Hurrah, Attolia!!! I've pre-ordered "A Conspiracy of Kings," and am uncontainably and ecstatically anticipating its arrival!
1). How did you learn about the books? NarniaWeb. I'd heard the series talked about in the Book thread ever since I started posting in there, and just finally ended up taking the plunge and ordering them from the library. I brought them all home on the same day, which is a good thing; I ended up reading all 3 in less than 48 hours.
2). Who is your favourite character and why? I think it might just be Gen. He fascinated me from the first five sentences of The Thief.
3). Favourite book and why? I liked each book more than the next, and yet I can't really say I prefer one over another!
4). What are you most looking forward to about the fourth book? The fact that I'll be able to read more about Gen and Attolia. And-and-and-it's Attolia!
My love for these books is just sort of-really,really, really, really strong? I still remember opening up The Thief two summers ago, and beginning to read. I hadn't even finished the first page when I looked up and hugged myself with the joy of it. The very phrasing of the sentences and the imagery set before my mind delighted me, and made me chuckle. I felt absolutely certain that I would love the rest of the book, and I did!
Jo-Anna: Aww, I'm so sorry you feel that way! But you've been too good a friend for too long to consider imprisonment; on my end at any rate. After all, I suppose I'm a fairly new convert. More seriously, though, I find it very fascinating how people react differently to a book, even if they share a love for some of the same books already.
Fanny. *sobs* I guess I was MIA from the book thread at the point when you read them, for I can't remember hearing your opinions on them before. So do you think the books being "shoved" at you made you like them any less?
wisewoman: Ah, enjoy your re-read! I'd re-read as well, but the last time I read the series through was only a few months ago, so I don't want to re-read again so soon. And that's fascinating about how Jones influenced Turner! I discovered Diana Wynne Jones at just about the same time as Megan Whalen Turner. Oh, and this was my first pre-order as well.
Mel, off hand do you happen to know what the D. W. Jones line is that repeats in Attolia?
sweeet: I like your point about Turner being indebted to NW.
Lady Liln. about the missing pages! That's terrible, and something dreadful ought to be done to the people responsible. Imagine if it was your first read!
And I am completely and ridiculously jealous about your early copy. Is that even legal?
Ahhh! Enjoy!
DTR: The line is

L.M. Pevensie, your friend's suggestion for what to name the series is really funny.
~LL~, so that's why your copy had a blank page! So you could get CoK early! Congratulations!
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Fanny. *sobs*
I guess I was MIA from the book thread at the point when you read them, for I can't remember hearing your opinions on them before. So do you think the books being "shoved" at you made you like them any less?
Alas, sorry to disappoint you friend. Don't feel too bad about missing my initial thoughts when I read the series; I seem to recall that I didn't go into extensive detail at the time.
In answer to your question, I'm not exactly sure. I know it definitely made me less eager and anxious to actually read them, but I don't think it changed how I liked them majorly or anything like that after I read them.
but when I asked if I'd be able to get CoK when I picked up KoA, the woman placing the order asked me to wait a minute while she checked something in the back and came back with a copy of CoK for me!
I know it's only a day early, but I was about as close to dancing a jig as my introverted self ever is.
Very cool indeed! (I hope that even if I'm not a super huge fan of the series I can still celebrate when something special such as getting the book a day early happens to my friend?)
Dear days of old, with the faces in the firelight,
Kind folks of old, you come again no more.
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
Very cool, LL. So does anyone else have the fourth book? I managed to get myself to Chapters today and spent about twenty-two times more than I ordinarily would on a book (yes, I am extraordinarily stingy). Hope you're worth it, MWT. But somehow I'm not too concerned.
1). How did you learn about the books?
Here, of course. I don't remember what got me to read them. Probably the fact that I am hopelessly conformist wherever the Books thread is concerned was enough.
2). Who is your favourite character and why?
Gen is a given, but Sophos is my second favourite. He's much more human...I think as much as we like to think otherwise, a lot of us would act like him, not Gen
3). Favourite book and why?
KoA. I didn't really love the series until the last half of KoA, when I was strangling myself trying to keep from laughing and waking up everyone else in the house.
signature by Starsy
I can't believe I didn't see this SF sooner! I guess I just wasn't looking well enough.
Anyways, I received this as an email this morning.
The excitement that this email should just exude is distinctly lacking.
Anyway, I'll have to beat my sister to it. She even covered shipping, so I can't even use the excuse that I paid for it. And she gets home before I do tomorrow... Herein lie the complications of converting your family. My mom was even making disturbing comments about getting to it first. Luckily, my brother who reads them is away at college and my dad will probably wait till the rest of us are done with them.
^Ha, I was mentioning this to my sister and she's pretty convinced it's coming Thursday, which might be the case. If so, she's gone and I get it! Although, I promised to wait until she was home to open the box, like she promised to wait for me if it comes tomorrow.
Anyway, I actually get to participate in this SF! Last time, I was in the middle of reading the books for the first time and came in just a few days before it closed.
1). How did you learn about the books? While I was lurking in the Books thread before I joined, the "Attolian books" kept being tossed around. So, I read them. Sadly, I had inadvertently spoiled myself for QoA (although I hadn't put it together for TT, so I was pretty much unspoiled there) so I
2). Who is your favourite character and why? Ummm, Gen. And then Attolia and Eddis (Attolia is such a complicated character, and I want to be best friends with Eddis, and live in her library
3). Favourite book and why? I.... don't know. I had this hankering to reread QoA back in November, but couldn't because it was lost in a friend's basement. She found it and KoA by January though, so I promptly reread them then. And then reread QoA again about three weeks ago. So possibly QoA, at the moment. KoA has some of my favorite scenes though, and Gen's narration in TT is amazing.
4). What are you most looking forward to about the fourth book? Um. More Sophos, and Gen, and Eddis, and Magus, and Attolia and

I don't know how many of you have seen this interview already, but Sounis linked to it today. (Yes, the very first community I joined after getting a livejournal was Sounis. ) It's pretty interesting.
Oh, and as a sidenote, because apparently I never quit talking about these books (or, I do, but the slightest reference sets me off), I was interviewing for a college scholarship early February, and one of the questions I was asked was "What books do you read in your spare time?" WELL. First I talked about classics and stuff, cause I've been trying to read more of them, but then (because I was beginning to fear that I sounded fake, and I was being interviewed by a sociology professor) I brought up "this series, that I don't think very many people have heard of..." "What's it called? Who's it by?" "It's by Megan Whalen Turner, and the first one is called The Thief, so it's about a thief and it's told from his perspective. He has to go steal this ceremonial heirloom and it's a great story, but because it's told from the POV of the liar and thief main character, certain aspects of the story are glossed over, or kept from the reader, and I discovered that I really love books that can fool me but still have me loving the characters ." "Oh, okay." He didn't write down the author's name, but he sounded interested.
She hoped to be wise and reasonable in time; but alas!
She must confess to herself that she was not wise yet.
Call me Maddy! | my livejournal
Proud Attolian Recruiter
1). How did you learn about the books? (If you're like the vast majority on NW and heard about it here, what finally was it that got you started reading them?)
I actually read KoA the year it came out, not knowing there were books before it. I enjoyed it and tried to find the other books in the series, but my library didn't have them at the time. When ww and a few others started on the series and began discussing them endlessly in the Books thread, I was reminded that I liked KoA and looked for the other books again. This time I found them at the libary and checked them out. It was long enough after my read of KoA that I didn't remember all the spoilers, fortunately.
2). Who is your favourite character and why?
Gen, but I love almost all of the other characters too. The quiz on FB told me that I was Gen. This pleased me.
3). Favourite book and why?
Cannot begin to choose. Love them all and they're essentially each in different genres.
4). What are you most looking forward to about the fourth book?
Finding out what happens to Sophos.

I've got my copy of CoK, not sure how much time I'll be able to spend reading it though.
L. M. Pevensie, that's pretty sweet that your friend got a signed advance copy. I love her suggestion.
:(( about the missing pages! That's terrible, and something dreadful ought to be done to the people responsible. Imagine if it was your first read!
And I am completely and ridiculously jealous about your early copy. Is that even legal?![]()
Ahhh! Enjoy!
Thank you! Hmm, just what would you do? I suspect it's the printing machine's fault, as it was the middle pages which had been bound wrongly. Perhaps you can think of a fitting punishment for a machine?
Heh, I'm not sure. I kept babbling when the lady handed me the book, "I can buy it, today? Even though it doesn't come out until tomorrow? I can have it?" She said something, which I don't really remember, but it was along the lines of they had to be really strict about some books (i.e. Harry Potter), but since it was 5:00 they afternoon before it wasn't a big deal. I didn't even get to tell her about the series and how awesome it is! I don't know; I expected the gal at the checkout to take it out of my hands and say that, no she was sorry, but I couldn't have it. Anyways, I got out of the store with it. I was honestly more excited that I would have it for Tuesday, because I have nearly 3 hours of empty time on campus; I usually study or work on assignments, but yesterday it was spent in Attolia (and Eddis and Sounis).
~LL~, so that's why your copy had a blank page! So you could get CoK early! Congratulations!
Ah, I hadn't thought of it like that! Good point.
Very cool indeed!
(I hope that even if I'm not a super huge fan of the series I can still celebrate when something special such as getting the book a day early happens to my friend?)
Of course you can! I'm not going to exile you just because you didn't like the series.
Aly, I know what you mean about the price. It wasn't cheap, but it is worth it.
He's much more human...I think as much as we like to think otherwise, a lot of us would act like him, not Gen
We can dream. And, I think you'll be a bit surprised with Sophos in this new book; I certainly was.
Herein lie the complications of converting your family.
My mom was even making disturbing comments about getting to it first. Luckily, my brother who reads them is away at college and my dad will probably wait till the rest of us are done with them.
Uh oh! Perhaps you can practice some of Eugenide's skills at stealing books and such away.
The part you mention skimming still bothers me a tad. Also, I had spoiled myself for that part too (but not for
Ooh, very nice interview, Maddy. Thanks for sharing! I don't have an LJ, but I do read that community from time to time. I stopped lurking when they started to have CoK spoilers though.
Booky, about your spoiler in #4, (this isn't a massive spoiler, just whether or not what you mentioned happens)

So, I stayed up til 1:00 last night (this morning?) finishing CoK. It's very good! You all will enjoy it. Ooh, and I was very happy with the voice/viewpoint/whatever-the-term-is she switched to in this tale.
I'd babble more, but I've got to get to class!
Avatar and sig by hyaline12
*refrains from reading LL's massive spoiler*
My copy of CoA came yesterday. But I won't have time to read it until Sunday
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine
WW, heh, that spoiler is every random thought that popped into my head about the book (actually not every, just most, I could still chatter more about it, but I'll save you all from that). It does look pretty massive though.
CoA? Conspiracy of Attolia, perhaps? That's basically what it is to us here, anyways.
Bummer that you have to wait to read it. Why does real life have to interfere with our reading time? I think you'll enjoy it, and look forward to hearing your thoughts!
*has actually made a short post in here *
Avatar and sig by hyaline12
Oh dear, I meant CoK, of course!
I managed to cry off our plans for tomorrow night (nothing urgent, just some shopping). So now I can read it tomorrow! But I had a debate with myself on the way home from Bible study tonight. Do I start it tonight and finish tomorrow, suffering the intervening day of work and responsibility? Or do I possess my soul in patience?
This is, of course, a very big decision
I decided to possess my soul in patience. I want to read it in one long swallow. I do hope it lives up to all these crazy expectations I have for it
A couple non-spoilery questions for you, LL (and apologies if any of this is covered in your post above):
• Where does CoK rank among the series in your personal favorites list?
• Do you think there will be more books in the series?
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine
No problem, I figured you meant CoK.
Yay for being able to read it sooner! I'd say you could stop around the first quarter/third fairly easily (you'll know where the point is), but it will still nag at you to figure out what's going on. At least, that's how it was for me with having to *gasp* go to classes.
Oh, and it probably took me around 6 hours to read it; I'm a fairly fast reader, but not spectacular. I'm pretty sure you could easily read it during one night (a little bit late of a night, but it would be a good time). It will meet some expectations and fall short on some others—or for me anyways.
Hmm, I'm not really sure where it falls in my favorites. I want to say second or third; saying KoA (assuming I enjoy it as much after my reread) is first and TT and CoK jostling for second and third. QoA is very close, but even with the reread I can't
Well, 1) in that interview Maddy linked to (CoK spoiler free) Turner said that she hopes to write two additional books.
2) She could end the series here and it wouldn't be overly loose ended, but she has left plenty to work with for further books. *hopes that's ambiguous enough*
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1). How did you learn about the books?
To quote Aloysha: Here, of course. Alatariel and wisewoman convinced me that I should read them, and then fortunately both The Thief and The Queen of Attolia were on the shelf on my next trip to the library so I could devour two of the three in one quick gulp.
2). Who is your favourite character and why?
Y'know, it'd actually be easier to pick a favourite supporting character. In TT, it's Pol. In QoA, it's Eddis. In KoA, Costis.
3). Favourite book and why? The Thief is apparently my favourite. I have read it twice as much as what is apparently my least favourite. Though, if I hadn't looked at the numbers, I might have said The King of Attolia is my favourite...
What follows can probably be summarised in two words: *flail* SQUEE!
Not sure where it'll end up falling in the line of favourites, though, since I'm still in a 'I actually have it! It really exists! I read it! Squee!' mood.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
I've decided to do my American Lit research paper on The Thief. Now I just need to track down ten sources for the paper. This means things like interviews with MWT, stuff like that. It's a three part project. A paper, an oral presentation, and a handout for the class.
*cheers for Mel finishing CoK*
Responding to Mel's CoK spoiler
Not sure where it'll end up falling in the line of favourites, though, since I'm still in a 'I actually have it! It really exists! I read it! Squee!' mood.
I agree. I gave WW those guesses for placement, but they can all hop around pretty easily.
Further CoK questions/thoughts/rambling from myself:
Sounds interesting, Booky. I don't know of many interviews; Maddy linked to one, I'm not sure it really relates much to TT though. Perhaps you can find some good info from Sounis?
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responding to LL responding to me
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton