I'm sure othe people have mentioned this before, but I am all-out terrified of hights. I can't go past the second rung on a ladder, I hate steps where you can look down and see the ground (although regular steps don't bother me), and when I do manage to make myself get on something that my brain tells me is too high, I need help to get down.
I also hate having my back to an open, dark room. Being in a dark room doesn't bother me, and neither does having my back to an open, light room, but an open dark room... It makes me really nervous.
Hoot Owl of NarniaWeb!
Relient K club member
avie and siggie by me
NWtwin:Sleepwalking NWsibs:8
Don't think I have posted in this thread yet...
1) Crowds. By far.
2) Fire
3) Tight spaces
4) Becoming deformed/paralytic
5) Being chased by an alligator
6) Losing my job. I had a hard time finding the right career, hence this means so much to me.
yeah i hate crowds to. I panic when i am in the middle of them.
Things I'm afraid of:
Evil spirits
Talking on the phone to people I don't know
Large crowds
Getting lost while driving in the city
Random obstacles in life related to teaching
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
I was afraid i was gonna get lost in this bush walk today. We had to find a series of numbers with letters on them and right the letters down.Some of my group did get lost.
Yes and another thing electric knives,
Wild Rose: me too! I hate dogs! I mean, some dogs are cute, but I hate when I am being chased by one, and I get freaked out if one is growling or jumping on me!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I suppose I really only have one phobia, and that's dendropophobia-the fear of losing my teeth. I know it's rather stupid, but I think it stemmed from a dentist's visit years ago, when I was told I had multiple cavities. Of course, cavities are expensive to repair, and one cavity was bad/embarrassing enough, so I was really horrified that I had a couple. Anyway, since then, I've dreamt about losing my teeth quite a few times, so I'm kind of horrified at the idea.
I gets little freaked out when a dog is running towards me (especially my sisters dog; he's 110 lb and sometimes doesn't go around or slow down when he gets close), but it doesn't scare me as much as it used to. Little dogs don't bother me unless they're barking, but with big dogs I worry about them running into me.
Hoot Owl of NarniaWeb!
Relient K club member
avie and siggie by me
NWtwin:Sleepwalking NWsibs:8
I am afraid of never being able to loose my teeth. here's why: my mouth is really really REALLY small and my teeth are over crowded. so I have only lost seven teeth my whole life and I am 16! my teeth are so tight together that they won't come loose and I still have mostly baby teeth in my mouth. ugh! I am afraid I won't loose the teeth I need to!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
^^Liberty Hoffman, don't worry! I didn't lose my last tooth until I was fourteen. I had my first seven teeth and my last baby tooth pulled! If your teeth don't come out for another few years, I'm sure your dentist will just have them pulled. Besides, if you end up getting braces (I had to), the orthodontist will probably pull the stubborn teeth so he/she can get on with straightening your teeth (not that that's any consolation, but, oh, well).
Member of the Dragon Lovers Club. PM FrecklefaceJill to join.
There are a lot of things that I don't like, but that I'm not really afraid of. For example, I don't like spiders, centipedes, millipedes, mice, rats, etc. but I'm not really afraid of them, I just reeeeeeally don't like them!
I do have a sort of odd fear due to an experience when I was younger. When I was around seven or eight, my younger sister and I were on our balcony reading (it was summer). Our balcony is closed with few glass windows, and a wooden door with a large square hole fitted with glass that only has a handle on the outside. One of my older sisters came to us and told us she was leaving for a walk, and upon leaving, accidentally locked the door. (we had a handle that locked the door when it was turned). When my sister and I found out we were locked in, we became hysterical. We thought we were all alone at home because everyone else was out shopping. (it turned out my brother was home, but we didn't know that). We lived on the 14th floor of an apartment building, so jumping out the window was not an option. After screaming hysterically for some time (because of the glass we weren't heard), I calmed down enough to comfort my sister and try to get us out. The most logical thing to do, i decided, was break the glass on the door and climb out. I started searching for the correct object. A stick? No, too thin. A glass jam jar? No...and then I found it! A small wooden cupboard door! My sister was screaming at me not too, because she was afraid my dad would be mad, but I said, 'Daddy loves us more than glass!" and boom! Three smashes shattered the glass! My brother came running in just as we climbed out because he had heard the crashes. And just at that minute my mom and dad came home from shopping! Of course, no one was mad at us and everyone was glad we were safe, but since then I've had a fear of locked doors in unfamiliar settings. In my home, i feel completely safe behind locked door, but in a house I've never been in, I'm terrified of locks, especially in small places like bathrooms. I will check at least three times if I can open the lock before feeling safe.
Of course, I'm not too afraid, though, because I know God can get me out of anything anywhere.
sig by Sheroo of Stormness Head
avatar by me
Member of the Dragon club. PM Narnia Girl or FFJ to join.
RL sibling to De_De and wild rose
^^Liberty Hoffman, don't worry! I didn't lose my last tooth until I was fourteen. I had my first seven teeth and my last baby tooth pulled!
If your teeth don't come out for another few years, I'm sure your dentist will just have them pulled. Besides, if you end up getting braces (I had to), the orthodontist will probably pull the stubborn teeth so he/she can get on with straightening your teeth (not that that's any consolation, but, oh, well).
problem is, my family doen't have health insurance, so we haven't been to the dentist or the orthodontist in years! otherwise, I would have had this problem taken care of.....
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I'm afraid of:
>talking in front of a crowd (being the mc earlier got me freakin' out. I had no choice, I was assigned. oh the embarrassment of being tongue-tied!)
>slugs, snails, worms. any of these kind yeck!
Oh! I forgot one of my worst fears: KNIVES!!!!
UGH! I hate 'em. They're so shiny... Ok, that just sounds weird.
But yeah, I hate having to take stuff out of the dishwasher cause I'm always afraid I'll drop a knife...
problem is, my family doen't have health insurance, so we haven't been to the dentist or the orthodontist in years! otherwise, I would have had this problem taken care of.....
@Liberty: I'm so sorry! I hope your family eventually gets health insurance of some sort so you can get your teeth taken care of. I definitely know having crooked/messed up teeth is not fun. That last tooth that I had to have pulled wouldn't come out because the adult tooth was coming in at a very obscure angle, downward (it was on top) towards the tongue. Once it came in, it was on the inside of my bottom teeth, so I had to have a chain to pull it in line with my other teeth when I got braces. Let me tell you, though, it's a lot more comfortable now that my teeth are straight! I really do hope you get that taken care of, because I know how you feel!
Member of the Dragon Lovers Club. PM FrecklefaceJill to join.
of tight spaces.......that's pretty much it
oh and of PC's--JK!
I saw the movie....and was disappointed