Here's the place to post your results of the Jung-Myers-Brigg typology personality test. What do you get? What does it mean? What famous people share your type?
Post away!
The link to the official test is here (when you get your results you'll have several links to various explanations of what the letters mean):
My result is: INTJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging) I read a few different website's descriptions of the type, and here's a few things they say:
-Problem-solving is highly stimulating to [INTJ's], who love responding to tangled systems that require careful sorting out.
-INTJs know what they know, and perhaps still more importantly, they know what they don't know.
-Although they are highly capable leaders, [INTJ's] are not at all eager to take command, preferring to stay in the background until others demonstrate their inability to lead.
-Decisions come easily to them; in fact, they can hardly rest until they have things settled and decided. But before they decide anything, they must do the research.
-[INTJ's] do not feel bound by established rules and procedures, and traditional authority does not impress them, nor do slogans or catchwords. Only ideas that make sense to them are adopted; those that don't, aren't, no matter who thought of them. Remember, their aim is always maximum efficiency.
-INTJs are usually extremely private people, and can often be naturally impassive as well, which makes them easy to misread and misunderstand. Perhaps the most fundamental problem, however, is that INTJs really want people to make sense. This sometimes results in a peculiar naivete', paralleling that of many Fs -- only instead of expecting inexhaustible affection and empathy from a relationship, the INTJ will expect inexhaustible reasonability and directness.
(there was obviously a lot more information about INTJ's, but I chose a few of the bits that especially sounded like me.)
Famous people (literary and real) with the INTJ type:
Susan B. Anthony
Jane Austen
C. S. Lewis (:D)
Hillary Clinton
John F. Kennedy
Mr. Darcy
Gandalf the Grey
Interestingly, I was recently told by someone I consider highly knowledgable in personality types that the character of Claudia Kincaid (of From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler), who I love and find very similair to myself, is also an INTJ
So, post away! I'm curious to see what everyone is, and what are the more "popular" types on NW.
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
I like this thread.
Last time 90% of NW was INFJ, which is the rarest type. I'm curious to see if it will be the same this time, too.
I'm an INTP. i.e. Like Val except disorganised and always almost late. Famous people: A bunch of presidents. A bunch of people I've never heard of. Data from Star Trek.
And, I think, Digory.
One part that provoked a WHOA, THAT'S ME moment:
People can be a problem for INTPs: on the one hand they are fascinated by some types of people, but they usually proceed with caution. The INTP can fit into many different modes of behaviour, even contradictory ones, in order to get into the mindset of the other person. The goal is to gain enough intuitive data to analyse and assess the person... The chameleon behaviour can be particularly strong when discussing something. The INTP may even argue something that he doesn't really believe himself. Chameleons hide their true selves. INTPs do not do this cynically, or indeed all the time, but it is a result of the strong desire to remain detached and observe.
signature by Starsy
According to the test, I am a ISTJ (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging).
I may retake it, because I'm not sure I accurately answered the sensing questions. (At least, the questions I assume where used to determine the sensing bit.) But then, I always have problems with questions where I think I should do something other than I do and then the question is should I answer as I do or as I think.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Mel--I know what you mean! I took that test a couple of years ago when I was 15?16? and when I took it today I realized I was putting almost all the exact opposite answers of what I had put the first time I took it. I'm still not 100% sure I completely understood all of the questions...some of them are kind of confusing, how to imagine yourself dealing with a situation like that in RL.
Aly--while I wouldn't say I'm disorganized, I will admit that I am pretty much ALWAYS late. So it's not just you
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
I'm an ISFJ (Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging). This part described me pretty well:
they are notoriously bad at delegating ("If you want it done right, do it yourself"). And although they're hurt by being treated like doormats, they are often unwilling to toot their own horns about their accomplishments because they feel that although they deserve more credit than they're getting, it's somehow wrong to want any sort of reward for doing work (which is supposed to be a virtue in itself).
some famous ISFJs:
St. Teresa of Avila (Teresa de Jesus)
Louisa May Alcott
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Queen Elizabeth II of England
Robert E. Lee
Jimmy Stewart
Ophelia in Hamlet
Dr. John H. Watson, M.D. (Sherlock Holmes' faithful sidekick)
There should be more options than just yes or no. On several of them sometimes both would apply.
When I first took the test (and subsequent different unofficial MBTI tests from various sites, many of which had better options than just "yes" and "no"), about three years ago, I recall being an ISTx, although pretty much after that whenever I took it, I was an ISFJ. (Hence I'm not sure how much I trust that original result) Now, though, when I take it, I'm always an ISTJ, even when I get my sister to help me. Although I know I'm a classic ISxJ (and lovin' it!
Details, hierarchy, rules, efficiency, facts, facts and more facts, logic, concrete thinking patterns, organization, I love all that!), I'm at times not sure whether I'm a Thinker or a Feeler. My older brother is an ISTJ and my younger sister is an ISFJ, and I'm not exactly like either of them (good old middle child with eldest child traits here), so I think I'm either a mild Feeler with Thinker traits, or a mild Thinker with Feeler traits. I've decided though that I'm not going to worry too much about whether I'm a T or an F, because the world needs both, right?
It's absolutely fun having ISxJ siblings, no doubt about it!
I'm not sure how we three ended up as major ISxJs though, my Mom is an ENFJ and my Dad (we think) is an IxFP.
Other famous & fictional ISTJs? Well, I think Margaret Thatcher is an ISTJ, as well as Winston Churchill (still doing some thinking on this though). Queen Victoria was an ISxJ, I'm pretty sure she was an ISTJ. Maxwell Smart from the TV show Get Smart was an ISTJ, I believe, and too George Fayne from the Nancy Drew series. I believe John Thornton and his mother, Mrs. Thornton, from Elizabeth Gaskell's North and South were ISTJs, and also Prince Andrei from War and Peace was an ISTJ as well. (Some of these are speculations from quite a bit of observation, so if anyone else has some thoughts on these characters I'd quite like to hear them. )
Other fictional ISFJs include Fanny Price from Mansfield Park, Anne Elliott from Persuasion, and Daniel Deronda from Daniel Deronda.
Dear days of old, with the faces in the firelight,
Kind folks of old, you come again no more.
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
Introverted: 33 Sensing: 1 Thinking: 38 Judging: 22
this is messed up... these tests are never accurate for me
NW bro of Atamar, Hoped4jill, and Georgiefan
NW Younger bro and servant of her highness Ti'ana
sig and ava by me
I took a test on another site a while ago. I came up as an INFP (Introvert, Intuitive, Feeler, Perceiver) (The Dreamer)
About the INFPs-
INFPs are introspective, private, creative and highly idealistic individuals that have a constant desire to be on a meaningful path. They are driven by their values and seek peace. Empathetic and compassionate, they want to help others and humanity as a whole. INFPs are imaginitive, artistic and often have a talent for language and writing. They can also be described as easygoing, selfless, guarded, adaptable, patient and loyal.
Describing the INFP-
-"To understand Healers, we must understand their idealism as almost boundless and selfless, inspiring them to make extraordinary sacrifices for someone or something they believe in. The Healer is the Prince or Princess of fairytale, the King's Champion or Defender of the Faith..."
-"Highly creative, artistic and spiritual, they can produce wonderful works of art, music and literature. INFPs are natural artists. They will find great satisfaction if they encourage and develop their artistic abilities. That doesn't mean that an INFP has to be a famous writer or painter in order to be content. Simply the act of "creating" will be a fulfilling source of renewal and refreshment to the INFP. An INFP should allow himself or herself some artistic outlet, because it will add enrichment and positive energy to their life."
-"INFPs never seem to lose their sense of wonder. One might say they see life through rose-colored glasses. It's as though they live at the edge of a looking-glassworld where mundane objects come to life, where flora and fauna take on near-human qualities."
-"Their job must be fun, although not racous, and it must be meaningful to them. They need a strong purpose in their work. They want to be recognized and valued, without undue attention given to them. They may become embarrassed when make the center of attention. As a result, they may undersell their strengths in order to avoid being singled out and made to feel conspicuous. They would rather have their worth be noticed gradually over time."
-"INFPs are highly intuitive about people. They rely heavily on their intuitions to guide them, and use their discoveries to constantly search for value in life. They are on a continuous mission to find the truth and meaning underlying things. Every encounter and every piece of knowledge gained gets sifted through the INFP's value system, and is evaluated to see if it has any potential to help the INFP define or refine their own path in life."
-"creative, smart, idealist, loner, attracted to sad things, disorganized, avoidant, can be overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings..."
Famous INFPs-
A.A. Milne
Albert Schweitzer
Audrey Hepburn
Fred Rogers
George Orwell
Helen Keller
J.R.R. Tolkien
John (disciple of Jesus)
John F Kennedy Jr
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Mary (mother of Jesus)
Mia Farrow
Niel Diamond
Peter Jackson
Princess Diana
William Shakespeare
Anne Shirley (Anne of Green Gables)
I got ENPF (Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving).
Here's some info I found on ENPF.
ENFPs are warm, enthusiastic people, typically very bright and full of potential. They live in the world of possibilities, and can become very passionate and excited about things. Their enthusiasm lends them the ability to inspire and motivate others, more so than we see in other types. They can talk their way in or out of anything. They love life, seeing it as a special gift, and strive to make the most out of it.
ENFPs have an unusually broad range of skills and talents. They are good at most things which interest them. Project-oriented, they may go through several different careers during their lifetime. To onlookers, the ENFP may seem directionless and without purpose, but ENFPs are actually quite consistent, in that they have a strong sense of values which they live with throughout their lives. Everything that they do must be in line with their values. An ENFP needs to feel that they are living their lives as their true Self, walking in step with what they believe is right. They see meaning in everything, and are on a continuous quest to adapt their lives and values to achieve inner peace. They're constantly aware and somewhat fearful of losing touch with themselves. Since emotional excitement is usually an important part of the ENFP's life, and because they are focused on keeping "centered", the ENFP is usually an intense individual, with highly evolved values.
This described me pretty well. Good personality test! Dead on in a lot of areas.
Lol it's like i have taken this quiz before, possibly on anyother forum.
Famous people:
Mother Teresa, Agatha Christie, Frederic Chopin
ISFJs are characterized above all by their desire to serve others, their "need to be needed." In extreme cases, this need is so strong that standard give-and-take relationships are deeply unsatisfying to them; however, most ISFJs find more than enough with which to occupy themselves within the framework of a normal life. (Since ISFJs, like all SJs, are very much bound by the prevailing social conventions, their form of "service" is likely to exclude any elements of moral or political controversy; they specialize in the local, the personal, and the practical.)
ISFJs are often unappreciated, at work, home, and play. Ironically, because they prove over and over that they can be relied on for their loyalty and unstinting, high-quality work, those around them often take them for granted--even take advantage of them. Admittedly, the problem is sometimes aggravated by the ISFJs themselves; for instance, they are notoriously bad at delegating ("If you want it done right, do it yourself"). And although they're hurt by being treated like doormats, they are often unwilling to toot their own horns about their accomplishments because they feel that although they deserve more credit than they're getting, it's somehow wrong to want any sort of reward for doing work (which is supposed to be a virtue in itself). (And as low-profile Is, their actions don't call attention to themselves as with charismatic Es.) Because of all of this, ISFJs are often overworked, and as a result may suffer from psychosomatic illnesses.
I love personality tests and seeing everybody's results! The Myer-Briggs test is freakishly accurate, kind of takes the fun out of it though... Only joking. I'm part of the category that falls under Alyosha's skeptical eyebrow smiley.
I was an INFJ the first time I took a more complex test, and doing the one above and being very honest I'm still the same -I think more introverted this time though, which is odd. I hate that I get the F classification instead of the T. As for being a J, I've been noticing that people can read my expressions like a book -which is horrible, as I'm so private in everything else (except, ironically, this sentence!). So I suppose I do have a 'slightly expressed judging personality'.
Apparently I've chosen the right career for my supposed personality type (I shall sleep easier knowing this.
No really, it's not a bad feeling knowing that Myer-Briggs approves!)
p.s. Going back over all the write-ups of the different types, the descriptions seem to imply the ideal version of themselves, if that makes sense. As in, you could be an excellent empathiser and want to counsel people, but realistically you won't be able to do that all the time, or in every case that presents itself? I don't know, I just think they need to be taken with the slightest hint of salt.
Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions
In my heart. Like why are we here?
And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?
~Jack Johnson
thanks to Lys for my avvy
Your Type is
Introverted-67 Sensing-12 Feeling-12 Judging-44
"We are lucky that Protectors make up as much as ten percent the population, because their primary interest is in the safety and security of those they care about - their family, their circle of friends, their students, their patients, their boss, their fellow-workers, or their employees. Protectors have an extraordinary sense of loyalty and responsibility in their makeup, and seem fulfilled in the degree they can shield others from the dirt and dangers of the world. Speculating and experimenting do not intrigue Protectors, who prefer to make do with time-honored and time-tested products and procedures rather than change to new. At work Protectors are seldom happy in situations where the rules are constantly changing, or where long-established ways of doing things are not respected..."
"Wanting to be of service to others, Protectors find great satisfaction in assisting the downtrodden, and can deal with disability and neediness in others better than any other type. They are not as outgoing and talkative as the Provider Guardians [ESFJs], and their shyness is often misjudged as stiffness, even coldness, when in truth Protectors are warm-hearted and sympathetic, giving happily of themselves to those in need.
Their reserve ought really to be seen as an expression of their sincerity and seriousness of purpose. The most diligent of all the types, Protectors are willing to work long, hard hours quietly doing all the thankless jobs that others manage to avoid. Protectors are quite happy working alone; in fact, in positions of authority they may try to do everything themselves rather than direct others to get the job done. Thoroughness and frugality are also virtues for them. When Protectors undertake a task, they will complete it if humanly possible. They also know better than any other type the value of a dollar, and they abhor the squandering or misuse of money. To save, to put something aside against an unpredictable future, to prepare for emergencies-these are actions near and dear to the Protector's heart. For all these reasons, Protectors are frequently overworked, just as they are frequently misunderstood and undervalued. Their contributions, and also their economies, are often taken for granted, and they rarely get the gratitude they deserve."
I'm surprised because this is actually really accurate. (Except for the working long hours part, after my time is put in I'm out )
I got ISFJ.
Introverted 11
Sensing 12
Feeling 62
Judging 56
Famous People:
Robert E. Lee
Elizabeth II
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Louisa May Alcott
Mary I or Bloody Mary
What it means:
We basically are loyal. We have a need to be needed. We sometimes are taken advantage of. That basically says it all.
If you're a girl Christian Star Wars fan check this place out!
(Siggy by theprincessspy!)
ISTJ - The Inspector
The one word that best describes Inspectors is superdependable. Whether at home or at work, Inspectors are extraordinarily persevering and dutiful, particularly when it comes to keeping an eye on the people and products they are responsible for. In their quiet way, Inspectors see to it that rules are followed, laws are respected, and standards are upheld.
Kind of like.... NarniaWeb?
I got the INTJ, the rebellious one lol.
"Although they are highly capable leaders, [INTJ's] are not at all eager to take command, preferring to stay in the background until others demonstrate their inability to lead."
Like, amen and amen to that!
[INTJ's] do not feel bound by established rules and procedures, and traditional authority does not impress them, nor do slogans or catchwords. Only ideas that make sense to them are adopted; those that don't, aren't, no matter who thought of them. Remember, their aim is always maximum efficiency."
And that, sadly, is also me. Much to the annoyance of my mom lol
avy by narniagirl90