So... we have a topic for Owl City, whom I'm sure many of you are familiar with. The genius behind Owl City is Adam Young. He's released 2 full-length albums, Maybe I'm Dreaming (2008) and Ocean Eyes (2009), as well as an EP, Of June (2007). Right now he's working on recording a new Owl City album!
Adam also has a couple of side projects--an ambient/minimalist project called Port Blue, and Sky Sailing, which is more acoustic-based. The Sky Sailing tracks on An Airplane Carried Me To Bed are actually older songs from 2007 before he started Owl City. Additionally, Adam helped Austin Tofte (Swimming With Dolphins) with his EP, Ambient Blue (2009).
All right, go ahead and discuss!
I own the album Ocean Eyes. I bought it on a whim, and it turned out that I really like it. My three favorites on that album are 'The bird and the worm', 'Hello Seattle', and 'On the wing'. His music is really entertaining and lighthearted, which is the main reason I like it so much.
I've heard a little bit of Sky Sailing. The little bit I've heard I really like, maybe even over his Owl City stuff. I tend to really like the acoustic stuff.
Yeah, I just downloaded some Sky Sailing; haven't listened to it yet. I went on iTunes to look up the most popular songs so I'd know which ones to download, and found that seemingly most of them were. A good kind of problem.
This is your start/This is your heart/This is the place you were born
This is your sun/These are your lungs/This is the place you were born
And I am always, always, always/Yours
I first discovered Owl City with Maybe I'm Dreaming. I was struck by how catchy and creative and sweet his music and lyrics were. At that time he was considered "indie" so you could listen to it and get your pop fix while still feeling "hipster." I was a big fan of "Rainbow Veins," "The Airway" and "Designer Skyline." "Hot Air Balloon" is probably my favorite OC song yet and it got me so excited about the then-upcoming Ocean Eyes. That album ended up being great, with superb production, great songs, and it was the album Young needed to get him his big break. Now he's wildly popular!
I really admire Young for the ways he refused to change his persona from his days of being a virtual unknown to a full-blown music star. His commitment to being open about his faith is a part of that. He was open about it before, and that hasn't changed.
It's been quite a while since Ocean Eyes came out and I'll admit that I haven't listened to much OC lately, but I sincerely wish Young all the best; he has the potential to do really, really big things. I hope he continues to mature as a musical artist.
Adam Young is a very talented person. His music is so light-hearted and whole-hearted. His sincere, poetic language is beautiful, to say the least. Granted, I find the tunes repetetive of the several songs I've heard but the words are poignant and lovely that it doesn't really matter to me.
I ditto what Kate said, I admire him for keeping low-profile and still being humble about his immense successes.
It's hard to say which song of his is a favourite because, I'll admit, for his Owl City project I only listen to them randomly on Youtube when I'm in the mood for this type music. Either way, I'm satisfied and impressed all the time. I'm quite fond of "Rainbow Veins" to put one down.
That said, I love nearly all the songs on An Airplane Carried Me to Bed and the whole Sky Sailing project, but since this thread is centred around Owl City, I suppose that doesn't fit now.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
I only have one Owl City CD - Ocean Eyes, which i love. Whenever i was playing on our video game console downstairs, i would play through the whole thing, usually twice. I find it interesting that so many of his songs have sad undertones ("Vanilla Twilight", "If My Heart Was a House", "Brielle") though the sound is so upbeat.
I've listened to a few more of his songs on-line, mostly "If My Heart Was a House", which probably holds the record as the song i've played over and over again the most without getting tired of it. I love the chorus of that one.
Other favorite songs include "Brielle" (as Sky Sailing), "Hot Air Balloon", "The Saltwater Room", "Fireflies", "Vanilla Twilight", "Rainbow Veins" and "Tip of the Iceberg".
He's originally from Owatonna, MN - a point of some interest to me, as i went there once to visit a college campus. Didn't end up going there, but i still find it cool that i know where Owatonna is.
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Tarfon
Sky Sailing is pretty closely related to Owl City, so it should be all right to discuss it here.
The first I heard of Owl City was here on the forum, even though he hails from a town about an hour from here. (I've traveled through Owatonna frequently as it's on the way to my parents' house).
I like to listen to Owl City on occasion. I like "Fireflies" as it was the first piece I listened to. I also like the acoustic feel of songs like "Brielle."
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Haha, my first 17 most-played songs on i-tunes are all owl city, I've listened to Hello Seattle 261 times and I'm not tired of it yet. That doesn't include all the times I've listened to it in my car.
It just always makes me happy for some reason. There's this beach my boyfriend and I always went to walk along, and every time I hear "the saltwater room" it makes me think of that.
Forever a proud Belieber
Live life with the ultimate joy and freedom.
I don't have Owl City's album (yet!), but I absolutely love his music. It's got a very happy feel to it, and the lyrics are like poetry put to music. My favorite songs of his are Hot Air Balloon (listening to it right now
, Fireflies, Hello Seattle, and Vanilla Twilight.
av by dot
I love Love LOVE Adam Young's music! His lyrics are so adorable and witty and his music so light hearted and happy . I really adore every song of his. My current Owl City favorite is If My Heart Was a House, Port Blue favorite is Elephant Island, Swimming with Dolphins favorite is Everything's a Miracle, and Sky Sailing favorite is Captains of the Sky.
I find it interesting that so many of his songs have sad undertones ("Vanilla Twilight", "If My Heart Was a House", "Brielle") though the sound is so upbeat.
I really like that about his music. He keeps a positive attitude. That's actually really inspired me and he's music has influenced me more than alot of people would think it could. He reminds of Bryce Avary of The Rocket Summer. They both write music that is sometimes sad but they are still amazingly optomistic and happy .
Aaaah! Why did I not discover this thread sooner? I am very bad at keeping up with all the Special Features on the Spare Oom. Sad, because most of them are awesome special features.
Anyway, I love Owl City's music. Why else would I be on here? First time I heard it was when my sister bought the album Ocean Eyes. His style is a lot different than anything I usually listen to. My collection is mostly contemporary or rock Christian music. Hehe. Didn't take long for me to absolutely fall in love with the entire album!
We now have the deluxe edition of his album Ocean Eyes. I think my favorite ever of his songs are Vanilla Twilight, If My Heart Was A House, Hot Air Balloon, adn I really like The Saltwater Room.
The thing I love best about Owl City's music is the artist with the imagination behind the work! It's so amazing to see creative, amazing, yet humble Christian artists who glorify God. It's just so cool! I think Adam Young's a great testimony to the rest of the world. He may not be a pastor or anything like that, but just his life style and the innocence preserved in his music is a testimony enough.
That's my two bits about why I love Owl City!!
The world would definitely be a dull place without Adam Young!!!
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member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
Yep, I like Owl City. I'm not always proud of the fact. Because a lot of people assume I like them since they're popular... But oh well.
Some of my favorite songs are:
If My Heart Was A House
Meteor Shower
Tidal Wave
Vanilla Twilight
Umbrella Beach
West Coast Friendship
This is the Future
Hot Air Balloon
The Christmas Song
I like what I've heard of Sky Sailing as well. Though I've only heard:
Tennis Elbow
A Little Opera Goes a Long Way(s?)
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Please note that this Special Feature will be closing on Saturday, August 28, after which you may continue to discuss Owl City in the current Favorite Music thread.
**Our Special Feature list is becoming quite slim, so if anyone has a suggestion, feel free to PM any of the Spare Oom mods. Try and limit this to one or two suggestions each, please. Thanks!**
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Let's see. My first memory of Owl City is my sister Lizzle going on and on about this awesome song she had found called "Hot Air Balloon". I was skeptical, because we usually don't like the same music, but as soon as I heard it I was won over.
Now, Owl City songs are my favorite pick-me up; so cheerful and random. Whenever I hear Dental Care ("I know the drill"), I want to laugh.
Hot Air Balloon is still my favorite.
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
I totally agree Adeona! I love the lyrics in Dental Care. There are just so many puns. The other day I finally noticed the one about golf and driving. I feel pretty slow for taking so long to catch that one.
From Ocean Eyes, my favorite songs are probably Fireflies, The Tip of the Iceberg (because of the bridge!), Meteor Shower, Tidal Wave (because of Matt Thiessen!), and Umbrella Beach. I particularly enjoy a lot of the string arrangements on this album. I actually don't think Vanilla Twilight is one of the better songs on the album, but it's very sweet, so I understand why it's so popular.
Of June is actually quite a good EP. I really like Designer Skyline and Fuzzy Blue Lights, but it's kinda funny because the synth line in Designer Skyline and the melody in FBL are very similar.
I finally watched this video the other day and I thought it was very neat.