AitB, I believe the answer to your question is explained in the short story at the end of the paperback edition of the King of Attolia. Two of my sisters recently re-read the series in anticipation for CoK, and one went on and on about how interesting the short story was. A third sister has stolen my copy of KoA so I can't check, but I think I recall being told that

Thank you, Valia! I am awaiting a copy at the moment. But of course, "the publisher is out of stock so it may be a few weeks" and all that, and it's already been a few weeks, so now I'm worried. I look forward to the day I can finally read it...
except that now I've lost all my excitement.
*continues resisting reading the spoilers*
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"They know everything on NarniaWeb" - Ben Barnes
NW sis to 7 l Twin to SusanP3 l PM pal of A.Fowlfreak
Chief of Random Inquires for the Lurkers Club
@ Wisewoman

@ ValiantArcher
So I FINALLY read CoK. I know it's only been a month since it came out but an advanced copy has been at my house for a month longer than that so it feels like I've been taking forever to finish it. Finally tonight I took it with me to my sisters orchestra concert and read it during tunings between songs, which was actually quite perfect because there was a waltz playing during
CoK as a book:
Sophos vs. Gen as main character:
The plot/story etc.
As far as the "disappointment" at the plot twists not being as extreme as the other three books I actually consider it brilliant. I went into the book expecting a huge plot twist and I imagined some really far out things. But instead of something extremely extremely (S. and Eddis turning out to be siblings, Attolia killing Gen etc.) she gave us a small-ish twist, just to keep us guessing. Which I think is brilliant, reminded me of an Agatha Christie, never the same story, never the same plot twist.
I wanted to like CoK, and I did.
So I'm happy
Randomly, I hope we haven't seen the last of Kamet! And I wonder what the Medean women are like. Are they mousy and subservient to the men, or are they as imperious and proud? Hmm.[/spoiler]
^Interesting concept! It would be fun!
If this Sig is by you please let me know, because I can't remember
"I am going to live forever, or die trying!"
So, here's the rest of my catch-up, mostly. I'm only replying to the most pressing tidbits, as I don't have time to do as in-depth of a catch up as I'd like and I doubt anyone wants to read through all that that would be.
Mel, I'd be very interested in the results, if you could convince your dad to read them out of order; but, that's just me being curious.
I think it's been addressed by others but, Mel,
Lion to lamb, or vice versa is a common metaphor, yes?
Yes, but lamb to bunny to lion is not.
Cor, so glad you liked KoA! I do consider it my favorite of the series, for many of the reasons you mentioned. Costis is a pretty sweet character.
Maddy, the preface confused me at first, but it was necessary to set the book up correctly.
I knew MWT wouldn't kill them off! Maim a main character for character growth, yes; kill off another main character's family for the destruction value, no.
LOL! That's what I thought when she first said they had been killed and I couldn't believe it. I was so very happy when the Magus said they were still alive!
Hehe! I liked the garnets scene too, especially since just before I got the book, I stumbled across this link I first found (from someone on here. . .) when I had finished KoA and was told there was a fourth in the works.
Sophos's time as a slave definitely helped with character growth. I actually didn't really pick up on quite how much until the second read through. Without that interval it seems that Sophos jumps from unsure teen to fairly confident king far too quickly; this time had allowed him to become more self-reliant and confident.
What do you mean about MWT liking the Medes?
Doesn't in QoA somewhere, she's looking at an unconscious Gen and thinking about how after she became the heir and then the Queen how he was the only one to continue to tease her? Everyone else suddenly adopted polite manners, but he continued to "abuse her taste in clothes and relatives --as if the existence of their cousins was somehow her fault." I think that a reason Eddis/Gen was never a possibility; they were far too much like brother and sister.
Yeps to the paraphrasing. I do enjoy their interactions as sibling-like. I can't see them being shipped together. It wouldn't work for their personalities.
Oily smarmy condescending underestimating conniving twisted and otherwise generally evil Medes need to be shot every now and then.
Can you do me a huge favor and put that into one of those beautiful signatures you make? Because that's a perfect quote and I would love to use it as a graphic.
Lovely graphics, btw!
Hmm, going with your three word concept I'd say CoK was almost self-discovery (or coming-of-age or some other synonym like that) (i.e. Sophos realizing he's not a wimp, but he's not Gen either)/responsibility (Sophos acknowledging that he can't stay and build rock walls because his country needs him to be king)/and maybe, hmm, thoughtful? This one seemed to be a bit less deep, but more introspective (because of Sophos) and more time spent in his mind then the others (because, even in TT, we never get to truly see what's going through Gen's head).
Has your sis read KoA? I don't think my distaste for Irene was quite as strong as hers seems to be, but it took KoA (the fainting bit most specifically) for me to actually find her an interesting character whom I could rather begin to like.
Conga Rats for becoming a Junkie!
Lovely fanart, Mel! Nothing like what I imagined, but that's probably due to the fact that, no matter how detailed of a description a book gives, I tend to think of all literary librarys as what my dream library looks like—it's comperable to the Beast's library in Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Yes, I know that's weird.
Betsie, [spoiler=]To an extent, I had issues with the suddenly-not-so-nice Sophos, but when you do a reread, it does flow better in the books; it's just the way you read through them so quickly (I did the same thing ) and on an emotional high of "it's here! And in my hands! And I'm reading it!"
Actually, I think I agree with everything from your long spoiler on page two, but couldn't have said it as well.
Aww, thank you! For a babbling post, I take that as a very high compliment. I love what you wrote as well; very well said.
Gen bothered me a little, too. His elusiveness. I wanted to see the real him, more than just these glimpses. He was a vague, impersonal character for so much, which has no correlation with his personality.
Doesn't it though? Sophos, when reminising about Gen being beaten by the Magus makes a point about wondering if that angry Gen was a part of the real Gen. He knows that Gen is more then what he has seen. I think, to an extent, that MWT has allowed us as readers to think we know Gen, yet I don't believe we've truly seen the entire personality that is Gen yet. I do prefer the snarky, complaining, plotting Gen, but I think the formal, kingly Gen is just as much Gen as the other—but it's not the Gen we fell in love with, so we don't want to accept him. [/babbling nonsense]
I did have one of those oh-so-happy "Oh!" moments when Sophos began talking to Eddis. I suppose only Dense Little Me would not have seen that coming, but I loved it.
Well then, I have to be DLM the second, because I didn't see it coming either. I did enjoy it, but it just wasn't knock you off your feet shocking.
How did your friend see the series as having a matriarchal society? Both Eddis and Attolia only became queens from lack of a close male heir and, for Helen, her father's distinct wishes, for Irene, strength via her guard. I don't see that as matriarchal. . . Anyways, if you see this, you might want to reply in a PM; I sense it could possibly get too political for NWeb.
(Betsie once again proves that she can't post unless it's 8 miles long...)
But, it's a very fun 8 miles to read!
As always, WW, a wonderfully written review.
Cor, so glad you liked KoA! Have you read CoK yet?
Greenleaf, I didn't realize you had read the books!
Nionel, that's awful! Can you possibly ILL it from your library? I know it's not the same as owning it, but it would at least let you read the story, right?
I understand your problem with the Bunny nickname, but I didn't see that in the way she used it; I took it more as the way guys (in movies at least, it's semi-common) will be called "Tiny" and then be all muscular, six foot guys or something along those lines. Just that it was a goofy, he doesn't look or act like a rabbit, which is what his "name" meant, so let's call him the even more fluffy name for the animal. Maybe?
I wouldn't put it past her to have Attolia turn on Gen, yet the way both characters more or less need the other, I doubt it will happen. At least, I sincerely hope not.
Silvia, welcome to the conspiracy!
WW, yes! The Medes do seem very Calormeneish. I do think that's the direction the next books will head towards, I'm not sure how though. *waits impatiently for MWT to write more books *
Valia, my possibly illogical, but it made sense to me understanding of the

You know, this thread is nothing but spoiler boxes
That's because it's all a Conspiracy.
Bella, that's amazing that your librarian actually knew what the books were, yet upsetting that she's reading the only copy.
The reason for Helen being Eddis is because of a short story in the back of the paperback KoA. It's a lovely 23 page tale; if you spent a half hour at B&N, you could probably read it there. If you want to know without reading it:
Yay for reading CoK, L. M.! (Is that an acceptable nickname?)
That took long enough.
Okay, I finished my reread of CoK. It made a lot more sense, and the things that annoyed me the first time around weren't quite so prickly on this read. It's still at/near the bottom of my Attolia list, but it's still a great book. The one thing I'm worried about for Book #5:
Oh, and something I forgot to ask after my reread of KoA, Gen mentions that one of his grandfathers was Eddis.

Random question as I leave you all with this blabbering; how do you pronounce "Attolia"? I've never been quite sure, and when I was going through the mess of getting a copy of KoA, it was something I began to be curious about.
*exits quietly*
Avatar and sig by hyaline12
*wishing I had time to comment on everything*
Yay for reading CoK, L. M.! (Is that an acceptable nickname?)
The one thing I'm worried about for Book #5:
Spoilerthere seems to be a lot of subtle hinting that Gen's health is getting somewhat poor in this book; did anyone else pick up on this? Do you think MWT is planning to take it further in Book #5 or #6? It just seemed to be sticking out as something that's just on the sidelines that MWT would love to use in another book. . .Random question as I leave you all with this blabbering; how do you pronounce "Attolia"? I've never been quite sure, and when I was going through the mess of getting a copy of KoA, it was something I began to be curious about.
*exits quietly*
L.M. is completely acceptable nickname!
At least that's how I say it. But I always also said Eddis EE-DIS whereas my friend (and fellow MWT fan) says it ED-IS. Which do you think is correct?
If this Sig is by you please let me know, because I can't remember
"I am going to live forever, or die trying!"
Please note that this Special Feature will be closing Friday evening, April 30. After all, that will be six weeks open! Feel free, of course, to continue posting about the Attolia series in the Books thread.
It's been fun seeing the active discussion, and it almost makes me wish I was a fan of the books. Maybe some day ...
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Posting again! (As much I as I love these books, I find it so hard to talk intelligently about them, so I usually just sit back and watch others who can )
She hoped to be wise and reasonable in time; but alas!
She must confess to herself that she was not wise yet.
Call me Maddy! | my livejournal
Proud Attolian Recruiter
I'm glad you're a fan of the series, megaN! And that part in QoA is neat.
Sorry that getting a new copy of KoA was such a hassle, ~LL~! But aren't you glad to have it now?
Yes, it's a wonderful thing to not have your spine being broken, even if it's *only* a book spine. (My avatar? It's from a television show called Avatar: The Last Airbender. I can pm you about it, so we don't get all off-topic, if you'd like
Aww, Bella, so sorry that you haven't got your hands on CoK yet! Did you place a hold on the book?
Do let us know as soon as you can get a copy, Nionel! Too bad about the publisher being out of stock. On the upside, though, that must mean that lots of people are getting to read MWT.
Silva Cantatrix,
Yay, L.M.Pevensie! I'm glad you liked the book.
I wish you were a fan, too, Jo. Ah, well---you've been a good sport and given it a good shot!
Maddy, you read chapters early?!!!!
God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.
Valia, yessss, I did. And it was even after I promised my sister I would wait until closer to when the book came out (so it would be a like a teaser trailer kind of thing) and read them with her. But that didn't really happen.
I don't know all the references either. I know where they are in TT and QoA, but I can never find the one in KoA. I did read that it was somewhere around
Thank you!!
She hoped to be wise and reasonable in time; but alas!
She must confess to herself that she was not wise yet.
Call me Maddy! | my livejournal
Proud Attolian Recruiter
Does this mean the Eddis that was Helen's father? If so, wouldn't that make the Minister of War her brother, and thus an heir? Or was that Eddis the father of MoW and Helen's father? It's not really important, just me being curious about random things
I didn't see an answer to this yet, so I'll post one, although someone may have already answered in the giant spoilers I haven't been reading.
My initial pronunciation of Attolia was completely phonetically off (fast reading leads to such things ). What you listed seems much more accurate and is more of what I've been saying. Maddy's link to an interview lower down on this page has MWT's pronunciations though, and it looks like she using a hard "a" rather then "ah."
I've always thought it was Ee-dis, but there is that discussion in TT (I think) about the typical pronunciation being wrong. So perhaps you're both right (or wrong)? EDIT: You can see what I'm babbling about on page 84 of the paperback version of TT (it's in chapter 5, just after the myth that begins the chapter).
Thanks for the modly note, Jo. I do wish you liked the series, but I know not everyone can love it.
Maddy, you're posts are more intelligent then any of mine in here, so no worries about joining in! As long you don't descend into fangurlism and squee!'s, I wouldn't worry too much.
Valia, I am infinitely happy to have my own copy of KoA now!
about the spines. I keep hearing about that tv series on here! A PM would be nice, if/when you have the time.
Rivulus, thank you. Valia had touched on it lightly, but your comment brought in a few more points that helped it click for me. Thanks!
Avatar and sig by hyaline12
I tend to think of all literary librarys as what my dream library looks like—it's comperable to the Beast's library in Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Yes, I know that's weird.
Heh, you're not the only person who describes their dream library that way. However, I like it when authors try to describe fantastic libraries that aren't all dark wood and sliding ladders. annoying subplot that seemed too short to have even had a real purpose...
Pardon me if I'm taking this a little bit out of context, but I seem to recall having a conversation with someone about how nice it would be if there were a few minor characters in fiction who didn't show up later to play a major role in the plot
That's how I say it too. I'd like to say that I say Eddis the way the Eddisians say it, but I don't remember which way that is.
*seems to have missed the Dancing Bear link Valia and Maddy are talking about?*
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
If I remember correctly, the magus calls it Edd-iss and Gen jumps in and says his mother was from Eddis and they pronounce it Eeddis. At which point the magus brushes him off and says the civilized world has moved on, and Gen says that's how the Eddisians pronounce it; it's their country, they should know how to pronounce it. So I always say Eeddis. Besides, I like Eeddis as a name better than Eddis, although if Eddis were Eddia, I like that better with the Ed sound. I know I stole that from somebody, but their view made so much sense to me, I adopted it.
As far as the dancing bears, LL linked to the four Christmas presents MWT left back in 2008 (yikes! Was it that long ago?) and Valia and I started talking about them.
She hoped to be wise and reasonable in time; but alas!
She must confess to herself that she was not wise yet.
Call me Maddy! | my livejournal
Proud Attolian Recruiter
AKoK was finally returned to the library earlier this week, and I found time to read it last night. It's going to be a couple of days before I have time to sit down and actually write out my comments/opinion, but I had one question that's going to bug me unless I get an answer:
Maddy, shame on you, being spoilered like that. I hope you've learned something from this...what, I have no idea.
Oh, where are the references in TT and QoA? I went and looked up the bit you mentioned in KoA and found this, beginning of chapter five: [spoiler=]It's at the end of Relius' meeting with Attolia and Attolis, when Gen's been flipping the coin, just like you said. "He [Relius] wanted to dismiss the coin toss as sleight of hand. Any circus performer could control the drop of a coin, but he'd been puzzled. The queen had been undismayed; she had seemed almost vindicated in her manner. It had been the king who had been more disturbed with each toss of the coin. He'd looked almost sick, Relius thought, by the time he put the coin away." Emphasis mine. And I quoted the entire paragraph, just because it's cool.
[/spoiler] I'm glad your sister re-read QoA of her own volition (at least mostly
I'm glad she liked it better this time around.
And, yes, the "deep stuff" can kind of fly over heads, especially of those younger.
I definitely would like to hear what she thinks next time around!
~LL~, glad to hear it. And I'll try to shoot you a pm as soon as I can.
It might not be until after Finals, though.
Rivulus, glad you've got to read ACoK!
In looking for the quote for Maddy, I came across two interesting bits in KoA: [spoiler=]One, when Attolia finds out about Relius being the traitor, she goes and sits in her room for an hour or so, just in silence (pg. 128-129 in my copy). And I always thought she sat there alone, but in rereading that part, I see that Gen has also locked himself in his room and there are two distinct mentions of doors latching. It's mentioned how Irene finds refuge in sitting still but that Gen likes to pace. It then says, "But he [Gen] could be still as well, as skillful in stifling movement as in moving, as silent as sunlight on stone. He knew that the stillness was as near as she would come to peace, and he offered it to her."
Is it just me or is Gen sitting there with her? I mean, just sitting with her silently to help comfort her? Or am I just drawing things out of air here?
Also, during the banquet where the one Attolian courtier asks Gen about his cousins (and they have the bit about sending the courtier to inquire after the dead cousins in person), Ornon (the Eddisian ambassador) realizes that Gen is furious and happy about being furious. He looks at Attolia, hoping she'll do something before it all explodes, and Gen drains his glass. Attolia then turns and offers him her glass...which sets Gen choking with laughter. I think she did it avert a disaster (well, obviously) but is it some sort of private joke between them? I remember that when I read it before I always thought it was some sort of underlying threat (because of what she said in QoA about never drinking from her glass). Now, I'm not so sure. Obviously, she was getting his mind off the idiotic courtier, but... Anyone have any thoughts?
God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.