Just saw Despicable Me 2 with the Mrs. Actually enjoyed most of it. It was good that they dealt with Gru's past villany without dwelling on it. Also how they worked it into the story that he has abviosly grown closer to the girls.
the only drawback was the "suggestive" content. Doubt that most kids would "get it", but then why have it at all in a kids movie?
Yay, I can actually come in here for once with news!
Last night, me, my sis, and her best friend went to the drive-in! (something I hadn't done in ages. and it was SO fun!) Anyway, we saw Despicable Me 2 and Monsters University!
Despicable Me 2:
I had just seen the original prior to leaving the house, on my sister's DVR. (it was my first viewing) So the story was fresh in my mind. And I can't decide which I liked better. But it was really cute seeing Gru's relationship with the girls grow. (by the way, the girls are adorable!) The second one had some parts that were major predictable for me, but it's a kids movie. It was still really cute, though.
Monsters University:
-Little Mike was ADORABLE!!!
-The beginning of the relationships between Mike, Sully, and Randolph were interesting.
-The Oozma Kappa monsters were so sweet, and I loved seeing everything with them and the leads.
I loved it. And I still find it funny that they made a college prequel of the original, seeing as I remember talking about the original with my friends (at school) in my early years of college.
I wish I could have more to say, but my mind is going blank. And I don't want to spoil them for others anyway. But yeah... loved them. and loved having time with my sister... something I don't get to have a lot.
Finally got around to seeing Monster's University! Wow, so many thoughts... I probably should watch it once more before really saying anything, to be comprehensive....
But to start off, I loved everything about The Blue Umbrella. The rainy day feel was just perfect and the animation was beautiful. I loved the lighting. The music was so light and lovely. I loved how the raindrops were animated - how the light went through them, etc. (My favourite shot was the raindrops on the window.) The story was cute, as well. Oddly, it's probably my favourite short.
Monster's University itself...
I really, really appreciated how cohesively situations were dealt with.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
I've seen Man of Steel and Pacific Rim lately. Both of which I've been following for at least a year, and have grown to create high expectations for both.
The result:
Man of Steel: disappointing.
Pacific Rim: Pretty dang awesome.
MoS had major tonal issues. Sometimes it was dark, quiet, and contemplative- yet hopeful- such as the beginning. I completely enjoyed these parts. I can honestly say that 5% past there was cheesy banter and the other 80% were repetitive action sequences which grew increasingly boring and morally questionable.
Pacific Rim was almost the complete opposite of MoS. It has a cheerful, cheesy mood about it throughout the entire movie. This works well with its obviously out-there premise and is incredibly fun throughout. Its action scenes really worked, I thought, because you cared about the characters and why they fought.
...and let's not forget that the movie is about giant man-piloted robots fighting alternate-dimension hyper-giant monsters (BESTIDEAEVER).
I want to see Despicable Me as well as Monsters U, but don't want (don't have the funds ) to see them in theaters.
Anybody seen the previews for RIPD? Looks pretty good, in my opinion.
Leader of the A.N.T.I. M.U.P.P.E.T.Z. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently vs. Malevolent Undercover Pals Planning Eventual Takeover of Zivilization.) RP in Ditto Town! PM to join!
My sister reeeeeally wanted to see Star Trek: Into Darkness (i suspect Benedict Cumberbatch had something to do with it -- she's a big Sherlock fan), so we went to see it on Thursday.
It was pretty good, all things considered. I'm a casual fan of Star Trek in general, though i've not seen a lot of it -- bits of TOS, Voyager and DS9, multiple episodes of TNG, couple of the old movies -- and what i've seen is, for the most part, too cheesy for my tastes. The new movies are nice and stylish, though I wish that they could/would spend more time on character development.
As for this particular film,
And i gotta say, the line "KHAAAAAAAAAAAAN" was way better in the original - here it just felt shoved in. But the rest of the death scene was well-done, and i liked that the line used to get Spock to come down to engineering was extremely close to the line in Wrath of Khan, if not exact.
On the whole i enjoyed it, though. I guess it just belongs to that semi-rare category of media that i will pick to pieces, complain about every aspect in some fashion, and yet still claim to like.
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Tarfon
Ha your sister possibly had the same reason as me to go see star strek. I enjoyed it in the end though. I am not really a casual fan either. First star strek thing I had ever seen. I might watch the first one now.
Watched the new Star Trek movie, and I have to say it had both good, and bad parts.
I was disappointed about Kirk's apparent lack of maturity at the beginning. I would have hoped for some growth by this time.
I am also somewhat stymied by the relationship between Uhura, and Spock.
Otherwise the reationship between the character's as a whole, as seen in their conversations, arguments, etc, was well done.
I do wonder if the studio ever plans to deal with Pike's (possible) past adventures while captain. In this timeline did he actually get captured by big headed aliens? For those who don't know what I'm talking about, look up the original Star Trek pilot. I think it was called "The Menagerie".
I was disappointed about Kirk's apparent lack of maturity at the beginning. I would have hoped for some growth by this time.
Which part at the beginning are you referring to? I've seen the movie a couple times, but I don't remember him being immature at the beginning.
I do wonder if the studio ever plans to deal with Pike's (possible) past adventures while captain. In this timeline did he actually get captured by big headed aliens? For those who don't know what I'm talking about, look up the original Star Trek pilot. I think it was called "The Menagerie".
I think it was "The Cage". "The Menagerie" was the episode that used some footage from the original pilot interspersed with scenes of an aged and wheelchair-bound Captain Pike who could only "communicate" with a buzzer to answer "yes" or "no".
It seems funny now that in a series that postulated interstellar space travel, they didn't think of some kind of artificial voice to allow a disabled person to communicate.
Ithilwen. the Kirk I saw was still the cocky, too sure of himself, kid who still didn't think of the consequences of his actions. That's why Pike dealt with him as harshly as he did.
King_Erlian. thanks for the correction. I knew of the episode, I just got the titles switched. It's been awhile since I've seen them.
an interesting observation though about the handicapped Pike. I suppose it could be just said it showed how far we as a culture have advanced in the awareness of the disabled.
The most recent movie I've been to was Star Trek: Into Darkness - and I really enjoyed it!
My favorite part? The brief appearance of Nimoy! When he came on screen, I actually yelled, "Yea!!" (I couldn't help myself). I think the all the actors are doing a very good job in their rolls - but I really like seeing original Spock.
There were a few things that didn't make sense to me in view of the new timeline was supposed to start on the day Kirk was born (established in the first film of the reboot) - but, I still enjoyed it.
Further up and further in!!
Got to see Pacific Rim! And it was pretty good! Del Toro is a visual genius, it's a very beautiful film to look. And it has giant robots punching giant monsters! The actions scenes are amazing with a great sense of scale. And it's got a decent story with interesting characters unlike many other big action films. And Idris Elbas character is awesome too, it's almost worth watching just for him.
Has anyone seen the worlds end yet? It isn't out here to august first and I honestly can't wait.
Has anyone seen the worlds end yet? It isn't out here to august first and I honestly can't wait.
No, it doesn't come out till August 23 here in the US. I'm really sad because it looks amazing, but I probably won't get to see it in theaters.
I'm a huge fan of the other two movies in the Three Flavors Cornetto trilogy, so I can't wait to see the third one.
Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy? I had to look that one up. Loved Shaun of the Dead (even though I'm not keen on too much blood and gore) and Hot Fuzz. The World's End also looks great.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11