Or, as it is more commonly known, the Attolian series.
In honour of the anticipated release of the fourth book in the series, A Conspiracy of Kings, on March 23rd in the United States, this Special Feature is opened.
For some of us, "the Attolian series" is an old friend, for others a familiar phrase floating about, and for some, meaningless. For the latter two,
the series is written by Megan Whalen Turner and concerns three Mediterranean-like countries — Sounis, Eddis, and Attolia — in a setting that brings to mind an unusual, but thrilling, mixture of Byzantine and Ancient Greek culture. Three books so far have been published---The Thief, The Queen of Attolia and The King of Attolia---with a fourth, A Conspiracy of Kings, to be released in March 2010. The Thief has also been distinguished as a Newberry Honor book.
A few questions to get the conversation flowing, if needed:
1). How did you learn about the books? (If you're like the vast majority on NW and heard about it here, what finally was it that got you started reading them?)
2). Who is your favourite character and why?
3). Favourite book and why?
4). What are you most looking forward to about the fourth book?
Whether you're a long-time conspirator and recruiter, just starting out, or merely curious as to what these books are about, welcome and let the discussion begin!
Please remember to put all plot twists, character developments, and all other SPOILERS in Spoiler boxes, as there will undoubtedly be some who have not yet read all the books or are in the process of reading them. Please especially note this with any discussion of the fourth book! Failure to do so with result in post edits, pms, frustration, imprisonment, and torture. Thank you.
God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.
For some of us, "the Attolian series" is an old friend, for others a familiar phrase floating about, and for some, meaningless.
*is happy to be in the old friend category* Eugenides is one of those characters that seem to live in my head with me, telling me that he 'loves stupid plans' whenever I think someone's being stupid. (Hmm, I begin to think I sound kind of insane...)
How did you learn about the books?
A friend of mine discovered them, and gave them to another friend. They both tried to get me into them, but at first I wasn't interested. Awhile later I gave The Thief another try and couldn't understand why I hadn't been hooked the first time I picked it up. I have since passed them along to my younger brother. At first he acted all unimpressed, but he started using Gen's insults on my other little brother, so I knew he was enjoying it. When he got to the end of the first book he admitted it was awesome. He has this habit of stealing/finding abandoned pens and now he gets all giddy and says it makes him feel like Eugenides. *facepalm* The problem with sharing them with him is that now someone actually knows what I'm talking about when I say 'Useless the Younger' or 'Useless the Elder'.
Who is your favourite character?
My favourite character is Gen, obviously. So clever - how can you not love him? Attolia is a close second. She's such an interesting and complex character. But at the same time I hate her... she's more like me than any other character I've ever read.
Favourite book and why?
Ack, I honestly couldn't say. They're all so different (and yet the same!) I can hardly compare them. I love the adventure in the first one, the romance in the second one (gross! I feel like a dork, but it's true
"And she believed him" always makes me sigh like the hopeless romantic I pretend not to be), and all the politics in the third one.
What are you most looking forward to about the fourth book?
What am I looking forward to? Awesomeness! Oh yeah, and Sophos is back. *wonders if Costis will make an appearance*
Well, sorry to put a damper on this topic shortly after Valia so kindly opened it (despite the thread of imprisonment and torture ), but I honestly don't see what the hype is about these books.
I read through them once and thought "okay, they're fine", but nothing stood out to me. So, I tried the first one again last fall with a similar reaction. For example, I just finished the Harry Potter series and came away very much wishing there were more books. In fact, I'm still living in Hogwarts for days afterwards ... I find myself walking through the castle's halls, wandering down to Hagrid's at times, and thinking, still, about the characters, having become really attached to them (Go, Neville and Luna!
). I haven't felt this strongly about someone's writing since I first read The Lord of Rings 30+ years ago. (Not to say Rowling will ever supercede Tolkien or Lewis for me: no way; no how.
Just saying that to emphasize how my reaction to these two series was very different. I can't really pinpoint anything specific as to why I'm not drawn to Turner's Thief books. I'm just not. Dare I say it was almost a chore to pick up any of the books again to read yet another chapter. *ducks tomatoes* I begin to wonder what I am missing? Did anyone else feel this way, or am I the odd hobbit out?
(I know, actually, of one other who might concur with me. No names mentioned, though, unless she/he posts.
In some ways I find this odd, as I share very similar tastes for many authors and books to many others here on the forum. So, yeah.
However, 'tis good to hear so many do enjoy them. (Valia, is this post controversial enough to require action taken? If I have a choice, I'll take the imprisonment, as long as I can have some books with me. Mind you, I didn't reveal any spoiler info.
EDIT: Just realized I didn't answer Valia's questions ...
1). How did you learn about the books? (If you're like the vast majority on NW and heard about it here, what finally was it that got you started reading them?)
Here on the Books thread.
2). Who is your favourite character and why?
Don't really have one. If I had to choose, I guess maybe Sophos.
3). Favourite book and why?
*thinks* Uh, dunno.
4). What are you most looking forward to about the fourth book?
Uh, not sure. Maybe hearing more about Sophos. And I may even read it once.
*wonders if these answers will get her demoted from modship ... or maybe even from the forum, itself ... knowing how passionate Attolia fans are*
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Since johobbit was brave to post and share her reactions to the book series, I'll have to do the same. I read them this past fall, and while I did enjoy them, they certainly are not my favourite series and I'm kind of neutral about them. Yes, certain characters and events I enjoyed moreso than others, but in the end, they were simply alright. (Plus, I didn't like the swearing in the books. It really gets stuck in one's head and it's awfully hard to get it out, so if I ever read the series again it's going to be quite some time from now...)
1). How did you learn about the books? (If you're like the vast majority on NW and heard about it here, what finally was it that got you started reading them?)
I mainly heard about them from NarniaWeb and other acquaintances who thought they were simply the best thing since sliced bread and tried to make me read them because they just knew I'd like them. Perhaps they were doing that with best intentions, but when you want to get me to like something you simply can't go all emotional and squeeing and bombard me with how great the books are almost every time you see me. It's just not going to work. I don't like having things pushed off on me. (Now, if one of them had of given me a nice detailed essay as to why I would like them, perhaps five to ten pages long, I'd accept that and like it...) So anyways. It took some time for me to actually want to read them. What was it that got me to read them? I found a copy of The Thief at a used bookstore I shop at, so I bought it. I bought the other two later brand new, because I felt compelled to read the rest even if the series isn't one of my favourites.
2). Who is your favourite character and why?
Attolia. She's very complex and fascinating. Very strong as well.
3). Favourite book and why?
All of them are about the same.
4). What are you most looking forward to about the fourth book?
I don't really know, yet.
Anywho. *slips out quietly*
Dear days of old, with the faces in the firelight,
Kind folks of old, you come again no more.
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
I'm currently rereading the series in preparation for the fourth book coming out. And I did what I NEVER do... I pre-ordered Conspiracy of Kings from Amazon . I knew it was a book I would want to own and I didn't want to wait for it to filter through my usual used book/library sale/thrift store sources. And I'm trying to keep next Sunday afternoon open so I can sit down and devour it in one go
On this reread I find myself especially appreciating Turner's prose. Maybe it's because I just finished a fantasy book in the Christian fiction genre that, although well plotted, was poorly written. By comparison, Turner's writing is brilliant. She is just so original in her metaphors ("about as graceful as a sick cat"). And I find her phrases so memorable ("I retired chagrined from the field of combat").
Oh! And this time, thanks to the prompt of someone on LibraryThing, I noticed something in TT that fans of Rosemary Sutcliff will love . Consider this passage from pages 137 and 139-40 of The Thief:
There was one ring that held a large green emerald engraved with a design I couldn't make it in the dim light. It was too big for my finger. I slipped it over my thumb.
I looked down at the ring still hung around my left thumb. He looked as well and whistled. In the sunlight I could see that the emerald was flawed, milky white on one side. The seal engraved in it was a curving fish, maybe a dolphin. The white flaw was a breaking wave.
The magus leaned over me to lift it off my thumb. "The writing on the ring itself is in the old style, pre-invader. Whoever wore it must have had it in his family for many generations."
"Or he lost it here a long, long time ago."
The magus agreed. "Or that. I'll put it in my bag, so that it doesn't get lost."
"You will not," I said. The ring didn't belong in a bag; it belonged on a finger. My finger.
No WAY! I cannot believe I never realized the connection here! It's the famous flawed emerald ring of Sutcliff's books, the thread that ties together her characters in their widely varying historical periods. The emerald is pretty much iconic. How fun that Turner would include it as a nod to Sutcliff!
And I hear that there is a line lifted right out of Diana Wynne Jones' Howl's Moving Castle in TT as well. I haven't read that one, so I don't know what line it is. Apparently Jones had a strong influence on Turner... in fact, I think Turner may have dedicated Conspiracy of Kings to Jones! Cool stuff.
I wonder what other allusions there are in the series?
There is a sneak peek at the fourth book here for the initiated
Jo-Anna and FF, it's okay you don't like the books very much. I don't understand it, but it's okay . FF, are you planning on reading the fourth book despite your "meh" opinion of the series?
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine
ww! I knew you'd show up. Good to read your thoughts, as always. And I should clarify: I did enjoy them to a certain extent, but they didn't stand out, in my mind, as extraordinary. Maybe I'll try them again when I'm grown up.
Also, I'm wondering if some of my neutrality stems from my dislike of politics, in general. There is a fair bit in the books and usually anything smacking of this subject in terms of reading material, I leave be.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
FF, are you planning on reading the fourth book despite your "meh" opinion of the series?
Yes, I think I will at some point. At present I don't have the money to spend on new books, but I think it'd be nice to read it eventually.
I did enjoy them to a certain extent, but they didn't stand out, in my mind, as extraordinary. Maybe I'll try them again when I'm grown up.
Ditto. They certainly were not horrible or boring...just okay.
Also, I'm wondering if some of my neutrality stems from my dislike of politics, in general. There is a fair bit in the books and usually anything smacking of this subject in terms of reading material, I leave be.
Hmmm, that could be. In that case, I wonder why I didn't like the series more, I love reading politic/political science themed books, although most of the ones that I read tend to be non fiction over fictional books of that nature.
Dear days of old, with the faces in the firelight,
Kind folks of old, you come again no more.
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
Yay for CoK! Calender's marked and everything. I doubt I'll be buying it, for lack of a reasonable book store, but maybe I'll get it a month or so after on Amazon or the library.
1). How did you learn about the books? (If you're like the vast majority on NW and heard about it here, what finally was it that got you started reading them?) Someone called Valia was a big fan, and seeing her graphics and sig, it got me curious.
2). Who is your favourite character and why? Not counting Gen, probably Eddis. She's a very congenial and amiable character. After her, it's a tie between Sophos and Attolia. The former's attitude toward Gen in The Theif was somewhat tactful, and like Fanny said, Attolia's strength impresses me.
3). Favourite book and why? The Theif, because of the light-hearted adventure and humour into it. =] And because I enjoyed the first-person way of writing it, but I understand why the following books would be in third-person to proceed with the military happenings.
4). What are you most looking forward to about the fourth book? Finding out what happened to Sophos, definitely. After finishing King of Attolia, I was left very worried about him.
(Plus, I didn't like the swearing in the books. It really gets stuck in one's head and it's awfully hard to get it out, so if I ever read the series again it's going to be quite some time from now...)
Ditto. I definitely agree with you on this one- the swearing was about the part I could have done without reading.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
How fun that Turner would include it as a nod to Sutcliff!
Did you catch the nod to Mark of the Horselord in the beginning of KoA? When I read it the first time, I had to stop and read it again and grin to myself for a bit before I could finish the chapter. (And I believe there is also a nod to your favourite Warrior Scarlett in KoA as well.)
*knows what the Jones tribute line is as well, and it also shows up in KoA*
I came across the phrase "conspiracy of princes" in Ezekiel today... I'm sure it would never have struck me, had I not been excited about the upcoming book. (NIV version; I believe other versions say prophets instead of princes.)
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Yay! I can actually join in this thread this time! (The last one I remember showed up when I was first reading the series ).
I'm currently rereading the series, but I'm only three quarters of the way done with QoA. I'm debating whether or not I'll start KoA before CoK. Eh, I probably will. I've sprained my wrist and am currently dependent on my family driving me around and none of them will take me to bookstores (they think I spend too much time and money there; I disagree ), and I don't want to order it online.
Anyhoo, I'm loving the series this time. I already have the world of Attolia/Eddis/Sounis built for myself, so I'm able to take in the bits of scenery so much more this time. And, the characters are so much richer, with knowing what's going to happen, I'm picking up on all MWT's little hints. Very, very much in love with the series.
#1: Well, I heard loads of prattle on the Book threads about "Attolia series" and "Gen" and "MWT's amazing plot twists" all of which interested me, and I finally just checked them out of the library (according to my book list, I started The Thief on 1-20-09). I bought my own copies a few weeks ago, in order to start my rereads.
#2: Hurmph, we have to choose a favorite character?! I really love the way MWT weaves all of her characters into an individual, with a distinct personality and style. I guess I'll say Gen is my favorite, because he's written so very well, and because he's so terribly quotable!
#3: Erm, I'm not really sure. I know I had had a favorite, but I forget what I was saying it was, and since I'm in the middle of a reread, I'd rather not choose favorites at the moment. (How's that for being indecisive?
#4: Most looking forward to in CoK? Hmm, Sophos and Gen and seeing what MWT does with this plot. I've been keeping myself as unspoilered as possible, so I'm not really sure what to look forward to.
Failure to do so with result in post edits, pms, frustration, imprisonment, and torture. Thank you.
Yikes! *is sure to put everything in spoilers*
*wonders if these answers will get her demoted from modship ... or maybe even from the forum, itself ... knowing how passionate Attolia fans are*
Aww, we still love ya, Jo. Wish you loved the series, but, well, we can't have everything.
Fanny, I know what you mean about the language, that really bothered me the first time through. I don't know if I'm just more mature in being able to handle it now or what, but it hasn't bother me near as much on this reread, perhaps because I know it's there and am able to overlook it a bit more.
Oh! And this time, thanks to the prompt of someone on LibraryThing, I noticed something in TT that fans of Rosemary Sutcliff will love
I've never read Sutcliff, but in the back of my copy of TT, MWT has a bonus section about good books and books that influenced her. *digs for book* Firstly, MWT has some amazing taste in books; even the books I've not read that she mentions are books I've heard praised in the Books thread (which may also explain why she appeals to so many of us there). The most relevant part of the essay is this:
If a writer has inspired me, I like to make a reference to their work inside my story. Edward Eager used to have his characters talk about how much they loved E. Nesbit's books. Obviously, Eugenides can't do that. But I do quote a phrase or two, or mimic a description from other books and I hope that some readers who have read the other books will notice and make a connection. I haven't worked anything by Joan Aiken directly into one of my stories, but The Thief has an indirect quote from The Eagle of the Ninth. If you read it, you will find an object there whose description I have copied as closely as I can for The Thief. There is also a direct quote from Howl's Moving Castle. I put it there as a tribute to Jone's work and as a marker of much I owe her in other ways.
She also has a huge list of authors that she suggests/influenced her, but I can't type all that up just now.
Ooh, and I dug up my "initial reactions" from the old forum. I'm mostly still on the same page, but I'm falling even more in love with books and less bothered by the parts I complained about; rereads are so nice.
[quote="More TT":nl7vy8b9] I knew Gen had to be the major character, since it was told in first person (usually a big tip off Tongue), yet he seemed so unimportant and whiny in the beginning. Once I realized I had grown to like him, I was so happy, but surprised that he had slipped into my liking.
[. . .]
And I had the same feeling after the waterfall-thingy [no clue what I'm referring to, sorry ] scene, I thought 'this is interesting, but not some conspiracy worthy story' until the very end. Then I loved it, entirely.
*leaves before this near-thesis has her imprisoned*
Avatar and sig by hyaline12
I didn't like Gen at first. Then I started liking him more and more...then I loved him.
I learned about the books in the Books thread here in the SO. I figured that if I saw them at the library, I'd check them out--and I did!
First one that I checked out was QoA. It was pretty good, and definitely made me want to read the others. My favorite was KoA, because Gen is just so cool in hiding how awesome he is.
The bit about Hamiathes (?) Gift just really confused me, and the whole thing about the gods confused me as well. I remembered liking them a great deal, but I would definitely benefit from a re-read.
Megan Whalen Turner must be in great debt to NarniaWeb for advertising her books so liberally.
My favorite character? Gen, I think, but then Eddis. I liked the Magus as well. Attolia has always annoyed me.
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
I've only read The Thief. (For shame! ) so for the moment I'll refrain from entering the "favorite book series" discussion.
How did you learn about the books? - They've been popular items for discussion here in the Books threads, and what I read intrigued me.
Who is your favourite character and why? - Right now, Sophos. Perhaps due to the way he treats Gen in this book (as a foil to Ambiades).
Other remarks:
I liked the way the writer fleshes out her world with the invented Greek-flavored mythology - it appealed to the real-world mythology buff in me - as did the detailed background behind Hamiathes's Gift.
I liked the mental pictures I had when various characters were telling these stories (and envisioned it something like my own real-life group sometimes does around the fire, or the way some of my characters have told stories-within-the story in my own writing).
Reading so much about it here on NarniaWeb did have one interesting "side effect" regarding
I am interested in continuing the series and may do so before this thread closes.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
*grumbles* So, I started KoA last night. I got all the way to page 116 only to discover that page 261 was facing it. The book has an extra copy of pages 261-292 and no pages 117-148. And, who knows when I'll be able to get back into Borders to exchange the book. *pouts* (Sorry, none of my family will listen to me and understand, so y'all get a mopey paragraph).
Anyhoo, QoA grew on me a lot more this time around. I got so much more of what was happening when
The bit about Hamiathes (?) Gift just really confused me, and the whole thing about the gods confused me as well.
If you can be a bit more specific as to what's confused you, we may be able to help. I had trouble with completely understanding the Gift my first time through the book and got some clarification via other members here.
You did read The Thief, though, right? Just asking cause you mentioned reading QoA first.
Attolia has always annoyed me.
She didn't even win you over in KoA? I was not happy with her in QoA, but the
Gazer, ooh, do read the rest of the series; I suspect you'll like them.
Interesting "side effect" you mention, Gazer. I have issues with the titles because (a QoA spoiler)

Avatar and sig by hyaline12
I don't have time right now to fully go into how much I LOVE these books, why I started reading them etc. but I just had to make a quick post about the series title. I've always thought it was kind of odd that there's no official name for the series. Then Greenwilliow books had a contest where people submitted ideas for naming the series, MWT picked her top 10 favorites and they all won advanced SIGNED copies!
Most of the suggestions are really fun and interesting, but the fun part is I'm good friends with #8! She showed me her advanced copy and MWT's note to her. Is that cool or what???
If this Sig is by you please let me know, because I can't remember
"I am going to live forever, or die trying!"
Erm, I really feel bad that I was quite so mopey yesterday. Especially with what I have to say next.
So, I was lucky enough to get into the bookstore today (I guess there are benefits of being dragged to the mall while Mom looks at a new stove ) and I have to wait for a copy of KoA, as they were out,
but when I asked if I'd be able to get CoK when I picked up KoA, the woman placing the order asked me to wait a minute while she checked something in the back and came back with a copy of CoK for me!
I know it's only a day early, but I was about as close to dancing a jig as my introverted self ever is.
*scampers off to discover what Sophos and Gen are up to *
Avatar and sig by hyaline12