^lol I need a nightlight too, though I hate admitting it. Sometimes I can sleep in the dark but not when I've seen or heard anything scary or sad. Or had a nightmare or something.
I'm also afraid of crowds. Too many people make me feel claustrophobic and skittish. Even if I'm with alot of people I know I start shaking and getting nervous. I hate parties b/c of this. Usually I'll just sit in a corner and maybe chat with one friend. My sisters call me the official party pooper b/c of this
22. (Now I'm back on the right #) stepping on people's feet when I'm in a crowd- happens a lot
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
-- Pigeons. No doubting this. Dare one gets within a foot of me... *shudders* The birds I don't mind are mainly songbirds.
-- Speaking/playing instruments in public.
-- Unleashed dogs
-- Rats
-- Being too quiet, or saying too much.
-- Clowns.
-- This one's a bit silly, but as a child, Chuckee Cheese always scared me.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
SL, I'm terribly scared of the dark too. I have a nightlight and am now used to it even though it's not as bright as I like it. My old nightlight was so bright apparently it was keeping the rest of my family awake!
Well...a phobia is something that kind of debilitates you if you go through it...I mean if you want to get technical about it.
The only one of my fears that is at all phobia-like would be the caterpillar fear. I just remembered there's a caterpiller in Alice in Wonderland and now am getting nervous for seeing the movie If I was surprised by somebody throwing or placing a caterpiller on me, I'd probably have a panic attack/seriously hurt them.
I abhore doing outside chores for fear of coming across one on a leaf or something, and when I do have to rake leaves or pick up apples I sort of "blur" my eyes so I don't have to look at anything too closely
On a few occasions however I have seen one, and immedatly started gasping, flapping my arms about, and running at high speed away from the tree screaming for someone to get it away. When I was younger (not so much now) I would come across pictures of caterpillers in books. I'd turn the page, and there it was. Same semi-panicky thing. Once I was looking at a friend's pictures on FB and suddenly came across a huge close-up photo of one. UGH even typing it/thinking about it makes me shudder. I think I turned off the computer.
It is annoying, this phobia, but also kind of amusing
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
I can find something scary about almost any place/situation/thing. I'm a big scaredy-cat. But some of the things that scare me the most:
1. Open empty spaces - I'm the exact opposite of claustrophobic. I would much rather be in a small, squishy place than a wide open one. (Except when it comes to cars; I prefer trucks and big old vintage cars to little compact cars, especially if I'm driving.)
2. Heights - This is way inconvenient since I'm always helping my dad do stuff like flipping rafters and sheeting roofs and shingling. And I've been helping him my whole life, so it shouldn't bother me anymore, but it still does!
3. Spiders! - They are my worst fear. I saw Dr. No (I think, anyway, maybe it's a different James Bond movie) when I was really little and the scene where the villain puts a tarantula in his bed scarred me for life... Sometimes I check my bed for spiders before I get in it. I don't look too carefully though, because I might actually find one, and then it might get away from me. Knowing it's there but not knowing where is worse than thinking that there might be one somewhere. I'm also scared of killing them myself, because I'm afraid they'll escape and crawl up my sleeve or something. I always call my little brother to do it for me. He only agrees if I tell him it's HUGE and then he comes and sees that it is, of course, tiny, rolls his eyes at me, and kills it. I always make sure he throws the kleenex in the toilet and flushes it away, just in case it isn't really completely dead.
4. Rope/hanging bridges - I guess it kind of goes with heights but I hate them so much I refuse to touch them. I'd even kill a spider before I set foot on a rope bridge. I don't even like the lame-o swinging bridges on playgrounds. Everyone always tells me not to worry, rope bridges only break in movies, but I am certain that the one day I relent and attempt to cross one it will break and I will fall to my death.
5. Ladders - I don't actually mind step ladders, if they're nice sturdy ones, but we have so many rickety old ladders laying around... my dad bought a couple nice, new ones last year and I love them. I hate how extension ladders rattle and shake so much. It makes me feel like they're going to fall over or fall apart while I'm standing on them.
When I was a kid I had an irrational fear of tornadoes and dinosaurs, even though neither is indigenous to where I live. I had horrible nightmares about them all the time. Thankfully, though, I've outgrown them.
^^I'm like that with spiders too , except I didn't see a James Bond movie
My little sister (she's 4) has a phobia of jello. She won't touch it and refuses to eat it. She screams and runs if you hold it close to her or try to feed it to her. Recently we almost got her to eat some by cutting it in heart shapes and putting it in her mouth instead of having her touch it and put it in herself. As soon as we popped it in she propmtly spat it out and ran away
I cant stand centipedes, water bugs, mice and rats are my worse fear.... I dont fear death because this is something that is inevitable and will happen anyway. Not afraid of heights(I love roller coasters)!
Big dogs...was chased by one when I was little...and I think thats it!
"We have nothing if not belief"
Kat: I was like that (about my bed) for ages. I remember when I was younger, I'd get up to turn off the light and then run and jump in my bed and throw on the blanket b/c I thought there was a black panther under the bed and it would grab me if I didn't get in bed fast enough . I'm fine with that now, though it wasn't until recently that I felt safe taking a hand or two out from under the covers, though if I've heard/seen anything scary recently, I keep everything under the covers, up to my nose
The funny thing is, I'm not afraid of the things that freak most people out. I absolutely love heights, I love thunderstorms, I'm the designated spider killer for my younger sisters, snakes don't bother me (although it did make me nervous when I ran over one with the lawn mower), mice have no effect on me (except perhaps an "awww, how cute!"), I live in the dark, and I'm not claustrophobic.
I do, however, have a major phobia that has deeply affected my life. I'm deathly afraid of being abused by a man, whether it is being kidnapped or raped or something similar. This has affected my social relationships, my ability to be alone in the city, and has even dictated when I go somewhere or not. I've never actually been abused (thank goodness), but because of my phobia, I've had instances where I panic about the thought of going to a dance or something like that. I've cancelled a trip to an amusement park because my best friend got sick and I didn't want to be the oldest one going and didn't feel safe without her with me. I avoid eye contact with most men, although I am starting to get over that part. I can only talk to men once I've gotten to know them a bit better and feel a bit more comfortable around them. Because of this, I've never had a boyfriend and have little idea how to flirt.
Luckily, I am currently reading a book that is helping me cope with my phobia, and I'm slowly learning how to deal with it. I'm finally starting to live again.
Member of the Dragon Lovers Club. PM FrecklefaceJill to join.
If I was surprised by somebody throwing or placing a caterpiller on me, I'd probably have a panic attack/seriously hurt them.
That's a weird one...do they have an official name for it? They've got a phobia name for just about everything nowadays it seems. I used to "collect" caterpillars when I was a little kid, everything from the little inchworms to those weird fuzzy ones (my mom indicated the ugly ones would turn into moths (bad) and the relatively attractive and colorful ones would turn into butterflies (good). But who knows for sure? I've heard tales of some harmful caterpillar that's carnivorous out in Hawaii (it's supposed to be quite large next to your garden variety inchworm) but I've never seen it. The centipedes out there are supposed to be venomous and will harm you. Those I've seen... But I'm guessing this isn't really helping you cope with your phobia so I'm going to shut my mouth now.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
1. the mcdonalds clown
2. guys with just white moustaches and no beards.
3. People staring at me.
-- This one's a bit silly, but as a child, Chuckee Cheese always scared me.
I was that way too as a child! So was my sister. I finally got over my fear when I was eight or nine.
I sleep with a nightlight too. I don't really mind the dark, but I like having at least a little bit of light, otherwise I get real nervous.
Hyaline12: I am exactly the same way about spiders! I always yell for my mom to get it for me (I'm too scared to actually kill it myself) and she sighs, comes upstairs with a Kleenex, and flushes it down the toilet for me.
Founder of the Dragon Fan Club - PM me to join!
Team Hoodie!
I've met Michael English!
Avie and sig by theprincessspy.
I only ways have to kill spider for my older sister and younger sister and brother. Endless they are a big oen i know is dangerous(aka redbacks) i don't get scared.
yeah also i love cats but i am scared of dogs because they always bark at me when i do nothing and they bark at no one else who is a stranger to them. Also i got bitten by 3 dogs.
I don't like spiders and some other bugs, when I find them in my room (and my room is in the basement so it happens a lot..) there is usually lots of swearing.
Public speaking is really hard for me, I also have some trouble with heights, but not as bad.
All in all, nothing too out of the ordinary.
Well, except this: I really really hate deep, murky, weedy water . Rivers and lakes are the worst, especially if there are big rusty ships on it. Thinking about swimming close to the bottom or side of a boat makes me sweat