ChristianSpotlight is even worse. I know it's good to be discerning in what one watches/reads/listens too but it's like they (and many other Christian review sites) review movies for their appropriateness for the youngest of children. I mean they even have problems with people saying 'bottom', 'shut up' and drinking in moderation or even just implying it etc.
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Doctor Who - Season 11
I'm very thankful for Plugged In's reviews! I'm glad they write down every little thing that is in movies. I'm able to see what is in the movie and then decide if I want to see it based on what I feel I'm ok with seeing in a movie.
I've seen movies they don't like, and I've seen movies they do like. Even though small things like someone saying "shut up" or "jerk" doesn’t bother me, it might bother someone else. Their are swear words that might bother me but not someone else.
I think it just depends on what a person will and will not see in a movie, and I think Plugged In does the best to write a review that is informative for all different people and ages.
I honestly can say I probably would see a lot less movies if I didn't know what was in them, Plugged In opens the door for me to see more movies, even if their for or against the particular movie I'm seeing. That's just my two cents though.
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
I know what you mean but I don't agree with you. It must kill a lot of the suspense/surprise knowing what happens (by reading the reviews) before you see the movies.
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Doctor Who - Season 11
I agree completly Warrior 4 Jesus. Though Plugged In does warn you about spoilers, it can still be difficult to see what's in a movie with out giving away something major to the movie's plot. I can manage pretty well though if there is something I'm looking for in paticular. On Plugged In they brake everything into catagories like, swearing, violents and other stuff. So usally I just go to the catagorie I'm looking for and skim through it. Sometimes I don't even read the whole review just the part I need some info on. But I see where your coming from and can definatley see how it can still be hard to read their reviews and not give anything away.
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
I saw Avatar in 3D last night. I'm not convinced that 3D really adds much to the experience. There were several moments that took full advantage of the technology but most of the time it didn't do anything for me.
I do agree. I was quite disappointed with the 3D effects. I was expecting way more cool camera angles. For most of the movie i felt that it was like any ordinary 2D movie. But the movie itself was pretty good. I was quite unwilling to watch it due to all the hype but i have to say i as impressed by the acting and script. I would say that i felt the storyline had been picked over a million times before with other movies (think Pocahontas!).
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I'll be seeing Percy Jackson on Sunday, careful if not Saturday afternoon,
I just need to finish the book first (which I bought on Wed and am now in the final 100 pages). Normally I wouldn't read a book so close to its release because one tends to compare but I procrastinated.
Good thing is I don't mind changes they do in adaptation,
as long as the overall feel of the book is there.
I like Pluggedin's reviews just b/c I know what to watch out for. I do the same as 7Chronicles, just skim to the part that really matters in my opinion. They do warn you about spoilers but to tell you the truth, I would rather know the whole plot line of a movie then go and watch it and expose myself to whatever filth is in it.
@Aurora and Warrior 4 Jesus: Out of curiosity did you see Avatar in IMAX or in regular theaters? When I saw Avatar in IMAX I was really blown away by the 3D! I've seen 3D movies in regular theaters and I think seeing 3D in IMAX makes a huge difference. But maybe it's just me.
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
Thanks for the review FencerforJesus! That's makes me even more excited to see it After seeing the trailer I got pretty exciting, and now it looks like they stuck to the book fairly well which is great too. (I have to ask though...did they keep in that cheesy Annabeth line "I definitely have strong feelings for you, I just haven't decided if they're positive or negative yet"? I just wanted to rip my ears out every time I heard it on the trailers, it drove me crazy
Yeah, I read the Plugged In review too. Amazing how much hyperbole they can pack into a single movie review. I don't think they've ever managed to say anything good about a movie.
I've gotta agree with Booky on PluggedIn...after reading a few of their reviews for some movies (both Narnia movies, LotR, and Iron Man to name a few) I actually got pretty mad at whoever wrote them, especially with certain things said about LotR (I was kind at the computer ) I've just never thought too highly of them after that. What bad things did they say in the review Glenstorm?
EDIT: I just saw a video on YouTube saying the director decided to make the characters I guess no sequel to look forward too
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7Chronicles, I can't speak for W4J of course, but my own experience of seeing Avatar in 3D was pretty spectacular in a "regular" digital theatre . I thought the 3D was great. Modern digital screens are curved like IMAX screens and I sat way up front about 3 rows from the screen. So all in all it was like a Mini-IMAX effect.
"Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence" -- Carl Sagan
Yeah, I read the Plugged In review too. Amazing how much hyperbole they can pack into a single movie review. I don't think they've ever managed to say anything good about a movie.
I've gotta agree with Booky on PluggedIn...after reading a few of their reviews for some movies (both Narnia movies, LotR, and Iron Man to name a few) I actually got pretty mad at whoever wrote them, especially with certain things said about LotR (I was kind at the computer ) I've just never thought too highly of them after that. What bad things did they say in the review Glenstorm?
^^ I have never liked PluggedIn's reviews for any movie!! yes, the LOTR reveiws from there were poorly when I was looking up "Extraordinary Measures", I ignored their review and read different ones.....
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I want all that You are
Pluggedin gets alot of criticism just b/c they share everything that's wrong. The reviewer doesn't insert his personal opinions until really the conclusion which you don't have to read. What they said bad was this...
(edited to remove innapropiate content)
Sorry but the more I learn about this movie, the more it's turning me off. I'm gonna give the book a try though anyway...
link for the review
I hate those songs too (well, I've actually only heard parts of Poker Face and that's it, but I don't like that one at all)...but, I don't know, that's just not too big a deal to me. The sexual content...yeah, I hate it when they do that (and I don't remember too much about that kind of thing in the book, except the daughters of Aphrodite, but I don't think it went that far...) and it's not necessary, but I'll have to read the book again to see if any of it was needed for something in the story or not. You should definitely read the book though, it's pretty good and maybe some things will make more sense if you end up seeing the movie. Personally, I'm just happy if it's a good adaptation and doesn't add in too much junk.
Pluggedin gets alot of criticism just b/c they share everything that's wrong.
I just thought they seemed to show even the good stuff in a kind of negative light...some of the things they said about the Palantiri and Gandalf in the LotR review just got on my nerves.
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Team Hoodie!!
I saw Avatar in a regular 3D cinema (we don't have an IMAX in South Australia).
Aurora, I thought the visuals were very good but the script and the acting were (in my opinion) the main things that were problematic.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Heh, the daughters of Aphrodite are nothing like that in the books. (They're more of the make-up obsessed/designer clothes/preppy type kids. NOT bikini-wearing. Boys included (excluding the make up bit
)). Also in the books, Persephone is quiet and modest, and Grover is a nervous, bumbling, pimply teenager (basically) who only drools over Artemis (the goddess) because she's "so into nature!" (Titan's Curse). And even then it's not a creepy, leering kind of crush. More of a stumbling-over-my-tongue-trying-to-impress-her kind of crush. I really don't like those changes they made to the characters.
And yes, I highly doubt they'll be making movies of the rest of the books, seeing as they upped the ages so much. I love the books, and I'm really disappointed to see these particular changes to the characters. Age changes, I can handle. Annabeth being brunette instead of blonde, meh okay, not too horrible. But making Grover a playboy? Making Persephone immodest? Ughrughrughwoighghwoeihnghog . . .
Still, I'll be going to see it with my family on Monday. I really like Logan Lerman and Sean Bean and all-in-all it looks like it could be fun. But I'm not expecting it to be anything like the books. In the way of Prince Caspian, I will just have to remove the book from the movie and enjoy the movie as something completely separate.
(Just FYI, the books are clean fun. Almost surprised me how clean they were. Glenstorm you should definitely check them out. They're great fun. )