Let me introduce you to one of my favorite music groups: Blackmore's Night. The legend goes that Richie Blackmore (one of the founders of Deep Purple) and Candice Night chose to start a Renaissance-styled music group in 1997, and chose the name based on a play of their own names--thus creating Blackmore's Night. The couple married in 2008 (awwww....), and their musical reputation has continued to grow.
What saddens me is, not that many people know of Blackmore's Night. They know of Deep Purple, but they haven't experienced the awesomeness of the modern-day renaissance. I was recently talking to the best DJ I know, who always teases me about my music selections, always ending his worry with "I don't know WHAT I'm going to play at your wedding!!" (He's one of the few people who is positive that I'm getting married next year and just don't know it yet). Greg (the DJ) was recently introduced to Blackmore's Night (by yours truly, of course), and asked about who the founders were. The lightbulb connecting Blackmore's Night, Richie Blackmore, and Deep Purple went off a few moments later. SCORE!!
Candice and Richie first met at a charity soccer tournament, and became fast friends. She actually sang back-up for several of his bands on various projects, and their friendship blossomed, leading to the founding of Blackmore's Night and the music we all have come to love.
If you are not familiar with Richie and Candice's music, take a listen to some of their music, perhaps starting with some of the following:
(List compiled by myself, Ithilwen, and Lon. We have too many favorites.)
Village Lanterne
Times, They Are A-Changin'
Ghost of a Rose
Ocean Gypsy
I'd love to meet up with you other BN lovers! I know you exist, because I've scared a few of you out of the woodwork before.
Avatar thanks to AITB
Hooray for a Blackmore's Night SF *jumps with joy*
I'm a REALLY BiG Blackmore's Night fan, I was first introduced to their music in 2005, by my brother, who borrowed their album 'Ghost of a Rose' from a friend. I listened to it once and got hooked Right now of their albums I've got
Ghost of a Rose
The Village Lantern
Fires at Midnight
Pass time with Good Company
Winter Carols
Under a Violet Moon
Secret Voyage
Autmun Sky
Of their songs my absolute favorite is 'The Village Lantern' I can listen to it over and over again, I alo really love 'Highland' 'Vagabond' 'Journey Man (Vandaryn)' 'Under a Violet Moon' 'Sister Gypsy' 'Lorely' and 'Dandilion Wine'
I was so excited when I heard that Richie and Candice got married, and was even happier when I heard of the birth of their daughter
I've seen a few of their music videos but Once in a Million Years has got to be their best (wait till the very end, you'll get what I mean, when my dad saw it he just couldn't stop laughing)
Blackmore's Night is pretty popular here in Russia, they did come here in September and we didn't go to their concert
oh well
always be humble and kind
Oh! I should have added something in about their daughter. That completely slipped my mind last night. Oops.
I love Dandelion Wine...I love so many of their songs, though! It is so hard to pick favorites, though. Village Lanterne was the first song I heard of theirs, though, and it will always be at the top of my favorites. I love the warm feeling my heart gets when I hear it.
The music vid for Once in a Million Years is hilarious. Richie is so funny.
I'm so sorry you couldn't go to the concert, wild! I would so love to be able to go to one...although I've never had the chance so far. :/
Avatar thanks to AITB
I'm a moderate fan of Blackmore's Night. I don't actually own any of their music yet, but my sister does and I like borrowing it occasionally.
I found out about Blackmore's Night through someone online, and the first song I heard was Ghost of a Rose, which I quite liked. I then looked up some more of their music and somehow my sisters also looked it up and we all like their music now.
Village Lanterne, Ghost of a Rose, and World of Stone are probably my favourite Blackmore's Night songs.
God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.
Please note that this Special Feature will close on Saturday, February 11. After that time, please post your comments in the Favorite Music thread.
We're always looking for new suggestions for Special Features. If you would like to see one for your favorite musician, book, author, movie, or TV show, please send a PM to any of our friendly Spare Oom moderators (johobbit, PrinceCor004, or me) and we'll add it to our list. Thanks!
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.