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[Closed] Special Extended Feature: The Queen's Thief

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NarniaWeb Guru

*sticks head into this thread after getting threatened invited to post in here by Destined and LL*

Well, I guess I should start by answering Valia's questions:

1). How did you learn about the books? (If you're like the vast majority on NW and heard about it here, what finally was it that got you started reading them?)

From NW, of course! :p I can't remember who exactly got me to read them... I think it was Valia back on the old forum when she had the avvie "Edward < Gen" and I asked her who Gen was. :)

2). Who is your favourite character and why?

I'll take the easy way out and say Gen. ;) I guess I like him since he's kind of an antihero, Han Solo type. Though,

he did get on my nerves a good bit during Queen of Attolia when he went into depression after having his hand lopped off.

3). Favourite book and why?

Umm.... Umm... I really can't answer this since I've only read the first two.

4). What are you most looking forward to about the fourth book?

See my answer to question 3. ;) :p


*is in shock that Jo actually prefers Harry Potter over the Attolia books :-o *

I must admit, after reading the first few chapters of the "the Thief", I was a little unsure if I was going to like the book. Fortunately, the characters turned out to be very likable and memorable which made the book a lot of fun. :) I still like "Useless the Elder" and "Useless the Younger". ;))

One thing that still puzzles me/slightly creeps me out is the whole Greek god-esque thing running through the books. /:) I'm interested to see where this goes, especially since

you're never really sure if the gods are real or not, at least in the first two books. There are some things (like at the end of the second book) that make you think they are real, but still....

Well, I'll be lurking about. :) Oh yeah! LL, you'll be pleased to know Lady A will be bringing "King of Attolia" home from the library this afternoon. ;)

*departs to the lurk-o-sphere*

Avvie by the great Djaq!

^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)

Posted : March 26, 2010 7:07 am
NarniaWeb Guru

Finished CoK. Not sure where I would place it on my list, though I do feel slightly disappointed with it.

And where was Costis?!? X(

On Sophos:

I liked the way Sophos has grown and changed from TT. The scene with the barons was probably one of my favorites in the entire book. He perfectly combined Gen's cunning with Attolia's ruthlessness. Very cool. I cannot think of him as Sounis though. It's like trying to call Gen Attolis. And I want to know more about Sophos' sisters. Seems like they'd make good Thieves of Eddis. ;))

Eddis (the country):

I'm fairly certain Eddis said that it would take time to get her people out of the country. Obviously if she just orders them to leave, there would be some who would refuse. Those who did leave would be really upset and might lose their trust in her. Instead, she's subtly nudging them towards leaving. I don't think this means that the eruption is going to happen soon, just that Eddis is taking steps to insure that when it does happen, there won't be anyone left in Eddis.


Honestly, I wanted to smack Gen for most of this book. He's so stubborn and it's not always a good thing. It was nice to see occasional flashes of Gen-ness, but the way this story is told, we mostly just see Attolis. I guess there really wasn't any way around that. :(

Attolia & Eddis:

How awesome was that part where Attolia held Eddis' hand when Sophos was leaving? :D I love that Attolia is thawing out a little and showing her humanity. Also enjoyed that bit about Gen keeping two knives under his pillow and she hinting that it wouldn't help him any. Those two have the weirdest marriage. ;))

Anyone else think the Medes were inspired by the Calormenes?

Posted : March 26, 2010 10:38 am
NarniaWeb Nut

Response to Mel:

Oh yeah! LL, you'll be pleased to know Lady A will be bringing "King of Attolia" home from the library this afternoon. ;)

Awesome! :D/ :-bd Let us know how you feel about it!


One more spoiler I've forgotten to post previously.

Avatar and sig by hyaline12

Posted : March 26, 2010 2:03 pm
BC Head and G&B Mod Moderator

I'm gonna probably have to go back and reply to everything in detail later, but I just wanted to say a few things about CoK so far. I'm just onto the 13th or 14th chapter ^Okay, probably all of that didn't need to be in spoilers. :P ;)) So far, I'm alternating between confusion and laughter over the book. I'm sure some of my joy is sapped by distractions and the difficulty of reading a book while trying not to break the spine. A reread will hopefully solve one and sadly solve the other (my mom and sisters are clamoring for my book and one of them will break the spine I'm sure :( I'd forgotten how lovely a new book could be, especially a hardcover one. It even has a dust jacket! :-O), though. :)

God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.

Topic starter Posted : March 26, 2010 5:54 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

The two knives bit:

I think what Sophos understood Attolia to be saying was that if she ever turned against Gen, no amount of weaponry could keep him alive. This is the women who poisoned her own wineglass to kill her first husband after all. ;))

Posted : March 26, 2010 6:38 pm
BC Head and G&B Mod Moderator

Well, I finished CoK. I liked it, but my thoughts overall are rather unsettled. They'll probably even out in the next couple of days, though. Pretty much every random thing dealing with the book that I can think of right now follows in the spoiler box. :P ;))

I'll have to try to do some catch-up a bit later. :)

Edit: Suddenly,

God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.

Topic starter Posted : March 27, 2010 7:36 am
A Concerned Third Party Moderator Emeritus

Well, I promised that I'd post in here, so I suppose I should. ;)

I read the books recently for the first time (two weeks ago, actually). I got the first three at the library and read them all in a period of three days (one book a day. ;)) It was a weekend, what can I say?). I then re-read them all over the next week (the re-read definitely helped sort a few things out. I noticed a lot of little things that I hadn't noticed the first time).

I can't say that I absolutely love the books. They're alright, and were (for the most part) an enjoyable read, but they just weren't my favorites. One of the things that bugged me the most was the language; I found it irritating and unnecessary.

How did I learn about the books? Like most people in this thread, I learned about them on here. I finally decided to read them when the library had all three at the same time.
Who is my favorite character and why? Gen is a favorite, for obvious reasons. I'm also a fan of Sophos (who I prefer to call 'Useless the Younger'. That's gotta be one of the best nicknames ever. ;)) ), and Costis (he's cool. ;) ).
Favourite book and why? Probably KoA. The whole

fight sequence at the end is pretty awesome. I also love the assassination attempt scene.
That and Costis is one of the best characters in the series.
What am I most looking forward to about the fourth book? Seeing Sophos again, probably.

I think that's all I have to add to the discussion at the moment. I have yet to read the fourth book, but I'll be sure to post if I do before the SF is over. *sits back and reads what others have to say*

--- flambeau

President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me

Posted : March 27, 2010 8:48 am
Member Moderator

regarding LL's comments:

See, I offered you a practical demonstration of my cluelessness when it comes to age. I did think he was older, and I still think it was a semi-reasonable assumption to make. :p I'm going to go with the I have no clue how old the magus really is and defer to a majority vote. I think he's older than Pol, though, and my guess is that Pol was in his thirties for what that's worth...

Hehe. If there's enough interest in the results, I could try and convince my dad to read Conspiracy out of order. After all, Booky's already read KoA first, so we just need someone else to read QoA first. ;)

I still haven't quite picked up on why Gen feels the need to 'steal' Sounis. Other than keeping his hand in the whole stealing game, of course, and the fact that politically the three countries need to be united. I think it's made clear that Gen goes out of his way to offer Sophos the other options available to him: going to the Medes or saying, "Really, who needs either of you? I'll do it myself!"

Oh, good, you found the answer to the strangling problem too, so I don't need to say anything. :)

regarding comments Booky and LL made:


Booky: Those two have the weirdest marriage. ;))

Exactly. ;))

Booky: He perfectly combined Gen's cunning with Attolia's ruthlessness. Very cool.

LL:I hadn't looked at it that way; it makes perfect sense though.

And it also demonstrates his ability (or ingrained habits?) as a follower, and yet makes him a distinct character from either of them. Again, very cool.

I think the lion is an emblem of Sounis? Though the previous Sounis was referred to as a bear, so... *shrug* The only other prince with a lapine name that I can think of off the top of my head is Harelip in The Princess and the Goblin and hares are not rabbits, despite the resemblance of four legs and long ears. :p Gen and El-ahrairah have a lot in common though. The thing about Sophos that really reminded me of something that I can't quite put my finger on is the almost off-hand comment about how good he was at building walls. Is there a trope about people being good at some non-momentous thing needing to put it aside to do the momentous?

Oh, Valia's comment just reminded me that at the beginning the slavers referred to Sophos as a lamb. Lion to lamb, or vice versa is a common metaphor, yes?

One of the things that bugged me the most was the language

It's not exactly the same, but I just realised that

Sophos referred to something as a whopper.
Isn't that kind of modern for this series? ;))

We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton

Posted : March 27, 2010 12:16 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

*stops by for a quick comment on KoA*

First off: I'm LOVING the book!!! :D Gen is just as great as he was before, but now he seems to have even more layers to the point where you don't know what he's really doing/thinking. Also, Costis is now my second favorite character. :-bd

O.K, now for the reason I'm posting so late at night:

Just read chapter 7 and the failed assassination attempt. While I knew that Gen was not going to die yet (there's still over half a book left!), it still kept me on the edge of my seat as I read it. :-ss This is actually rather rare as I'm usually not easily put "on the edge of my seat" by a book or movie.

The way the everything begins with the dog trouble and then Costis's realizing it might have been a decoy for an attack on the king.... Wow, great build-up. I was so relieved to read that Gen was O.K that it came as a real shock that he was wounded.

I also like the fact that Costis has found a kind of admiration or respect for Gen, though he still hates the Thief's guts. Reminds me of the first book and the relationship between Gen and the Magus. :)

One last thing, I thought it was great the way that Gen spies on Sejanus and his father. Uber cool... B-)

Alright, those are my jumbled thoughts on the book/certain chapter so far. Sorry for the rambling nature of this post....

Alright, back to reading! :D ;))

Avvie by the great Djaq!

^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)

Posted : March 28, 2010 6:38 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

PrinceCor, the first part you mentioned (and what happens afterwards) is one of my favorite scenes in the whole series. :D

I finished CoK. I'm still working through it and processing it; not really sure where it stands yet. But it needs to be said: I LOVE SOPHOS.

I need to ramble so I'm going to put this all in a spoiler box.

I'm hoping to do a review and post it on my LJ sometime soon. I want it to be semi-structured/coherent, but it will probably be chock full of spoilers. Maybe after doing that I can do a somewhat reason filled unspoilery one... maybe. ;))

EDIT: Of course I would obtain Junkie status in the Attolia thread. ;) 500th post!

She hoped to be wise and reasonable in time; but alas!
She must confess to herself that she was not wise yet.

Call me Maddy! | my livejournal
Proud Attolian Recruiter

Posted : March 30, 2010 5:14 am
NarniaWeb Guru

Nice graphics, Maddy. :D I'm snagging the middle one.

So when is Amy going to get in here and post her thoughts? I've been anxiously awaiting her post. :P

Posted : March 30, 2010 9:25 am
Member Moderator

Conspiracy of Kings fanart:

It's a library, and there are no characters visible, so there aren't really any spoilers other than my choice of title. :)

We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton

Posted : March 30, 2010 11:41 am
NarniaWeb Regular

I was so excited to see this thread when I checked in the other day!!!

I first heard about the books when Destined told me to read them. And then I promptly forgot about them. So she gave me The Thief for Christmas, a year ago. So I read it (finished on 1-7-09 :p ), and liked it, but it was just another book, and I didn't fall in love with it, until later that spring when I read The Queen of Attolia and The King of Attolia. Then I was hooked. I reread The Thief this January (as well as the next two), and loved and enjoyed and understood it so much more than the first go-through. I had forgotten almost all of the intrigues of the plot, and only remembered the personalities and landscapes, which was lovely. To be able to know the characters and remember what everything looks like and be surprised!

I am in a homeschool speech league, and I wanted to do an interpretive dramatic speech. I couldn't think of anything, but then I remembered The Thief, and knew it would be perfect. I do the first half of the book, cut down to 10 minutes.

Up to right after Gen retrieves the stone, and shows it to the magus, but before the magus takes it from him.
Even though I hadn't fully developed it, it got 3rd place out of 30 or so speeches at the first tournament I took it to. :D I love the book, but I don't care much for the script. Which is weird. None of my judges have ever heard of it, but many have said they loved the story.

I'm not sure that I have a favorite character. I can't really say that I like one of them above all of the rest. I love the relationships between everyone, though, and also how very real and alive the characters are. I can't think of a huge bunch of other books where I can honestly say that.

The same with the books. I can't truthfully say I have a favorite. I think I like The Thief and The King of Attolia better than the other two, but then I begin thinking about all of the things I love about those books.

Which leads me to say that I preordered A Conspiracy of Kings from Amazon: the first time I've ever done that. It's so nice to be able to buy books I haven't read before, because I know I will love it enough to own it. I devoured it the same day it arrived, (finished at 1:30 am. . . but since I didn't go to sleep in between, it still counts. :p )and really, really liked it! After it came, I had to go to a violin lesson, and after I started reading it, I had to take breaks to interact with my family and eat, and I kept smiling to myself, and then making squealing noises and jumping up and down on my ways to and fro my room, which is something I've always thought was not a part of my character. ;)

In spots,

Sophos seemed too much like Gen, (action scenes, like the fights before being crowned, the way he whipped out a gun and surprised you. Gen does it all of the time, but Sophos wouldn't do it as a surprise like that;) and I had a hard time reconciling him as I imagined him in The Thief to who he was here (which is the fault of my imagination and the speed in which I was reading, not the books themselves;) but other than that I can't think of anything that didn't suit me exactly. (See the rest of this post, where I talk about things that weren't perfect. But really, they did suit me, and I wouldn't want it changed! ;) )

It surprised me that there was yet more politics (which I really like but can't seem to fully understand ;) ). Now I begin to wonder what could possibly happen in the (very much hoped for) next books?!

Lady Liln
: [spoiler=]The part at the end of Sophos's first first person chunk confused me, too. I reread that sentence like eight times and still didn't get it. Then I finished the chapter, and turned the page, read the first line, and became suddenly very, very jubilant!!!

I love Eddis, too. She's such a nice, un-extreme character.

Actually, I think I agree with everything from your long spoiler on page two, but couldn't have said it as well. :)

Everyone who talked about the shared line in Howl's Moving Castle, The Thief, and King of Attolia
: I never noticed that it was shared, but I loved it every time I read it!

The assassination attempt contains one of my favourite lines in the entire series, 'like a man seeking respite, like a man reaching home at the end of the day'. Excuse me while I melt into a puddle of ooey gooey stuff.

Me too!! Me too!! Both times I've read that book, I stop and reread that part like four times because I love it so much.

I wonder if Costis was around when Sophos pushed Gen over, and what kinds of awful flashbacks were going through his mind if he was. ;))

I never thought about that. . . I like it! :)

Oh, but I also liked the reunion of Sophos' parents. Ooey gooey melted Mel, right there. B-)

Me too. :D

[spoiler=]Berrone reminded me of the stepsisters in Ella Enchanted. I guess that isn't legal, because she was nice... I guess because she had the same amounts of stupidity, and was blond and ringlet-ed in my mind, and I fit the two books in the same general category of New/YA/Mythical World sort of book.

Gen bothered me a little, too. His elusiveness. I wanted to see the real him, more than just these glimpses. He was a vague, impersonal character for so much, which has no correlation with his personality. I wanted more of him. I wanted to spank him. But I don't think I would have changed anything? What is is good.

Gen. . .

he did get on my nerves a good bit during Queen of Attolia when he went into depression after having his hand lopped off.

I liked that part. It made him vulnerable. ;) And then it was so shocking and delightful

I know. And smack him hard! I knew he was there... but I could never see him. He was around the corner, in another room. Sophos was with me, so he never did, either. It was irritating. I guess then we could feel what Sophos was feeling. That illusivness was bothersome in the extreme. :)

Those two have the weirdest marriage. ;))[/spoiler]

But I love it!!! I adore things like that, and love them so much in literature, because it would be impossible and miserable in real life. You know what I mean? It's so romantic! *goes off into the inarticulation of delight*


Love it!!!!!

Ummm, moving on to when he got to Attolia (oh, at the camp with his father and the Mede? MWT does such a great job with her bad guys, I just hate them to pieces. All the Medes she's ever had appear in the stories (with the exception of Kamet, Nahuseresh's slave) I fully sympathize with anyone who wants to strangle them.[/spoiler]

I KNOW!!! Grrr. They make me so mad!

YES!!! That expresses my feelings exactly!! *cringes at the thought of Medes*
I probably don't ever learn to properly pronounce their names, either. There simply isn't time!

Lady Liln:

On the ages of characters:

Since I finally fell in love with them, I've been telling everyone I care about that they simply must read them! One of my dear friends read the first two, and told me she didn't really like them that much. Feminism has affected her badly, and she saw the matriarchal society to be like that (where I never did; I claim immunity to a lot of things. ;) ). That made me really, really sad, :( and I could understand what Destined went through after I read The Thief. ;) Then she read The King of Attolia, and she loves the books now, too! As a person without internet/Amazon/Narnaiweb, she wrote to me and asked to read A Conspiracy of Kings as soon as it came out/I got a copy. :D

Interesting... I saw the library as being completely different from your picture, Mel. Your's is probably more accurate to the book, though. ;) Mine is much too magnificent for me to ever be able to draw it, though. *pouts*

This has excited me all so much!!! Please excuse me while I go and dance and squeal and leap about. Yay!!!! I want to reread all of the books now. Who cares that I did in January...

(Betsie once again proves that she can't post unless it's 8 miles long...)

Perpetual Member of the Manalive Conspiracy!

Posted : April 1, 2010 1:41 pm
Member Moderator Emeritus

I wish I had time for a real post to respond to everyone's thoughts, but I don't today. I will try to get in here and post in-depth before the thread is closed. Anyhow, here is my review of CoK. I have mixed feelings that will be clarified upon rereading, I'm sure :)

"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine

Posted : April 5, 2010 8:47 am
NarniaWeb Guru

As of Saturday night...... I finished "King of Attolia"!!!!!!! :D :D

I was quite pleased with the book, it continued the story from the previous two installments very well and also did a good job of introducing new characters namely Costis and the captain of the Guard (can't think of his name!! )

I really liked all the twists and turns that the story took. From the two brothers trying to please their father by turning everyone against Gen to the assassination attempt to the final big reveal that Gen had been using Costis to get to the good graces of the Captain. It was all well thought out and constantly surprised me. :)

I really liked the way that Costis starts out despising Gen but by the end of the book, he respects the king. Even if he still doesn't like him a whole lot. ;)

It was also nice to see the scenes with Gen and Attolia being their true selves instead of playing their roles constantly.

The dialogue was still great. I loved all the dry wit from Gen, as usual. ;))

Alright, I think that covers most of my thoughts on KoA. :) Sorry for the kind of rambling nature of this post.....


Avvie by the great Djaq!

^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)

Posted : April 5, 2010 9:50 am
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