upset over his hair. (I've cried over haircuts before, feeling kinda like Jo March in the process. So I understood)
Sodapop- I love his relationship with Ponyboy, and how he holds his family together. Plus, he's just an amusing, and sweet guy if you think about it.
Darry- He might seem cold at first glance, but as Pony learns, he really does care about his brothers. And I felt sorry for him, he grew up so fast, and had to give up so much. And I cracked up when he yelled, "When I want my kid brother to tell me what to do with my other kid brother, I'll ask you-kid brother.", to Soda.
Johnny- Who doesn't love Johnny? Loyal, brave, sensitive Johnny. He was more worried about Ponyboy, than about himself, the whole time! Anyone'd be lucky to have a friend like him, if you ask me.
Dally- A little rough around the edges. But, just as Pony did, by the end? I was seeing him the way Johnny did... gallant. (in his own way, of course)
Two-bit- Who doesn't love Two-bit's humor?! Cracked me up all the time, with stuff like "Who's acting?". But he could be serious when needed. And was a great friend to the younger ones. (well, all of them really. but he took such care with Johnny and Ponyboy)
Steve- I love his loyalty to Soda. And how even though he teases them all, when it comes down to it, he'd be there for any one of the other boys.
Do you all have favourite quotes? I have several, but I think one of my favourite parts is when Johnny came back from the store, Pony fell on his face in front of him, and this happened:
I propped myself on my elbows and grinned up at him. "Hey, Johnny. Fancy meetin' you here."
He looked down at me over a big package. "I swear, Ponyboy, you're gettin' to act more like Two-bit every day."
I tried unsuccessfully to c**k an eyebrow. "Who's acting?" I rolled over and sprang up, happy that someone was there. "What'd you get?"
"Come on inside. Dally told us to stay inside."
I have no idea why I get such a kick outta that scene. But I just do. *shrugs*
The Film
When I get past the fact that the film is as old as I am? (I recently realised that and was having quite a giggle over it, even if it made me feel super old)
I always loved it, though I'm not sure why I did back then.
Here's the reasons now:
First off, I just love it as a film. (even if you ignore the book it's based off)
Speaking of the book, from what I can tell during this rewatch? A lot of the lines seem ripped right from the book! It's one of the more faithful book-to-screen adaptations I've seen.
I like that the author was around the set for part of it. She knew the boys, loved them, and thought they really fit the parts! Who are we to argue about casting, if the author herself, approves? *looks pointedly at a certain friend I won't name, but who knows who she is* And I agree with her (Hinton), the casting directors did an EXCELLENT job! They might not have always looked like the book descriptions, but they fit the parts all the same. (take Soda for example. Rob Lowe played him perfectly, yet looked nothing like the boy in the novel. Same with Matt Dillon as Dally) And I can't imagine anyone else playing any of those roles.
I wish I had more to say on the movie, but I can't just yet. Maybe I will later, after finishing it. Or after reading other posts, or thinking some more. Or seeing the "Complete Novel" version.
Sorry this was so long, but I love getting the chance to talk this over with people! No one at my house has read it (to my knowledge). And sometimes, when I've read or watched something particularly moving, that made me think, I wanna talk it out. Or sometimes just think it over. Or both. See, told ya I had things in common with Ponyboy!
Kudos to you, if you made it all the way through this gigantic post! I'll no doubt, be back! (unless this thread gets locked first, of course)
The Outsiders is one of my favorite books of all time. I read it after the NWebber The_Outsider (or W-Y-L to me ), said how she wanted to have the username Ponyboy, but since she was a girl, just chose The_Outsider. Hearing about a book with a character named Ponyboy interested me. So a few years later I saw it on the shelf at Barnes and Noble and bought it.
Well. It was the first book I'd ever read, and liked it so much that I immediately reread it as soon as I was done, this time reading it aloud to my sister (Starsy on here). She in turn liked it so much that as soon as I was done reading it aloud to her, she took it and read it herself.
We both agree it's one of the best books ever, and I recommend it to everyone I know whenever the subject of books comes up.
Unfortunately, I didn't like the movie. Matt Dillon and C. Thomas Howell did a really good job in their roles (Dally and Ponyboy respectively), but I thought the acting was really lax on everyone else's parts. Ralph Macchio played Johnny and it hurt to see his poor acting (sorry Ralph, I liked you better in The Karate Kid), especially since Johnny is my favorite character.
Ponyboy looked how I imagined, as did Dally, but no one else really did. Well, maybe Darry a little bit. But no one else.
So yeah, even though the author thought they were perfect, doesn't mean they really were in the grand scope of things. I mean, take Inkheart for example. While Brendan Frasier did a well enough job, he just wasn't Mo. Even if Caroline Funke did dedicate one of the books to him and base Mo's voice after his.
Also, this is an 80's film. I tend to think the acting in 80's films are pretty bad in general. No offense.
The Outsiders(and all od SE Hinton's books) are some of my favorite books of all time! I first read the book in the 7th gradeand was quickly hooked, I love the movie too but the book is definitally my favorite. I must say that I've read it 9 times(is that bad?) My favorite character is probably Soda, I love Rob Lowe as the part and the overalll character I enjoy. I love the plot and meaning of the story, I love how the boys stand together against anything.
Princess Anna I don't think the author is the reason for Matt Dillon getting the parts, I know for The Outsiders the director just liked him right off the bat and knew he wanted him as the part this would be interesting for people to watch
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
Well. It was the first book I'd ever read, and liked it so much that I immediately reread it as soon as I was done, this time reading it aloud to my sister (Starsy on here). She in turn liked it so much that as soon as I was done reading it aloud to her, she took it and read it herself.
We both agree it's one of the best books ever, and I recommend it to everyone I know whenever the subject of books comes up.
Hang on, this was the first book you ever read? (I'd been under the impression you'd read lots of books, Narnia amoung them. Huh, guess one learns stuff everyday... even about someone they've thought of as one of their best friends for years!) And it was suggested to you by another Nwebber? I don't know if I had realised that...
And yes, dear. I know that you recommend it to anyone and everyone.
Ralph Macchio played Johnny and it hurt to see his poor acting (sorry Ralph, I liked you better in The Karate Kid), especially since Johnny is my favorite character.
What did I tell ya about this? This was his first movie (I think, anyway), and he made Karate Kid AFTER this one. (Outsiders came out in '83, Karate Kid in '84) So, yeah... he would be better in it. I told ya, they were all learning, starting out... they were teenagers. (well, except for Ralph and Patrick. Who were 20 and 30, respectively.) Of course they wouldn't be acting the same as they do now. Sheesh.
I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree, cause I still think he did a great job in that role. Tough, yet sensitive? Check! Scared of his own shadow? Check! Everyone's favourite? Check! Loyal to, and protective of, Ponyboy? Check! Seems ok to me. *thought he looked exactly like the book described, FYI*
Also, this is an 80's film. I tend to think the acting in 80's films are pretty bad in general. No offense.
Hey, now! *walks off, shaking head*
Princess Anna I don't think the author is the reason for Matt Dillon getting the parts, I know for The Outsiders the director just liked him right off the bat and knew he wanted him as the part
Oh, I wasn't saying that was the only reason. I know Coppola liked him right off the bat. I just thought I read somewhere that Hinton had suggested him. Maybe I'm remembering wrong, who knows? *shrugs* Besides, there can be more than one reason a person got a role. It was a long time ago, I guess the reason doesn't really matter. He got the role, and did a great job. Let's talk of the book and movie... and not so much, the actors. Ok? (I have a better memory in regard to the book and film, than to all the trivia. haha!)
Thanks for sharing that link! It, and the video that goes with it, were awesome! I love seeing that kind of stuff! (blame the actress side of me)
I feel so stupid, guys. Here I've wanted for days to discuss what I read, and now that I get the chance... nothing will come. Odd, right? When no one is posting in here... flood of ideas. You post? Nothing outta my head! Ugh!
It's been a while since I read the book (like five years) and 2 months since I rewatched the film for the 100th time. So I remember the film off the bat more.
BTW I love your set of The Outsiders Princess Anna and thanks for telling me about Matt's last, I feel embarrassed now since I should know his full name by now
Two-bit is my favorite character throughout. I love his impulsive humor and mirrored my love for Mickey Mouse as well
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
BTW I love your set of The Outsiders Princess Anna and thanks for telling me about Matt's last, I feel embarrassed now since I should know his full name by now
Eh, it's alright! Don't feel embarrassed, I mess up stuff that I should know, all the time! It's part of being human.
I suppose you're due for a reread, then?
As for Two-bit and Mickey...
I loved that in the movie! But there was nothing of it in the book. I think Emilio (or someone else) got that idea this way: In the book, it mentions how Soda (when he was a little kid, like ten or something), loved this horse that belonged to someone else, but Soda thought of it as HIS horse. The horse's name? Mickey Mouse. I think it was a nod to book fans or something. I don't know. But who doesn't love that part? "Say, Two-bit... Mickey's on tv!"
Re the comments on my graphics:
Thanks ever so much! That makes me really happy! (look on my photobucket for many more! I even have one of Two-bit. Guess I should make more, huh? )
Guess what, guys?! Mom ordered "The Outsiders: the Complete Novel" for me off! So, in a few days time? I'll be able to compare it with the theatrical version, and the book! WOO-HOO!
*runs off to try and make more Outsiders graphics*
What's everyone's favorite scene in the book and/or movie?
In the book I LOVE the scene when Pony just wakes up from when he ppassed out and he has a really sweet conversation with Darry, I have no clue why I love it so much but I do
In the movie I like (in the new version of the movie) the first scene when the Soc's come and try to jump Ponyboy. I also after Soda gets upset and he has a really sweet conversation with Pony and Darry in the park(I also love it in the book)
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
PA, It wasn't the first book I read, it was the first book I read and liked so much that I immediately reread it after finishing it. Like I said before.
(The first book I read by myself was The Ordinary Princess when I was like, six or something. And I've read hundreds of books since then.
And, I'm sorry, I just don't think Ralph was a good actor. I mean, I guess he looked and acted like Johnny, but his words came out so flat. I guess that's what I meant more than how he looked. He was pretty good with his eyes. But his voice seemed to be without any expression. And his lines sounded flat so . . .
My favorite scene is where Pony runs into Darry's arms at the hospital and Soda joins in on the group hug. Also, I love when Pony runs away and Darry and Soda come after him and tackle him to the ground and hold him as he cries. In fact, any brotherly-love moment I loved (and there are a lot of them ).
@ Rising_Star
wasn't that when Soda left and Pony and Darry tackled him and listened to him cry?
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
RyRy- Ohh, ok. I don't know why I didn't read it right the first time.
As for about Ralph... that makes more sense to me. I don't know if I thought his words came out flat or not. But I can see how you'd think that.
And I think georgiefan1 is correct... wasn't Soda the one that ran out, and the other two chased him down, in the lot? (think it was the lot)
My favourite scenes-
Hmm, this took some thinking. And I'm still not certain I've thought of them all. (maybe I should reread it, and rewatch it )
In no particular order...
-the part where Johnny and Pony saw the sunrise/Pony quoted "Nothing Gold can Stay"
-the part I quoted in an earlier post as a "fave quote". (when Johnny came back from the store)
Ummm... *thinks hard* I'll get back to you?
Theatrical version-
-When Pony asked all those questions. Like, when did his brothers start shaving. And why do each of them like to fight. (ohh, Soda. "He (darry) likes to show off his muscles" )
-or maybe this part:
Two Bit: Shoot, this house ain't dirty. You ought to see my house.
Ponyboy: I have and if you had the sense of a billy goat, you'd clean your house up 'stead of bummin' 'round ours.
Two Bit: Shoot kid, if I did that, my mom would die of shock.
-Just like in the book, practically any moment between the brothers.
-Pony and Johnny talkin in the lot, while watching the stars. (don't know why, just do)
-And although it makes me want to cry, I like to see Dally's softer side...
I'll let you know my favourite parts from the "Complete Novel" version, once it gets to my house and I've seen it.