by Madeline L'Engle.
Welcome to the Special Feature focusing on the works of Madeline L'Engle! Her books are well read by people of all ages and her characters are some of the most memorable in literature. Who can forget the likes of Meg and Charles Wallace Murray as they travel across time and space to save their father. Or Vicky Austin who is the most frequent protagonist in L'Engle's books.
Adaptations of her works have been made into movies. A Wrinkle In Time and A Ring of Endless Light have both made it onto the small screen. Both of which were altered somewhat from the books. A recent article on Cinema Blend says that A Wrinkle In Time will have a second chance in a new version. The full story can be read here.
All I have read of L'Engle's books are the ones involving Meg, Sandy, Dennys, and Charles Wallace. I have seen both film adaptations and far prefer A Ring of Endless Light to the other one. Probably my favorite out of what is known as the Time Quartet is either Many Waters or A Swiftly Tilting Planet.
What about y'all? Have you read the books, seen the movies? What's your favorite?
I loved reading A Wrinkle In Time in Middle School. Truly epic! i hope Disney does another version of the movie, although I loved it and it pretty much stuck to the book I still feel it could have been done a lot better. I started reading An Acceptable Time, I think it's the third book in the series and I have not finished it yet.
But yes I love A Wrinkle In Time!
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
What a neat topic! I love her work
My favorite book is And Both Were Young. I did a speech in 7th grade about the Time Quartet. In Jr. High I had to write and mail a letter to an author. I chose Madeleine L' Engle and she wrote me back a handwritten note!
Of course, I still have it. I'm thinking about getting it framed.
Some of her books can be intense. They deal with a variety of hard issues. In A House Like a Lotus, there is a section I always skip because two of the characters have an improper relationship for unmarried people and it is described in more detail that is necessary. (I hope I phrased that in an acceptable way ). Luckily my dad was reading the book aloud to me so he edited in for me. (If anyone wants to know what part to skip, PM me and I'll tell you the signs I use). I would recommend waiting to read her books intended for adults until one is an adult (or perhaps late high school). I waited and I'm glad I did. The ones I read tended to have adult or intense themes. I don't remember any of them going in to detail like A House Like a Lotus did. It is so hard to say what I mean without giving anything away. I'm not saying they are bad books, and I don't want to discourage anyone from reading them, but I just want to give a heads up. (The adult books are numbers 19 -22 on my list. It's been awhile since I've read them but I'd be willing to try answering any questions people have.
Here's a list of the books I have read. I put an * next to the ones I own.
1. *And Both Were Young, 1949
2. *Meet the Austins, 1960
3. *A Wrinkle in Time, 1962
4. *The Moon By Night, 1963
5. Camilla Dickinson, 1951; reissued as Camilla, 1965
6. *The Arm of the Starfish, 1965
7. *The Young Unicorns, 1968
8. *A Wind in the Door, 1973
9. *Dragons in the Waters, 1976
10. *A Swiftly Tilting Planet, 1978
11. *A Ring of Endless Light, 1980
12. *A House Like a Lotus, 1984
13. *Many Waters, 1986
14. *An Acceptable Time, 1989
15. *Troubling a Star, 1994
16. *A Full House, 1999
17. *The Twenty-Four Days Before Christmas, 1964
18. *The Anti-Muffins, 1980
19. The Small Rain, 1945; reissued as Prelude, 1968
20. The Other Side of the Sun, 1971
21. A Severed Wasp, 1982
22. A Live Coal in the Sea, 1996
Here are the ones I haven't read (I took the list from this site and didn't feel like renumbering them / removing the numbers ):
Miracle on 10th Street,
The Other Dog, 2001
The Joys of Love, 2008
Ilsa, 1946
A Winter's Love, 1957; reissued 1999
The Love Letters, 1966
Certain Women, 1992
29. A Circle of Quiet, 1972
30. The Summer of the Great Grandmother, 1974
31. The Irrational Season, 1977
32. Two-Part Invention, 1988
33. The Genesis Trilogy (re-issued 1997, one volume)
34. And It Was Good: Reflections on Beginnings, 1983
35. A Stone for a Pillow: Journeys with Jacob, 1986
36. Sold Into Egypt: Joseph's Journey into Human Being, 1989
37. The Rock That is Higher, 1993
38. Penguins and Golden Calves: Icons and Idols, 1996
39. Bright Evening Star, 1997
40. Everyday Prayers, 1974
41. Prayers for Sunday, 1974
42. Anytime Prayers, 1994
43. Mothers and Daughters, 1997 (with Maria Rooney)
44. Mothers and Sons, 1999 (with Maria Rooney)
45. Prayerbook for Spiritual Friends, 1999 (with Luci Shaw)
46. Lines Scribbled on an Envelope and Other Poems, 1969
47. The Risk of Birth, 1974
48. The Weather of the Heart, 1978
49. A Cry Like a Bell, 1987
50. Wintersong, 1996 (with Luci Shaw)
51. The Ordering of Love: The New and Collected Poems of Madeleine L'Engle, 2005
51. 18 Washington Square South: A Comedy in One Act, 1944
52. A Journey With Jonah (a play), 1967
53. Dance in the Desert, 1969
54. Ladder of Angels, 1979
55. Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art, 1980
56. The Sphinx at Dawn, 1982
57. Trailing Clouds of Glory: Spiritual Values in Children's Literature, 1985 (with Avery Brooke)
58. The Glorious Impossible, 1990
59. Glimpses of Grace, 1996 (with Carole Chase)
60. Friends for the Journey, 1997 (with Luci Shaw)
61. Madeleine L,Engle Herself: Reflections on a Writing Life, 2001 (with Carole Chase)
I'll have more to say later but I have to get going and this post is long anyway.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
Pattertwig's Pal, In the first list you made is that all of the books in the series?
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Wow, I didn't know she wrote that many books Pattertwig's Pal! I've only read the Time Quintet and part of "A Ring of Endless Light", although I hope to read more of her books in the future. She has such a beautiful way of writing, although I got a little confused sometimes (especially in A Swiftly Tilting Planet, it's one of my favorites but I had to read it a few times to understand it, I just got so confused )
I've never seen the movie, but I heard it was pretty bad. That really stinks, especially with such a good book.
I just read An Acceptable Time last year DamsellJillPole, and it's really good! Polly is such a cool character, and so are Zach, Tav and Anarel
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I have read A Wrinkle In Time because I'd heard so much about it that I wanted to read it. It's okay but I didn't like it that well. To me, any fantasy is no good unless it's as good or better than Narnia or LotR and very few are.
I have read: A Wrinkle in Time, A Wind in the Door, Many Waters, A Swiftly Tilting Planet, The Twenty-Four Days Before Christmas, A Ring of Endless Light, The Anti-Muffins, Meet the Austins, A House Like a Lotus, An Acceptable Time, Troubling a Star, The Young Unicorns, Dragons in the Waters, The Moon by Night, Dance in the Desert, A Severed Wasp, The Other Side of the Sun, Camilla, and one I don't remember the title of about David and his wives. I liked nearly all of them, but I didn't really enjoy House Like a Lotus, Other Side of the Sun, or A Severed Wasp. In general, I thought her children's fiction was much better than her adult.
I have seen the movie version of A Wrinkle in Time and it was pretty bad. They followed the story for the most part, but I didn't like any of the characterizations, and they got the shadowed planet all wrong.
Pattertwig's Pal, In the first list you made is that all of the books in the series?
Madeline L'Engle wrote a lot more than one series. She basically has two: one follows the Austins, the other follows the Murrys and the O'Keefes. In the Murry-O'Keefe series there is the Time Quartet, Acceptable Time, Dragons in the Waters, Arm of the Starfish, and House Like a Lotus (I don't think I got them in the right order). The Austin series includes: Twenty-Four Days Before Christmas, Meet the Austins, Anti-Muffins, Moon by Night, Ring of Endless Light, Troubling a Star, Young Unicorns, and A Severed Wasp (again, I don't think that's the right order).
There are characters who cross the series: Canon Tallis, Zachary Gray, Adam Eddington, and I think a few other people. Clear as mud? Those two series mostly cover her children's fiction, although a few are much more "adult."
I think my favorite books of hers are: Wind in the Door, Swiftly Tilting Planet, and Young Unicorns. I really liked Dragons in the Waters too.
Out of curiosity, does anyone else absolutely despise Zachary Gray?
Oh okay thank you daughter of the king. I understand it better now. It amazes me on how many books she wrote.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
I read A Wrinkle in Time a long time ago. I remember liking it alot. I started reading the second book but I stoppe b/c I didn't like it for some reason.
I first read A Wrinkle in Time in the 8th grade. I even replaced my original copy because the first one was old and fell in a jacuzzi. I have listened to A Wind in the Door and A Swiftly Tilting Planet later as well.
I often booktalk A Wrinkle in Time on Great American Teach-In sessions with 4th and 5th graders, but did not do it last year since I only did 4 fiction books and the rest non-fiction.
Probably my favorite out of what is known as the Time Quartet is either Many Waters or A Swiftly Tilting Planet.
Yep, that sums up my favourites as well.
I've read Wrinkle in Time, A Wind in the Door, A Swiftly Tilting Planet, Many Waters, A House Like Lotus, and An Acceptable Time. Also what I think was just an excerpt from one of the Austens books; it was in a Christmas edition of a magazine. Naturally, it was about a Christmas celebration.
House Like Lotus is my least favourite, and I didn't really like A Wind in the Door either, though now I don't remember why...
Out of curiosity, does anyone else absolutely despise Zachary Gray?
Is he the boy with heart problems in An Acceptable Time?
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Madeline L'Engle wrote a lot more than one series. She basically has two: one follows the Austins, the other follows the Murrys and the O'Keefes. In the Murry-O'Keefe series there is the Time Quartet, Acceptable Time, Dragons in the Waters, Arm of the Starfish, and House Like a Lotus (I don't think I got them in the right order). The Austin series includes: (again, I don't think that's the right order). There are characters who cross the series: Canon Tallis, Zachary Gray, Adam Eddington, and I think a few other people. Clear as mud?
Those two series mostly cover her children's fiction, although a few are much more "adult."
One of the things I absolutely love about her work is the crossover characters. There are a few other crossover characters (I looked it up.) I think it would be fun to try to figure out the chronological order of the books. It is easy enough with in the series, but I mean with all the books. The chronological order: Austin series: Twenty-Four Days Before Christmas, A Full House, Meet the Austins, Anti-Muffins (according to Wikipedia this was a chapter in Meet the Austins but it got dropped), Moon by Night, Young Unicorns, and Ring of Endless Light, Troubling a Star, and A Severed Wasp (this one also prominently features the main character from The Small Rain) Murry-O'Keefe: the Time Quartet (A Wrinkle in Time, A Wind in the Door, A Swiftly Tilting Planet, Many Waters (which actually goes before A Swiftly Tilting Planet in chronological order but it was written afterward), Arm of the Starfish, Dragons in the Waters, House Like a Lotus, and An Acceptable Time.
Here are some of her smaller series (From Wikipedia):
Katherine Forrester series:
* The Small Rain (1945),
* Prelude (1968), an adaptation of the first half of The Small Rain
* A Severed Wasp (1982),
Camilla Dickinson:
* Camilla Dickinson (1951) later republished as Camilla
* A Live Coal in the Sea (1996)
Out of curiosity, does anyone else absolutely despise Zachary Gray?
Is he the boy with heart problems in An Acceptable Time?
That's him.
Yes, daughter of the King, I absolutely despise him too. Occasionally, he isn't so bad. For example in A Moon by Night, At times he is horrid. (An Acceptable Time and A Ring of Endless Light spoilers) I'm not sure, but I remember getting the impression from reading the books that Vicki meet him and finished with him before he met Polly. If that is the case, then An Acceptable Time is the last book he is in. I wonder if he would have changed after that or stayed the same.
He is definitely not the type of guy I would date or keep seeing.
I liked nearly all of them, but I didn't really enjoy House Like a Lotus, Other Side of the Sun, or A Severed Wasp. In general, I thought her children's fiction was much better than her adult.
I like her children's / young adult fiction better too. The first two you listed weren't my favorites either. The Other Side of the Sun was dark and intense. (The themes it dealt with were important though). Is a Severed Wasp the one where
I didn't like either one of the movies that much but A Ring of Endless Light was horrid as far as adaptation goes. Some of the names were the same but that was about it. A Wrinkle in Time was better but a lot of the stuff on Camazotz was totally wrong.
Another long post and I still haven't said all I want to. I have to go proof a paper for my sister.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
He is definitely not the type of guy I would date or keep seeing.
Exactly. I did not understand what Vicki and Polly saw in him.
I'm not sure, but I remember getting the impression from reading the books that Vicki meet him and finished with him before he met Polly. If that is the case, then An Acceptable Time is the last book he is in. I wonder if he would have changed after that or stayed the same.
I think that's right. I have wondered if he finally, really changed, but if Madeline L'Engle had written another book with him, I don't I would have read it.
Is a Severed Wasp the one where
I think that's the one. I don't remember. I just remember not really liking it.
the only book I have read of hers is "Meet The Austins"! it was good and I have read it a couple times.
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
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I want all that You are
Please note that this Special Feature will be closing on Tuesday evening, May 4. For further discussion, see the Books or Movies threads.
And I must say that this news of a possible new A Wrinkle in Time film pleases me very much. I'd love to see an excellent and very faithful adapation of L'Engle's beloved book. (Plus I'm a hearty Charles Wallace fan. )
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