^ Oh my gosh! Same here. One teacher would watch over my shoulder while I wrote a test and it would freak me out. I would wonder, is he thinking, " she got the right answer!" or "haha, she is soooo wrong!" Lol. I also would pretend to be thinking and not write anything until he went over to the next person.
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
^That drives me nuts too! I'm always scared that I did horribly.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I'm afraid of what people think about me. Sometimes I will repeat what I said or did earlier in my head to figure out if I said or did something stupid. I always feel someone will think something bad about me or say something bad behind my back.
I know we shouldn't really care about these things, but it can be hard not to.
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
One time I sleepwalked outside... I thought I was taking my dog for a walk. Luckily my dad heard the door shut and came out to see who it was! I woke up for like a second but went right back to sleepwalking again, I think... At least I couldn't remember anything after that. My dad said I followed him back into the house and sat down at our table.. and just sat there... Then he told me to go back to bed and I went. I wonder where I would have gone if he didn't hear the door!!
Now I'm scared I might do that again!
-sig and av by Kira- Thanks!
Team Hoodie!
Oh my Matsi. Good thing your dad really heard you or else. But I hope you will overcome that fear! But I know for now, you are in progress of doing so .
I browsed the net and found that I was definitely having this phobia...
Hadephobia- Fear of hell and Numerophobia- Fear of numbers.
"Two sides of the same coin"
Going blind
Going to hell
People I love going to hell
Being seperated from God
Being alone.
Being abandoned
Doing something wrong
Being hated/disliked by others
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
Anything poisonous... snakes and spiders...
Phobia? Hmmmm, germs! :'(.
"Two sides of the same coin"
^^^^ oh yeah! did you know there are prob more germs on your cell phone then there are in a public bathroom? How gross!
I saw the movie....and was disappointed
-Slow death
-Going blind/deaf
-Incurable disease
-Losing my memory or getting brain damage
Im not inactive just very very busy
-Katana, Member of the Midnight Society, Weapons afficionado of the castle of Ivory&Gold, esteemed owner of a flying pickle
1. Getting kidnapped
2. Dying a slow death
3. When Jesus comes back
4. My friends going to...well...not heaven.
5. Sometimes the dark
6. My friends finding out my darkest secret....
7. Needles( to many bad experiences )
~Dryad Daughter
sig by Caspian XI
Avatar by:therinca Sig by:Caspian XI
"And I will fear no evil for my GOD is with me."
You know what's funny? I'm afraid of pretty much everything in the book- except needles, which seems to be on quite a few people's lists. Seriously. I can't even look at a catapillar without freaking out, but can't see the scariness in needles. Something must be wrong with me.
Here's a small sampling of LessThanGold's fears:
-wild animals
-seeing an animal even slightly hurt (even in a movie)
-bugs or insects, anything living that's smaller than my finger
-anything involving me with bare feet and chickens (long story)
-ever heigher heights
-being made fun of
-somone close to me getting hurt emotionally/physically
-offending somebody
-being snubbed
-car crashes
-the future; for others as well as me
The usual....
Oh, boy, phobias. I'm just glad this is all anonymous. I'd never tell my phobias to people under my own name.
--Not knowing. Inconsistency, confusion, unanswered questions, etc. This stuff scares me. I'm one of those people who wants to know everything, and what I don't know, I'm afraid of. Bad habit (Never try to surprise me, BTW).
--Incompotence. This goes along with No. 1. Like Jill, I don't want to grow old and lose my mind and become useless; I want to always have worth.
--Being left behind when Christ returns. I think this is a pretty legitimate fear.
--The Dark. Not regular dark, but black-as-pitch-in-your-face-dark.
And um...needles. Yeah.
Gosh, I have some random ones! (The food ones are real phobias as in AGHHH RUN AWAY! Phobias, not just dislikes BTW )
-Tomato Ketchup!!!!!!!!
-Never being successful/ Not acchieving what I want in life ( A phobia of this comming true- when I think about it I just feel really bad and so I try not too)
-Never Marrying/ Marrying someone who doesn't love me(Same for this one)
-Elderly care homes (Bad memories!)
Narnia is childhood...
Seriously, just give the kid the orange. He needs his vitamin C!