Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
@Silver actually, I didn't notice it until, someone else pointed it out on the main page
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I hath returned with a pitcher of raspberry lemonade to wash down dear Puddleglum's frog pie! 'Twas delicious, my good fellow!
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Good of you to say so. I was afraid I might have added too much basil.
Would you happen to have any more of the lemonade?
*notices some chaos between the League and the Monastery and wonders*
Have any others of the Middle Way watched the latest trailer? For while I have been hiding from spoilers, I had to watch it anyway. It hasn't made me any more positive or negative towards the film. I must say, though, that I truly love the visuals.
yes I have and the visuals are stunning. Aye, I hath noticed ze chaos as well. Ze poor Dryad is unjustly accused.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
^^^ Fire-Wolf! Read on --
Have any others of the Middle Way watched the latest trailer? For while I have been hiding from spoilers, I had to watch it anyway.
Aha! Bahahaha! You prove a precious point for the Lair of LoESRM, Lady! For if a Pilgrim has to stop and think about whether or not they dare watch the new trailer, surely a Monk does break their no-spoiler-vow when they watch it!!!! The Rose-Tree Dryad is Justly accused! Muahahaha!
Readeth my post in Loesrm, Silver tongued... but I shalt quote Fencer again here...
Let not the Spoiled Rotten decieve thee. For though this place is a refuge for thee from the Spoiler, thou art not required to abstain from every type of Spoiler. If though seekth to abstain from one particular Spoiler or genre of Spoiler, then thou art welcome.
Hence forth I remain firmly whre I stand... in ze Dryad's defense.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
And verily I shall defend the Dryad also, for at least those of the Monastery and Middle Way are not forced to view all spoilers without exception and feast upon spoilers day and night until they are sick of the movie. Those who reside in the Middle Way choose which spoilers they want to view and avoid those they want to avoid; and in this, since joining, I have avoided all news articles labeled "Spoilers"...except for the trailer. The Dryad has done the same according to her vow.
This is where I now reside, and here I stand.
Hence forth I remain firmly whre I stand... in ze Dryad's defense.
*Gasp* You stand beside a Monk, instead of by your own people? Perhaps I am accusing the wrong person of treachery and possible betrayal... Heehee
*Wonders if Booky should have given me the nick-name "Master of Dissension" instead of "Silver-Tongued Speaker of Awesomeness"... *
I'm not only a pilgrim, but I wander, forth I hath been watching and commenting on Loesrm too, even befreinding a few of ze minions as well as ze monks. If this is against ze law, then very well go on and try me... but it is written no where, so I see no law to break. But leave ze Dryad out of this, for she hath commited no treachery.
Grrrrr... (small growl)
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
She-Who-Is-Called-Master-of-Dissension, perhaps thou should discuss matters with thy Evil Overlord. As a Pilgrim, I hath chosen to stand in the middle of all things. I both respect thy minion-ish ways and revere those of the monks equally. Thou accusations hath intrigued me so, and after conducting proper investigations of the matter, I too stand beside the good Dryad of the Rose Trees. She hath not broken her vow.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Im not inactive just very very busy
-Katana, Member of the Midnight Society, Weapons afficionado of the castle of Ivory&Gold, esteemed owner of a flying pickle
*enjoys reading through some of the pages*
Oh you evil fellows who come in and tempt these fair people to forsake their way of balance and join the extremes!
I don't know what category I would be listed as, I don't look everywhere for spoilers but if something comes up in "Word on the Street" or "Narnia Movie News" then I read it, though I have not read everything just things that intrigue me I guess I might be labeled one of the 'Evil and Dark Lair' though I hate that label so I refuse to join it! Haha...
Anyway, I can understand all of the three ways but as for joining one I'm not so sure I shall. I shall just hover in space waiting for the movie and then I shall ponce on it...
Have a fair Pilgrimage, you of the middle way!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
Greetinges and salutations, myn gentil rederes.
Ich hath been famylier wyth both the Layir of Evil and the Sanctuary of the Pure, but couldst fynde no grounds for joininge either. Heere, at last, hadst Ich founde a place worthe restinge myn weary soule down upon! Ich didst, and hath, continuew to refrayne from the endlesse servyce of Spoillers that the Syde of Evil doth spew out. Yet Ich viewe somme spoillers, sooch as the traylers or ymages. To rede the moore grete spoillers is contrery to myn desire to be at leest a litel surprised wyth plot changes. On tope of the reasoninge Ich hath seyde, it keepeth myn booke purest heart from despaire whenst dangerous or fahlse informaytione dost leak from the Powers that Be. Ich shalt enjoy confyding and speking wyth others of myn kynde.
Fare thee well,