Greetings all!
It has been some time since our last Star Trek SF, so we've decided to go ahead and open up another one given how popular the last was. Feel free to post thoughts and questions on what can only be considered the mother of all Sci-Fi series! Talk about the movies (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is still the best, in my humble opinion ), favorite ship classes, characters, different series, what you like or don't like about said series, favorite episodes, and many more!
So without further adieu, fire away!
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Can't remember if I posted in the original or not, but here goes- probably the same thing I wrote then if I did write in it.
I never saw the original, or any movies. I really enjoyed watching Next Generation as a kid with my father. I even got into Voyager after it. But I dropped it ever since until 2009. Star Trek, the movie, I loved and I am anticipating its sequel.
I love Star Trek!!! My favorite series are TOS, DS9, and VOY- and my favorite character is Spock definitely!
I've only seen the new movie and I loved it... I'll have too watch the others pretty soon
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I've only seen the new movie and I loved it... I'll have too watch the others pretty soon
Ahh! Well, that said I'll share some vital information with you about the Star Trek movies. ST movies with odd numbers are typically terrible (except for #3 - The Search for Spock). Even numbered movies are usually wonderful with Star Trek II being the best of the bunch, in my humble opinion . I talked with Princess Anna about this a while back, so until she gets here to spread this wonderful info I'll go ahead and do so now
1-6 are essentially from The Original Series (hereafter referred to as TOS)
7-10 are The Next Generation films (hereafter referred to as TNG)
And of course 11 was the reboot. One doesn't have to have an encyclopedic knowledge of TOS to enjoy the first 6 films, although you'll know the characters better if you do.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Star Trek! Yay!
I have seen almost every single episode in TOS and all of the movies (I concur with Shadowlander, Wrath of Khan is the best).
I have seen a few random episodes from TNG but not in any particular order. I will always watch it when it's playing on SyFy (I still think SciFi looks cooler, but did they ask me? Of course not) if I have time. I think I saw one of the movies, but I don't remember which one it was.
I have seen almost every episode of DS9 seasons 1-5 along with a few random episodes of Voyager. I have yet to see any Enterprise however.
Oh, and of course I saw the reboot movie. I liked it a lot except for
The best captain is without a doubt Kirk. I like Picard too, but he's more of a philosopher than a risk-taker if that makes any sense. Sisco and Janeway are okay, but they just don't come close to Kirk.
I'll come back with more later.
Ah, Trek. Childhood memories.
The Original Series first aired when I was a kid, though I don't remember seeing too many episodes at the time. It was only during its 1970s syndication that I really began watching it.
I liked all the various incarnations, though Enterprise would take last place in my listings. TNG, Voyager, and Deep Space Nine all had some great characters and story arcs.
I'll echo the "even-numbered movies are best" statement. Wrath of Khan is right up there with my favorites, though First Contact (8) and the most recent reboot are my favorites.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
I've only ever seen the Original Series and the Star Trek 11, but I love the original series. You just don't get that type of human emotion or character development anymore. Even if the visual effects were lacking, but hey, this was from when my dad was a kid. Anyways, My favorite characters go like this.
1. Chekov
2. Scotty
3. Spock
4. Kirt
5. Doc
And then you fill in everyone else here. There really was no bad characters in the original series.
If you ain't first, you're last.
The Original Series first aired when I was a kid...
...this was from when my dad was a kid.
Now I really feel old!
One of my all-time favorite episodes was the 5th season TNG episode "The Inner Light," in which Picard gets to experience all those things he gave up for his Starfleet career: wife, family, grandchildren. Awesome episode.
A memorable bit from the episode was Picard playing a tune on a recorder-like instrument. That tune was expanded into an orchestral piece for the Trek 40th Anniversary Tribute collection. A youtube video of it is here, with some clips from "The Inner Light."
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Squee!! Star Trek!
Well, that said I'll share some vital information with you about the Star Trek movies. ST movies with odd numbers are typically terrible (except for #3 - The Search for Spock). Even numbered movies are usually wonderful
I TOTALLY disagree, specifically sighting The Wrath of Khan and The Undiscovered Country, the first because it has some a lot of logical problems, such as
Don't get me wrong: I think all the movies are great, but I disagree that you can divide them by even/odd and say that one is better than the other.
Now that I got that off my chest....
The best captain is without a doubt Kirk. I like Picard too, but he's more of a philosopher than a risk-taker if that makes any sense.
Agreed. I very much like Picard, too, despite my father insisting on calling him "Retard." I think Picard is also more of a strategist. Some of my friends recently had to take personality tests, and two of them came up with the exact same result, but reversed. They're roommates. Their third roommate had a completely different result. The way they explained it was "Gabby tells everyone to sit down, and then she shoots them. Shannon comes in, shoots everybody, and then tells them to sit down. Tara comes in and goes 'What happened? And who made this mess??'"
The same applies to the Captains: Picard tells everyone to sit down, and then shoots them. Kirke shoots, and tells them to sit down. And then Scotty cleans up the mess. (And the last one is too a captain! Check the credits!)
Now I really feel old!
Awww, don't, you're one of the few people that I can talk about movies like "Space Balls" "Men In Tights" "Uncle Buck" and the like with. No one else knows about them.
I'm sure I can post more later...until then, anyone recognize my av/sig?
Avatar thanks to AITB
This is probably my favorite scene from the show. I saw it after I read one of Stephen Hawking's books, so I was able to understand all the high-brow humor and just couldn't stop laughing.
I've only seen the Original Crew films and the new 2009 film (which I saw in theaters!! ). Thus, my exposer has been somewhat limited....
That said, I really enjoy the movies. This is how I would stack them, best being first and last being.... well, last.
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Star Trek III: Search for Spock
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Star Trek VI: The Voyage Home
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
I'll probably get a lot of flack for this, but I view ST:TMO as a kind of 2001: A Space Odyssey: great special effects and score with a too cerebral plot that is more goofy than engaging. At least those first two items are AMAZING!
Star Trek (2009) was a really good "update", I highly enjoyed the film and can't wait for the sequel.
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
I've watched all the films and would be hard-pressed to pick between the reboot 2009 film and Star Trek II. My least favorite is similarly tied betwixt Nemesis and the dreadful Star Trek V. Shatner's original plan for the movie would have been way more ridiculous, but would probably have at least been entertaining.
Favorite Captain? Going to go with Picard with Janeway close behind. I like Kirk as a character, but I wouldn't want to serve on his crew. I just never got the sense that he had that much interest in his crew beyond the upper officers and the many female members. Archer came across the same way to me, minus the female part. I've not watched enough DS9 to have an opinion on Sisko. Archer is easily my least favorite captain and , in my opinion, one of the worst characters on any of the shows. Neelix is more grating, but not by much.
My favorite series was the Next Generation. I also liked DS9 and Voyager. And the Original Series
I have the first I think 6 movies. All the ones before Generations. For whatever reason I never bought the others.
I enjoyed the episode where Gordy and Ensign Roe end up closed and they think they're dead and they end up having to find a way to get the crew to uncloke them
And I liked the new movie too.
I'll probably get a lot of flack for this, but I view ST:TMO as a kind of 2001: A Space Odyssey...
That's a pretty fair analogy, I think, and it's one we've made too. TMP was all about the visuals - hey, we hadn't had any new Trek in 10 years (other than the short-lived Animated Series - more on that later). That slow-motion trip around the refurbished Enterprise takes forever, but was state of the art for its time. Yet (to me at least), TMP was visually impressive but boring...just like 2001.
Lady A, to be sure Wrath of Khan and the other even-numbered movies had their issues. I think the 'odd vs. even' grew primarily out of the boring TMP (I) and especially The Final Frontier (5). And Insurrection (9) seemed more like an extended episode of TNG rather than a feature film. But then Nemesis (10) came along...'nuff said.
An aside: in many respects the plot elements for Nemesis and the 2009 reboot are similar: disgruntled Romulans out for revenge on the Federation for perceived wrongs. Amazing how the later film came out so much better.
As I understand it most fans don't consider the 22 episodes of the Animated Series (airing in 1973-74) to be canon - due largely to contrary plots and uninspired animation - but there were a couple of interesting episodes: "Yesteryear" (which uses the Guardian of Forever from TOS to revisit an altered past and present on Vulcan) and "The Counter-Clock Incident" (in which the Enterprise stumbles into a universe in which time runs backwards).
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
That's a pretty fair analogy, I think, and it's one we've made too. TMP was all about the visuals - hey, we hadn't had any new Trek in 10 years (other than the short-lived Animated Series - more on that later). That slow-motion trip around the refurbished Enterprise takes forever, but was state of the art for its time. Yet (to me at least), TMP was visually impressive but boring...just like 2001.
Indeed, the rest of the ST films have fairly typical plots. TMP's plot was almost...abstract? Sorta. If you take my meaning. Really it was just a retread of an original Star Trek episode The Changeling, with interstellar probe Nomad wanting to get home and being particularly cranky about it .
Speaking about TOS, has anyone experienced the episodes they digitally remastered and updated (a la George Lucas) a few years back? I've seen several but the one I love the most (my favorite of all ST episodes. Ever.) was The Doomsday Machine. I'll link below. Enjoy!
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf