*has to squeal with excitement*
1). How did you learn about the books? (If you're like the vast majority on NW and heard about it here, what finally was it that got you started reading them?)
I heard about them in our very own Town Square I found King of Attolia at somewhere for really cheap, so I kinda had to buy it
. Then I got the first two out of the library, and loved them (especially The Thief) and then read the third (which was great too, I wish I could trick people like that
2). Who is your favourite character and why?
Probably Eddis...although Sophos, Gen, and Attolia all tie for a close second. I'm not really sure why...it's been way too long since I've read the books But I just remember her being pretty cool mostly
3). Favourite book and why?
Probably King of Attolia or The Thief. I loved Gen's witty humor in the Thief, but his whole plan in KoA was amazing!
4). What are you most looking forward to about the fourth book?
I'm not really sure mostly figuring out what happened to Sophos (he did disappear in KoA right? Goodness, I really need to re-read)
Avi by Visionsbeyond/Awesome sig by Flambeau! NW Sis:Jay
LiveJournal (not really too terribly empty anymore )
Team Hoodie!!
*resists reading spoilers*
1). How did you learn about the books? I don't actually remember. Really!
2). Who is your favourite character and why? Gen. Because he's awesome. And Costis. Because's he's awesome too. And Eddis, because she's nice. And Attolia, because she's pretty cool. Oh, and Pol! He's awesome too! Really, just everyone with an ounce of amazingness in them, but especially Gen, for obvious reason. And Costis. And Eddis.......
3). Favourite book and why? The King of Attolia - the amazingness of it makes me snicker constantly while reading it. Heh.
4). What are you most looking forward to about the fourth book? Um. Everything.
*needs to tell her story*
I went to practically every single store that carries books in my pathetic city on March 23rd, but alas, A Conspiracy of Kings was nowhere. I phoned the remaining stores with bated breath while people ran around their computers trying to find it for me. It was on order for one person who had the forethought to pre-order it, but that was all. So after recovering from the pain and betrayal, I special-ordered it, only to find that the publisher is out of stock so it's going to be a while. I'm so saaaaaad.
The spoilers are painful to the eye.
HomeschoolersTakingOverTheWorldClub - PM to join!
"They know everything on NarniaWeb" - Ben Barnes
NW sis to 7 l Twin to SusanP3 l PM pal of A.Fowlfreak
Chief of Random Inquires for the Lurkers Club
Interesting... I saw the library as being completely different from your picture, Mel. Your's is probably more accurate to the book, though.
Well... I did try to draw exactly what the words said, but I had to rely on Google to tell me what the different architectural descriptive words meant. It's not exactly how I pictured it either, but I know there's a good bit of my 'ultimate library' fantasy colouring over the description. I'd love to know where your vision differs!
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
*finally gets to read everyone's spoiler boxes* It's so fun reading about how everyone discovered the books!
I think a lot of people were initially... not disappointed exactly, but deflated after reading CoK. We've been building up to it for so long, and the first three books give it so much to live up to. I think anything, no matter how great, would fall a little flat after all that build-up.
A couple spoilery comments:
What did you guys think of the Ion subplot? I wasn't overly warm to it; it seemed like a repeat of what happened with Relius in KoA.
I don't really care for Sounis' nickname being "Bunny." It reminds me of something else that isn't good. At least it wasn't overused.
I wonder if Attolia ever WILL turn on her husband. I hate the very idea, but I also hate the idea of our hero getting his hand cut off. Turner is one of those writers who's not afraid to "go there" if she thinks it's best for her story. It makes me nervous.
One thing I wasn't sure I liked, and that reminded me of The Magician's Nephew, is
Now we just have to wait another three or four years until Turner publishes the next book. Ah well, at least it leaves plenty of time to reread CoK
(Oh, and for anyone who is also on LibraryThing, I started an Attolia group there. About time we had one! )
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine
SpoilerWhat did you guys think of the Ion subplot? I wasn't overly warm to it; it seemed like a repeat of what happened with Relius in KoA.
You mentioned that in your review, too, and I'm still not sure what you're getting at.
I didn't think any deep thoughts on the inclusion of the first Ion, other than he was not the attendant I would have expected to hear more about; Hilarion or Philologus would have been my bet if I'd thought about it at all.
*dittos Booky*
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
I almost missed finding this thread, but I'm glad Meltintalle pointed me in the right direction. I've been itching to talk about A Conspiracy of Kings with people who've read it. I read the others in the series last summer after my brother recommended them to me, and was glad to hear there was another book coming. Thanks to inter-library loan, my copy was ready for pick up last Thursday, so on to the spoiler box...
I thought there were a number of similarities between ACoK and KoA, at least in that they were both stories about a man learning how to be king. It didn't seem quite as new and different, as distinctly individual, as the others.
And then...I've always liked Sophos. He was such a dear, honest little gentleman last time we saw him. He did a lot of growing up in the book, and I'm very glad that he finally learned how to stand up for himself and take responsibility for his choices. At the same time, it was hard for me to see him learning how to lie, and kill, and be ruthless. I know he did all he could not to be like his uncle; he looked for alternatives, and in the end he had to be a strong king or no king at all. But - he used to be so sweet, and now he has a broken nose, of all things. *sigh*
Also, Eugenides bothered me. Did he really have to be so cold and remote? Did he really have to gain control over Eddis and Sounis? He was friends with both. Couldn't he just make a treaty and be nice? I suppose those are rhetorical questions, since he is, after all, the king of Atollia, but that didn't stop him from annoying me.
Based on all of that, it must sound like I didn't enjoy the book - which is not at all true. I enjoyed it very much on the whole, I'm just not devotedly attached to all of it.
As far as the rulers-have-different-rules issue is concerned, I'll confess to being bothered by that concept as well. Yes, kings and queens have different and greater responsibilites than ordinary individuals. But they better have morals too, and they should not use their position to justify things that are just plain wrong.
Booky and Mel:
Regarding the MN similarity:
I guess the same question arises when discussing the tactics Attolia used to secure her power in the early days of her reign, up to and including brutal torture. Was she justified in that? Eddis notes that she "had" to do it, that she didn't torture people because she delighted in their pain, but because she needed to consolidate her control of the throne. But at what cost? Turner does show how Attolia's actions dehumanize and isolate her, making her miserable. And yet it's a sacrifice she was willing to make.
Regarding Ion:
Silva, so glad you got your hands on a copy too!
And Gen was sorry he had to be that way; I don't think he enjoyed it. He apologized before any of it started when he saw Sophos in the dungeon. But he loved Sophos enough to do what was best for him, even though it wasn't easy. I think this is called "tough love" in parenting
And now for some speculation
Randomly, I hope we haven't seen the last of Kamet! And I wonder what the Medean women are like. Are they mousy and subservient to the men, or are they as imperious and proud? Hmm.
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine
The Medes:
I suspect that Mede women probably are closer to the first option, Amy. None of the Medes we've encountered so far seem to have a very high opinion of women and keep underestimating Attolia.
@ Silva Cantatrix Hope that helps some.
About higher morals:
@ ww It's good to finally read some of your spoiler-thoughts.
Mel, if I didn't say before, I love your library drawing!
@ Maddy
@ Betsie
@ PC004 I'm glad you liked KoA! And, yes,
Ah, Nioniel! I hope you can find a copy of CoK soon. And then come in and let us all know your thoughts!
To no one in particular, a specific question
God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.
The whole higher morals thing probably didn't bother me so much as it seems like here. I know I am making rather a point of it, but it's just something to spark discussion, mostly
About your last question, Valia:
The significance of Gen giving Sophos a second pistol is complex. On one hand it is Gen supporting his wife's judgment and adding even more weight to it. Gen never did like killing people, remember, so this is not a move he would advise to Sophos lightly. The second pistol confirms the meaning of the first: Sophos had no other option. The fact that Sophos waited so long to see what was in the bottom of the box hints that he perhaps had an inkling of what was there.
"I Made the King" goes right along with that; the pistol, representing force, would make Sophos king of Sounis. Also, the second pistol can be seen as a backup of sorts if something went wrong or misfired with the first pistol. Gen really wanted Sophos to be king and didn't want to take any chances (well, any unnecessary chances!).
At least, that's what I got from it. Other people probably have some good insights as well. This is all from my race-through-it-as-quickly-as-possible read
You know, this thread is nothing but spoiler boxes
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine
You know, this thread is nothing but spoiler boxes
No kidding. *waits impatiently for ACoK to be returned to the library* (Except only sort of, since I know it's going to distract me from school work when I do get it.)
In order to resist reading spoilers I must talk about the first three books which I enjoyed enormously. I haven't read CoK yet because my sister Nioniel looked all over town and couldn't find it so she ordered it and it turned out the publishers are out of stock!
1). How did you learn about the books? My big sister Nioniel
2). Who is your favourite character and why? Eugenides, because he's awesome, and Sophos because he's nice, and Eddis because she's nice, and the magus because he's cool.
3). Favourite book and why? All of them, because there all so awesome and wonderfully great!
4). What are you most looking forward to about the fourth book?um... everything.
I love the ending of The Thief it is sooo awesome.
avatar: ForeverFan
So, I went to pick up my replacement copy of KoA at the bookstore; I get there, and the clerk is getting ready to ring me up, when I realize it's QoA. So, after explaining that the book titles are very close and I want the King of Attolia, I left bookless and waited for KoA to come in — for real this time. I did finally get it, but it was such a mess to get ahold of a copy. I should have just put it on hold at the library.
I do still leave KoA at the top of my list, if anyone's wondering. The plot/characters/Gen's amazingness all put it there. And, I'm currently on a "slow" reread of CoK. With knowing it's faults already, I'm enjoying it much more this time.
Gonna try to catch up from the top of page 3.
@Valia about CoK
I suppose that's one benefit to not having any friends/family who read Attolia; I don't have to worry about the spine being broken by them. (What's your avatar from? [/curiosity])
@Valia's finished CoK post [spoiler=]I really want to know more about Sophos's sisters as well.
Aris was Costis's best bud but a semi-minor character in KoA, so without a reread he'd be easy to forget.
[About Attolia going to Eddis when Sophos left] But didn't they say it was the Magus's idea?
You're right. I didn't catch that the first time around. It's still cool that Irene went to Helen though, sent or not.
What's he gonna do next---steal the Mede's empire?
I wouldn't be surprised. MWT hasn't finished the Mede's off yet, and I'm not quite sure where the plot's going, but I wouldn't be surprised if it went that way.
I was confused, though, by the bit where Eddis says that Gen has left the reins in Attolia's hand. I thought they'd sorted it out by the end of KoA that Gen was supposed to be the ruler?
Mmm, yes, but Eddis also says at that point that Gen doesn't have the temper to run the country. So, he can make his little plots and control all the details, but Attolia has the day to day aspects is the impression I got of it. I could be totally wrong though.
I thought the sparring match was pretty ingenious. And, very much like Gen.
I think, then, in every book, someone has had to come to the conclusion that the gods are real and have to be believed in.
Can you explain this? I think I understand, but I just want to see if we're thinking the same thing.[/spoiler]
Flam, yay for joining the Conspiracy!
And, I've run out of time for the night. I'll finish soon, starting back up with Mel's post on page 3.
Avatar and sig by hyaline12
Glad you got the right book, Lady L!
Today I went to another library and asked to be led to the Turner section. The librarian, not knowing I was looking for CoK, went, "Oh, you're looking for Megan Whalen Turner? She's good! Especially her Theif series. The new came today, and I'm just reading it. Now, which one are you looking for?" Something in me sunk, because I had a feeling that that was the only copy. It was.
Well, the status for the local library chain hasn't changed so I've got to try my luck somewhere else.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia